How to make a mask-lifting for eyelids from edemas and wrinkles of honey and blue clay

The skin of the eyelids is considered incredibly thin, delicate and prone to drying, so unpleasant wrinkles quickly appear in this area.

How to solve this problem quickly and effectively, but without buying expensive creams and other drugs?
Correctly, with the help of masks that can be easily prepared, not going anywhere, right at home, and their effect will really amaze you.

Contents of the article:
  • Some basic rules
  • Masks from sea buckthorn oil
  • Folk cream from butter
  • Oat mixture
  • From sesame seeds
  • From flax seeds
  • Mask from blue clay
  • From honey and wheat flour
  • Crude potatoes
  • Application of cosmetic ice
  • Dairycompresses
  • Asparagus for wrinkles
  • Spinach mask
  • Home cream for wrinkles

Several basic rules

Before going to the main part, I would like to give a fewon the recommendations associated with the proper use of masks.

Observing them, you not only will not damage the skin of the eyelids, but will see the long-awaited result much quicker.

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  • If you are applying a mask that, after a while, is covered with a crust, remember that it should not be kept for more than 20 minutes.
  • Applying masks is necessary, exclusively, on the cleared area, making it easy, neat strokes without strong pressing.
  • The best time to use masks is day or late evening.
  • It is necessary to impose, following the directions of the skin lines.
  • When applying the mask, make sure that the muscles in the eye area are as relaxed as possible.
  • After the procedure, you need to remove the mask from the eyelids, rinsing them with clean water.
  • After use, do not use cosmetics for several hours.

Well, now is the time to consider the popular face masks for wrinkles that have passed the test of time and proven themselves, as incredibly effective and fast acting.

And do you know which effective hair removal agent in intimate places is considered the best? Read a useful article and find out the answer to your question.

How is effective cleaning of the intestines at home oats written here. Learn several recipes that will help improve well-being.

Masks from sea buckthorn oil

Combating wrinkles on the eyelids perfectly allows sea buckthorn oil. How to prepare creams for the whole face at home is written in this article.

In most cases it is used as a compress , after which a short eyelid massage is performed. But, of course, it is also used to create appropriate masks.

For example, there is an option involving a mixture of 50 ml.oil and 10 ml.vitamin E.

The mask should be applied very gently to the problem areas, lightly patting, and leave for a few minutes, after which the leftovers should be removed with a tissue.

This mask is ideal for daily use. Do it exclusively for the night.

Actively used and mask of a couple of drops of lemon juice and olive oil. Again, apply the mixture only with light touch of the hand, and after 10 minutes remove with a napkin.

Traditional cream of butter

In this case, you need to make a decoction of herbs of dried flowers of camomile and linden.

Take half the tablespoons of these ingredients and pour them with boiling water, then cover with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes.

Then, it is necessary to add our miracle remedy, namely, one tablespoon of not frozen butter and, if possible, one or two teaspoons of castor oil.

Now you need to grind everything, in order to get a creamy mass of a homogeneous appearance, which is applied to the eyelids before going to bed.

This cream is best stored in the refrigerator .

Oat mixture

To prepare the simplest, but very, effective, oat mixture you will need:

  • a couple of spoons of cow warm milk,
  • a few spoons of oatmeal,
  • one beaten egg.

All the ingredients are mixed and left to infuse( 10-15 minutes is enough).

When you see that the flakes are wet, apply the resulting mush thick layer on the eyelids and leave for 15-20 minutes.

How to make a mask after cleaning the face at home can be read in the article at this link.

From sesame seeds

Once a sesame mask was considered one of the most famous ways to combat the first signs of premature aging.

We will need two or three tablespoons of ground sesame, as well as a spoonful of cream or fatty sour cream.

Mixing everything, it turns out a fairly steep mass, which is applied to the eyelids with the help of cotton wool or a sponge.

Sesame powder is perfectly used and without sour cream.

After all, for the seeds of this plant is characterized by fat content, so, grinding them, you get a lot of consistency similar to halva.

But in this case, sesame will need to be washed not with water, but washed with a towel or napkins.

And do you know what to do when there was a rash on the face of a month old baby? About the methods of treatment at home read by clicking on the link.

How to treat the increased acidity of the stomach folk remedies is written here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / serdtse-i-sosudy / ochistka.html the recipes of tinctures from garlic, lemon and honey for cleaning the vessels have been published.

From flax seeds

A similar effect is possessed by mask from flax seeds for eyelids against wrinkles .

Thanks to it, you can remove the first signs of wrinkles in the eyelids, while not using expensive cosmetic products, many of which are based on extracts from this plant.

It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of seed and starch, add a couple drops of castor oil and sea buckthorn oil to the slurry, and pour a spoonful of sunflower - as a base.

Then you need to mix everything up to get homogeneity and apply to the eyelids.

Mask of blue clay

Blue clay is considered a real beauty panacea.

It has not only useful properties, but also differs in its affordable value, which allows you to conduct procedures with its participation on a daily basis.

Preparation of a mixture involves mixing clay and water in a ratio of 1 to 1( by the way, it is better to take a herbal decoction, not water) and adding a couple of spoons of apple puree.

After, apply the gruel to the eyelids and hold until completely dry.

If at the end of two minutes feel any discomfort, immediately wash and apply home cream.

A blue clay mask perfectly helps those who have problematic facial skin( written here) and they need acne and acne treatment.

Honey and wheat flour

Honey is known for its useful properties and is considered to be an incredibly useful product that is used to create cosmetic masks.

You need to mix one tablespoon of honey( sometimes added and pergia bee), melted in a water bath, wheat flour and egg whites beaten. The resulting mass is distributed evenly over the eyelid region.

When you notice that the mask starts to cool down or dries, you can safely wash it off with a warm water. By the way, instead of , wheat flour is often used and oatmeal .

What is the purpose of tincture of propolis on alcohol, application and manufacturing instructions are described on another page.

Crude potatoes

Mix the peeled and crushed raw potatoes with cream with high fat content and apply this mass on the eyelids.

After fifteen minutes, the mask should be washed off, and after - apply compresses made of cotton wool soaked in tea leaves.

Application of cosmetic ice

Cosmetic ice is another effective skin care agent for the eyelids.

Thanks to him, the blood begins to sweat more abundantly and, as a result, the skin absorbs more moisture and nutrition, and this, in turn, makes it supple and increases tone.

To prepare ice, you will need ordinary purified drinking water or infusion of medicinal plants( for example, from calendula, chamomile, parsley or willow tea: medicinal properties and contraindications when to collect and dry).

Infuse plants or water in a special ice form and freeze in the chamber. Often, such a prescription means a mixture of milk and water taken in equal proportions.

Milk compresses

Milk compresses are considered another effective tool that has a positive effect on the skin of the eyelids.

Take cotton pads, pre-soaked them in boiled cow milk( not to be confused with royal jelly, the benefits and harm of which are described in another material), and apply to the eyelids, leaving for five minutes.

Then repeat the procedure, however, use other discs. So it is recommended to do it three times, after which to soak the eyes with warm water and apply the cream for daily use.

Asparagus for wrinkles

Use a grater to grind the asparagus and squeeze out the juice from it.

Then take two teaspoons of the resulting product and add two more teaspoons of peach, olive and almond oil.

Wadded disks will need to be moistened in the resulting mixture and applied to the eyelids.

After a lapse of thirty minutes, remove water.

Spinach Mask

Spinach takes one of the leading positions in the list of anti-aging plants.

The antioxidant properties it contains are capable of eliminating not only small wrinkles, but also smoothing out more serious ones, and also preventing the appearance of others.

To prepare this mask, you need to grind and squeeze the juice of two or three leaves of spinach.

Then take a teaspoon of the juice obtained and add to it 10 grams of a vitamin A oil solution and a teaspoon of your daily eye cream.

Apply the mask to the appropriate area, and then remove using a cotton pad that should be soaked in cold boiled milk.

Home-made eye cream for wrinkles

And, finally, we offer you a home-made cream recipe that can be added to all kinds of masks.

You will need to make a mixture of one tablespoon of vitamin E( looks like an oily solution) and the same amount of sea-buckthorn and cocoa butter.

Mixing all this, you get a quality wrinkle cream. Then you can lubricate the upper and lower eyelids excessively, and in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes, fix the mask by applying a few pieces of waxed or parchment paper on top.

After holding the cream for 25-30 minutes, remove it with a napkin( do not try to rub it hard).

Get rid of at home from wrinkles in the field of the eyelids is not difficult, if you know about the recipes of masks, which you can quickly make with your own hands. In a month you will see a positive result!

See a few more tips for eye care.