Banks vacuum, treatment by medical banks at home, instructions for use, benefits and harm

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Treatment by medical banks still causes discussions among specialists of official and unofficial medicine. The method is considered contradictory, mysterious. At the same time, it has proven extremely effective for a long time, remaining simple and accessible in application.


What is this and how do banks operate?

The physical state of the vacuum for treatment purposes was used in ancient times. This knowledge, passed down from generation to generation, has shaped the techniques that have come down to our days. The first evidence of their use is recorded in ancient Egypt. In one of the churches that were built more than two thousand years ago, images of medical cans were found.

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Ancient used as a material not glass, but copper, bronze and even animal horns. In China, they also knew and applied vacuum massage. Official medicine came to use the method through this country. Chinese banks made of bamboo and ceramics. They knew exactly from what diseases and how to impose them.

In Europe, barbers also had pots in their arsenal. However, the application was different than in the East. They were simply substituted so that blood would flow better from the cut skin. It was believed that bloodletting was able to "pull" the disease. Over time, treatment with banks became more literate, and in the middle of the 19th century it was scientifically proved by the Russian surgeon NI Pirogov, calling his method an external vacuum aspiration.

Banks today are glass( with a can and without it), plastic and silicone. The most effective are those that are made of glass. Vacuum in them is created when the air is burned. The action of the can with and without the balloon is practically the same. By sucking to the skin, the patient is stimulated by blood circulation and lymph flow. And this happens both in the skin and in deep tissues. Beneficial effect even reaches the internal organs. Due to this, the tissues receive the nutrition necessary for them, and the inflammation quickly disappears. Traditional massage is considered to promote muscular activity and elasticity of the skin.

Doctors often compare cans with mustard plasters and offer one of these species to choose from. In the bank put on the skin a vacuum is formed. He sucks the skin, tears the capillaries, thereby provoking hemorrhages.

But this process only promotes the stimulation of blood circulation and movement of lymph. Then the tissues are better saturated with blood, the inflammation passes.

AM Tartak about treatment with banks, says. ..

This method allows you to cure many diseases, as it gives a powerful impetus for intensive work of all body systems. When the bank sucks to the skin, the brain sends a signal: "our beat".And a protective reaction is built up. Blood circulation improves, stagnant phenomena are eliminated, slags are removed.

Good results the method gives:

  1. for colds, coughs, bronchitis;
  2. for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis;
  3. for headaches, insomnia, improves microcirculation in the brain;
  4. for pain in the neck, joints;
  5. rejuvenates the body.

Contraindications - tumors, fever, infectious diseases, sclerosis of vessels with a tendency to hemorrhage, seizures, grade III hypertension, heart attack, cardiovascular insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, purulent and fungal skin diseases.

You can not perform the procedure if a person is tired or irritated. Contraindicated to people older than 80 years, with mental disorders, intoxication, during pregnancy.

In merchant Russia, the main specialists in the treatment of banks were barbers, they wielded in baths, used from a hundred ailments. Here is how the description of the procedure in the "common folk" bath is the unsurpassed connoisseur of the Moscow way of life of the end of the past - the beginning of the present century, VA Gilyarovsky:

"Soap" bath is full of steam, a heavy, red, hot body lies on the bench, and a barber with a box of doubtfulpurity, in which there are twelve cans, a choke and a vial of kerosene. A wire is inserted in the bubble, with a stopper at the end.

Having prepared all the banks, the barber lit up the cork and with it started to put the jars. After 2-3 minutes, the bank pulled in a centimeter and more body.

The barbers had a rule - to hold the bank for ten minutes to get a better pull, but it turned out in practice in different ways. At this time, the barber went to smoke, and the victim of his art lay quietly, waiting for further torment. Finally, there was not enough patience, and the victim asked the people around to call the barber.

"Right now, I'll be nice, the master is not big!" - was heard in response.

Finally the barber came, lit his torch. Under the jar - a lump of blood color."Surgeon" takes a dirty and rusty choke, tightly presses to the elevation, cuts through the skin, again performs manipulation with the torch, again puts the jar, and after 3-5 minutes it is full of blood.

Bank removed, blood - directly to the floor. Then the bathhouse attendant pours out a gang of water on the patient, and he, tattooed, goes into the locker room. After that, usually began a consultation about the "usefulness" of cans. "

Irrevocably gone, of course, in the past, the barbarous ways of setting cans, the more civilized but also unpleasant bloodsucking cans with incisions have become a thing of the past. No one today will be interested in the dispute about the "usefulness" of cans. Their therapeutic value is confirmed by clinical observations.

Instruction for use

Indications for use

As we have said, although no clear criteria for the application of cans have been chosen at present, experienced doctors have long and successfully treated with cans, especially with inflammation in the thorax, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia. They are also used for radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis and myositis.


Like any method, it has contraindications for use. Often banks put their loved ones without prescribing a doctor. If a person knows how to do this and in which cases, it is good. However, you need to take into account some restrictions, and sometimes a direct ban.

So, treatment by banks is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  1. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  2. cancer;
  3. bleeding from the lungs;
  4. fever;
  5. depletion;
  6. high temperature.

For some patients, it is best not to use them with sensitive skin.

How to set

It's important to learn how to apply the method correctly. For the procedure, you need to prepare Vaseline, cotton wool with a towel, alcohol and tweezers. Traditionally, the patient is laid on his stomach, he grabs his pillow with his hands.

The back is slightly lubricated with petroleum jelly first. If it is not, you can use a fat cream.

The cotton wool is wound on the tweezers. The resulting wick is moistened in alcohol and set on fire. Literally for a second it is put under the jar, holding it with a hole down, then immediately put to the body. The skin is retracted and becomes crimson.

Do not touch the edges of the jar during burning out, as the glass heats up and there is a risk of burns.

After the required number of cans has been delivered, the patient is covered with a blanket and left for a quarter of an hour. During the whole session, one should monitor the condition of a person and observe that strong hematomas do not form.

Remove the jars under a slight slope by lightly pressing on the skin at their edge. After the procedure, the skin is wiped, and then the patient is well wrapped and placed in a warm bed for half an hour.

How to put vacuum cans from silicone? This is made even easier. They do not need to set on fire or do other manipulations. It is enough to lubricate the patient's back with oil, squeeze the jar and put it in the right place. Removal is also by easy pressing.

Correct procedure - according to AM Tartak

The patient lies on his stomach. The assistant slightly lubricates his back with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or a nutritious cream. The tip of the metal rod or tweezers wraps with cotton, wets cologne or alcohol and ignites. Fire warm the jar from the inside for 1-2 seconds and quickly squeeze the neck of the can to the skin. She must suck. Simultaneously, put 6-15 cans.

The first session lasts 1 minute, then the session lasts 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 procedures every other day or every day. After removing the cans, the patient should rest for half an hour. In the future it is desirable to carry out one procedure as prevention 1-3 times every month.

Banks are used special, medical, with rounded edges. Glass mayonnaise, as well as from baby food, are also suitable. Pay attention to the edges of the cans were undamaged and inconsistent.

After the exposure of the cans, the skin turns red, and there are round spots. By their intensity, we can conclude on the degree of slagging of the body. The more intensive the spots( dark purple, with swollen edges) and the longer they do not pass, the more stagnant the processes in the body. Red spots with pinpoint hemorrhages indicate that the body is not so slagged. After several procedures, the spots become less bright - the process of cleaning the body began.

The rate of disappearance of spots indicates the strength of the body's response to external influences, the immunity and speed of the healing process.

Dr. AS Zalmanov said: "Make the skin talk, and it will inform you better than most studies using the most modern devices! The skin is a giant "peripheral brain", an indefatigable watchman who, being always on the alert, constantly notifies the central brain of every aggression, every danger! "

Doctors determined that after the procedures the rate of microcirculation in the brain increases. The general condition improves, the mood rises. If the patient falls asleep after a session - this indicates a strong healing effect. I advise you to undergo 2 preventive courses per year in 10 procedures - in the beginning of spring and in the fall - this is mandatory.

Where to put cans

For diseases of the respiratory system, the cans are placed on the back. This is a traditional method. Those who have skin covered with hair are shaved first. Banks are also placed on the chest. With bronchitis and pneumonia, medical glass jars are placed opposite each other on both sides of the spine at a distance of 2-3 centimeters. Another pair is installed under the shoulder blades.

In myositis and muscle stretches, they are placed directly on the problem area. When stating, pay attention to the skin. It is better to avoid those places where there are birthmarks, warts and papillomas. There is on the body of the zone where this method is not used. This is the area of ​​the mammary glands in women, as well as the spine, kidneys, heart.

How often to insert

Before proceeding to the procedure and directly with it, you need to monitor the patient. The temperature should not be above 37 degrees and not increase within a day.

If there are no contraindications, the course lasts for up to a week. Treatment with banks is carried out every other day. It is better to put it in different places each time, so as not to affect the hematomas, if any. Bruises will not be held before half a month later.

Therefore, if you plan a trip to the sea or the appearance at an evening in an open dress, it is better to take other methods of treatment, for example, use mustard plasters.

Can massage

In addition to placing it in certain places, a very common method is massage with banks. For its implementation, only one bank is needed.

It is very important that the patient takes a comfortable position and relaxes. As with the installation, the treatment with vacuum banks by massage is performed on the lubricated skin. To do this, use Vaseline or a special cream for massage.

Compared with the above procedure, this is very painful. Therefore, it is best to use cans with a balloon where the suction force can be easily adjusted and vary depending on the sites on which the massage is done.

After the procedure, it is not at all necessary to keep the reclining position. However, half an hour is required for a rest in the heat. This method gives excellent results in the treatment of cellulite. The impact is based, in particular, on the inflow of blood to problem areas. There, metabolic processes in tissues improve, immunity rises and, as a result, the normal structure of the skin begins to recover.

The action of medical cans on the skin is as follows:

  1. , due to the improvement of the lymphatic drainage process, fat cells in the cellulite tubercles dissolve;
  2. blood flow and circulation through the vessels is intensified and accelerated, this also occurs in fat cells, due to this they are better cleaved;
  3. skin is smoothed and becomes more elastic.

Technique of performing massage by Chinese banks

Let's study the basic rules of how to do massage using Chinese banks.

Before the procedure take a shower and apply anti-cellulite cosmetics. So, to start taking a comfortable position. It must be such that it is easy to influence the entire zone. At the same time, the muscles relax. The skin is smeared with anti-cellulite cream, lotion or a special composition of essential oils. Applying the remedy and making a light massage with your hands, give a few minutes for it to be absorbed, and then proceed to the procedure.

Using a silicone jar, it is squeezed and leaned against the skin, releasing. First, the degree of suction is minimal. If the surface of the thigh is being treated, then move from the bottom up, and then wavy and zigzag movements. Gradually, suction is made stronger, but excessive pain should not be, otherwise the skin will remain bruised.

For each zone massage should be about ten minutes.

The benefits and harms of medical cans are revealed as follows: after the procedure, bruises can remain, but cellulite will gradually decrease. Strong bruises can be avoided if you do not make stops during the session.

The course usually lasts a month or one and a half, depending on the sensitivity of the skin. Doing this every day, you do not need to massage. It is best to repeat the procedure every other day, a maximum of two. After it, it is good to apply anti-cellulite cream to the skin and make a wrap with food film. Then the effect of the procedure will increase significantly.

Many women who have tried this method say that the skin after the procedures becomes much more elastic, and cellulite disappears. Cosmetologists are advised to fix the effect, repeat the course after a month of interruption.

To achieve the desired in the fight against cellulite, you need to show persistence and patience. One or two procedures will lead to nothing. But if you conduct a whole course, not being lazy and forgetting, then a positive result will not take long.

It turns out that the benefit and harm of medical cans entirely depends on how to use them. When massage is the same contraindications as when staged. But, in addition to this, varicose is added to them. Then the vacuum massage on the legs will have to be abandoned.


Anna, 62 years old .Often suffered from headaches. Meteozavisimaya, when the weather changed, my head began to hurt. The husband began to put on her shoulders and back the banks. After the second procedure fell asleep( a signal of strong action, recovery).She took 9 sessions. She had a better mood, felt a surge of energy.

Since then, 4 months have passed - there are no headaches. Banks, which she put on her shoulders, improved blood circulation in the brain. I decided to repeat the treatment. The spots were much weaker and the next day passed. I noticed that the red marks from the cans were only on the right side of the back. This indicated the slagging of the liver.

After applying the cans, the upper pressure decreases slightly and the pulse slows down. However, if the pressure is above 180, you can not put the jars.

Victor, 64 years old .He has hypertension, pressure 160/100.Takes broths of herbs. The pressure becomes 150/95.In childhood he was ill with pneumonia. Therefore, any cold caused a complication - a prolonged cough.

He began to put banks. After the first session( 1 minute), the pressure increased slightly. After the following sessions, the upper pressure was reduced by 10 units. After the third session, a runny nose began to sneeze. Obviously, he did not heal before. After the eighth session, I had a cough that lasted several months. Completely cured.

Ilya, 10 years old .A weak boy, 4 years ago, had 2 times pneumonia. The doctor warned that he should not catch a cold. During pregnancy, my mother had a "diabetes of pregnant women".Doctors believe that because of this the boy was born with weak lungs. In addition, he quickly grew - the highest in the class. Such children are often painful.

I advised excellent prevention - banks. After the third session, the entire back was covered with maroon spots. Decided to take a break, but the next day the spots turned pale - the body began to fight. After the fourth session Ilyusha felt cold and put on a warm sweater. After the sixth - slept for 2 hours. He was shivering, his head ached. Parents were unhappy: they said, because of the cans. That's always the case: if improvement - he himself recovered, and worsening - folk medicine is to blame.

It turned out he has the flu. Ilya was treated the same way as other children. However, everyone was ill for a week with a high fever, and Ilya went to school after 2 days. He was better, bored without school.

Jura, 16 years old .In childhood, several times he suffered pneumonia. Up to 15 years every winter he coughed. Last year, nothing hurted - my mother believed that he "outgrew" sores. However, they hid! After the second session, a cough started: the disease went out. The spots on my back were burgundy-lilac, for a long time did not pass. I took long breaks between sessions. After the third session, I fell sound asleep - a signal of recovery. After the fifth session, the spots became not so bright.

Rita, 15 years old . In childhood, suffered pneumonia in severe form. After the fifth session began to sneeze, cough, there was a runny nose. After the seventh - fell asleep. They woke her up after 2 hours - she could not wake up. Coryza and cough have passed. Became cheerful and cheerful.

After the course of the cans for six months, the children did not get sick.

It is noticed that in the course of treatment, the diseases that "smoldering" deep in the body become aggravated or even arise. Do not worry, these diseases "come to the surface" and are manifested. Otherwise, they would be hiding and attacking when the body is weakened.

Sometimes itching occurs, and severe. It, obviously, is caused by excess of slags in an organism and infringement of a metabolism.

Sergey, 41 year old . After the flu, an exhausting cough began. Began to use cans. After the second session, the cough increased. It turned out that 2 months ago, Sergei suffered a flu on his legs. After the seventh session, the cough passed. He has psoriasis. During the treatment, a severe itching started - the body got rid of poisons. The irritation caused by psoriasis, by the end of the treatment, faded a bit.(Banks were placed on undamaged skin of the back).

Evgeniya, 31 year old . Began to apply can treatment for prophylaxis - it monitored the health. I was healthy, I felt good. At first, the banks left pale spots, the body was not heavily slagged. However, after the third session, she started coughing, sputum was gone. The cough lasted two days. Complication after last year's cold "hid" in the bronchi and waited for an hour to go to bronchitis. Banks helped to identify and neutralize it.

Banks can also be placed on the chest( excluding the heart area and nipples).With this treatment, sometimes even the seal-lump on the neck( the so-called "seal of fate") is resolved, the condition improves with osteochondrosis, headaches are passed.

The banks put on the buttocks are very effective: the general condition improves, insomnia is cured. Banks installed on the stomach, tone the muscles.

Good treatment results in the treatment of colitis, stomach ulcers, constipation, scars dissolve.

Sources of this publication:

  1. Tartak AM The big gold book is health without medicines.- Moscow: Dilya, 2007, 624 p.
  2. Editorial by the author - Ludmila Ozertzova with http: // lechenie-bankami-meditsinskimi-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-polza-i-vred

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