Lice in children: ways of infection and treatment at home

When a child visits a school or kindergarten, there is a risk of infection with lice - insects 3 mm in length and less than a millimeter in width, having claws on six legs, with which they cling to the hair and move over the head.

Insects are almost transparent, a brownish hue they get after saturation with blood.

Pest head can move from one baby to another only with prolonged close contact with the heads and when using other people's hygiene items and things. Insects can not swim, fly and jump, but they can crawl and do not perish in the water.

Female head lice lay and adhere to the hair of fertilized eggs, from which in a week there are new insects.

To prevent the infestation of a child with lice is difficult, but it is important to be able to determine the signs of pests and know the rules for their quick and effective elimination.

Article content:
  • Reasons for the appearance of
  • Signs of the presence of lice
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • Preventative measures
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Reasons for the emergence of

Most often, children are infected with harmful insects in the team from other kids or adults in joint games, using common toys and other items - hats, personal hygiene products, hairpins, pillows.

In rare cases lice damage occurs when you visit the pool and in public places - bathhouses, hairdressers, transport.

The increased risk of infection usually occurs early in the fall. The most common pediculosis among children from 3 to 12 years.

Factors that increase the risk of contracting pests include:

  • asocial lifestyle in disadvantaged families;
  • the presence of long hair in the child;
  • insufficient control of parents for their child;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules for hair.
Important! An infected child is a source of transmission to surrounding insects before the first characteristic symptoms are manifested.

Animals are not carriers of lice.

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Symptoms of lice

Lice, or pediculosis, can be suspected of the following characteristic symptoms:

  • Presence of lice on the head of a child, which can be noticed if properly inspected.
  • Appearance on the scalp of bite marks from a bright pink color with a red center.
  • The presence on the hair of nits - eggs of pests that resemble white dots on hair.
  • Appearance of grayish-blue spots on the skin.
  • Allergic rashes on the body.
  • Headaches.
  • Strong itching, manifested after insect bites, caused by their saliva. The most intense itching behind the ears, on the occiput and at the temples.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Lesions of the skin with abscesses.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Appearance of ulcers on the skin is the result of combing pest bites and the development of secondary infection in the affected area.

In the absence of competent treatment, this condition can lead to serious complications - pyoderma and ulcers.

Important! The pediculosis for newborns, whose immune system is not completely formed, is especially dangerous.

When examining the child's head for the presence of harmful insects, special attention should be paid to the head, the area behind the ears and the upper cervical region. In rare cases, lice can be found on the eyebrows or eyelashes. Lice and nits are found in hair in the form of whole settlements, consisting of adult individuals, larvae and nits.

Often nits are mistaken for normal dandruff, but unlike dandruff, pests are difficult to separate from the hair and when pressed with a fingernail they make a characteristic click.

Symptoms of infection with insects do not manifest all at once. At the initial stage, you can see that the child scratches his head, his sleep is broken, then on the skin there are marks of bites and only then the pests themselves are found in the hair. Therefore, it is important to conduct regular examinations of the baby at the first signs of anxiety in behavior.

General recommendations

In rare cases, insects can be carriers of causative agents of recurrent and typhus and rickettsiosis, which pose a mortal danger to children.

Therefore, it is important to detect lice as early as possible and begin the competent treatment of .

For the elimination of pests in children, the following can be used:

  • Lice shampoo designed specifically for babies - Chigia, LiceGuard, NOC.
  • Soap for hair.
  • Creams - Nittifor, intended for children older than 5 years, and Nyx.
  • Special combs that can remove insects from babies for 5 days of active combing.
  • Nyud spray is the only spray for children that does not contain toxic ingredients.

Important! Children are prohibited from treating the scalp with toxic agents with an ovicide effect, which contributes to the survival of some insects after treatment. The remains of lice are combed by a crest from pests or the head is re-treated after 7 days.

For better combing of insects, it is recommended to pre-treat hair with a solution of acetic or citric acid in the correct concentration. This will help loosen the attachment of lice to the hair.

Specialists should be consulted in the following cases:

  • is an advanced form of pediculosis, when lice have spread to the eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • if the child is addicted to allergies and if there is asthma;
  • if the baby is less than 2 years old.

It is not worthwhile to search and crush lice between nails as a treatment - the method will not work - the scanned areas of hair can quickly creep lice from the affected part and the conductive inspection has a high risk of insect damage during the procedure.

Important! Children infected with pediculosis should be removed from school or kindergarten until they are fully recovered. Parents are required to notify teachers or caregivers about the detection of insects in the child, since other children may be infected. It is also desirable to check all family members for the presence of lice in their hair.

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About the causes and treatment of jelly in newborns - http: // narodnye-sredstva /raznoe/ zheltushka-u-novorozhdennyh.html

How to get rid of them with the help of folk remedies?

Among the popular recipes there are effective means for breeding lice in children:

  • The stems and leaves of thistle are freshly filled with boiled water and infused for 1 hour. In the resulting mixture should be added a few drops of geranium oil, rub the product into the scalp and leave for 40 minutes.
  • Vinegar 9% table must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, applied to the hair along the entire length and held under a plastic bag for 1 hour. After the required time, the hair should be washed with water and carefully combed with a special scallop to remove nits and parasites.
  • Tea tree oil is recommended to be added to water, apply the mixture on hair and leave for 40 minutes, pre-wrapped with polyethylene.
  • Natural cranberry juice is used in the presence of insects for rubbing into the scalp. After several hours of exposure of the juice to the hair, the product is washed off with a decoction of tansy, the hair is carefully combed by a special comb.
  • Hair moisturize and soap with tar soap .The head should be wrapped in a plastic wrap and wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse the hair in warm water with the addition of sorrel and sorelya comb.
  • The rosemary leaves and chamomile root of are mixed in equal proportions and thoroughly crushed to the consistency of the powder. Next, the healing mass is supplemented with pork smalt in a ratio of 1: 2.The agent is used in the form of an ointment, which is recommended to apply on the hair for the whole night.
  • In 1 glass pomegranate juice it is necessary to stir 2 tablespoons mint .The resulting mixture should be heated and boiled over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, then rubbed into the skin of the head.

In parallel with using the means to get rid of the baby from lice, it is recommended to spread bed linens and things at a temperature of 60 degrees. Things that can not be washed can be placed for 2 days in the freezer. Furniture in the house is preferably treated with a steam generator.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of infecting harmful insects by a baby, it is recommended that simple advice be observed:

  • to exclude visits to places potentially dangerous due to the presence of infected persons;
  • teach children to follow basic rules of personal hygiene, including using only their own comb, towel, clothing;
  • use a rubber cap to protect hair when visiting the pool;
  • wash bedding under high temperature conditions;
  • to protect children from games with kids with signs of lice.

It is recommended to examine the child regularly, especially when mass infection with pediculosis in schools and kindergartens, and when even single insects are detected, seek help from a doctor who will advise the right remedies to help the baby.

For maximum effect, you can use traditional recipes from natural ingredients for children against lice.