Echocardiography of the heart: the essence of the method, its usefulness, how the procedure goes

From this article you will learn: what is ECHOCH of the heart, and how this method is important in the diagnosis of cardiac pathology. What parameters and structures it allows to estimate, what diseases to reveal. How to prepare for the study, and how it goes.

The essence of the method, its usefulness

  • Indications: who needs such diagnostics
  • What this procedure shows, what diseases the
  • reveals. Types of echocardiography
  • Preparation and conduct of the study
  • Echocardiography is one of the most informative and safe methods of diagnosing the pathology of the heart. This is a kind of ultrasound, which makes it possible to visually assess the structure of the myocardium( heart muscle), heart valves, large cardiac vessels and the peculiarities of the circulation in them.

    There are several synonyms: ultrasound or cardiac echo, echocardiogram, echocardiography or echogram of the heart. All these names are the same study. It can be carried out and evaluated by ultrasound doctors, as well as cardiologists and cardiac surgeons who own this method.

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    The essence of the method, its usefulness

    Cardiac echocardiography is carried out with the help of special ultrasound equipment, which contains:

    • apparatus that produces ultrasound;
    • sensor that conducts through the chest and registers ultrasonic waves;
    • digital converter, which shows on the monitor the image of the organ under examination.

    Ultrasonic waves, passing through different parts of the heart, are absorbed and reflected differently. The more accurate and modern the equipment, the more accurately one can see( visualize) not only the general structure, but also small details of the structure of the heart and the peculiarities of the circulation.

    ECHO-KG along with ECG( electrocardiography) are the most simple, harmless and accessible, but at the same time informative diagnostic methods, which provide exhaustive information about the state of the heart.

    Indications: who needs such a diagnosis

    Heart ultrasound is indicated to all patients with cardiac pathology, and also to people who have such symptoms:

    1. Chest pain.
    2. Dyspnea with exertion, swelling on the legs and other manifestations of heart failure.
    3. Rapid fatigue, accompanied by fainting and increased heart rate.
    4. Postponed myocardial infarction and thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.
    5. Noises when listening( auscultation) of the heart.
    6. Suspected congenital and acquired heart defects.
    7. Postponed rheumatism.
    8. Cyanosis of the skin in the face, tip of the nose and ears, which appears or increases with loads.
    9. marked increase in blood pressure.

    Given the ease of implementation and safety of echocardiography, it is done not only to monitor how a person's heart pathology proceeds, but even if there are suspicions of it. There are no absolute contraindications.

    What this procedure shows, what diseases the

    diagnoses Diagnosis of the heart with the help of ultrasound can give the basic, but not all information about the condition of this organ.

    What can determine the echocardiography of What can not determine
    The structure and functional capabilities of the atria, ventricles and valves The nature of rhythm and electrical activity
    Circulation features between them Coronary vessel condition
    Myocardial blood supply

    The table describes the main parameters for evaluation in echocardiography and possiblepathology, which is diagnosed on the basis of these data even without taking into account the results of the ECG( electrocardiogram).

    What can estimate Frequent abnormalities diseases that can be diagnosed
    heart size increase cardiomyopathy, cardiomegaly, left ventricular hypertrophy, myocarditis, cardio
    Features infarction thickened
    compact, heterogeneous
    thinned dilated cardiomyopathy, heart failure
    Ventricular and atrial volume Increased
    Reduced Restrictive cardiomyopathy
    Valve status( aorta, mitranogo) Thickened Endocarditis
    not interlock Defects - failure
    valve does not open Defects - stenosis valves, mitral valve prolapse
    size and the wall of the aorta enlarged, expanded aneurysm of the aorta and heart
    Thick Atherosclerosis
    Characteristics pulmonary artery expanded,pressure increased Signs of pulmonary hypertension( thromboembolism, pneumofibrosis)
    Discharge volume Reduced Heart failure, cardiomyopathy, defects
    Residual volume Increased
    Pericardial cavity Pericardium thickened Pericarditis( inflammation), hydropericardium( effusion)
    Presence of fluid
    Movement of blood between atria, ventricles and vessels Regurgitation( return of blood) on valves Malformations of mitral and aortic valve
    Discharge between the aorta and the pulmonary artery Congenital malformation - open Botallov duct
    Reset in the area of ​​the oval window Open oval window, atrial septal defect
    Ventricular vent Ventricular septal defect
    Additional formations Knots, thickenings, cords, additional shadows Tumors, extra chord, left ventricular aneurysm, thrombi in the lumen of the heart and large vessels
    Approximate standards for the size of heart structures for deciphering ultrasound results

    According to the data, obtained during the ECHO of the heart, some diagnoses can be established accurately, and some assume. In the second case, patients need a more extensive examination depending on the expected pathology( ECG, holter, tomography, blood tests).

    Echocardiographic varieties

    Not all echocardiography has all the diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound diagnostics. Depending on the class of ultrasound equipment and the procedure for the study, there are:

    1. Standard ECO-CG - one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound. It is also called transthoracic, so it is carried out through contact with the skin in the region of the chest. Gives information about the structure of the heart, but can not determine the features of the circulation in it.
    2. - the study is extended compared to the standard. Defines the characteristics of blood flow in the atria, ventricles, valves and large vessels.
    3. Stress echocardiography - ultrasound of the heart during the performance of stress tests. It may be necessary to diagnose only certain diseases( eg, valve defects).
    4. Transesophageal ECHO - examination of the heart by a special sensor through the esophagus wall during fibroadastroscopy. It is rarely required, but it can give important information about pathology in the deep sections of the myocardium.

    The gold standard of ultrasound examination of the heart is a two-dimensional ECHO with Doppler and duplex amplification.

    Preparation and conduct of the

    study Special preparation for standard and Doppler echocardiography of the heart, as well as for the ECG, is not required. This means that such a study can be done by any person who has testimony at any time without any restrictions. The only factors that influence the reliability of the results are the quality of the equipment and the qualification of the cardiologist.

    Transesophageal ECHO-KG is performed only on an empty stomach( the last meal - for 8-10 hours).And when it is required that the patient is immobile for the purpose of a detailed examination - the study is conducted under anesthesia.

    The procedure of the standard ECHO-KG is technically simple and harmless:

    • The researcher lies on the couch. The examination is carried out in two positions: on the back and on the left side.
    • The doctor adjusts the device and sequentially sets the sensor at several points of the chest in the projection of the heart, the aorta and the pulmonary artery. At this time, the researcher must calmly lie and perform all the commands of the doctor( breathe smoothly, hold your breath on inhalation, change position, etc.).
    • To improve the transmission of ultrasound signals, a special gel is applied to the skin of the left half of the thorax, along which the sensor will slide. At the end of the study, the gel needs to be wiped with a towel or a napkin.

    The total duration of echocardiography is from 7-10 minutes to half an hour. The most important thing is that you can spend it as many times as you need to assess the condition of the heart and the dynamics of the pathological process. The technique is harmless and painless, so there are no absolute contraindications to it.

    Heart ultrasound is a highly accurate method of diagnosing a large number, but not all of heart diseases. Therefore, the testimony for its implementation and the scope of other surveys should be decided by a specialist!

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