Quit the binge correctly at home

Alcohol addiction is now very relevant. Most often it occurs in the form of drunken drunkenness. Is it possible to make a way out of the binge at home? It's no secret that festive feasts with alcoholic drinks on the table can be a reason for regularly drinking and alcohol-dependent citizens to leave for a long drinking-bout.

After all, the main cause of alcoholism is the constant actualization of the pathological desire to drink anything, if only it was with alcohol at a time when the alcohol content in the blood of a drinking person falls. Any sobering of a constantly drinking citizen is expressed in the deterioration of his state of health, the appearance of emotional fear and tension, and in other uncomfortable experiences and sensations.

If one of your close people suffers alcoholism and for him drunken drunkenness is not uncommon, this article will inform you about which option can be selected to get out of the binge at home. Try to help yourself, because paid services to remove from drinking-bout are not available to everyone, for reasons of lack of narcological services at the place of residence and high prices.

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Men and women

At first glance, it is clear that alcoholism is most common for men. They are entrusted with the task of maintaining the family, the extraction of food - since the beginning of the birth of mankind. And for women, Nature gave birth to an opportunity. A woman should get married and create a family home. Life has changed rapidly, the weak sex in every way wants superiority over the strong sex, not to yield to men in anything. Gradually, this began to lead to an increase in nervous and mental stress in both men and women. Men began to drop their hands often, they stopped believing in their own powers of opportunity. Women, in many cases, greatly increase the family situation with a negative attitude towards her husband. The resentment pushes to offend in response, it is impossible to build a conversation, mostly one-sided monologues, in which the husband just keeps quiet. And then he goes into drinking.

When husbands drink, their wives and children suffer from this. The child, seeing drunkenness in the family, unwittingly writes everything into his subconscious. Then he copies the parent's behavior in addition to his will, or tries in every possible way to avoid what was in his family, as he thinks is wrong. But fate decides so that with us more often begins to happen that from which we run.

Well, if women in cases of husband's drinking try to help him get out of the binge at home. If something does not work out, then you can refer to specialists and narcologists.

Finding a solution to the problem of "alcoholism"

The presence of a binge tells about the far-gone painful dependence on alcohol. A drinking person can not stop, for him the world is distorted. He does not consider himself sick and does not really try to change his way of life. At home, you can still find a way out.

The most reliable solution to the alcohol problem is treatment in official clinics and centers for the treatment of alcoholics. Narcologists constantly rotate in their practice, have the experience and knowledge necessary to treat addicted people from alcohol. They are able to choose the best way to treat the patient and insure him against adverse health effects from the treatment.

Infusion therapy is a popular method of inferring from drinking-bout( dropper).Drugs immediately fall into the blood. The effect comes in a few minutes from the start of the dropper. By the way a dropper can be delivered at home by a paramedic, a district nurse.

But not always it turns out on the house to cause or invite a health worker with experience in setting up a dropper.you can try to get out of the booze of a loved one with the help of folk techniques.

How to get out of the binge of the house

Let the alcohol addict try to still realize his alcoholism, his illness, his abnormality of behavior. The alcoholic should give his consent to treatment anywhere, just to cure alcoholism, even though at home even in the clinic. Consider useful recommendations and advice for the withdrawal from the binge at home using folk remedies.

  1. Letting out of the binge let it be gradual, smooth.
  2. Let the alcoholic reduce the dose of alcohol being drunk and make longer intervals between drinking during one day and does not delay this stage for more days.
  3. The patient should sleep more and rest. Before going to bed, the patient should drink half a glass of water with 20 drops of peppermint tincture. Before each meal, even drink half a glass of water with 5-6 drops of ammonia( ammonia solution).The patient's food should consist of broth and black bread.
  4. After stopping drinking alcohol, the patient should take six to ten tablets of activated carbon, stirred in a glass of water. Tablets "Essentiale forte" are taken on 2 capsules in the morning and in the evening."Valocordin" if necessary, in the case of unpleasant sensations in the heart and a sense of lack of air for 30-40 drops with water. Piracetam tablets take 2 tablets 3 times a day( according to the instructions for use), and you can take a hypnotic.
  5. Patient should not give in to fears, anxiety, anxiety, depression. Customize yourself for the best. Good books, movies, communication, fishing will help to take your mind.
  6. To relieve the neuropsychic stress will help infusions of the herb Leonurus and the roots of valerian. For 1 tablespoon( for 250.0 ml of water), the folk remedy is poured over with boiling water, languishing on low heat for 5 minutes. Insist 2 hours, tightly wrapped. Strain. Take half a cup 3 times a day.

It is difficult to get out of the drinking-bout, but it is vital to preserve your health and life. The first days are especially difficult. If you get out of the drinking-bout, you can not get home treatment, please contact a narcologist!