Bronchial asthma: treatment at home with folk remedies

Kind time of the day dear readers! Here we will touch upon a large topic on the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children, relief and removal of asthmatic attacks, general recommendations for prevention, how and what to treat and cure bronchial asthma at home using folk remedies and with the help of medications, tablets and medications.

At the end of the article you can see a video devoted to this problem, as well as get acquainted with the principles of emergency care for asthma and asthmatic status, the names of procedures and necessary pharmacological medicines are given.

Bronchial asthma ( "shortness of breath, heavy breathing") is a chronic inflammatory airway disease involving various cellular elements. The essence of bronchial asthma is the obstruction of the bronchi( narrowing their lumen), due to specific immunological( sensitization, allergy) or nonspecific mechanisms. Bronchial obstruction is reversible completely or partially, spontaneously or under the influence of a special treatment. According to WHO estimates, 235 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. For the purpose of treatment, use symptomatic preparations that stop the attack, and drugs that affect the pathogenetic mechanism of the disease itself. Asthmatic status is a formidable complication of bronchial asthma.

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Causes, symptoms and signs

The main manifestation of this disease are attacks of suffocation caused by spasm of small bronchi. More often this affliction is suffered at a young age, and the incidence of elderly people varies from 15 to 25. Bronchial asthma manifests itself by repeated episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, feelings of stuffiness in the chest and coughing.

Most often bronchial asthma develops on the background of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia. In all cases, the disease is the result of an increased sensitivity of the body to allergens.

Attacks of suffocation can begin with the inhalation of air contaminated with smoke, combustion products or vapors of gasoline, kerosene, as well as other odoriferous substances( paint, perfume).

Food substances( eggs, some vegetables and fruits) can serve as allergens. In most cases, in clean mountain areas, seizures cease.

The factor of hereditary predisposition to bronchial asthma is very important. Here we mean the inheritance is not a disease, but a predisposition to it.

The attack of suffocation develops during overexcitation of some parts of the autonomic nervous system, which causes a spasm of small bronchi and the release of thick, viscous mucus. More often the attack begins suddenly, at night. At this point the patient is forced to sit. His breathing is very difficult, rales can be heard even from a distance. The patient is pale, frightened, his face is covered with sweat, cyanosis of the lips, tip of nose, cheeks.

The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours, sometimes even longer. The termination of the attack is accompanied by the release of thick, viscous sputum. Breathing is restored, the patient calms down and falls asleep.

Treatment of bronchial asthma: general recommendations of

Treatment, in the first place, should be aimed at eliminating the causes of suffocation. It is necessary to avoid inhaling odorous substances of dampness, cold, and being in a dusty atmosphere. If the occurrence of seizures is associated with the professional activity of the patient, then it is necessary to decide the question of changing the place of work.

Timely treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system( bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, etc.) is of great importance. Remember the timely sanitation of the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Sometimes attacks of bronchial asthma stop after a change in climate. Effective treatment in the high mountain resorts of the Caucasus, on the Crimean coast.

Bronchial asthma attacks can occur on the background of heart failure in patients with heart disease. In these cases, you need to use cardiac funds( strophanthin, korglukon).Sometimes it is necessary to resort to bloodletting.

How to treat and cure bronchial asthma with folk remedies at home

In folk medicine, there are examples of home remedies, compositions, tips and recipes for curing bronchial asthma, gradually reducing the number of her attacks. However, do not forget that the disease is serious, in the treatment it is necessary to have an integrated approach, consultations and supervision of a therapist, an allergist and pulmonologist.

Remember that the treatment of adults and children in some points and the means used can be different. Bring the child to a pediatrician, consult with him about the proposed methods and means of treatment in order to gain certainty and reduce possible risks to naught.

Tips and recipes for

Licorice naked. 15-20 g of root per glass of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, infuse for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A good means for lowering the viscosity of sputum is a mixture of horseradish and lemon juice. Suck the horseradish on a grater, take 100-150 g. Add the juice of two lemons to the same bottle - a rather thick sauce is obtained. Take half a teaspoon in the morning and after dinner every day. Do not drink tea or water. In the early days, the medicine will cause lachrymation, but then the patient will "cry" less and less. According to the healers: "The less tears, the less mucus remains in the body."

Note : horseradish should be completely fresh. Sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.


According to recommendations of Vanga for patients with bronchial asthma, morning dew is very useful. Early in the morning spread the sheet on the grass, wait until it becomes saturated with moisture, then cover it with the patient. This procedure should be done daily for 5-15 minutes( on top of the patient should be covered with a blanket).Especially useful is the dew of forest flowers.

The medical starvation is one of the best tools for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Fasting should be done, after consulting with a doctor who knows this method of treatment. The period of fasting is from 12 to 18 days. It is necessary to conduct two such courses with an interval of 1 month.

Decoction of calyx with honey is recommended for liquefaction of sputum, cough reduction. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Wash down with warm water. Turnip vegetable turnip. Decoction of root vegetables drink with bronchial asthma, cough, laryngitis, insomnia, loss of voice. Grind it. Cook for 15 minutes. Take 1 glass at night.

Turnip juice with honey take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for cough.

Celandine. Prepare the tincture. Two tablespoons of herbs fill with 500 ml of vodka. Insist 14 days. Strain. Take 20 drops with dyspnea and attacks.

Take the celandine with a course - from 1 drop to 15 and back to 1. Drink for two months with water or milk( a quarter of a glass).In winter, when there is no celandine, you can prepare infusion from dry grass: 1 teaspoon of grass for a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Drink one third of the glass with shortness of breath.

Garlic. Two heads and 5 lemons wipe on a grater, pour 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature, insist 5 days, strain, wring out. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

In bronchial asthma, it is useful to wash the nasal passages daily with sea or salt water. A good result is also provided by silver "holy" water, which can be used both for washing the nasal passages and for oral administration.

Prepare collection 1 :

  1. ledum - 10 g;
  2. linden color - 20 g;
  3. mother-and-stepmother - 20 g.

2 tablespoons of the collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours in a thermos. Take 5-7 in the morning and at 17-19 in the evening for 1 glass.

Mother and Stepmother. Infusion of leaves used for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia.4 teaspoons of chopped leaves brew a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Take a quarter cup 4 times a day.

elder flowers are used in assembly 2 :

  1. plantain leaf - 1 part;
  2. sundew grass - 1 part;
  3. three-color violet grass - 1 part;Elderberry flowers - 1 part.

4 teaspoons of the mixture, insist on a glass of cold water for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, let stand, strain. Decoction drink in three meals with bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, bronchitis.

Or such collection 3 :

  1. young willow bark - 1 part;
  2. leaf of the mother-and-stepmother - 1 part;
  3. anise fruit - 2 parts;
  4. rose hips - 2 parts;Elderberry flowers - 1 part.

Preparation and use - as in the previous recipe.

Yarrow common. Has anti-allergic properties.1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Take 25 drops 3 times a day. St. John's wort has anti-allergic properties.1 tablespoon of herbs, pour 200 ml of vodka and insist for 7 days. Strain. Take 25 drops 3 times a day.

Prepare collection 4 :

  1. pine buds - 1 part;
  2. goose grass goose grass - 1 part;
  3. celandine grass - 2 parts;
  4. grass shandra - 1 part;Elderberry flowers - 1 part.

4 teaspoons of the ground mixture, insist on a glass of cold water for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, allow to stand for 1 hour. Decoction drink in one day in three divided doses.

Medical preparations, tablets and medicines for the treatment of bronchial asthma

In modern medicine there are many drugs that stop asthma attacks. The most commonly used drugs are as follows:

  1. Adrenaline 0.1% in a dose of 0.3-1 ml( try not to use in patients with essential hypertension and heart failure).
  2. Ephedrine 5% solution of 1 ml subcutaneously.
  3. Atropine 0.1% 1.0 ml, injected subcutaneously, can arrest an attack.

The dose of each of these drugs is selected individually for each patient, since it may be necessary to reuse.

Asthma attacks remove such drugs as theoephedrine, antastmann, asthmatol.

Patients with bronchial asthma should not inject morphine and other drugs, as they depress the respiratory center.

Recently, Iazrin, Euspiran and other quite effective antiasthmatic drugs have spread.

Spasm of small bronchi removes Eufillin( it is better to inject it intravenously or in candles).

Widespread use of distracting therapy: mustard, cans, foot baths. If the attack of asthma does not stop, it is advisable to inject bronchodilator and desensitizing mixtures containing the Euphyllin, Ephedrine, Papaverin, and in some cases corticosteroids into the vein.

During an attack, it is useful to use drugs that calm the central nervous system( Bromides, Bellaspon, Belloid, etc.).Desensitizing agents are calcium chloride( 10% -10.0), Dimedrol, Pipolphen( intramuscularly or orally 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.) In the presence of viscous thick sputum, the use of potassium iodide( 3% solution20 ml.) With frequent recurrences, hormonal therapy is most effective: ACTH, Prednisolone, etc. Prednisolone is given at 20-40 mg per day with a gradual decrease in dose( by 5 mg every week). Duration of treatment is up to 6 weeks. Small maintenance dosesPrednisolone( 5 mg each) can be

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children

Must be comprehensive The first thing that the attending physician should achieve is the restoration of bronchial patency

For this, cholinolytic and adrenomimetic agents in aerosols( Novodrin, Euspyran, Solutan), calcium preparations andantihistamines( Dimedrol, Suprastin, Pipolphen, Tavegil, Diazolin, etc.) to reduce the hypersensitivity of the body.

During the attack, in addition to these funds are used bronchodilators( Ephedrine, Euphyllin, Adrenaline), acupuncture. Corticosteroids have a pronounced therapeutic effect. Often remove the attack help acupuncture, acupressure and physiotherapy.

To eliminate the inflammatory process in the bronchopulmonary system, antiviral and antimicrobial agents are prescribed. In the remission phase, the use of histaglobulin is indicated.

The diet should be aimed at eliminating food allergens. If the allergen is not detected, products that can cause allergy are excluded.

In case of infectious-allergic form, the identification of the infectious focus and its sanitation is of primary importance.

More information see on page: Asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma in children.

First aid: how to relieve asthma attack

Asthma attack: symptoms

The main manifestation of bronchial asthma is an attack of suffocation with audible rattles in the distance. Often, an attack of atopic bronchial asthma is preceded by a prodromal period in the form of rhinitis, itching in the nasopharynx, dry cough, a feeling of pressure behind the sternum. The attack of atopic bronchial asthma usually occurs when contact with an allergen and quickly breaks off when such contact is terminated. The course of atopic bronchial asthma, as a rule, is more favorable than infectious-allergic.

Emergency care

  • discontinuation of contact with the allergen;
  • introduction of sympathomimetics: adrenaline 0.2-0.3 ml 0.1% solution subcutaneously, ephedrine - 1 ml 5% solution subcutaneously;
  • inhalation administration of sympathomimetics( berotek, alupent, ventolin, salbutamol);
  • introduction of xanthine preparations: 10 ml of a 2.4% solution of euphyllin intravenously or 1-2 ml of a 24% solution intramuscularly.

With infectious-allergic bronchial asthma, start with measures 2 and 3. If there is no effect, inject glucocorticoids intravenously: 125-250 mg hydrocortisone or 60-90 mg prednisolone.

Asthmatic status: first aid how to derive

Asthmatic conditions can occur with any form of bronchial asthma and is characterized by three main symptoms:

  • rapid buildup of bronchial obstruction;
  • no effect from the introduction of simlatomimetics;
  • increase in respiratory failure.

Symptoms and stages of

There are 3 stages:

The first( 1) stage - an attack of bronchial asthma with complete absence of effect from sympathomimetics;

The second( 2) stage - increasing respiratory failure, the appearance of "mute lung" zones;a decrease in the number of dry wheezes, the appearance of areas where wheezing is not heard, which is associated with bronchial obstruction;

The third( 3) stage is hypercapnic coma, at which the stress of C02 increases to 80-90 mm Hg.and the oxygen tension drops sharply to 4050 mm Hg. Art. The patient loses consciousness, breathes deep, with an extended exhalation, cyanosis increases, blood pressure drops, the pulse becomes threadlike.

Emergency care

In the 1st stage of asthmatic state

  • glucocorticoids: prednisolone 90-120 mg intravenously or hydrocortisone 125-250 mg or dexamethasone 8-16 mg drip or drip in isotonic sodium chloride solution and also inside 2030 mg prednisolone, increasinga dose of 10-15 mg every 2 and until removal from the asthmatic state;
  • infusion therapy;
  • bronchodilators, of which xanthine derivatives - eufillin should be preferred, introducing 10-20 ml of a 2.4% solution intravenously again 1-2 hours later;
  • expectorants( iodides and others);
  • inhalation of oxygen;
  • thermal inhalation isotonic sodium chloride solution;
  • chest massage;
  • if necessary, assisted mechanical ventilation( IVL).

In stage 2 of the asthmatic state

1) glucocorticoids and infusion therapy;2) heparin( to improve blood rheology) intravenously 5000-10000-20000 units;3) bronchoscopic lavage;4) with a rapid increase in the voltage of CO2 in the blood - transfer to mechanical ventilation.

At stage 3 of asthmatic state

Performing artificial ventilation - through the intubation tube every 20-30 minutes wash the tracheobronchial pathways with antiseptics, isotonic sodium chloride solution;continue the infusion therapy taking into account the volume of diuresis, as well as the administration of glucocorticoids, inhalation of oxygen.

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Video announcing:

  • 00:12 - Eugenia in the metro became ill
  • 01:16 - after examination she was diagnosed with asthma
  • 01:58 - drugs did not help
  • 02:23 - the whole year Eugenia struggled with the disease
  • 02:42 -girlfriend found the way out


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