How to quickly remove a headache at home

With a headache, each of us is familiar from our own experience. Someone's headache rarely - two or three times a month, and the other - the pain in the head can appear every day.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to get rid of the headache of folk and medical products at home, as well as whether it is possible to relieve pain in the head at all without pills and medications.


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Effective tablets for the removal of a headache

For today there are the best medical prepRata quickly relieve pain in his head:

  1. Analgin - cheap tablets. Their action is aimed at eliminating spasm, migraine, pain. It is allowed to take no more than 1 tablet 2-3 times during one day.
  2. Pentalgin .These new drugs for headache include in their composition the medicinal components - from analgin to amidopirone and caffeine. Many patients say that this is the best pill for headache. Sleep quickly improves and overall well-being improves.
  3. Solpadein .In this modern preparation, the headache contains paracetamol. You can use Solpadein as a cure for migraine, as an anti-inflammatory and antiviral drug.
  4. Tempalgin is an analogue of analgin( metamizole sodium), which contains tempidone. This medication is taken 1 tablet one to three times throughout the day.
  5. Citramon .Such inexpensive drugs for headache in the composition contain caffeine, cocoa powder and citric acid. Take Citramon is allowed in an increased dosage.

The body of each person is unique and individual, so it is difficult to find an analgesic for pain in the head. For the correct selection of a drug, consult a specialist in order to avoid dangerous diseases. Remember about the side effects of medicines.

How to get rid of a headache without pills and medications

However, before you treat a headache, you need to determine its nature and causes. This is an important stage, regardless of the choice of treatment. There are many ways how to quickly get rid of headaches without using medications. But to determine the cause of the headache is the first priority!

In humans, headache can occur - due to stress, sleep disturbances, irregular working hours, overtime, and overheating - without organic pathology. But, also, headaches can accompany other pathologies: diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, etc.

When the headache worries more than once a week, you need to consult a therapist and a neurologist and take a course of examination. After all, the pain in the head can be an alarming symptom of a serious illness.


Home treatment of headache is contraindicated in case of poisoning with neurotoxins, increased body temperature with unexplained causes, allergic reactions and injuries of the cervical spine and head.

Pregnant women should also be careful about non-traditional methods of treatment, and especially in the second-third trimesters.

Methods for the removal of a headache

Water .Headache can be associated with dehydration. Therefore, drink one or two glasses of ordinary clean water and every half an hour, continue to do the reception of water one or two sips. This is actual in stuffy rooms and in the hot season for prevention.

The water norm for an adult weighing 70 -75 kg is 2.5-3 liters per day. It is important to drink pure non-carbonated water, avoid cocktails with a high carbohydrate content.

Hot water .A simple method to remove the headache - take a shower, comfortable temperature. Water should not be very hot. Direct the water jet to the neck, collar zone and back. This will relieve tension in the muscles, weaken the spasm of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. The headache will go away. The effect can be increased if the head is washed well by massaging the roots of the hair.

Hot sweet tea .A severe headache can appear from hunger with hard and urgent diets. Have tea with sugar. This quickly saturate the brain with glucose, increase the tone and remove the headache.

Lemon is a good antiseptic and analgesic. If peel lemon, attach to the temples and forehead, it will help to quickly remove the headache .Lemon juice also has a pronounced analgesic effect, add a few drops to a glass of water and drink.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Make a cup of ginger tea and drink slowly. It can also be used for preventive purposes to strengthen immunity.

Mint is a sedative that will help relieve the headache. One tablespoon of dried mint leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse 2 hours of wrapped. Take one third of the glass 3 times a day.

Relaxation of the .One of the common causes of headaches is stress. Try to relax. Listen to soothing music, think about something pleasant, dream. You can use meditation techniques or mantra repetition.

Comb .Free your hair: remove hair from the hair, hairpins, rims. Comb them in different directions. It is good to do this with a wide brush made of natural materials. Combing the hair, lightly press the hair roots with denticles, make semicircular movements. Lean your head down and carefully comb your hair. It will improve blood circulation, will cause sensations of heat, and the pain itself will quickly go away.

Sleep and rest .Choose a comfortable position of the body, close your eyes, you may get to sleep. In a dream, the body relaxes and rest. Even a short-term sleep will bring considerable relief.

Massage .About what to do with a headache, practitioners of oriental medicine know - the master. In ancient times people noticed that exposure to certain points and zones of the body in humans brings both relief and can cause significant damage to .

Massage relieves fatigue, relaxes and helps to get rid of headaches. You can use the services of a professional masseur, or you yourself can master simple massage movements and choose a set of massage techniques.

Self-massage involves following several rules:

  1. with self-massage should not be pain and discomfort;
  2. movements need to be made smooth and easy;
  3. after the massage procedure do not rush to actively move, rest and lie down.

Massage is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Self-massage techniques

Before the session, rub your hands and fingers well against each other so that they warm up.

Lower your hands with your palms down and take your thumb away. Between the thumb and forefinger, a triangle is formed in the "membrane".Massage the point in the middle of the triangle( this painful place) first on one hand, then on the other. Movements should be easy, increase pressure as the procedure proceeds. For each hand is enough for 1-2 minutes of massage.

Head massage

Sit, head up, rub your forehead, stroke your neck, first from top to bottom, and then vice versa.

  1. Massage of the upper part of the head. Movement as with dry hair washing. Do not press strongly, when driving, there should be a feeling of pleasant heat .This indicates the activation of blood circulation and unhindered circulation through the vessels. Duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.
  2. Attach the tips of four fingers to the temples symmetrically. Circular movements begin to rub the skin, then move in a spiral from the center to the eyes. Continue for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Fingers in the same position on the temples, also with easy movements move along the auricle along the border of the hair to the occiput. We need to make several approaches.
  4. With your thumb and forefinger, massage the lobes of your ears. The movements are smooth and light, and the pressure force increases as the procedure proceeds. Place your thumbs behind your ears in symmetrical areas, spread your fingers throughout the head. With light circular motions, moving your fingers every 15-20 seconds, walk around the entire head, massage both halves simultaneously.
  5. Bend your fingers and spread them apart like a fan. Stiff, but smooth movements, press on the scalp, constantly changing the position of the fingers. Pressures should be strong enough, but not to cause pain. Well massage the nape of the knee. In the beginning, there will be discomfort or pain, but it will quickly pass and pleasant warmth will fill the neck and head.
  6. On the sides of the spine are located 2 muscles - the place of the neck in the shoulders, the spasm of the muscles which often leads to headaches. Gently and easily massage them, moving from the bottom up - these muscles, as a rule, are very painful. Be careful, because the collar zone is rich in nerve endings and plexuses.
  7. We compress the head first in the antero-posterior, and later in the lateral direction. We set one hand on the forehead, the second - on the back of the head and squeezes the head. After the relaxation of the hands, the heat and the considerable relief of the pain are felt for a few seconds. Move your hands behind your ears, make some pressure. Repeat exercise 3-5 in each direction.

At the end of the massage session, put your hands on your head and stroke yourself, while pulling on the hair a little. Relax for 5-10 minutes, think about something pleasant, then get down to work.

What else can help relieve the headache?


This is an efficient method. A special feature is the temperature of the compress. With a pulsating headache, you need to apply a cold compress on your head, and with a burning pain - a warm one.

Essential oils

They act on the olfactory receptors and trigger the body's response to the stimulus. Centuries of experience shows that the essential oils of almonds, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender perfectly relieve the headache, normalize blood pressure, improve sleep. The oil can be applied to the skin or inhaled in the form of vapors. Essential oils are an excellent addition to the massage.


With a severe headache, you need to grind a cinnamon stick, add a little boiling water and stir everything to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture on the forehead and whiskey, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. The pain will necessarily decrease and recede.


Natural analgesic. It contains a whole complex of elements useful to the body. You need to eat a few nuts, and you will feel a great deal of relief.

Camphor oil

A strong way for those who often suffer from a headache. Make the mixture in a 1: 1 ratio of ammonia and camphor oil. Inhale the mixture at the first signs and manifestations of pain. In addition, the jar with the mixture can be left open at the workplace as a preventive measure.

"Wine of Hippocrates"

In half a liter of dessert wine, add one finely chopped lemon and one teaspoon of honey. With headaches enough to take one or two tablespoons of this folk remedy. The body will be saturated with glucose, and the wine will eliminate the vasospasm.


Apple cut into slices, sprinkle a little, chew well and wash with warm water. People who use this method recommend that after taking apple slices for 5 minutes to walk around, engage in any other active activity, then you can relax.

Apple vinegar

Take a glass of warm water regularly with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey mixed into them.


Chokeberry juice is a good preventive agent. Take two tablespoons 15-20 minutes before meals. This will help get rid of the headache, strengthen the overall immunity.

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