Chicken Blindness: Hemerallopia Disease - Vitamin A deficiency

Chicken blindness - is a disease of , manifested as a twilight and night vision disorder. It occurs among people of different age groups, has an innate or acquired etiology.

Chicken blindness is called the term "gemeralopia" or "night blindness".The disease is characterized by a decrease in the sensitivity of retinal cells to light with a decrease in its intensity. The sick, perfectly seeing in the afternoon, in the evening and at night almost do not distinguish objects and see the surrounding as in a strong fog.

In this publication we will consider the causes, symptoms of the disease, why it develops in humans.


Causes and symptoms of

People ask the question: "When there is a deficiency of what kind of vitamin there is" night blindness "?In the book of G.N.Olegov "Official and folk medicine" it is said that the development of the disease is associated with a deficiency in the body of vitamin A. Sometimes "night blindness" develops as a result of common body diseases such as anemia, glaucoma, general exhaustion, pregnancy and t

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Some people with night blindness experience minor discomfort in the dark, others do not see anything at all. As a rule, the disease does not cause complications, changes within the eyes, if it is not caused by a genetic factor.

Reducing the visual perception of objects is clearly noticeable for the first time after diminishing the illumination, then the eyes adjust to the surrounding environment. Often the disease is characterized by a decrease in color perception, in particular, perception of blue tones.

Some patients see dark and colored spots, circles, and shadows on fixed objects.

Some scientists divide night blindness into 3 types depending on the reasons:

  1. Essential.
  2. Congenital.
  3. Symptomatic.

Essential - a deficiency of vitamin A. This species is found in most patients with this diagnosis. Also, the disease of this species can cause anemia, liver disease and severe exhaustion of the body.

Sometimes night blindness develops due to the side effect of treatment with vitamin A antagonists, for example, quinine. The congenital form of night blindness with vitamins is not related, but the course of treatment includes vitamin preparations.

When night blindness is caused by the influence of genes on human health( a rare form), it is noticeable from early childhood. The exact causes of genetic development of the disease have not been studied.

Symptomatic night blindness can manifest itself against the background of organic eye diseases: high degree myopia, glaucoma, retinal pathology. When the diseases are cured, night blindness disappears.

Regardless of the cause of the disease under consideration, the deterioration of vision in twilight occurs when the formation of the pigment of rhodopsin in the visual sticks of the retina is disturbed.

The main symptoms of chicken blindness are a weakening of vision and orientation in space in case of insufficient illumination. The process of adaptation to darkness after the illuminated room is disrupted. A person can not discern some colors at dusk.


In the diagnosis of this disease, drivers are not issued a medical certificate for driving a car. The diagnosis is established by an ophthalmologist based on the patient's complaints and the overall clinical picture, the data of electroretinography.

Treatment of night blindness

The congenital form of the disease is not completely cured, but taking certain vitamins with little, but improves the night vision of a person. With the essential form of the etiology of the disease, high-calorie nutrition, products with vitamin A( spinach, carrots, cheese, egg yolk, cod liver, milk, butter), polyvitamin A( cherry, tomatoes, green peas, lettuce, carrots, blueberries, blackberries,gooseberries, peaches, apricots, black currants) and riboflavin.

The lack of vitamins in a night blindness is compensated, night and twilight vision is restored. If the disease has appeared due to eye diseases, the treatment of night blindness is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Well improves twilight and night vision drugs-adaptogens - Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, zamanicha, eleutherococcus.

Folk Remedies for Chicken Blindness

In the old days, with "chicken blindness", two glasses of tar were poured into a bowl and forced the patient to continuously look at this tar in a bowl for three minutes.

The procedure was repeated every three hours, at night allowed to drink a tablespoon of fish oil.

Traditional medicine in this disease recommends:

  1. do not remove sunglasses within a month;
  2. blueberries in any form improves night vision;
  3. the petals of red roses brew and drink like tea for a long time.


Congenital "night blindness"( hemeralopia) does not respond to treatment. With symptomatic hemorrhagia, the underlying disease is treated. With primary hemorrhagia, vitamin A administration is indicated: adults - 50-100 thousand ME per day, children - 1-5 thousand ME per day;simultaneously prescribe riboflavin( up to 0,02 g per day).Prevention of primary hemostalopia is a sufficient intake of vitamin A.

Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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