Breathing with physical exercises: how right

Today, we will talk about how to learn how to breathe properly for a beginner when practicing sports, physical exercises. It is necessary to know the special breathing techniques, so that with each breath it is possible to enrich the body with oxygen necessary for functioning.

For a person who decides to engage in sports, the skill of conscious right breathing should be worked out first. This foundation will help to achieve a better result, greatly simplify the training, after the classes will not hurt the muscles and ligaments.


Proper breathing during warm-up

Normal morning gymnastics consists of simple exercises that do not require special physical exercises. But here you need to monitor the correct breathing.

The main rule - to monitor the coordination of the performed movements and phases of breathing. Exhale should be at maximum muscle tension, and inhaled - during the period of relaxation.

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Example of squatting with a barbell: going down, you need to inhale. Rising, on the active tension of the body and in motion, we make a power exhalation!

Remember that breathing is so necessary with every approach. In another case, you will quickly get tired, because the lungs will be oversaturated by oxygen, often without uncontrolled air entrainment, without effective removal of carbon dioxide.

Type of respiration

Very important is also the form of respiration. The superficial, affecting only the upper part of the trunk, is ineffective. But when you breathe, connecting the abdominal muscles( inhalation - the belly is drawn out, the exhalation is drawn in), the body and muscles will begin to work at full capacity.

When you are sure that breathe properly, check yourself: lay one hand on the chest, the second on your stomach. We inhale as usual. Watch what hand was higher. If the one that lies on your stomach - then you are doing everything right. Otherwise, learn the abdominal( lower diaphragmatic) breathing.

Correct breathing during the main stage of sports activities

The basic approach to the correct breathing technique remains the same. True, depending on the sport, there are several nuances, the exact observance of which inevitably leads to effective results.


If we do continuous movements for a long time, the body experiences stresses. We must help him, including the help of proper breathing.

Clearly monitor each breath and exhalation, correlate them with motor activity. During normal running it is good to perform a complex of the breath-exhalation for every 4 steps. Although it is possible to reduce this order to two steps.

For anyone, listen to yourself, adjust your breathing so that you feel comfortable when you run.

These recommendations do not apply to short distance races, during which the motor activity increases many times, and the lungs simply can not get enough oxygen. But at the end of the race, the body compensates for the energy costs for its implementation.

Strength Exercises

If you have recently started to practice power training, it is advisable to exhale during each approach with the sound of "Fu-u-x".Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous - the sound can be made quite quietly, the main emphasis, making on the correctness of the air out of the lungs.

Hold your breath, especially when dealing with shells for weightlifting, is strongly discouraged. This leads to a sharp shortage of oxygen and can even cause a syncope.

There are exercises that involve the simultaneous relaxation of muscle tension in different parts of the body. In this case, too, one must exhale only during the tension phase, to another part of the body, which at this time is relaxed, without paying attention.


Overcoming the resistance of water, muscles are tensed stronger than if you are doing exercises on land. But it is necessary to accustom yourself to breathe, as it should be and any difficulties on the way of water space development will become less.

The main rule during swimming is to take a short breath through the mouth, and exhale slowly through the nose. This is due to the fact that you need to get rid of water that has got into the nasal passages.

Newbie swimmers need to perform the following exercise.

Take a deep breath, holding your breath, and fall completely under water for 10-15 seconds. Then rise and exhale. So you need to train gradually until the number of dives reaches 20 times. This is very helpful in preparing for the swim.

I hope this article helped you figure out how to breathe properly with physical exercises and with sports.

Author of the original article Vladimir Manerov. Source: website article https: // kak-pravilno-dyishat-pri-fizicheskih-uprazhneniyah /