Syrup from licorice root: instruction for children, adults and pregnant women

Licorice is characterized by a wide range of substances that can benefit the human body.

The variety of the chemical composition of the plant is surprising: the roots and rhizomes of licorice contain glycyrrhizin - formed by saponins. This substance is in the form of a mixture of potassium and calcium salts in tribasic glycyrrhizic acid.

The plant contains flavonoids - a total of 27, ascorbic acid, steroids, estriol, a small amount of gum, essential oil, resin and asparagine is present in the composition.

Useful properties
  • Syrup of licorice
    • Recipe for cooking at home
  • Instruction for children
  • Healing power
  • Cough remedy
  • Important advice

  • Thanks to flavonoids, the human body licorice has a positive effect of various directions - like antispasmodics, wound healing andas a remedy for inflammation.

    Licorice is used to produce products that are known for their expectorant and emollient action, sometimes they are used as a counter-toxic preparation.

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    The therapeutic effect on the body is possible due to the high content of licorice roots:

    • carbohydrates,
    • fructose,
    • glucose,
    • starch and cellulose,
    • organic acids;fumaric, apple, lemon, amber.

    Useful properties

    Official medicine recognized licorice as a medicine, on the basis of which drugs are created to address a number of problems in human health.

    Properties characteristic for licorice:

    • versatile biological activity,
    • similarity of anti-inflammatory action with cortisone.

    And you know about the benefits and harm of palm oil for health? The analysis of properties is written in a useful article.

    About useful properties and contraindications of the vernal is written on this page.

    Glycyrrhizinic and glycyrrhetic acids have provided the possibility of using licorice in diseases with the example of Addison's disease and diseases in the form of metabolic disorders.

    The substances formed from glycyrrhizic acid affect the course of inflammatory processes, similar to the preparation "Butadionu".

    Thanks to this, the process of cyclic changes in the endometrium is reduced. Among the pharmacological properties, the most important is the stimulating effect of glycyrrhizic acid.

    This action provides a quick recovery and recovery after peptic ulcer disease( folk recipes for treatment written here) and duodenum.

    The sweet taste of licorice attaches to the same substance, thanks to the effect, it is used as a food sweetener for those suffering from any forms of diabetes mellitus.

    Glycyrrhizic acid, which is found in licorice, allows the use of the plant in the treatment of poisoning, infectious diseases, various manifestations of poisoning.

    This product has an excellent detoxification property that minimizes the toxic effect of alcohol( how to provide first aid at home read in this article) and chemicals.

    Syrup of licorice

    The syrup of this plant is given the same therapeutic effect as the root.

    The syrup has the effect of antispasmodic and inflammatory remedy, it increases the healing speed of ulcers and shows resistance in the fight against staphylococci.

    For children, a syrup made from licorice root will only benefit. To your liking, this liquid is sweet, that the child will like.

    Accept her kids with pleasure.

    Recipe home

    must take:

    • 4 g of dry extract of licorice root thick consistency,
    • mixed with sugar syrup( 80 g),
    • infuse means 10 g of alcohol.

    The storage conditions for the product are the same as for a number of popular pharmaceutical products:

    • syrup should be stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed bottle.

    Apply syrup for coughing, varying severity of colds, hyperacid gastritis, tracheitis, as well as peptic ulcer.

    And what do you know about the symptoms and treatment of the lumbar spine? The recommendations of traditional medicine, how to avoid surgery read in the current article

    About the healing properties of hop cones, the properties of cones of hops are written.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /sustavy/ siren.html written about the treatment of arthrosis with lilac.

    Dosage of the syrup :

    • 5-10 ml of the syrup is mixed with 200 ml of water( allowed and tea) 2-3 times a day immediately after eating.

    Instruction for children

    In the field of pediatrics, licorice is prescribed as an expectorant syrup, which can be drunk with a dry and moist cough( dry treatment at home).The presence of some gastrointestinal diseases in the child can cause the doctor to prescribe licorice root.

    If we talk about the useful properties of the syrup, they are due to the composition of licorice, or rather, its rhizomes:

    • relieve inflammation,
    • relieves pain,
    • destroys microbes.

    Drug in the form of licorice syrup is a natural product that stimulates the excretion and excretion of phlegm, heals the gastric mucosa and increases immunity.

    The duration of treatment with syrup is determined by the doctor, but it does not exceed 10 days.

    In exceptional cases, the attending doctor decides to extend the medication.

    Sometimes, during the treatment with syrup, there are cases of side effects, may appear:

    • rash,
    • puffiness,
    • itching,
    • diarrhea,
    • inflammation of the skin( medicinal properties and contraindications to herbaceous alternatives).

    If such cases are fixed, then treatment is discontinued.

    Healing power

    Under the influence of licorice root, water-salt exchange is regulated.

    In this part of the plant is an adaptogen - a substance that increases the body's resistance to such a phenomenon as a lack of oxygen.

    Its positive effect on the hormonal system is noted.

    Researches conducted by doctors revealed high activity of licorice estrogen. Saponins forming a foam, strengthen the secretory function of the epithelium of respiratory organs.

    Sputum is diluted, breathing is facilitated, and as a result, colds are more easily tolerated.

    Among the properties of licorice, known - antipyretic and antiviral. The influence of bioflavonoids is felt by the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, including the bile ducts and intestines, the secretion of gastric juice is muffled.

    Thanks to flavonoid compounds, the vessels are strengthened, their permeability is normalized.

    Another property of glycyrrhetinic acid - the presence of sodium salt in the composition, has a suppressive effect on the viability of worms.

    The ancient postulates of the eastern healers testify that licorice has been used since time immemorial, many recipes for its preparation have been found.

    Both in the deep past, and in the present - this plant is used in ARVI, lung diseases, as well as upper respiratory tract.

    Popular use of the root as a medicinal collection aimed at treating acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.

    This is due to the highly effective treatment, the proven practice of more than one century.

    Means based on licorice, will benefit in the treatment of lupus erythematosus.

    Will help in the treatment of chronic skin diseases, allergies, less known pemphigus, eczema, neurodermatitis and allergic dermatitis.

    In order to treat skin, licorice as an infusion is used externally. Disease - the pathology of the kidneys also allows the use of the root of the plant.

    Treatment will bring a tangible effect if used in conjunction with other herbs - birch, sporish( therapeutic properties and contraindications), horsetail( useful properties are written on this page).

    The licorice root is prescribed in the following diseases: pyelonephritis, inflammation of the bladder, urolithiasis and as a prophylaxis for a number of other diseases.

    Helps decoction of this part of the plant with:

    • chronic fatigue,
    • rapid fatigue,
    • recovery of nerve cell productivity,
    • insomnia.

    Benefits of decoction of plant roots, if you prepare a medicine on milk, is proven in the treatment of whooping cough. If there are:

    • dry throat,
    • laryngitis( see pictures of symptoms and treatment in children),
    • pharyngitis,

    - then the licorice root is prescribed not as a syrup, but as a chewing gum.

    Another property of the licorice root is the protection, correction and restoration of weakened, impaired liver functions.

    In studies of doctors recorded cases of miraculous action of licorice root against cirrhosis and liver cancer.

    The decrease in the concentration of enzymes-transaminases( when there is an elevated level of these substances in the blood, it indicates damage to the body) is proved.

    In the treatment of childhood diseases licorice root is used in the form of a decoction, which is prescribed either 1 teaspoonful or 1 dessert spoon. Here everything depends on the child's age.

    Use the product you need half an hour before eating. Means to drink in a warm form, the number of receptions affects how great the severity of the disease.

    Cough remedy

    The appearance of a cough indicates a catarrhal disease, in which the bronchi need to get rid of phlegm.

    The embarrassing separation of phlegm leads to resort to licorice, which favorably affects the reduction of the inflammatory process.

    Licorice root reveals the defenses of the body, dry cough relaxes, recovery comes.

    Important advice

    We have offered you several options for using licorice for the treatment of colds and other diseases.

    But keep in mind, before proceeding to self-medication, be sure to consult a treating or district doctor. This is an indisputable rule that guarantees full recovery.

    It is strongly recommended to watch the proposed video of the program "Live healthy!", Dedicated to the dangers of abuse of licorice syrup for the human body.