Analyzes for rotavirus infection

Contents of
  • When should I perform diagnostics?
  • Types of research
  • Methods for examination of faeces for the presence of intestinal infection
  • Recommendations of doctors
  • Video on topic

Rotavirus( intestinal) infection is one of the most common, especially among children. To correctly choose the treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the strain of the pathogen. This can be done in the laboratory, by submitting an analysis for rotavirus infection. What kinds of research are conducted, we learn in this article.

When should I perform diagnostics?

Susceptibility to infection is very high, after the transferred disease is formed unstable immunity and does not give full protection against other viruses of different groups. Viral infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy fecal-oral route.

In addition, other methods of infection are possible: contact-household( through public objects), water( through dirty water, intended for drinking), alimentary( food).The clinical picture of intestinal infection is similar to many gastrointestinal diseases. How to determine the presence of rotavirus?

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For the following symptoms,

  • should be consulted as soon as possible:
    • nausea and multiple vomiting;
    • increased body temperature;
    • soreness and rumbling in the abdomen;
    • disorder of stools( diarrhea);
    • pallor of the skin;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes( symptom of dehydration);
    • muscle weakness, headache, lethargy;
    • can sometimes present symptoms of SARS( runny nose, sore throat, loss of strength).
    Rotavirus infection can occur at any age. Especially susceptible to her children under 5 years.

    Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and fever are the first signs of an intestinal infection

    Types of research

    If the first signs of the disease have appeared, it is necessary to immediately call a specialist. He will give a direction on which it is necessary to take an analysis for intestinal infection.

    The result will be available the next day after the material is handed over to the laboratory. Diagnosis of rotavirus infection includes the study of biological material: feces, urine, saliva and vomit.

    Fecal analysis

    Fecal analysis for rotavirus infection is the main type of study for diagnosis. The main rule of collecting the material is the absence of contact with the toilet, pot or diaper of the child, it is not allowed to stool after using the enema or after the introduction of rectal suppositories. If these rules are not followed, the results can be greatly distorted.

    Smear on intestinal group

    A clean container contains at least 3-5 g of faeces and is tightly closed with a lid. It is acceptable to store the container in a cool place for no more than 12 hours. If antigens of rotavirus VP6, which belong to group A, were found, the result will be positive and the doctor will diagnose rotavirus infection.

    In their absence - negative. For accurate diagnosis, the PCR or ELISA method is used. In case the result is doubtful or false positive, the patient must pass the feces again.

    Blood test

    If rotavirus is present in the body, the blood changes a little: there is a rise in leukocytes, which is quickly replaced by their fall, lymphocytes and monocytes. ESR is usually within normal limits, although there are exceptions.

    After obtaining the data, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Manipulation for blood sampling is performed by a medical worker under sterile conditions, applying aseptic rules.


    Urine can be observed to increase the white blood cells in it, the appearance of red blood cells, protein and even cylinders. The main rule of collecting the material is proper hygiene of the genital tract before the procedure, as well as a clean sterile container with a tight twisting lid.

    Rotavirus urine test is a diagnostic method that indirectly confirms the diagnosis of
    Important! The best time to take biological material is the first 3 days. Then the concentration of the virus in the body decreases significantly, which can affect the results of the tests.

    Methods of stool examination for the presence of intestinal infection

    The main task of laboratory technicians is to identify one or another causative agent in a biological fluid. To find the causative agent of intestinal infection, physicians use several methods:

    • Latex agglutination reaction( RAL) .The reaction to the antigen-antibody is concluded. For this, a special antigen is selected, which is sensitive to erythrocytes and particles of latex. When they interact, a complex is formed that precipitates and indicates the presence of an intestinal infection.
    • Immunoenzyme analysis( ELISA) .The principle is to bind the cells of immunity with the antigens of pathogens of the disease. Using a special enzyme, the resulting complex is determined.
    • The polymerase chain reaction( PCR) of is the repeated copying of DNA, RNA fragments by means of specific enzymes. After treatment, the doctor compares the results to the database and identifies the pathogen.
    • Immuno-Electron Microscopy( IEM) allows to identify the pathogen that multiplies in the cell culture, and there are no other test systems for it. The method is based on the interaction of antibodies with viruses when mixing materials containing these viruses with a special serum.

    To detect the presence of rotavirus at home, you can use Pharmasco CITO TEST ROTA.These are test cassettes that help diagnose the presence of infection within a few minutes. But it is worth noting that the tester can show a false result. Buy it can be in the pharmacy without a specialist's recipe and according to the instructions to conduct testing at home.

    Test cassette for detecting intestinal infection at home

    Recommendations of

    physicians To prevent the penetration of rotavirus into the body, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

    • wash hands after visiting the streets, public places, before eating;
    • use personal hygiene products( everyone has their own toothbrushes, towels, etc.);
    • it is desirable to drink raw and boiled water;
    • thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating;
    • frequent room ventilation, wet daily cleaning.

    Rotavirus can be infected not only when a person is sick in the acute phase, but also for a long time after, since the virus is stable in the external sphere. Especially dangerous are those people who have a disease that is asymptomatic, but they are a serious threat because of the active isolation of the pathogen into the environment.

    There are other ways of preventing: vaccination. A live vaccine was developed, after the administration of which a stable immunity is formed. Only in 30 countries it is only part of the mandatory vaccinations, but it is used in 70 countries. Thanks to vaccination, it was possible to reduce the incidence of rotavirus by almost 80%.

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