Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction at home: exercise, diet, medication

The infarction occurs when the thrombus of the coronary arteries is blocked and leads to the fact that some parts of the heart remain without oxygen. If medical care has not been provided on time, the cells die, in their place the scars form and the heart stops performing its functions.

People who have had a heart attack require a long and qualified rehabilitation aimed at restoring their vital activity and preventing relapses that occur in 20-40% of cases.

Contents of

  • 1 Stages of recovery of patients with
  • 2 disease First recommendations
  • 3 Nutrition rules
  • 4 Physical activities and sexual life
  • 5 Habits
  • 6 Medical and medical supervision
  • 7 Psychological assistance for this problem
  • 8 Whether a disability is required or can be returned to work
  • 9 Additional advice
  • 10 Relapse prevention measures

Stages of recovery of patients after

. Rehabilitation after a heart attack includes a number of activities, the task of whichIt is in preventing repeated seizures, eliminating complications and returning the patient to a normal life.

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The main directions of the recovery process are:

  • normalization of physical activity;
  • drug therapy;
  • diet;
  • psychological help.

The choice of rehabilitation tactics is based on the individual condition of the patient, as well as his age and the reasons that led to the development of a heart attack.

If the disease did not cause serious complications, rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction can be successfully carried out at home.

In severe condition of the patient , when he has such complications as arrhythmia or heart failure, rehabilitation at first time should be carried out in a specialized medical institution, with further transfer to home recovery and compliance with the nursing process for myocardial infarction.

First recommendations

Physiotherapy is the most important stage of the recovery of physical activity after a heart attack. The time of onset of exercise is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the degree of myocardial damage and the patient's condition.

With the average severity of the pathology, gymnastics is already started on day 2-3 of the , with severe it is usually necessary to wait a week. The basic principles of restoring the patient's physical activity are as follows:

  • the first few days require a strict bed rest;
  • for 4-5 days, the patient is allowed to sit in a sitting position with legs hanging from the bed;
  • on day 7, in a favorable situation, the patient can begin to move near the bed;
  • in 2 weeks it will be possible to make short walks in the ward;
  • from 3 weeks after the attack is usually allowed to go out into the corridor, and also to descend the stairs under the supervision of the instructor.
The distance that the patient overcomes should increase every day.

After increasing the load, the doctor necessarily measures the pressure and pulse of the patient .If the indicators differ from the norm, the load will need to be reduced. If the recovery is favorable, the patient can be sent to the cardiological rehabilitation center( sanatorium), where he will continue his recovery under the supervision of professionals.

Power rules

In the process of rehabilitation great importance is attached to the proper nutrition of the patient .Diets can be different, but they all have general principles:

  • reduced calorie content of food;
  • restriction of fatty, floury and sweet foods;
  • rejection of sharp and spicy dishes;
  • minimum consumption of salt - no more than 5 grams per day;
  • the amount of liquid consumed should be about 1.5 liters daily;
  • food should be frequent, but in small portions.

What should be food after a heart attack? In the diet it is necessary to include products containing fiber, vitamins C and P, polyunsaturated fatty acids, potassium .The following products are allowed:

  • low-fat meat;
  • fruits and vegetables, except spinach, mushrooms, legumes, sorrel, radish;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetable soups;
  • compotes and juices without sugar, weakly brewed tea;
  • bran and rye bread, cereals;
  • low-fat fish;
  • dairy products without fat;
  • scrambled eggs.

It will be required to abandon:

  • of fatty meat;
  • natural coffee;
  • fresh bread, any muffin;
  • eggs in fried or cooked form;
  • marinades, pickles, canned goods;
  • cakes, chocolate, cakes and other sweets.

Which other products should be discarded in case of a diet after myocardial infarction, see the video:

Food should be cooked or steamed, occasionally it is allowed to take baked dishes. Cooking should be done without adding salt.

In the first week of rehabilitation, it is advisable to eat only fried food 6 times a day.

With a 2 week , the frequency of meals is reduced, while the food should be shredded.

In a month, will be able to take regular food, strictly controlling its caloric value. The daily norm should not exceed 2300 kcal. With excess weight, caloric content will need to be reduced slightly.

Physical activity and sexual life

Return to physical activity begins in the hospital .After stabilization, the patient is allowed to perform small physical exercises, first passive( just sit in bed), then more active.

Restoration of the simplest motor skills should occur for the first few weeks of after an attack.

From 6 weeks of , patients are usually prescribed exercise therapy, cycling, walking, climbing stairs, light jogging, swimming. The load must be increased very carefully.

Physiotherapy is very important in rehabilitation after a heart attack. Thanks to special exercises, can improve blood circulation and restore the heart function of .

LFK appointed only with a satisfactory state of the patient and a favorable course of the recovery period.

Useful video with exercise complex exercise therapy for gymnastics patients after myocardial infarction at home:

People who have had a heart attack, to do household chores can depending on the functional class of the disease. Patients of the third class are allowed to wash dishes, wipe the dust, second class - perform small household chores, while it is forbidden to do sawing, work with a drill, wash clothes by hand. For patients in the first class, the possibilities are almost unlimited. It is only necessary to avoid working in an uncomfortable position of the body.

Sexual life of patients can begin in a month and a half after an attack. The possibility of sexual contacts will be evidenced by the maintenance of a normal pulse and pressure even when climbing to the 2nd floor.

Basic recommendations for sexual intercourse:

  • nearby should always be prepared nitroglycerin tablets;
  • to have sex is recommended only with a trusted partner;
  • the room temperature should not be too high;
  • poses need to choose those that will not cause excessive physical exertion - for example, postures are not recommended in an upright position;
  • do not consume alcohol, fatty foods and energy drinks before intercourse, do not take hot baths.

Use the means to increase the potency you need with extreme caution .Many of them negatively affect the work of the heart.

If such a drug caused an attack of angina, it is strictly forbidden to swallow nitroglycerin - the combined effect of these drugs usually sharply reduces pressure and often leads to death.

Learn more about sex after a heart attack from video:

Habits of

Smokers are much more likely to suffer from various heart conditions. Smoking causes spasms of the heart vessels, as well as oxygen starvation of the heart muscle. During the rehabilitation period after the heart attack, it is necessary to completely stop the smoking , and for the prevention of relapse it will be necessary to make every effort to give up this pernicious habit forever.

With the issue of alcohol consumption, everything is not so cardinally, but it will still be necessary to observe moderation. In the rehabilitation period, alcohol should be discarded altogether, and further adhere to the strict dosage of .The maximum allowed dose of pure alcohol per day is: to men - 30 ml, to women - 20 ml.

Medical and medical control

Drug treatment plays a leading role in the prevention of possible relapses. In the postinfarction period, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Blood viscosity reducers: Plavix, Aspirin, Ticlid.
  • Means for the treatment of arrhythmia, angina, hypertension( depending on which disease led to the development of a heart attack): beta-adrenoblockers, nitrates, calcium antagonists, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
  • Means for the prevention of atherosclerosis: fibrates, statins, bile acid sequesters, nicotinic acid.
  • Preparations for improving metabolic processes in tissues: Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Mildronate, Pyracetam.
  • Antioxidants: Riboxin, Vitamin E.

In addition, annual monthly courses of multivitamin complexes , which can strengthen the body and prevent the harmful effects of external factors on the state of the cardiovascular system, can be prescribed.

Psychological help for this problem

A person who has suffered a heart attack is often prone to depressive states of .His fears are justified - after all, an attack can happen again. Therefore, in the post-infarction period of psychological rehabilitation a special place is assigned.

The main tasks of psychotherapy are the prevention of neuroses, the normalization of the mental state, the elimination of phobias and sleep problems.

To eliminate fears in the patient, provides training in relaxation techniques, motivation for the work of .

The psychologist usually works with the relatives of the patient .Often after a heart attack, they begin to consider the patient as an invalid, surround him with excessive care and try to limit his physical activity - this attitude has a bad effect on the patient's psychological condition and makes it difficult for him to return to a full life.

Whether a disability is required or it is possible to return to work

The patient's performance is determined by several parameters:

  • electrocardiography;
  • results of clinical examination;
  • laboratory test data;
  • bicycle ergometric data.
Persons with disabilities who experience daily angina attacks that can not be treated, and congestive heart failure are recognized as disabled.

Restoration of working capacity depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. A special commission decides on the possibility of carrying out a particular activity.

After heart attack, it is forbidden to engage in the following professional activities of : driving vehicles, heavy physical work, daily and night duty, as well as work that requires special attention and associated with psychoemotional stress.

Additional advice

To prevent recurrence of a heart attack, a patient should avoid nervous and physical exertion of .The first days he must comply with bed rest. If the prone position is observed shortness of breath, it is better to be in a raised state.

Physical therapy is prohibited for with severe arrhythmia, high body temperature, low blood pressure and heart failure.

If a patient has renal failure or severe heart failure, intracranial hematomas and increased bleeding , some drugs may be contraindicated to him by the - for example, Mannitol. A number of diagnostic examinations can negatively affect the patient's condition. For example, coronary angiography is performed only before surgical treatment.

Prevention of recurrences

Prevention of repeated attacks of a heart attack involves a set of measures that contribute to strengthening the body and reduce the negative impact of pathologies that led to the development of the disease. Compliance with the following recommendations will help prevent relapse:

  • quitting;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • to reduce the amount of harmful and fatty foods and sweets in the diet;
  • drink less strong coffee;
  • to avoid stress.
Most people who have had a heart attack receive lifetime medication to reduce blood viscosity.

It is recommended to walk more often outdoors, not to overeat, to engage in gentle sports , which will promote the training of the heart muscle, and also strengthen the nervous system.

Program for the rehabilitation of patients in the inpatient and home settings and life after myocardial infarction in two parts:

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