The tooth hurts: what to do at home

Our today's meeting is dedicated to what to do if sore the tooth of at home with folk remedies, how quickly to remove a toothache, what to anesthetize and what will help to return carefree comfort.

Just want to say that do not hurt your teeth, you need constant hygienic care for them, the oral cavity, timely need to treat caries in the dental office and put seals on the damaged dental tissue.

I understand that there is no time for many to be treated at the dentist, and not everyone has the means for treatment, but the main thing that makes delaying the visit to the doctor is fear, nervousness, restless expectation of painful intervention on the part of the doctor.

I have nothing to calm you down, the only thing that I ascertain, the further the visit to the dentist is postponed, the more worsened the problems with the aching teeth, the more soreness will be in the treatment of teeth and more expensive the treatment. Do not be afraid! Go to the dentist! Anyway, visits to it can not be avoided!

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What to do and how to remove a toothache at home

There are folk remedies that will help anesthetize at home, when the tooth hurts: what to drink than rinse.

Periwinkle small .Decoction( a tablespoon of leaves pour a glass of water and boil until 30 minutes) rinse your mouth with toothache.

Airy swamp. Tincture from the root( 1 tablespoon chopped root per 200 ml vodka, insist 14 days) is used in folk medicine to relieve toothache. Use as a rinse.

With a strong toothache, you can put a piece of raw beet on a sick tooth.

With persistent toothaches , Bulgarian phyto-therapeutists advise rinsing the mouth of with mustard extract .

Put leaves of valerian or of sorrel between the aching tooth and cheek, the leaves can also be chewed. This calms the toothache.

Unripe poppy seed with white seeds inside ( the drug is prohibited due to the prevalence of addiction).Make a decoction on the milk and apply a cotton wool soaked in this broth to the aching tooth. You can rinse your mouth with this decoction.

Turpentine , made from Siberian larch resin, is used for toothache in the form of a compress on the cheek. Verbena drug .Decoction of verbena( two tablespoons of chopped cuttings pour 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes) rinse your mouth with toothache.

Chicory root .1 tablespoon chopped root on a glass of acidified boiling water. Boil 5 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Rinse your throat with toothache.

With a toothache, you can rinse your mouth with a warm infusion or decoction of sage, yarrow, a Moldavian snake, broth of goose grass goose ( 1 tablespoon raw material for 300 ml boiling water).

Put a piece of incense or into the hollow of a sick tooth a piece of incense ( it is not recommended to hold it for a long time, as these substances contribute to the destruction of the tooth).

25% carbolic solution , laid with cotton wool in a hollow, removes toothache.

Infusion of herbal balm rinse the teeth with severe pain( 4 tablespoons per 2 cups hot water).Insist 4 hours.

Old healers with flux and gum abscesses used the following technique: poured a small amount of lime honey on the bottom of the vessel, took an old, rusty nail, heated it red-hot and put it in honey. A small area of ​​dark matter formed around the nail. This substance was lubricated with the gum or abscess around the aching tooth. The abscess usually quickly erupted, the tumor subsided.

Infusion herb thyme creeping ( Bogorodskaya grass) use for rinsing a sick tooth and with abscess gums( 2 tablespoons herb per cup of boiling water).

Decoction of herb hyssop medicinal ( 30 g grass to 300 ml water) with the addition of a few drops of vinegar is used to rinse the mouth with a sick tooth.

Traditional medicine can reduce or reduce pain, but you can cure a sick tooth only in the chair of the dentist.

Do you often have a toothache? If the answer to this question is yes, then you urgently need to see a doctor, but while you are going to, I will tell you how to muffle a toothache or remove discomfort. Let me remind you that these are folk methods of not dental treatment, but only pain reduction.

How to quickly get rid of toothache, what to do if the tooth hurts?

How to quickly get rid of toothache: pills, drugs, medicines.

Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.