Fibrinogen is higher or lower than normal - what does it mean and what does it lead to?

A fibrinogen is a protein that contains blood plasma. The substance is present in the platelets, promoting their gluing. Its concentration is one of the most important indicators of hemostasis( blood coagulation system).

Protein was discovered by scientists first, and was named the first factor of blood folding. Fibrinogen is synthesized in the liver, transformed into insoluble fibrin, which is the basis of the clot, forms a thrombus at the end of the process.

The protein content must be checked before surgery, during prenatal examination, in cardiovascular pathologies and inflammatory processes.


  • 1 Substance functions
  • 2 Normal blood level in women, men and children
  • 3 Increased indicator: causes and consequences
  • 4 Why can it be lowered and how does
  • 5 ? Other diagnostic tests for
  • 6 How to prepare for analysis of


? In the body, fibrinogen performs the followingfunction:

  • is involved in the formation of a fibrin clot, which is important for stopping bleeding;
  • instagram viewer
  • affects the speed with which wounds heal;
  • regulates the process of fibrinolysis - the stage of hemostasis, in which blood clots and thrombi dissolve under the influence of plasmin;
  • is involved in the formation of new vessels( angiogenesis), cellular interaction;
  • affects blood and arterial walls if inflammation in the body starts.

Normal blood level in women, men and children

The fibrinogen norm depends on age:

  • for men - 2-4 g / l;
  • for women - 2-4 g / l;
  • for newborns - 1,3-3 g / l;
  • in childhood in boys and girls - 1,25-4 g / l.
In the period of gestation the child reaches 7 g / l, as the body prepares for delivery, which may be associated with bleeding. The risk of bleeding increases if the protein concentration is below 2 g / l.

In a healthy person, fibrinogen is not determinative in assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease. But deviation from the normal value of 1 g / l is an occasion for medical examination, especially for people over 50 years old: then a favorable ground for the development of dangerous pathologies is created.

The concentration of fibrinogen is determined by examining the coagulogram - the coagulability indices. Separately, the protein content is determined by in the biochemical blood test .Fibrinogen is one of the factors of "rheumatic tests".

Increased indicator: causes and effects of

This protein is an independent risk factor for cardiac and vascular pathologies. An increased level of fibrinogen in the blood, regardless of the cause, is associated with the risk of formation of a thrombus .

An increase in the concentration of fibrinogen indicates an increase in the function of blood clotting and a violation of the thrombus formation process. This increases the likelihood of occurrence of such cardiovascular pathologies as a stroke, heart attack, especially in combination with high blood pressure.

Especially often this dependence is observed in young and middle age. High rates may indicate the development of atherosclerosis.

Medical studies have revealed that in case of death due to heart attack and stroke, the protein level was higher than with corrected crises and heart attacks. In this case, was observed to have a large correlation with the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood plasma of , than with other indices, including cholesterol in the blood.

Changes in the blood formula are associated with diseases of peripheral vessels - obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, diabetic angiopathy, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency.

The relationship between the likelihood of recurrent myocardial infarction or stroke and the level of fibrinogen, , is also established if the index is well above the norm - about 7.5 g / l of , which means that the level needs to be monitored after the initial attack.

When observing the factor:

  • can identify early risk groups for taking preventive measures to prevent the development of dangerous heart and vascular ailments;
  • determine the severity of the pathology, prognosis;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

Also for high levels of fibrinogen in the blood can be suspected:

  • inflammation of internal organs in viral, bacterial infection, autoimmune diseases;
  • tumor;
  • hypothyroidism( deficiency of thyroid function);
  • amyloidosis;
  • pulmonary diseases - pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • dying( necrosis) of tissues( including the heart);
  • injury.

An increase in the level of fibrinogen in the blood coagulogram can show and for other reasons:

  • when menstruating;
  • after the surgery;
  • from taking hormonal drugs with estrogen( female sex hormone);
  • at low ambient temperatures.
In the inflammatory processes, menstruation and pregnancy treatment is not prescribed - the indicator stabilizes independently during the normalization of the condition.

Concentration of protein above 7 g / L in future mothers has severe consequences - early spontaneous abortion, underdevelopment, premature exfoliation of the placenta, gestosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, including pulmonary arteries.

Why can it be lowered and how is the

threatened? Now let's look at what this means if the fibrinogen in the blood is below normal, and what causes the low rates.

The condition with fibrinogen-deprived plasma is called afibrinogenemia, and its insufficiency is fibrinogenopenia or hypofibrinogenemia. Such states of are congenital or acquired .

In the absence of protein, blood clotting does not occur, and if it is deficient, the clot turns loose, crumbling.

The decrease in the level of fibrinogen is associated with a dangerous violation of hematopoiesis - by the DIC-( disseminated intravascular coagulation), or thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, which can end fatal. DIC-syndrome is observed in severe poisoning, acute infections, malignant tumors.

The following conditions lead to decrease in fibrinogen in the blood:

  • hepatic pathologies with impaired organ function - cirrhosis, hepatitis, when the development of the substance is disrupted;
  • deficiency of vitamins B12 and C;
  • toxemia during pregnancy;
  • infiltration of amniotic fluid into the bloodstream during a caesarean section;
  • blood diseases - polycythemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia;
  • reception of anabolic hormones( androgen-containing);
  • venom of snakes, which, getting into the body, disrupts the liver and kidneys.

Increase the production of fibrinogen certain food products - bananas, potatoes, walnuts, spinach, cereals, cabbage. It is also useful to use infusions and herbal medicinal herbs - nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow.

But the diet and phytopreparations are prescribed only by a doctor according to the results of laboratory tests.

Other diagnostic tests for

Other related indicators are evaluated for diagnosis.

Indicator name Increase Decrease
Fibrinolytic activity of plasma( time for complete dissolution of the clot) Thrombosis;

hemorrhagic vasculitis;

aplastic hematopoiesis process



surgical intervention;

postpartum complications;

shock, stress;



physical activity

Fibrinase( involved in clot formation) hepatitis, cirrhosis;

Lucky-Laurent disease;

cancer with the spread of metastases to the liver;

radiation sickness;


myeloid leukemia;

Surgical Interventions

Significant plasma-transfusion
Retraction of the blood clot - separation of serum from the clot anemia;



increase in hematocrit;


verwolf disease;

hemorrhagic cleavage of Frank

Fibrinogen degradation products DIC-Syndrome;



pulmonary embolism;


inadequate kidney function;

is a liver disease;

postoperative period;

application of fibrinolytic drugs.

How to prepare for the analysis of

To obtain reliable results of the venous blood test for fibrinogen, adhere to such rules:

  • is not eaten 8 hours before the blood test;
  • stay calm and avoid physical exertion at least 30 minutes before visiting the manipulation room;
  • do not smoke the previous 30 minutes.
The correct result will help the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and to select adequate therapy.

Self-treatment for abnormal blood tests is prohibited .Preparations, including plant, are selected by a doctor, based on the results of tests and anamnesis. Otherwise, a fatal outcome is possible - both with high and low fibrinogen.

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