Intestinal influenza symptoms

Treatment and symptoms of intestinal (gastric) flu in children and adults

Gastrointestinal flu, intestinal flu is a simplified name for a disease, which in medicine is called gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection, since this disease is not actually a flu. The causative agent of gastroenteritis is various viruses, most often it is the virus of the order Rotavirus, and also astroviruses, caliciviruses, noroviruses and adenoviruses, which, when multiplied, lead to inflammation gastrointestinal tract.

In general, children with this disease are susceptible to this disease, the intestinal flu in children lasts longer and is more severe, as well as older people. Symptoms of gastric flu are pronounced, but at the same time, in adults with a strong immune system rotavirus infection can occur in a latent form, asymptomatic, while an apparently healthy person can be a carrier the pathogen. Usually within a week the acute period of the disease ends and after 5-7 days there is a complete recovery, during this period the patient is still contagious.

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How can you get stomach flu?

The easiest way to avoid getting infected with gastric flu is to wash your hands thoroughly

The virus penetrates the human body through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The incubation period of this disease is from 16 hours to five days. The rate of development and severity of the course of the gastric flu depends on the concentration of the pathogen penetrated into the body and the state of the human immune system.

  • One type of transmission is food. That is, the infection enters the body through unwashed fruits, vegetables, substandard dairy products. Gastrointestinal flu can rightfully be called a "dirty hand disease". Also, infection through not boiled tap water, even with banal bathing, is possible.
  • The second way of infection is airborne. With loud talk, sneezing, coughing, germs from a sick person spread in the air.
  • It is not excluded and contact-household way of transmission of the pathogen, especially in places of mass congestion: in offices, in kindergartens, schools, shops.

The causative agent of gastric flu is very viable, the usual detergents can not destroy it. It is sufficiently resistant to frost and high temperatures, withstands heating to 60 ° C. The intestinal virus is destroyed only by concentrated chlorine-containing disinfectants.

What happens in the body during infection?

With the penetration of rotavirus into the body, half an hour later, it is possible to detect the pathogen in the cells of the small intestine. Due to the attack of the virus, the structure of the intestinal mucosa is disturbed. This, in turn, leads to a disruption in the production of digestive enzymes responsible for the cleavage of complex sugars. Thus, non-split carbohydrates accumulate in the small intestine, this attracts an excessive amount of fluid, causing diarrhea or watery diarrhea.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal influenza

If the child is sick, then a pediatrician's call is needed to determine the possibility of treatment at home or hospitalization in a hospital. As a rule, if vomiting is observed no more than 5 times, and the stool is not more often than 10 times a day, then outpatient treatment is acceptable. About 5 days the incubation period of gastric flu lasts. Symptoms of it are quite acute and violent.

Literally a few hours before the appearance of dyspepsia (gastrointestinal disorder), first there appear a small cough, runny nose, sore throats, which quickly pass. From other infectious diseases, the gastrointestinal tract is distinguished by intestinal flu, the symptoms of which begin not with digestive disorders, but with rapidly passing catarrhal phenomena.
The main signs of gastric flu:

  • Pain in the throat when swallowing, redness in the throat
  • Catarrhal phenomena - a slight runny nose, coughing, sneezing, which quickly pass
  • Liquid stool up to 5-10 times a day, stools abundant, gray-yellow, clayey, with a sharp odor, but without mucus and blood
  • Pain in the abdomen, rumbling
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • High fever or subfebrile
  • Growing Weakness
  • With severe development of gastric flu, dehydration (symptoms) is possible.

Similar symptoms may be accompanied by other diseases, such as cholera, salmonella, food poisoning, therefore, to differentiate the diagnosis, you should immediately consult a physician (see p. also the causes of vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever).

Treatment of gastrointestinal influenza

Specific treatment of rotavirus does not exist yet. The main treatment is aimed at reducing intoxication, normalization of water-salt metabolism, which is disturbed by diarrhea and vomiting. That is, the treatment is mostly symptomatic, aimed at reducing the negative impact of the virus on the body: to prevent dehydration, reduce toxicity, restore the work of urinary and cardiovascular systems, prevent the development of secondary bacterial infection.

  • First of all, rehydration therapy is necessary, for which 1 bag of Regidron is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and drunk during the day every half hour. If desired, this solution for rehydration can be done by yourself - boiled water 700 ml (or a weak chamomile broth) + 300 ml of decoction of dried apricots (carrots or raisins) + 4-8 h. tablespoons sugar + 1 hour. spoon of common salt + 1/2 h. spoons of soda. It is indicated for repeated vomiting and diarrhea, to drink with small sips. Adults, regardless of the severity of the condition after vomiting or stool, drink 200 ml. solution, since fluid loss should be replenished in the first 6 hours. Children with frequent vomiting and diarrhea are shown hospitalization.
  • When it will be possible to take food, it is necessary to strictly observe a sparing diet and to exclude from the diet all milk and dairy products, as they contribute to the rapid multiplication of pathogens in intestines.
  • Also, the patient should take sorbents, such as Activated Carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, STI Filter.
  • With severe diarrhea with fever, doctors usually appoint Furazolidone (70 rubles) Enterofuril (300 caps. 500 suspension) or Enterol, their use helps to stop a prolonged course of diarrhea.
  • And also should take medicines with digestive enzymes - Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim forte. In rare cases, phthalazole can be prescribed, but it can be used no more than 3 days.
  • When the acute phase of the disease passes, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. For this, there are many medicines, such as Linex, Bifiform, Rioflora-immuno, RioFlora-Balance, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Hilak Fort, etc. (cm. a complete list of all probiotics).

A few facts about intestinal flu

Does the flu vaccine help with intestinal flu?

Do not confuse two completely different diseases, two different pathogens. Of course, some signs of ordinary flu resemble symptoms of gastrointestinal flu - headache, manifestations of general intoxication, aches in joints, temperature. However, the usual flu does not cause a strong intestinal disorder and vaccination against it can not protect against infection with rotavirus infections.

Intestinal flu is very contagious

In the warm season, when there is a maximum spread of viral gastroenteritis, hygiene should be carefully observed. Gastric influenza enters the body by the fecal-oral route, that is, from a sick person through infected vomit or feces, when a healthy person is touched with a contaminated surface. Moreover, it is not uncommon for sewage, reservoirs, where the rest are bathed, contaminated food and dishes cooked by an infected person, contribute to the transmission of the causative agent of intestinal flu. Only careful washing of hands before any intake of food is able to protect against the development of gastroenteritis.

The gastrointestinal flu virus is quite hardy in the external environment

The causative agent of intestinal flu (norovirus) can remain alive for several hours on any surfaces in everyday life, even after cleaning, and, to infect a child, even a very small quantity. It is better to wash hands with soap under running water, this is more effective than using other hand products (napkins, spray).

Symptoms of the flu can not appear right away

Such intestinal symptoms as abdominal cramps, diarrhea and vomiting occur only after 1-2 days, after infection in the body, because the virus should reach the gastrointestinal tract and multiply in him. However, such pathogens as salmonellosis, etc., can cause signs of food poisoning after a few hours.

The most serious danger in children and adults is dehydration

Especially it is dangerous for children, as during vomiting and diarrhea there is a loss of fluid, it should be replenished. Moreover, with the liquid the body loses potassium, sodium and other minerals. Therefore, rehydration therapy (rehydron) is indicated. It is best to drink mineral water without gases, green tea, chamomile broth. It is not necessary to use milk, sour-milk products, bread and sweets in an acute period. During the recovery period, you should replenish the supplies of potassium, adding to the diet products such as bananas, rice porridge.

Intestinal flu not treated with antibiotics

Because this intestinal disorder is caused by a virus, antibiotics can not help here, contrary to the beliefs of many. Intestinal flu is treated symptomatically and antibacterial drugs are not indicated.

Intestinal flu - symptoms and treatment

Intestinal flu refers to rotavirus infection, called gastroenteritis. It can be caused by noroviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses. They are most often sick with children, they have a severe course, and it is dangerous during pregnancy and in old age. If a person has a strong immune system, he may not even suspect that he has a rotovirus, infect others, because the symptoms do not manifest. The disease lasts 3-7 days.

Infection with intestinal flu

After the street, you must wash your hands with soap, the virus gets on the mucous membrane of the stomach and begins to actively reproduce there. He lives there from one day to five days. How it will develop, and how difficult it is, depends on the human body and its immunity.

Most often, intestinal flu is transmitted through food if dirty vegetables, fruit, poor-quality other foods are used. You can get infected if you use water from a water pipe. Often people bathe in different water bodies in the summer and get infected with rotavirus.

Intestinal flu can be transmitted by contact method, in public places - kindergarten, school, transport, store. The virus is difficult to destroy, it has resistance even to household chemicals, frost, high temperature. You can get rid of rotavirus with chlorine.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

When rotavirus is in the body, after 30 minutes it is already in the small intestine, first it affects negatively the intestinal mucosa. Then, because of it, there are problems with the development of digestive enzymes.

After a large amount of unsplit carbohydrates has accumulated in the small intestine, diarrhea may appear. When the intestinal flu affects the baby's body, you need not wait for him to call the treating doctor, you may need to hospitalize him in the hospital. When the disease is disturbed by severe vomiting, the chair becomes more frequent.

Before there is a gastrointestinal disturbance, a slight cough is disturbed, a plentiful rhinitis, a sore throat is very sore, it significantly reddens. The child has diarrhea, he goes to the toilet up to 10 times, the bowel movements are plentiful, have a sharp smell, gray-yellow color, mucus and blood in them is not observed.

When intestinal flu hurts and rumbles strongly abdomen, a person weakens. Pay attention, the same symptoms occur with cholera, poisoning, salmonellosis.

Methods for treating gastrointestinal influenza

Until now, there are no special pharmacological drugs with which you can cure the flu. The main thing in the disease as soon as possible to get rid of the body's intoxication, to normalize the water-salt balance, it can be disturbed during vomiting, diarrhea.

A person should not be dehydrated, it is necessary to remove all toxins, normalize the work of the heart, strengthen the vascular walls, prevent the bacterial infection from developing.

When intestinal flu must take Regidron, you need to dissolve it in boiling water (1 liter), and drink every half hour. You can make yourself a decoction, you need a broth of chamomile, raisins, dried apricots, carrots, a little salt, sugar. Small sips should be drunk if severe vomiting, diarrhea is disturbing.

Children need to be hospitalized urgently. Recommended reception sorbents - Enterosgelya, Polysorb, Smektu, Activated carbon. If severe diarrhea is accompanied by high fever, effective treatment with Furazolidone, Enterol, with the help of medications you can get rid of diarrhea.

It is recommended for intestinal flu to use enzymes - Filtrum, Smektu, Polysorb. If you are worried about severe diarrhea, you can prescribe Furazolidone, Enterol, Enterofuril.

Helps digestive enzymes - treatment with Mezim forte, Creon, Pancreatin. Rarely used for the treatment of phthalazole, it can aggravate the disease.

After they stopped the inflammatory process, you need to take care of the intestinal microflora. In this situation it is necessary to take Bifiform, Lineks, Hilak forte.

An effective method of treatment is a solution with honey, with the help of it you can strengthen the body. Help decoctions of fruit, they relieve from inflammation, replenish the body with the necessary vitamins, so the electrolyte balance is normalized. It is recommended to use antiseptic phytoncides for inhalation - effectively using onion, radish, garlic, pine oil, horseradish. Inside medicines are not recommended to use, because the intestine, stomach is inflamed.

Vaccination for intestinal flu

Often the flu is usually confused with the intestinal. Both diseases have common symptoms - the head is very sore, there is an intoxication of the body, the body temperature rises, lumps joints. With the usual flu, bowel function is not impaired. Vaccination, which is used in conventional influenza, is not suitable for the treatment of rotavirus.

Note that intestinal flu is contagious, especially dangerous in the summer, it is important to follow all the rules of personal hygiene. Rotavirus can be infected by vomiting, feces, when a person touches a dirty surface.

Often in the heat of intestinal flu can get infected by swimming in water, also if you consume raw water, unchecked food. Therefore it is important to constantly wash your hands, watch out for what you eat and drink.

Remember that the norovirus that causes intestinal flu lives in different conditions. You can use for hands special antibacterial sprays, soap, napkins.

Prevention of intestinal flu

1. Always wash your hands.

2. The room needs to be treated with special means that have a disinfectant, antiseptic effect.

3. Use interferon, with the help of it you can strengthen the immune system.

So, intestinal flu is a serious disease that needs to be treated as soon as possible. If this is not done, it will become aggravated and lead to serious consequences. Especially dangerous is an infection for children, monitor their health status, you may need hospitalization.

Intestinal flu symptoms

Gastroenteritis (intestinal or gastric flu) is caused by viruses (rotaviruses, adenoviruses, etc.) that enter the gastrointestinal tract. The causative agent of the disease actively multiplies in the tissues of the gastric mucosa and is excreted along with the feces. The disease usually occurs in the autumn-winter period, that is, it has a pronounced seasonal character. Acute infectious disease is dangerously serious complications, primarily, the development of dysbiosis, so when the appearance of signs of intestinal flu should be strictly observed bed rest and recommended by a doctor therapy.

How is the intestinal flu transmitted?

An infectious disease has several transmission routes:

  1. from person to person with household contact and care for the sick;
  2. through a virus contaminated with drinking water and food, poorly washed vegetables, fruits;
  3. airborne way of talking, coughing and sneezing.

There are cases when patients picked up a malignant virus in the warm period of the year when swimming in open water while resting in nature.

It should be borne in mind that the causative agent of gastroenteritis is extremely viable, resistant to high (up to +60 degrees) and low temperatures. The most effective means of destroying the virus are considered to be various chlorine-containing disinfectants.

Symptoms of intestinal flu in adults

Although gastroenteritis is common among young children, it is possible to catch an infection at any age. The disease is characterized by a combination of symptoms of intestinal disorder and influenza. The main signs of intestinal flu in adults are:

  • nausea, vomiting without blood and mucus;
  • weakness, body aches, pain in the muscles;
  • cough (usually dry);
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • redness, swelling and sore throat;
  • low-grade or high fever;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal cramps, flatulence, with a frequent light foaming stool with an unpleasant odor;
  • with severe development of the disease there are signs of dehydration.

Gastroenteritis is often confused with intestinal poisoning or salmonellosis due to prolonged diarrhea and frequent vomiting, but should Attention is drawn to the uncharacteristic signs of cold that are poisonous, which necessarily appear in the intestinal form influenza.

How long does the intestinal flu last?

The incubation period for intestinal flu is from several hours to five days. It is during this time that the infectious organism enters the gastrointestinal tract and begins to actively multiply there. The severity of the course of the disease depends on the state of immunity of the patient and the concentration of the intestinal flu virus in the body. The disease is most severe for children and elderly people.

In rare cases, with high immunity, the asymptomatic course of infection is possible, but the infected person always presents a danger to others. Duration of acute

period of the disease - up to 5 days. Experts warn: if after 7 days of improving the patient's condition does not occur, it is possible complications, therefore, treatment in a hospital under the supervision of a medical staff.

Attention!The defeat of the gastric mucosa and digestive system as a whole leads to a malfunction in the digestive organs, a significant disruption in metabolic processes, so self-medication is unacceptable! Intestinal flu is recommended to be treated symptomatically, taking antibacterial drugs is useless, since the disease has a viral nature.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults

Intestinal flu is a serious disease if not taken in time. It can become complicated and lead to irreversible processes in the body. A special course of treatment is not provided, the doctor prescribes therapy that will help the body actively fight infection. Treatment is symptomatic, facilitates the patient's condition.

We restore the water-salt balance

The disease leads to dehydration, exhaustion of the body, so you need to drink as much fluid as possible. Pay attention to special pharmaceutical salt preparations, which contain a large number of mineral salts, such belongs to Regidron. Also recommend to drink drinking as much as possible non-carbonated mineral water, a compote of dried fruits.

Salt preparation should be diluted, as written in the instructions, you do not need to do it by sight, so as not to harm the body, salt can always attract a large amount of water. Such a mineral mixture can be tried at home, you need: a kitchen salt - a tablespoon; sugar - two tablespoons; water - one liter. Recommend to add lemon to taste. To restore cells of the intestine, the stomach, you need to take infusion with mint, chamomile.

We are treated with medicinal preparations

Intestinal flu leads to the fact that there is a failure in the development of enzymes necessary for the digestive system. It is recommended to take Festal, Mezim.

It is advised to take enterosorbents, with the help of them you can remove toxic substances, recommend using Smectoo, activated charcoal, these drugs will help to quickly remove the virus from the body.

To remove pathogenic microflora from the intestine, it is necessary to use probiotics, they include a large number of bacteria, they participate in the digestive processes.

Whether it is necessary to take antibiotics or not, the attending doctor decides. Not always these medications help to destroy viruses, some can further damage, because they get rid of useful microorganisms.

We use a diet to treat intestinal flu

It is important to pay attention to dietary nutrition, so you can quickly restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In the diet to include sour-milk products, the porridge should be a liquid consistency, cook it on the water. Also recommend to use tea, only without sugar, it should be strong.

It is necessary to refuse whole milk, dark bread, sugar, raw fruits, vegetables. Intestinal flu lasts no more than a week, so you need to follow all the rules and observe quarantine about two weeks so as not to infect others.

If the patient has lost his appetite, you need to eat jelly, broth, semolina, rice porridge, they are cooked on the water, butter is not necessary to add. In the diet you can include low-fat cottage cheese, only you need to grind it.

It is allowed to use boiled meat, low-fat fish, wheat bread. Salt in your diet should be as small as possible.

You can drink broths with raspberries, blueberries, currants, cocoa can be cooked on the water. When diarrhea decreases, gradually you can enter vegetarian soup, mashed potatoes, honey, carrots, buckwheat.

How to protect against intestinal flu?

1. You can not use unwashed fruits, vegetables, it is best to use them before boiling them with boiled water.

2. Before you drink milk, you must necessarily boil it.

3. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before eating.

4. If you have to contact the patient, observe the sanitary standards, you may need to take medications that improve the immune system.

5. Protect against rotavirus infection can be through vaccination.

Urgent flu emergency treatment

At the first symptoms of intestinal flu, you should consult your doctor, especially if there is a weakness, the head turns, it speaks of dehydration of the body, can also be very sick throat. In the event that the body temperature rises, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, attention dissipation, constantly want to sleep, urgently need to call an ambulance.

Urgent medical care is needed if blood stains in vomiting and vomiting. Danger of dehydration, which dry out in the mouth, worries about thirst, difficulty urinating. Body temperature can rise to 39 degrees. Sometimes there is bloating, in the abdominal area there may be severe pain, which gives down the abdomen. You can not let vomiting and nausea last more than two days.

To accurately diagnose the disease, it is necessary to pass an analysis of stool. To prevent complications, you need to adhere to bed rest, drink as much liquid as possible, take medications that will help reduce heat.

Note that the temperature will be lost only if it is higher than 38 degrees. To treat rotovirus, you need to use folk methods, they do not harm like medications.

Intestinal spasm can be removed with No-shpa. Keep track of your health, if you become worse, worried about constant vomiting, diarrhea, you may need hospitalization, everything can end in a fatal outcome.

To get rid of diarrhea, you need to take Enterofuril. You need to drink it in the morning and in the evening, do not forget to observe the dosage. The drug can be used no more than 5 days. To restore the intestinal microflora will help Linex, Symbiot and other probiotics.

So, intestinal flu is a dangerous infectious disease. It is important to get rid of symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea in time, for this you need to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. When the disease is recommended to drink fruit drinks, broths with rose hips, mineral still water. If the disease worsens, you need to contact your doctor.

Intestinal flu - symptoms, treatment

Gastric or else it is called intestinal flu - so in common people, the disease is identified with gastroenteritis or otherwise rotavirus infection. At its core, this pathology is not influenza and does not have any identical symptoms. The causative agent of intestinal influenza is a virus from the Rotavirus family. It can be an astrovirus, adenovirus, norovirus. Breeding, these bacteria lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. At risk of the disease, intestinal flu includes small children, as well as elderly people. It is justified by the fact that this category of population has the weakest immunity.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

Symptoms of intestinal flu are mostly pronounced rather brightly, but at the same time, if the child is sufficiently strong immunity, then rotavirus infection occurs in a sufficiently latent latent form. That is, no symptoms indicating that a person is sick will not be present.

The acute period of intestinal flu in most cases lasts 7 days and after the symptoms subsided. But, this does not exclude that a person can infect others. Children and the elderly are much longer and more difficult.

How do they get infected with intestinal flu?

If you want to avoid infection with intestinal flu, then enter into the habit of carefully washing your hands. It is known and already scientifically established that the virus penetrates the human body exclusively through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The incubation period of intestinal flu in the human body lasts from 16 hours to 5 days. The severity of the course of the disease and the degree of complications will depend on the concentration of the virus in the human stomach, and also on the level of the body's defenses (from immunity)

So, the first and most common method of infection with intestinal flu is the food method. Infection in this case enters the human body through unwashed fruits, vegetables, undercooked food, raw or half-baked meat, as well as through poor-quality dairy products (for example, validity).

Physicians call the intestinal flu a disease of dirty hands. Therefore, always carries with it a bottle of disinfectant that can be purchased at each pharmacy and treat them with hands after visiting the toilet or any other public places.

Remember that you can catch intestinal flu during swimming in bets, the sea and other sources of water. The second common route of infection is airborne. If there is a person around you who is a carrier of the disease, and at the same time it is loud enough sneezes, coughs, talks, it is likely that all the microbes that are in the stomach of this person I'll get to you. And here you can not protect yourself from penetration of the virus, because it is not known if your interlocutor is sick or not. If you are often in places of high concentrations of people, it is possible that one of them is a carrier of intestinal flu. It can be kindergartens, offices, schools, working environment, etc.

Infection of the body

Rotavirus or, in simple words, the causative agent of gastric flu is viable enough. If a person infected with intestinal flu has visited your home, then you will not be saved by the fact that you are after him treat all surfaces, dishes, etc. Washing detergent in the form of a detergent powder or washing dishes.

The intestinal flu virus is extremely resistant to both high and low temperatures. It's amazing, but it can withstand heating up to 60 degrees Celsius. Destroy the intestinal virus only by means that contain a high concentration of salt. It is quite resistant to freezing and high temperatures. With the penetration of the virus into the human body, after 30 minutes, it is possible to detect a pathogen in the small intestine. Due to the strongest attack of rotavirus, the intestinal mucosa is significantly damaged. As a result, the enzymes that are produced in our body, in order to help in the digestion of food, are allocated in a much smaller amount. This means that uncooked carbohydrates accumulate in the small intestine. The consequence of all these processes is the accumulation of fluid in the body and the provocation of diarrhea or diarrhea.

How to understand that you have intestinal flu?

How can you understand that you have intestinal flu? There are several signs that you can understand that you or your child has intestinal flu. So, this is:

  • Severe vomiting - up to 5 times a day;
  • The liquid stool is ten times a day abundant in gray-yellow color, clayey and offensive, without any admixture of blood and foreign mucus;
  • A small cough;
  • Coryza;
  • A sore throat;
  • Sneeze;
  • Redness of throat;
  • Severe pain in the abdomen;
  • Rumbling;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Weakness in the whole body;
  • Dehydration of the body.

Identical symptomatology is observed in such pathological diseases as cholera, salmonella and food poisoning. That is why, if you have the above signs, you need to see a doctor for the correct diagnosis and the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of intestinal flu

There is no specific treatment for influenza. Treatment should be aimed at reducing symptoms of intoxication, normalization of water-salt metabolism, as well as eliminating vomiting and diarrhea in the patient. That is, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of intestinal flu.

The main goal is to reduce the negative impact of rotavirus on the human body. It is necessary to reduce the toxicity of the virus, and also try to restore the urinary system.

Initially, the patient can dissolve one bag of Regidron in 1000 ml of boiled water and drink it for a little over a few hours. replace Regidron can be on the actual prepared solution. Take 100 grams of chamomile and pour it with boiling water, add 100 grams of raisins, 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1 tsp. salt tsp soda - all this cook on low heat, cool and drink throughout the day.

Symptoms and treatment of diarrhea in case of influenza

Diarrhea with influenza is a fairly common symptom, which indicates an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In another way, this disease is called intestinal flu. In addition, you can observe the temperature, weakness and dehydration of the body. For children this symptom can cause irreparable harm. But adults should not leave this unattended, if they have such a sign of the disease. It is necessary to treat, not eliminate the problem.

General information on intestinal flu

Intestinal flu is an infectious disease, which in medicine is called gastroenteritis. This disease belongs to the order of rotaviruses. The infection enters the gastrointestinal tract and multiplies there.Most often this disease affects children.They have a period of illness worse than that of adults. Symptoms are very well expressed, and in adults it can occur asymptomatically, in a latent form, but the person continues to be the carrier of the pathogen. This disease lasts for 5-7 days, then it must take at least a week for the patient to finally cure and cease to be the carrier of this disease.

The virus enters the person through the mucous membrane. From the type of virus that penetrated the human body, its further development and progress will depend. It's important what kind of immune system a person has. She can both fight the virus, and surrender and wait for the person to start to fight for their own health. The incubation period lasts 16 hours, and can last for five days. The most common way of getting the infection into the body is food. That is, low-quality dairy products, spoiled meat products, unwashed vegetables and fruits - all this can lead to a disease like intestinal flu. It also includes unwashed hands, unboiled tap water, swimming in different water bodies, lakes, rivers and so on.

The second way of getting the infection is by airborne droplets. When a person speaks loudly, sneezes or coughs, then his microbes spread in the air. There is also a contact-household way. Infection can get into the human body in places with a large population. These are kindergartens, offices, transport, shops, public toilets.

The causative agent of intestinal flu is very tenacious, and it is not so easy to destroy, especially with simple detergents. He can die only at the lowest temperature or at high (not lower than 60 degrees). And water with such a temperature does not flow in a conventional tap. Therefore, it is recommended to destroy this gastric virus with a concentrated chlorine-containing disinfectant.

Rotavirus can be determined after half an hour after it has entered the human body. He will be in the cells of the small intestine. When the virus attacks the intestine, the structure of the mucous membrane immediately breaks down. Immediately disrupted the production of digestive enzymes, which, in turn, are responsible for splitting complex sugars. Consequently, these carbohydrates accumulate in the intestine, gradually begin to pull down all the fluid in the body to it and thereby cause diarrhea and watery diarrhea.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

When your child begins to suffer such a disease, you should immediately call a pediatrician, who will decide whether you need hospitalization for your baby or you can be treated at home.

Often this disease occurs in children in the first years of life and has the following symptoms:

  • growing malaise;
  • weakness;
  • temperature 38 degrees and above;
  • chills;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • a loose stool without blood, an acidic odor is possible;
  • can appear cough, headache, runny nose.

Very often these symptoms are mistaken for banal poisoning. For example, when there is diarrhea, the parents give the child a drug that eliminates this symptom, and does not even think that they just disguised him, and not cured. When a child has diarrhea, it means that his body is trying to get rid of the infection by all means, taking it out in different ways. And when the drug is given, the infection does not disappear anywhere, it just begins to accumulate inside the child, which can only aggravate the situation.

If the parents noticed that the vomiting of the child is observed no more than 5 times a day, and the stool - up to 10 times, the child can be left for treatment at home. It is important to remember that everything starts as a regular flu. That is, first parents can notice that the child coughs and sneezes, his throat hurts. These signs pass fairly quickly. This is what distinguishes the intestinal flu from any other gastrointestinal disease. This disease does not begin with an upset stomach. The main thing is not to miss these rapidly passing catarrhal phenomena.

As for diarrhea, it can be gray-yellow, slightly clay, but without mucus.

These symptoms may indicate other diseases, such as: cholera, food poisoning, salmonellosis and many others. And to be sure that it is an intestinal flu, you should immediately consult a doctor. Adults with rotavirus disease also have the same symptoms as children, but they tolerate it more easily and quickly. For them, the incubation period lasts only a few days.

Treatment of gastrointestinal influenza

Well-known treatment of gastric flu is not yet available. The doctor begins to treat the patient and prescribes to him those drugs that will help to remove intoxication, to establish a water-salt balance, disturbed by a similar flu. This treatment is aimed at reducing the negative impact of the virus on the human body. Drugs do not allow the body to be completely dehydrated, eliminate toxins and restore the work of the cardiovascular and urinary system.

In such cases, the specialist prescribes in the first place such a medicine as Regidron. It must be dissolved in boiled water and drink 1 packet every half hour. If you do not have such a bag at hand, you can use the folk method. It is a chamomile broth and a decoction of dried apricots (you can replace it with carrots or raisins). Add sugar, salt and soda, and drink every half hour. To make up for the water balance, you need to drink liquid, but do not immediately drink a glass or a jug of water, but little by little, but often. If a person drinks a lot of water at once, this will cause another vomiting attack.

Adults must drink a decoction or solution immediately after vomiting or diarrhea. If the child often vomits and he constantly goes to the toilet, then he needs urgent hospitalization. Often still appoint or nominate such preparation, as Smekta. It envelops the human intestine and tries to reduce the irritative process in the body. In this list, it is also necessary to add Activated Carbon, Enterosgel and many other similar medicines. If there is a very high fever with this disease, doctors prescribe medications that stop the rapid course of diarrhea.

Be sure to observe a very strict diet. After an adult or a child is being treated, he is prescribed drugs that restore the intestinal microflora. There are a lot of such drugs: Lineks, Hilak Forte and so on.

Complications after this disease can also be. According to statistics, only 2% of the total population can die from this disease. But this applies to those who have very weak immunity and did not turn to the doctor on time.

If an adult has had intestinal flu in childhood, then doctors give little chance that this virus will return.

Prophylaxis of ailment

It is necessary to know about the prevention of this disease, which will help to avoid it. Always wash your hands, especially before eating. Do not contact people who are sick at the moment. To buy and there are only the checked up and qualitative products, especially it concerns dairy products (including check it is necessary a period of validity). Wash vegetables and fruits, buy purified water and boil it.


If you follow such simple rules every day and accustom your whole family to it, you can never find on your way a disease like intestinal flu. After all, the most important thing is to take care of your health and the health of your relatives and friends.

Intestinal flu: important information about the enemy

Intestinal flu is not flu at all, but an infectious disease called gastroenteritis. Just because of the main symptom - abdominal pain - it is called intestinal flu or gastric flu. These signs are joined and typical for common influenza symptoms of the disease - vomiting, fever, muscle and headaches. The difference between these two diseases - for ordinary flu pain in the abdomen is uncharacteristic, and for intestinal flu cough and runny nose are not characteristic.

Causes of intestinal flu

Infection of a person with intestinal flu is due to contaminated food or drink or the use of contaminated, undercooked poultry, meat, contaminated milk, fresh or unpasteurized.

The disease can also occur due to cross contamination, when the juice of raw meat or poultry comes in contact with ready-to-eat foods, such as salads. For example, if both infected meat and vegetables are cut on one board. Most of the time these infections go by themselves, but severe symptoms can be treated only with the help of antibiotics.

E.coli is a bacterium that usually lives in the digestive tract of humans and animals, and most of these bacteria are absolutely harmless. But one of the types of Escherichia coli, O157: H7 (norovirus), can get into the meat during processing, or into water, food that has been contaminated by feces from the drains of cattle farms.

Vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage and lettuce, can also be contaminated. If, during cooking, a person does not wash his hands properly, he can easily spread the infection.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

The main symptoms of intestinal flu have just been listed. Each of the pathogens of intestinal flu (viruses) causes sharp spastic pains in the abdomen, fever, nausea, vomiting and watery - and sometimes bloody - stool. In all the blame for the bacterium called Campylobacter, as well as salmonella, which are common causes of intestinal flu, or, as it is called, traveler's diarrhea.

Toxoplasmosis and intestinal flu

Toxoplasmosis is also often confused with ordinary flu and is called intestinal flu because of similar symptoms. Toxoplasmosis is a foodborne infection that is slightly different from other infections. Many people who are infected do not even know about it, although some symptoms of infection still appear. This increase in lymph nodes, muscle pain, head and abdominal pain that last for a month or more.

Infants can become infected with toxoplasmosis in the womb if it suffers from this disease. Like other food infections, toxoplasmosis can attack when eating contaminated meat or undercooked meat, drinking polluted water. Toxoplasmosis can also be infected when cleaning faeces of an animal (changing sand in a cat).

Consequences of infection with norovirus

The main symptoms of infection with norovirus - bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, high fever, nausea and vomiting - appear three to four days after infection. Serious infection can lead to kidney damage or dehydration, but most of the intestinal rods of gastroenteritis go away after stopping diarrhea and sufficient fluid intake.

Details about norovirus

Norovirus is very contagious and can amaze anyone. This is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis. Norovirus is common in kindergartens, schools and canteens, and most outbreaks of intestinal flu, caused by norovirus, occurs from November to April, when people spend more time inside premises. Norovirus can enter the body from contaminated food or water, as well as from contaminated surfaces or from other people.

Norovirus, as a rule, manifests suddenly abdominal pain, head and muscle pains, there is also severe diarrhea and vomiting. Fortunately, these symptoms usually go away quickly and are often called 24-hour flu. So, we emphasize that this disease is not associated with influenza, which is a respiratory disease.

Prevention of intestinal flu

To avoid food poisoning and gastroenteritis, it is necessary to carry out its prevention. Here are some simple precautions:

  • Prepare all kinds of beef and chicken, but especially ground beef, no less than at 100 degrees Celsius.
  • Take good care of imported food, including seafood. Especially carefully read the expiration date on the labels
  • While working in the kitchen, wash your hands with hot soapy water before and after cooking.
  • Carefully work tools, cutting boards or surfaces that are affected by raw meat, fish or poultry.
  • Use separate cutting boards for meat and other products.
  • Use only pasteurized milk, dairy products and juices.
  • When treated for intestinal flu, use only purified water.
  • If you are traveling, do not use tap water for drinking unless you know it is safe, and also avoid raw fruits and vegetables if you do not clean them yourself.
  • Wash your hands frequently and wash them thoroughly after visiting the toilet or changing diapers.
  • Constantly treat the kitchen and bathroom with special solutions that destroy bacteria. Remember also that the spraying tools work fine for cleaning furniture surfaces.

Intestinal flu or gastroenteritis is an unpleasant disease that can be avoided by constantly following simple methods of personal hygiene.

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