Chronic tonsillitis: removal of tonsils

Chronic tonsillitis is a disease in which inflammation of the tonsils occurs. It wears a long sluggish character with periodic exacerbations. May appear in both children and adults. Tonsils take an active part in the formation of the immune system. Therefore, the question is whether the removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis remains open. The disease develops imperceptibly, without visible manifestations.

  • Causes of chronic tonsillitis
  • Functions of tonsils
  • The need to remove tonsils
  • The process of removing tonsils
  • Operation
  • Postoperative period
  • Contraindications for surgical intervention
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Causes of chronic tonsillitis

There are a number of prerequisites that can cause the disease in a chronic form:

  • a frequently occurring sore throat;
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  • violation of the nose apparatus as a result of deformation of the septum;
  • infectious diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • purulent sore throat.

All these diseases with untimely treatment can lead to the progression of tonsillitis.

It is important to know!Weak immunity can develop this disease! Therefore, maintaining the immune system is necessary, especially in childhood.

Functions of tonsils

These organs, in conjunction with glands, retain bacteria that come from the external environment along with air or food. Weakened immunity breaks this protective function, leading the tonsils into inactivity.

If the sore throat has appeared in a person once and is productively cured, then the tonsils are not endangered. But with repeated inflammation of the throat, they begin to gradually increase in size and perform their immediate protective task. This leads to the appearance of chronic tonsillitis.

Most often, the disease develops in children due to frequent colds. Adults usually suffer from tonsillitis as a complication against other diseases. Increased tonsils in many people are the cause of constant snoring.

The need to remove tonsils

Whether it is necessary to delete tonsils at a chronic tonsillitis? Their removal is a radical measure to eliminate the disease. This operation is required in rare cases. The reasons for which you need to resort to surgery can be:

  1. Frequent attacks on the background of chronic tonsillitis. If the exacerbation is manifested 5 or more times a year, then the functionality of the tonsils is absent.
  2. Constant presence of purulent formations.
  3. Frequent colds. Witness that this part of the body can not cope with the infection that enters the throat.
  4. Significant decrease in the immune system. In this case, enlarged tonsils do not represent usefulness for the body.
  5. The appearance of complications affecting the joints, kidneys and other body systems.
  6. In situations where the treatment does not produce any result.
  7. Dynamic purulent inflammation, which leads to the defeat of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.
  8. The pathological enlargement of the tonsils, which leads to the disruption of the normal operation of the respiratory system.
  9. Constant fatigue, stress, weakness. These are signs of immune system disorders.

Many believe that after the removal of the tonsils, the infection gets directly into the throat, because the protective barrier is now absent. This is partly the correct opinion, but it should be borne in mind that a person has many other immunity tools that can help protect against the onset of the disease. Also tonsils in chronic tonsillitis can be a source of infections that spread very quickly.

It is important to know!In such cases, surgery is not just recommended, but necessary for a full-time life!

The process of removing tonsils

The operation can be carried out in several ways. The choice depends on the degree of severity and course of the disease. There are such types of surgery:

  1. The traditional way. Practiced in fairly rare cases. The point is to extract the tonsils with a scalpel or surgical scissors. Be sure to be under general anesthesia because of soreness with possible bleeding.
  2. Cryodestruction. Effects on the tonsils occur with the use of liquid nitrogen. Under his influence, they die. This method does not cause pain. But the procedure should be repeated several times until it is completely removed.
  3. Laser removal. With this method, not only the affected tissue of the tonsils is extracted, but also bleeding stops due to cauterization of the vessels.
  4. Electrocoagulation. The effect on the tissue is using an electric current. If you choose this method, you will need to repeat the procedure. If an incorrect frequency is selected, there is a risk of burns.
  5. Ultrasonic removal. Disposal of the affected tissue occurs by means of ultrasonic vibrations with the help of a scalpel.
  6. Radio frequency removal. The impact of radio-frequency energy destroys the tissues of the tonsils.

When choosing a particular type of operation, one should weigh the positive and negative sides individually. With this task, a specialist doctor will help you.

It is important to know!A serious examination should be performed before the operation! This will help to detect or exclude contraindications, as well as side effects. After all, any procedure involves the use of general anesthesia.


How to remove the tonsils in tonsillitis? The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • anesthesia - is performed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • direct removal of tonsils, takes about 1 hour;
  • the patient comes to life after the action of anesthesia.

Surgery most often does not cause unpleasant consequences. In rare cases, anesthesia can adversely affect the central nervous system.

Postoperative period

The rehabilitation period is exclusively in the hospital. After the operation, the patient should be observed under the close attention of the doctor. The length of stay depends on the method of surgical intervention. The maximum time is 3 weeks. For final recovery, you should consume liquid unsalted food.

Contraindications for surgical intervention

Getting rid of tonsils with chronic tonsillitis is not suitable for every patient. There is a group of persons to whom this procedure is contraindicated:

  • patients with cardiovascular system disorders;
  • women during pregnancy, especially late;
  • infection;
  • People with diabetes;
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • pathological processes of some internal organs;
  • patients with mental disorders - this group of people is contraindicated in the use of general anesthesia.

Important to remember!To remove tonsils or not - the decision which should be accepted only by the doctor - the expert!

In order to avoid surgical intervention, you should protect yourself from the onset of chronic tonsillitis. A healthy lifestyle is a pledge to exclude all sorts of diseases. It is required to practice tempering from an early age, perform regular exercise, eat right and get rid of bad habits.