We remove the tumor after a bruise at home

In the process of life, we get various injuries and injuries, for the treatment of which often have to go to the hospital for the help of qualified specialists. But sometimes there is no time, no money, not even desire, but to sleep, when the injured place worries, you do not want to. Therefore, we resort to the means of traditional medicine, to the advice of our grandmothers, or, more simply, we are treated at home.

  • Signs of injury
  • Measures to prevent or eliminate edema
  • Removal of a tumor with bruises of the upper limbs
  • Tumor removal in case of bruises of lower extremities
  • Tumor after a bruise on the face and methods of treating it
  • The lip has swelled from a bruise
  • Compression rules and procedure time
  • Medication at home
  • Ointment from bruises and swelling on the face
  • Other ointments
  • Crude potatoes
  • Cabbage leaf
  • Features of treatment in children
  • Readers' Questions
  • How much does the tumor with a bruise?
  • A tumor does not pass after a bruise, what should I do?
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A bruise is a closed damage to organs and (or) tissues, without a significant violation of their integrity and structures.

Signs of injury

  • pain in the place of injury - pain in the state of motion and (or) rest;
  • the puncture of the injury site is an increase in the bruised area in size, due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces of soft tissues;
  • hematoma (bruise) - accumulation of blood with closed tissue and organ damage.
  • the place of injury was swollen.

Do not forget!In the treatment of any bruise, and, in particular, bruises of the musculoskeletal system, one must be sure that this is a bruise, and not a fracture. The best way to make sure of this, will do X-ray control in the nearest trauma unit, and then you can proceed to direct treatment.

Measures to prevent or eliminate edema

Cold is the most effective method of combating edemas. It is used by applying to the bruised place, regardless of its location. To avoid frostbite, it is important that the cold does not have direct contact with the body, so it is recommended to wrap it in 1-2 layers of tissue before use.

The use of cold will avoid the tumor or significantly reduce it.

Immobilization is a necessary method for joint bruises. It is necessary to limit the mobility of the joint by fixing it and, thereby, reducing the load.

Important!The use of immobility will reduce blood circulation in the problem area to a minimum and the flow of lymphatic fluid leading to a tumor will also decrease.

Applying a pressure bandage - is used for bruises of the limbs, as in immobilization, reduces the flow of fluid to damaged tissues. How much can a bruise? As a rule, it takes place during a day or two, in difficult cases - up to two weeks.

Removal of a tumor with bruises of the upper limbs

When swelling of the bruised finger, it is recommended to substitute it under a stream of cold water. If in the immediate time after the injury (within an hour), the tumor has not diminished and has not disappeared, then the treated bandages are applied.

Also, if there was a bruise of the fingers of the hand with the tumor, then a small amount of rubbed raw potatoes is applied to the place of the bruise and bandaged, you can use rubbed onions. You can use effective lotions from bruises and compresses: apply a gauze napkin, soaked in potato broth and tightly bandage. Compress and bandage change at least twice a day.

The tumor of the wrist usually worries for several days after the bruise itself, it is removed by sex with alcohol compresses, it has a warming effect, so it is not applied earlier than on the second, third day.

Tumor of the hand. If emergency measures did not help, or were not helped in sufficient quantities, the use of homemade ointment, consisting of crushed fleshy part of aloe mixed with liquid honey, as well as compresses of this composition, will reduce edema and return the hand to work capacity.

With a slight bruise, you can use the cabbage leaf, applying it to the site of damage, in the field of war with a tumor will help to cope with the crushed sheet of plantain.

Attention!Plantain should be clean, as juicy and fresh as possible, the dried leaf to remove the edema will not work.

The swollen elbow is important to fix in the physiological position, bent at an angle of ninety degrees, apply compresses of tea leaves. Leave the tea leaves with hot water, then boil for 10 minutes with boiling water, then squeeze, cool a little and wrap in a gauze napkin. Green tea with swelling and bruising is also very effective.

Help and acetic lotions. The table vinegar should be diluted with water in a one-to-one ratio, wetting in the resulting napkin solution and applying to the injured part.

Tumor removal in case of bruises of lower extremities

Tumor and edema on the legs due to the weight load are complicated, therefore comprehensive care is recommended. When you know how to treat a bruise, then it will not be difficult.

Puffy ankle joint, stop - the leader in injuries and injuries. The tumor spreads quickly, but goes away for a long time. If the leg is swollen after a bruise, it is possible to apply lotions of arnica with mountain dilute water in a proportion of 1: 1, a compress made of waxed wormwood. On the third day, you can use baths with medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, yarrow, heather.

With a foot injury, it is important to ensure peace. As soon as possible, attach ice to the place of injury or something cold. The leg should be on a hill, which will reduce the flow of blood to the affected area. Thermal procedures are contraindicated for at least three days after the injury. You can make an iodine mesh. It is better to go to a medical institution to establish a diagnosis.

Tumor of the foot. Emergency help in the form of cold, if possible, give the leg an elevated position, put a cushion under the thigh, a pillow. With edema on the anterior part of the shin, it is recommended to use specialized ointments based on medicinal herbs and oils: Troxevasin, Traumeel.

If the skin over the place of injury bruised, it is recommended to apply warm (not hot) compresses and light massage.

If there is a knee injury, and the tumor does not pass for a long time, then it is important to limit the load at this time. You can use anti-inflammatory ointments, for example, diclofenac. If the tumor does not pass, and there is pain, you need to see a doctor. There are more serious diseases: synovitis or hemarthrosis. The period of full recovery after a bruise - up to a month.

Tumor after a bruise on the face and methods of treating it

A person, as a place with developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, needs emergency help. As soon as possible after the injury of the face to the injured area, it is necessary to apply the cold for several minutes. The process should be repeated 2-3 times.

After a cold to the place of damage, use a compress made from the decoction of green tea, necessarily cold, apply no more than 15 minutes. To remove not only the edema, but also to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of a hematoma, the gel of Heparin will help, it is applied by rubbing it into the injury site, with a fold of 2-3 times, with an interval of 15-20 minutes.

The lip has swelled from a bruise

To remove the swelling on the lip from a bruise, you can put ice wrapped in a napkin or scarf for several minutes. Repeat the procedure several times. You can use the ointment after bruises without a warming effect.

If there is a bruise of the eye. The first thing to do after a trauma is to apply a cold metal object or ice wrapped in cloth to the site of the injury. Several times a day for five minutes to make lotions of raw potatoes. 3-4 times a day to apply a sponge in the form of a gel for no longer than 20 minutes.

Compression rules and procedure time

  • cold compress - is applied directly after the injury for 10-15 minutes, is replaced two or three times with an interval of 5 minutes;
  • Compress from herbal decoctions - applied for an hour, twice a day, if necessary more often;
  • heat compresses - this kind of help should be given more correctly the day after the injury, only with a confirmed medical diagnosis. Heat is applied (alcohol compresses) for 45 minutes, can be applied repeatedly not earlier than 15 minutes. It is possible to use dry heat (preheated salt), such a compress is superimposed for 10-15 minutes;
  • application of medicinal herbs. Brewed for 40 minutes and squeezed curative herbs wrapped in cheesecloth, applied to the tumor for several hours or overnight. This treatment is used once a day.

Medication at home

For those who do not trust people's methods, but ignore medical help.

Ointment from bruises and swelling on the face

The most popular, inexpensive and effective remedy for bruises and swelling on the face is the ointment "Rescuer" - this is the best ointment from the tumor. It has an antiseptic, regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect. Application: apply a thin layer of ointment on the damaged area, you can put a bandage on top. When the place of application becomes dry, it is necessary to use the Rescuer again in the same way.

Other ointments

With severe bruises and swelling, you can use these ointments:

  1. Indovazin - applied by a layer of up to two centimeters three times a day to the damaged area.
  2. Ointment or gel with arnika - is applied in a thin layer from two to four times a day for no more than two weeks.
  3. Troxevasinum - in the morning and in the evening it is put by easy massaging movements on the amazed site. Can not be used with open wounds.
  4. Comfrey Doctor Tyson, Liver-Balsam - ointment applied at night, on top - a napkin. Gel - three times a day carefully rubbed into the place of injury.

You can also use such funds from traditional medicine:

  • Powder bojagi - extract from medicinal herbs. 2 tablespoons of powder mixed with 15 ml of water, the finished gruel is applied to the damage site;
  • emulsion of ricinol - ricinol acid, as the most powerful remedy for edemas, is used by rubbing the emulsion into the place of injury, then a dressing is applied;
  • ointments and creams from bruises rub in the place of injury, apply up to 4-5 times a day.

Crude potatoes

Well removes the swelling on the foot after a bruise compress of raw potatoes. To do this, grate 1-2 raw potatoes on a fine grater, lay out the resulting gruel in gauze and attach to the site of the bruise. Top - cellophane, fix with a bandage. Leave it overnight.

Cabbage leaf

To remove the edema with a bruise, you can use a cabbage leaf, it should not be more than the site of the injury. It is necessary to make small incisions on it and attach it to the damaged place, fix it with a bandage. Change every 30 minutes.

Features of treatment in children

Children of early age are prone to frequent injuries, developed subcutaneous fat supports the rapid and maximum development of the tumor, so the assistance is in full and immediately.

To children from an edema at a bruise it is possible to recommend the following:

  • impose a cold on the site of the injury. The application time is not more than five minutes, the frequency is 2-3 times with an interval of 10 minutes.
  • emulsion of ricinol, or Troxevasin gel as a medication.
  • the use of compresses, any herbal compresses, the time decreases two to three times depending on the age, the frequency of reception is not more often than twice a day.
  • iodine grid is not only a method of help, but also a child's distraction from pain, one can allow him to "draw" a pattern on his own.

To fix the compress use a tight bandage or a mesh bandage.

Important!Do not get involved in self-medication and if you get worse, always consult a specialist.

All that concerns bruises in children, it is recommended to consult even in the absence of visible symptoms, so as not to miss hidden damage to organs and tissues. Do not be ill!

Readers' Questions

How much does the tumor with a bruise?

Answer:There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on the location and severity of the injury. On average, swelling occurs in one to two weeks. If the tumor has not slept for seven days, you need to see a doctor.

A tumor does not pass after a bruise, what should I do?

Answer:If after a bruise a tumor does not pass for a long time it is better to consult a specialist. Based on the results of the X-ray image, the traumatologist will be able to determine the degree of damage, prescribe effective treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

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