Symptoms, causes and treatment of granulosa pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that spreads all over the larynx. The disease affects the mucous walls, muscles, the sky and lymph nodes. As a rule, the disease arises sharply and is acute, but it passes quickly enough and the person recovers. If you do not start medication in time, the doctor will diagnose granulosa pharyngitis.

  • The main causes of the appearance of the disease
  • Hypertrophic granulosa pharyngitis: clinical picture
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis
  • Medication Therapy
  • Efficacy of physiotherapy
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Preventive measures
Related articles:
  • Symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in children
  • Causes of Viral Pharyngitis: Symptoms and Treatment
  • Means for gargling with pharyngitis
  • What is the difference between laryngitis and pharyngitis
  • Treatment of pharyngitis in adults with drugs

The main causes of the appearance of the disease

Granulomatous pharyngitis is a disease in which lymph nodes form on the back wall of the larynx. If you do not start treatment in time, then the education will lead to a change in the tissues of the larynx. Of the nodes will be allocated a special substance, which over time only thickens the walls of the throat. During the disease, the blood capillaries increase in size, which increases the secretion secretion. In the course of such a violation, neoplasms increase and merge into a single whole, forming a new tissue. Inside the nodules may be located leukocytes, dead bacteria or dead cells of mucous tissues.

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If the disease is not treated, then it will progress and a person will have chronic granulosis pharyngitis. Physicians allocate a lot of reasons for which the ailment develops:

  • bad ecology;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • supercooled air;
  • metabolic disease;
  • incorrect work of the endocrine system;
  • allergic reaction;
  • lack of vitamin A and B;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • anatomical structure of the larynx;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic ailments of the digestive system.

Obviously, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of granulosa pharyngitis. It can affect a person regardless of age, so it is important to contact the doctor in a timely manner.

Hypertrophic granulosa pharyngitis: clinical picture

As a rule, the symptoms of granulosa pharyngitis are very similar to angina or usual pharyngitis. However, this ailment has more pronounced symptoms, which are manifested by the presence of a large amount of mucus on the throat. Unpleasant discharge complicates normal swallowing and breathing, which significantly reduces the quality of life. In addition, such a complication disturbs sleep, which does not allow a person to fully rest. In addition to this symptom in an adult and a child, there are additional unpleasant manifestations:

  • dryness;
  • perspiration and burning in the throat;
  • an unpleasant odor emanates;
  • in the mouth there is bitterness;
  • cough;
  • soreness;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • loss of strength and disability.

Acute granulosa pharyngitis is always accompanied by additional symptoms, such as a runny nose and cough, which worsens the general condition of the patient.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a person in his or her body observes such serious changes, then it is important for him to consult an otolaryngologist (ENT). Initially, the expert conducts an examination of the larynx, in which he immediately discovers redness of the tissues, swelling and neoplasm. As a rule, the doctor uses a special pharyngoscope for examination.

To accurately identify the causative agent of infection, the patient must take a swab from the back of the pharynx. The analysis is sent to a laboratory examination. Based on the data obtained, the patient is prescribed treatment that will not only relieve the painful symptoms, but also eliminate the root causes of the lesion.

Is pharyngitis or not? The disease causes a variety of viruses, which are quickly transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items.

Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis

The course of therapy directly depends on the nature of the disease. Given all the nuances of the patient's health, the doctor will make a qualitative appointment and tell you how to treat the disease. Timely treatment in adults and children will quickly restore the condition of a person and help him return to the usual cases.

Medication Therapy

As a rule, the patient is prescribed complex treatment. Together, it will help to quickly and effectively overcome the severe granular pharyngitis. Doctors recommend quality therapy, which includes:

  • regular rinsing with a special 1% solution based on sea salt and sodium chloride. The procedure allows you to clear the pharynx from accumulated mucus and bacteria;
  • the inner walls of the throat need to be lubricated with thick preparations, they effectively remove puffiness (Protargol, 2% silver nitrate, Collargol, tannin);
  • Nodal neoplasms are cauterized with trichloroacetic acid or 20% solution of silver nitrate. If the formations are large, they are recommended to be removed by laser or liquid nitrogen;
  • for a qualitative stimulation of the recovery processes, physicians recommend putting intramuscular injections. To do this, use B vitamins, ATP or Solcoseryl;
  • To moisturize the mucous walls of the larynx, it must be applied with Renitol on nut oil or Tocopherol acetate;
  • to increase immunity, it is important to take local medications (Lizobakt, Imudon);
  • Inhalations effectively soften the mucosa (Carbomethylcysteine, Acetylcysteine);
  • in the neglected case, the patient is prescribed antibiotics from the group of macrolides and penicillin;
  • with the help of inhalations it is possible to remove inflammation and pain syndrome (Hydrocortisone).

Important!All medication should be prescribed only by a doctor. The specialist takes into account the general condition of the patient and selects the optimal treatment regimen for him.

Efficacy of physiotherapy

Cure an unpleasant disease will help the course of physiotherapy. They quickly and qualitatively remove inflammation, and also help restore mucous tissues of the larynx. Typically, experts recommend the course of such procedures:

  • electrophoresis of the affected area;
  • UHF;
  • phonophoresis based on propolis;
  • applications with the use of therapeutic mud;
  • darsonvalization.

Traditional methods of treatment

Pharmacological therapy of granulosa pharyngitis can and should be supplemented with old "grandmother's" methods. Treatment with folk remedies requires consultation with a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, a specialist will tell you what you can, but what better to refuse.

  1. Gargling. For the procedure it is recommended to choose such medicinal herbs:
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • thyme;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • flowers of sage;
  • Melissa.

For rinsing, you can choose one grass, but you can combine several. To prepare a medicinal solution you need 1 tbsp. Spoon dry grass, pour steep boiling water (250 ml). Let the broth brew for about 40 minutes, and then strain. The procedure should be carried out as often as possible. It is desirable once an hour.

  1. Inhalations. For the procedure, you need to use a special device (nebulizer) or a teapot, on the nose of which you wear a tube. The meaning of inhalation, so that the therapeutic vapor penetrates directly into the larynx, and not into the nasopharynx. For inhalation, medicinal herbs are suitable, as for rinsing. You can also use natural oils:
  • orange;
  • tea tree;
  • cloves;
  • eucalyptus.

Inhalation is permitted if the patient does not have a fever.

Preventive measures

Do not get granulosa pharyngitis or keep it in a long remission in affordable ways. To do this, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • try not to supercool;
  • eat fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • in the fall and spring drink vitamins;
  • maintain sufficient humidity in the room;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle.

All physicians agree that timely prevention will help to avoid serious illnesses. Be healthy!