But-shpa increases or lowers pressure, its effect on the heart and blood vessels

From this article you will learn about the possibility of using the drug No-shpa at increased pressure. This medication is not prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, but it is sometimes used as an adjuvant at increased pressure accompanied by a headache.

Article content:

  • Mechanism of action No-shdi
  • Ability to use No-shps at increased pressure
  • Effect of the drug on the course of cardiovascular diseases

No-shpa is a drug with spasmolytic effect. It acts on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, removing the spasm and eliminating the pain caused by it. To a lesser extent, No-shpa affects the vascular wall, causing vasodilation and a decrease in pressure( hypotensive effect).But the effect of the drug on blood pressure( BP) is negligible. Therefore, the drug is not included in the list of drugs used in hypertension.

No-shpa has a pronounced antispasmodic effect. It is often prescribed by doctors of different specialties: gastroenterologists, urologists, gynecologists. Consultation about the advisability of taking No-shpa can be obtained from a doctor of a narrow specialty according to the profile of the disease, as well as with a family doctor or therapist. Its administration may be contraindicated or lead to side effects, so treatment of No-shpoy should be carried out under medical supervision. Allowed to take the medication alone for 1-2 days. If pain persists or worsens, consult a doctor.

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Mechanism of action No-shdi

No-shpa is produced by Sanofi Aventis. The active substance of the drug is drotaverina hydrochloride. The agent acts mainly on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and bile ducts, myometrium of the uterus.

The effect is realized due to the suppression of the function of a special enzyme - phosphodiesterase of the fourth type. To a lesser extent, the agent acts on the myocardium and vascular wall, since the third type of enzyme predominates in them. As a result, No-shpa reduces pressure to a small extent - it has an antihypertensive effect. This effect does not always appear and is considered an adverse reaction of the drug.

The effect of medication on vascular tone is significant at initially low blood pressure. With arterial hypotension, No-shpa treatment is undesirable, because in such a situation, a drug that reduces blood pressure can worsen the condition.

Ability to use No-shps at increased pressure

The mechanism of increasing blood pressure in hypertension is complicated and occurs under the influence of many factors. With high BP numbers, No-shpa reception causes minimal effect or no effect at all. Even if the pressure increase is caused by vasospasm, the effect of the admission will be insignificant and short-term. In the treatment of hypertensive disease, it is important to select medicines that can maintain the blood pressure for a long time. Therefore, No-shpa is not included in the number of drugs recommended for the treatment of hypertension.

Somewhat different situation when choosing funds for the relief of crisis, when preference is given to drugs that have a quick and significant effect. But in this case also the use of No-shp is inadvisable because of the minimal effect on the value of AD. An exception is the situation where increased pressure is accompanied by significant headaches associated with vascular spasm. Application No-shpas as an aid helps to relieve spasm, reduce pain and improve cerebral circulation.

No-shpu is not considered to be hypotensive. No arterial hypertension, no other diseases of the heart and blood vessels are indicated in the indications for her appointment. Reduction of pressure is attributed to the rare side reactions of the drug.

Several decades ago, myotropic antispasmodics, including No-shpa and papaverine, were used as intramuscular injections to stop the hypertensive crisis. Today, these drugs are excluded from the standards for assisting with a crisis, since they practically do not influence the value of blood pressure in this condition.

No-shpu is not used in hypertensive disease primarily because of its minor effect on blood pressure, but there are other reasons:

  • does not reduce the risk of cardiac complications;
  • one of the possible side effects of the drug is the rapid heart rate, which can adversely affect the patient's condition with cardiovascular pathology;
  • short-term action No-shpas on the tone of blood vessels;
  • , there are more effective means for reducing blood pressure, which have a positive effect on cardiovascular activity and improve the prognosis of the disease.

It is necessary to abandon the use of the drug in the old fashion, just in case, not only because of the lack of antihypertensive effect, but also in connection with the possibility of developing side effects. As a result, instead of the expected positive effect, the patient's condition may worsen.

Effect of the drug on the course of cardiovascular diseases

No-shpa predominantly affects the smooth muscle fibers of the hollow organs and ducts of the gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system. But the myocardium is also the target organ for her. In the heart muscle, the phosphodiesterase enzyme of the third type predominates, to which No-shpa does not have an effect. But in myocardiocytes, a small amount contains a fourth type of enzyme, which is blocked by a drug. As a result, cardiac output may decrease.

This effect of the medication on the contractile function of the heart does not lead to negative consequences with the preserved functional capacity of the organ. But with severe heart failure, the patient's state under the influence of No-shpa can significantly deteriorate.

Another negative factor of action of the drug in the presence of cardiac pathology is the possibility to increase the heart rate. One of the objectives of therapy for coronary heart disease is to reduce the heart rate to 50-60 beats per minute at rest. This mode of functioning of the cardiac muscle is considered optimal for reducing cardiac risk, since myocardial contractions occur sparing, providing sufficient blood supply to organs and tissues.