Domestic drunkenness and alcoholism: symptoms, stages and treatment

Domestic drunkenness is common not only in Russia, but all over the world. It is characterized by "moderate" consumption of alcohol containing beverages. This encountered so-called household "alcoholism" is not yet a disease, but a bad habit. But when drunkenness in everyday life becomes systematic, then always lies the danger of his imperceptible transition to chronic alcoholism with the formation of the addiction syndrome. That's it, he is the main sign and distinction of alcoholism from simple drinking in everyday life.

Unlike alcoholism, drunkenness in everyday life is a tribute to dubious traditions and unhealthy entertainments. While in itself a physiological drive to a psychoactive substance - alcohol, inherent in alcoholism in itself - is already a formidable disease with loss of physical health, mental disorders, loss of the former social status and the onset of the crisis state of the individual.

What are its consequences and how to deal with it?

In men, in terms of forming habituation to alcohol, there is greater resistance than women. In household drunkenness, drinking alcohol is episodic, the next day after the binge it is associated with headache, nausea, vomiting, aversion to alcohol, from within with a corrosive sense of guilt and inferiority. With alcoholism, the above described goes to the background, depreciates and goes to the main positions in the motivation of the alcoholic - a compulsive attraction to alcohol.

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Reasons for

Bound in national and family traditions, life problems, unsolvable issues, discomfort and feeling bad, low background mood, stressful conditions, striving to be like "everything" and so on.

Alcohol containing drinks are drunk for company, at parties, holidays in the circle of friends, family, because this is already a kind of ritual in our social life. A sober person can be perceived as abnormal, offended by him, laughing at him. The society has long formed a stereotype:

"With the wolves live, wolf-howl!"

"White Crow? !"

Gradually, a person who drinks often can come to the belief that without alcohol he does not relax, do not distract and rest. Gradually, the body's defensive reserves are weakened, immunity is reduced, and psychological dependence is being formed. Thoughts from the forthcoming intake of alcohol increase enthusiasm, mood, stimulate activity. And to admit honestly to myself the fact that you begin to depend on alcohol, a person can not or does not want.

In case of domestic alcoholism, women regularly receive alcohol only in the circle of friends, and then more often, but already alone. At the same time, they try to hide from everyone that they have an irresistible desire to drink, at first something from alcoholic beverages, and then something that is available, but when alcoholism people already drink horrible, in the entered stages - technical spirits andliquid.

To recognize female drunkenness is much harder, because it is secretive.


Drunkards, according to the frequency of alcohol intake can be classified as drinkers: moderately( on holidays);episodically( up to three times a month);systematic( up to two times a week);habitually( up to three times in one week).

Against the background of household drunkenness in men, dependence on alcohol is formed longer than women. In the fair sex, the appearance undergoes a characteristic change. There is swelling of the face, the vessels are steadily expanding and appearing in the form of a capillary net on the skin and nose, the voice is rough, the behavior is vulgar and the appearance is careless. The mood is unstable, in a sober state - depressive. Both men and women deny the formed painful predilection for alcohol.

For teenagers and children, household drunkenness is very dangerous. The young growing organism is oppressed, the nervous system is destroyed, memory and mental activity is reduced, logical thinking worsens, the lack of glucose and leukocytes, a drop in immunity, and high blood pressure in the blood.

When drinking alcoholic beverages, like adults who are truant, teenagers and school children start skipping classes at school. Preventing domestic drunkenness can be by finding a healthy interest in any useful occupation that can entice and interest the child.

Symptoms and signs of domestic drunkenness

Knowing what different drunkenness differs from alcoholism, and this absence of heavy dependence on alcohol, it is easy to distinguish several signs and symptoms:

  1. Drinking alcohol by reason.
  2. Control of the amount of alcohol consumed. Hangover, expressed in a bad state of health.
  3. Aversion to alcohol.
  4. The sobering feeling of guilt.

Unlike an alcoholic, a drunkard at home drinks on occasions. But often artificially created reasons for fun - a sign of the beginning of the formation of physiological alcohol dependence. At the stage of home alcoholism people do not drink, relatively control the amount of alcohol.

The stages of development of

To alcohol, a drinking person does not get used immediately, but some stages of the development of the disease that correlates with the frequency of alcohol consumption pass, we have already mentioned this: episodic, systematic, use, entered into a bad morbid and bad habit and chronic alcoholism as suchthe first stage, with the completed formation of psychological dependence. That is, as we see that drunkenness in everyday life is not yet a disease. Initially, this drink on holidays and in honor of the solemn events.

Systematic drunkenness is often observed among young people aged 18 to 35 years, who drink up to one liter of alcohol a week. A habit of domestic drunkenness brings satisfaction, pleasure and euphoria. A weekly dose of an alcoholic beverage is increased to one and a half liters.

Distinction of household drunkenness from alcoholism

Disease and bad habit are different states. And although sometimes drinking is confused with chronic alcoholism, this is not so, but there is something in common between these concepts. They are united by the interest in ethanol intake in different forms with different motivation: at the level of only the psyche or, worse, physiology. If with a bad habit somehow you can cope, then with a disease that requires immediate and serious treatment is not so. A domestic drinker takes breaks in the systematic abuse of alcohol, and chronic alcoholics periods of sobriety cost a severe withdrawal syndrome.

It is difficult to feel the line separating home alcoholism from chronic alcoholism. You need to be on the alert.

How to avoid the transition to alcoholism?

The danger of a bad habit of moving into a chronic process is constant. Stop abusing alcohol - the best prevention of alcoholism. It is necessary to understand that alcohol containing drinks can not solve life conflicts, can not be soothing and relaxing means. Illusion of well-being will not answer our vital questions and not resolve everyday problem situations.

In cases of psychological, and even more physiological, need from ethanol, people, as a rule, will not be able to independently abandon their painful predilection.

On the video, the causes of development and symptoms of domestic alcoholism

Treatment of household drunkenness

Based on the above, it is possible to take stock of the prevention and treatment of drunkenness in everyday life:

  1. To switch gradually forming thirst for drinking alcohol for useful income-generating activities: disclosure of creative abilities, self-knowledge, reading useful literature, finding oneself in creation, striving to improve one's personality, self-knowledge, physical self-improvement.
  2. To show active interest in family life, to live with worries not only about oneself, but also about surrounding people, raising children, caring for the older generation.
  3. If the craving for alcohol is very strong, contact a narcologist, a psychologist.
  4. Preventing complications of drunkenness in everyday life can be a creative hobby, active participation in the social life of your village, city or region.

To these recommendations and measures for the treatment and prevention of alcoholism, a person comes more often involuntarily in an intuitive way. That's it when it turns out good, that's it!