- Why develops hyperacid gastritis
- The causes of acidity increase of gastric juice
- How is hyperacid gastritis manifested
- How to treat
- Decrease in acidity by folk methods
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The diagnosis of gastritis is made if the stomach has an inflammatory process. Pathology can be triggered by an increased or decreased level of acidity of gastric juice. If the secret is too sour, then they say that hyperacid gastritis develops, and vice versa, if the acidity is low, then hypoacid gastritis is diagnosed.
The treatment tactics and diet depend on the pH level, so it is impossible to start therapy without determining the acidity. The amount of acid in the gastric juice can be determined by means of laboratory tests, as well as by the symptoms of pathology.
Why develops hyperacid gastritis
In the oral cavity carbohydrates under the action of enzymes begin to break down into simple compounds, and proteins and fats are split in the stomach under the action of hydrochloric acid, which promotes the disintegration of pepsinogen into pepsin and will cause denaturation and swelling of proteins.
Hydrochloric acid not only promotes the breakdown of nutrients, it also stimulates the secretory and mechanical function of the stomach, destroys bacteria that have penetrated with food. To protect the gastric mucosa, cells produce mucus( mucin), which covers the tissues with a layer of 1.3-1.5 mm. This "film" is an insuperable barrier to the reverse diffusion of hydrogen ions from the stomach, adsorbs and inhibits enzymes, neutralizes hydrochloric acid.
Mucin protects the body from autolysis( self-digestion).However, this barrier can be destroyed due to prolonged exposure to bile acids, salicylates( included in some drugs), alcohol, oil or propionic acid, as a result of increased production of hydrochloric acid.
The acidity of gastric juice affects how many cells secrete hydrochloric acid, as well as the rate of acid production and the degree of its neutralization. At a low pH, cell damage occurs and an inflammatory process develops.
Causes of increased acidity of gastric juice
Hyperacid gastritis develops as a result of disturbances in the mechanisms of acid production and its neutralization. Pathology can be triggered:
- by an acid-fast bacterium;
- by lesion of stomach tissues with bile, penetrating from the duodenum, or by aggressive substances( chemicals, drugs);
- by the formation of antibodies to the lining cells of the organ.

With increased acidity of gastric juice, the mucous layer of the organ is damaged and the inflammatory process begins - gastritis
The microorganism Helicobacter pylori contributes to the destruction of the mucous barrier. The bacterium in the process of life releases substances that destroy mucus, and also produces urease, which contributes to the increase in the concentration of ammonia and increase the acidity of the gastric juice.
There is no mucus around the colony and the stomach tissue is not protected from the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, which leads to chemical burn, inflammation and ulceration. In addition to helikobacter, increased formation of hydrochloric acid can be provoked:
- consumed a large amount of fatty, spicy, spicy food or overeating;
- smoking;
- by taking medications( glucocorticosteroids, antiviral non-steroid drugs, antibiotics, oral combined contraceptives);
- elevated calcium in the blood plasma;
- by stress;
- addiction to alcohol;
- with endocrine system diseases;
- by autoimmune processes;
- is an allergic reaction to foods;
- by a malfunction of the liver or pancreas;
- worsening blood supply to stomach tissues.
Under the influence of these factors, the number of cells secreting hydrochloric acid increases or the synthesis of the hormone gastrin increases, which is responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. To begin to occur pathological processes must be inhibited mechanisms that neutralize hydrochloric acid.
How is hyperacid gastritis manifested
? With gastritis with high acidity, patients complain:
- for heartburn( acidic contents are poured into the esophagus);
- for belching with a sour taste;
- for pulling or baking pain in the epigastric region, which can disturb for 1-2 hours after eating( depending on the food used) or on an empty stomach.
Additional signs of hyperacid gastritis are:
- periodic nausea;
- vomiting after eating( in the masses you can see bile and mucus);
- plaque in the language of yellow;
- discomfort "under the spoon" after eating, a feeling of overcrowding even with small portions;
- increased gas production;
- diarrhea or constipation;
- sleep disturbance( at night an empty stomach may be ill);
- changing food preferences.

Before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to determine the level of acidity of gastric juice, as stomach pain can appear with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid
. At the initial stage of the pathology development, the symptoms of hyperacid gastritis may be absent, but as the mucosa pains the pain syndrome increases. Against the backdrop of hyperacid gastritis, iron-deficiency anemia and folio-deficiency anemia develop, which are characterized by headache, palpitations, dizziness, and neurologic disorders.
On a hyperacid gastritis indicates nausea, vomiting, belch rotten or sour, diarrhea. To exclude pancreatitis and cholecystitis, laboratory tests are performed( general urine and blood test, ultrasound).In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, gastritis can progress to a peptic ulcer, which is characterized by manifestations.
In the formation of ulcers, perforation is possible and then the contents of the stomach penetrate into the abdominal cavity, which can lead to a deadly complication - peritonitis. Symptoms of gastritis and peptic ulcer are quite similar, the difference is only in the intensity of the pain syndrome, so to avoid serious consequences of gastritis, you need to pay attention even to not very severe pain in the stomach.
How to treat
To prevent the progression of pathology, first of all, it is necessary to find out what triggered the increase in acidity of gastric juice and why the protective mechanisms are not effective.
Fibro-esophagogastroduodenoscopy( FEGDS) is performed for visual assessment of the mucosal status by specialists.
The study also allows you to take a tissue sample for histological analysis, to test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, to determine the acidity of gastric juice. A flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the stomach through the oral cavity, which allows you to see how much the tissue is inflamed, whether there are tumors or manifestations.

Only eliminating the factors that cause increased production of hydrochloric acid and eliminating Helicobacter pylori infection can accelerate the regeneration of the gastric mucosa
Medical treatment of
Treatment of hyperacid gastritis includes the intake of medications, diet therapy, adherence to the meal schedule( inadmissible food skipping), physioprocedures may be prescribed. Treat the disease with tablets or traditional medicine alone can not, because it can harm the body and promote the transition of acute gastritis to chronic.
Eradication Helicobacter
If an acid-fast bacterium is present in the stomach, the patient is given antibiotics that are not neutralized in an acidic environment. It can be Tetracycline, Azithromycin, Metronidazole, Levofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Tinidazole.
The standard is triple therapy, in which the patient takes two antibacterial drugs simultaneously with drugs that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid( proton pump inhibitors).To this scheme, bismuth-based agents can be added to protect the gastric mucosa from the negative effects of acids.
The type of antibiotic and the frequency of reception is determined by the doctor, based on the patient's state of health, the tolerability of medications. Duration of treatment is 7-14 days. If the three-component scheme does not work, the patient is recommended an additional antibacterial agent, and in extreme cases, the sensitivity of the bacterium to all antibiotics is tested and individual treatment is developed.
Restoration of pH of gastric juice
The regimen for the treatment of hyperacid gastritis includes drugs that normalize the acidity of gastric juice. These are the drugs that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid or neutralize it and protect the mucous membrane of the stomach.

The treatment regimen is determined by the physician individually and can include the intake of several drugs at the same time
The following drugs may be prescribed to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid:
- histamin blockers( Ranitidine, Famotidine, Cesera);
- Proton pump blockers( Lansopazol, Omeprozol, Esomeprazol);
- antacids( "Fosfalugel", "Almagel", "Maalox");
- holinoblokatory( "Gastrotsepin").
Removing pain syndrome
To protect the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to take alginates. Preparations interact with gastric juice and form a protective film on the surface of the body, preventing contact between acid and tissue. The agent begins to act after 5-10 minutes after administration, so the soreness associated with irritation of the mucosa passes quickly.
Protects the film up to 4 hours. Alginates are available in the form of gels, suspensions, chewable lozenges. This category of drugs includes "Gaviscon", "Laminal".To reduce pain, you can also take antispasmodics. They relax the smooth muscles, which helps improve blood flow.
Miotropic drugs include "No-shpu", "Drotoverin", "Papaverin", to neurotropic drugs - "Aprofen", "Difil", "Buskopan".For the treatment of hyperemic gastritis, preparations based on bismuth tricalium dicitrate are also used. This substance contains "Pilocid", "Ventrisol", "Tribibol" "De-nol".
Under the action of the drug in the stomach, insoluble oxychlorides and bismuth citrate are formed, which protect the mucosa from acid and pepsin. The agent promotes the regeneration of the stomach tissue, has bactericidal activity against Helicobacter, has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.
Diet for gastritis
Drug treatment must be supplemented with diet therapy. It is recommended to cook food for a couple or to cook, you need to grind it before use. It is necessary often that hydrochloric acid does not eat up the stomach, but in small portions.

Inflamed mucosa should not be exposed to thermal, mechanical or chemical effects.
It should be excluded seasonings, spices, reduce the daily intake of salt. Categorically contraindicated alcohol, sour fruits( grapes, lemon, kiwi), fatty and marinated foods, butter, margarine, sour-milk products, coffee, strong tea.
Such enveloping dishes as jelly, mucous milk porridges( rice, oatmeal), rusks, vegetable purees soups will help to protect the stomach wall. Omelets, yogurts, steam cutlets, bananas, pears, peeled beans are also recommended. With increased acidity of gastric juice, the mineral water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki" is useful.
After the pain in the stomach has gone through it is possible to expand the diet, but nevertheless it is necessary to avoid products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid such as:
- spices;
- chocolate;
- sour fruit;Sorrel, spinach;
- beans;
- fatty meat and fish;
- canned food;
- rich broths( fish or meat);
- smoked meat;
- strong tea and coffee;
- fresh bread;
- carbonated drinks.
Reduction of acidity by folk methods
You can use baking soda to neutralize hydrochloric acid in your stomach. But the effect will be short, and frequent use can damage. A good habit will drink tea from chamomile, St. John's wort, mint or decoction of calendula, nettle, celandine.

To eliminate the symptom it is recommended to use teas and decoctions that are capable of exerting the anti-inflammatory effect of
. Olive, sea-buckthorn and linseed oil have an enveloping effect. It is recommended to drink a teaspoon of one of the oil on an empty stomach and before going to bed, washing it down with a small amount of water. From the seeds of flax, you can make infusion( 2 teaspoons pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew night) and drink it before eating.
With increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to drink vegetable juices, which contain a few organic acids. Juices from potatoes and pumpkins are most effective. Juicy carrots, apples of sweet varieties, beetroot are also useful.
Potato juice will help relieve pain, eliminate heartburn and nausea, normalizes the stool. It must be drunk freshly and on an empty stomach. It is enough 30-50 ml. The course lasts 10 days. Pumpkin juice is taken half the glass once a day for 10 days.
Drug treatment of hyperacid gastritis includes the use of drugs that help reduce acid production and protect the mucosa, but they have only a temporary effect. The main recommendation for pathology is to follow a diet and diet.
During the exacerbation of the disease, the restrictions are rigid and exclude chemical, thermal and mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa. During the remission period, the list of products expands, but some remain on the "black" list forever. Only by changing your taste preferences and adhering to the meal schedule can you completely get rid of the inflammatory process that takes place in the stomach.