Why is incurable female alcoholism?

According to statistical data, the dependence on the main active component of alcoholic beverages (ethanol) in the female part of the population develops much more rapidly than in men. If the latter persistent abstinence syndrome occurs only after ten years of regular libation, then the first it can manifest itself after a few years. In recent years, the number of women suffering from such dependence has increased significantly, so many raise a reasonable question: why is incurable female alcoholism?

  • Causes of alcohol dependence in women
  • Female alcoholism: features
  • Signs of female alcoholism
  • Consequences of alcoholism in women
  • How to treat female alcoholism?
  • Why depends on curability?
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Causes of alcohol dependence in women

In order to understand the complex mechanism of development of addiction to alcohol, it is necessary to establish why there is a craving for alcohol. Women are distinguished by a deeper experience of various stressful situations, and a visit to a therapist is still an exotica. Therefore, many representatives of the so-called weaker sex make attempts to smooth out the critical impact on one's own psyche through the use of alcoholic beverages. Among the main causes leading to regular libations, we can distinguish the following:

  1. Bad heredity. In the event that one of the next of kin was suffering from addiction to alcohol, this could have a very negative effect on the development of increased craving for ethanol.
  2. Loneliness. The loss of loved ones, the breakdown of the family, the grown up children who left their parent's nest - all this often causes alcoholism. And such a disaster can affect both women from socially disadvantaged sectors of society, and well-off housewives or even owners of their own successful business.
  3. "Unhealthy" environment. Having friends - alcoholics in the most negative way affects the emergence of addiction. After all, in order to miss another fun with abundant libations, a certain willpower is needed.
  4. Misunderstanding and stress. According to statistics, these factors are the most popular among others, leading women in the ranks dependent on ethanol.

Female alcoholism: features

A strong addiction to alcohol in the female half of the population usually starts with the use of low-alcohol drinks, various cocktails, aperitifs or wine. Therefore, often during a long period of time, regular use of products containing ethanol for others may remain invisible. The woman's body, in contrast to the male, has less fluid, which affects the higher alcohol content in the blood even after a small amount of alcohol. In addition, enzymes that promote the rapid processing of alcohol and its degradation products, show rather low activity in comparison with masculine.

The flow of abstinence syndrome occurs several times softer and less painful, which makes the dependence relatively imperceptible, especially at first. The attitude of society to female alcoholism is a negative factor contributing to the strengthening of addiction. If a drinking man is perceived very ordinary and does not cause much emotion in most members of our society, women often have to carefully hide their habit of missing a glass of another. Thus, the appeal to a specialist occurs with a serious delay, when such a habit goes into the stage of persistent dependence.

The female psyche is characterized by lability. This means that the device of higher nervous activity is dominated not by logic, but by an intuitive and emotional side. Therefore, stresses are experienced more acutely, and to eliminate their consequences, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts. There are women and a number of physiological prerequisites, which lead to the development of a strong dependence. For example, hepatic tissue has a high sensitivity to products containing ethanol.

Due to the fragile structure of intercellular connections, already at the initial stages of alcoholism the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. Female sex hormones (including estrogen) are incompatible with the products of the decomposition of ethanol. For this reason, alcohol intoxication inflicts several times more harm to the female body than the male.

It is important!As a result of the conducted studies, physicians found that a dose of more than 50 ml of strong alcohol per day leads to destruction of the liver. This body performs the role of a filter in the body, therefore, in case of regular use of alcohol above the established rate, liver damage can be transformed into cirrhosis.

Signs of female alcoholism

It is worth paying attention to the following symptoms, which can contribute to the identification of the existing predilection of a woman to alcohol:

  1. The skin of the face changes its color to a reddish color, which is usually accompanied by the appearance of bluish or purple spots. Eyes are distinguished by a peculiar unhealthy shine, and under them bruises or swelling occur.
  2. Hair thinning, become confused and greasy.
  3. Subcutaneous fatty layer disappears, therefore the figure gets angular features.
  4. Female alcoholism is accompanied by deterioration of the teeth, which fall out and crumble.
  5. Negative changes also affect character. Often, a drinking woman begins to go to extremes with periods of slovenliness, alternating with bright vulgar makeup and an outrageous appearance.

Consequences of alcoholism in women

According to the famous Russian scientist Paschenkov, who for several years had been monitoring patients treated for alcoholism, more than 80% of them had various chronic diseases. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy (especially in the first 3 months) can easily lead to fetal malformations and to violations of the functions of the central nervous system in a future child. If a few years ago it was believed that a glass of good wine at a later date would not bring tangible harm to the maternal health, now the opinion of the leading physicians is one. Throughout the length of the pregnancy and lactation period, the use of any doses of alcohol is unacceptable.

In addition to the mass of alcoholic diseases that accompany dependence, the body of a woman grows older faster, and the reproductive function fades. The work of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system worsens. As a result of the violation of the synthesis of hormones, weight loss or rapid mass gain occurs. In the case of chronic or drinking alcohol, the risk of toxic nephropathy is great. This ailment is a consequence of the appearance of protein in the urine and blood and manifests itself in the form of renal failure with periodic exacerbations.

Important!The most negative consequence of alcohol use is a change in the psychological make-up of an individual. At dependent women there are sharp mood swings up to hysterics and alcoholic psychoses. Since ethanol has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, chronic consumption can lead to severe depressive conditions with suicide attempts.

How to treat female alcoholism?

The complexity of the treatment of female alcoholism is that most patients for a long period of time deny their dependence and too late turn for help. There are three stages, and the sooner the process of treatment begins, the more success on a successful outcome.

  1. At the first stage, a woman feels a steady need to drink, justifying this fact with an unimportant mental or physical condition, problems in the family, or fatigue from work.
  2. In the second stage, the stimulation occurs directly in the opioid receptors, so the absence of alcohol causes a semblance of lumps in the morphine-dependent people. Characterized by the presence of drunken periods.
  3. At the third stage, irreversible structural changes in the brain begin with a stable mental dependence and organ dysfunction.

How to cure female alcoholism? In the event that the patient does not recognize her dependence and is not going to give up alcohol, then it is virtually impossible to release her from the ailment. For those women who have decided to get rid of addiction, it is worth solving the problem in a complex way. At the moment, there are such treatment options:

  1. Help competent psychologists and psychotherapists.
  2. Prolonged detoxification of the body with the use of traditional and traditional medicine.
  3. Treatment with special medications that cause physical aversion to alcohol.
  4. Drugs that block a number of specific receptors.
  5. Hypnosis, which includes all known coding.

How to deal with drinking? Some experts advise a sharp interruption of alcohol intake, while others recommend a smooth exit with a gradual decrease in the dose of ethanol. In any case, it is necessary to drink a large amount of mineral water, periodically take activated charcoal and a decoction of soothing herbs. In severe cases, you need to contact the competent specialists without delay.

Why depends on curability?

In the event that a woman receives support from her closest associates, then it becomes much easier to solve the problem with alcohol. The main thing is the desire of the patient herself. It is from him in the end that the possibility of cure depends. If a woman realizes that alcohol is the cause of the aging of her body, and not a way to escape from reality, then the chances of her recovery are greatly increased.