Blueberries, as well as blueberries, come from the genus of heather.
Despite the relationship, it is not difficult to distinguish these berries.
When crushed, blueberries will give off a light juice, and blueberry will color the fingers with a purple-red liquid.
- Popular names
- Chemical composition
- Useful properties
- Home recipes
- Cooking and cosmetology
- Always at hand
- Harm and contraindications
Folk names
This is one of the popular names Vaccinium uliginosum( blueberry ordinary).Other names of berries also took root in Russia, including:
- drunkard,
- gonobob,
- gonobol,
- pigeon,
- fool,
- dumbass,
- blue grape,
- drunk berry,
- bluebell and goat.
Most of the nicknames are based on the fact that the plant allegedly provokes a headache:
- in fact, blueberries are harmless , and the culprit of an unpleasant symptom is Ledum( useful properties and contraindications).
He settles down next to blueberries, exuding ethereal evaporation, giving rise to headaches. The inexperienced pickers pick berries, which also lead to dizziness.
In the scientific classification, gonobobel is called blueberry marsh , short and swampy. The branching shrub( from 0,5 to 1 m) is extremely frost-resistant and unpretentious:
- a bush producing blue-blue berries, lives several decades.
And what you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications aralia Manchu? Tips and recommendations for its use are written in a useful article.
About the benefit and harm of peanut butter is written on this page.
Wild gonobobel grows in North America - from Alaska to California, as well as in temperate and cold latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere - from Iceland to Mongolia and the Mediterranean.
Chemical Composition
Almost 90% of the pulp is water, 8% is carbohydrates, 1% - proteins. In berries, a lot of potassium( 51 mg) and iron( 400 μg), slightly less calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and copper.
Vitamins B1, B2, PP and K were found in blueberry. Amino acids( apple, citric, oxalic, acetic, benzoic), coloring pigments and sugar are also present in berries.
By the amount of ascorbic acid the plant is ahead of the black currant( useful properties of the leaves).
Blueberries bypassed their closest relative, blueberries, according to the content of anthocyanins, which help antioxidants to fight aging and cancer. In blueberries, 400 mg of anthocyanins are found, in blueberries 1600 mg( 4 times more!)
Due to fiber, pectin and tanning components, blueberry releases the body from:
heavy metal salts,
- toxins,
- radionuclides( cobalt, strontium) and slags.
The berries have a low calorie content( 61 kcal per 100 g), which makes it valuable in the eyes of nutritionists and all those who lose weight.
Useful properties
Blueberry shows antioxidant activity, fixed in the laboratories of American biologists. They confirmed that the berries:
- counteract the neoplasms,
- normalize blood circulation,
- preserve the youthfulness of the skin,
- protects the eyesight( what is useful for blueberries).
Sodium and potassium are responsible for water-salt balance, eliminating puffiness, which is important in pregnancy, bags under the eyes and even arrhythmia.
Magnesium removes spasms of smooth muscles in women and reduces high blood pressure. Thanks to the microelement responsible for the central nervous system, stress resistance improves, meteodependence disappears and blood flow accelerates.
And what do you know about koumiss, useful properties and contra-indications of which are described on the page hidden under the link? Read about the treatment of a dairy product.
What is the benefit for the organism is the use of ayran is written here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / alycha.html describes the medicinal properties of cherry plums for human health.
Fruits are in demand with other ailments:
- heart defects and atherosclerosis;
- colds, bronchitis and lung diseases in adults and children( about the properties of goose fat when coughing is written here);
- diabetes mellitus( apricot stones - good and bad), because they strengthen the action of medications;
- scurvy and inflammation;
- gastric and intestinal ailments;
- low blood coagulability.
Without vitamin K, the synthesis of osteocalcin, which strengthens bone tissue, is not complete. Therefore, blueberries are recommended to be added to the diet for children and pregnant women, in whose bodies bone skeletons are formed.
Folic acid is needed for future parents of , who want them to have healthy offspring.
With the systematic intake of berries, vessels and skin are cleared, the production of natural collagen begins.Cholesterol-free arteries and capillaries acquire elasticity, allowing oxygen to penetrate into cells faster.
The constant use of blueberries by women reduces the mass of neutral fats, which is beneficial for metabolism and figure.
Home recipes
Berry juice tones, cleanses blood, soothes nerves and removes excess fluid.
Mashed fruits are recommended for cystitis, gastritis and enterocolitis.
For heart support
Preparation of broth:
- Finely divided branches and leaves( 2 tablespoons) are dropped in 250 ml of boiling water.
- The container with the mixture is put on a water bath and pressed for 30 minutes.
- Cool, filter and add boiled water to 250 ml.
- The broth is drunk on a tablespoon( 4 times a day) before meals.
vessels Shredded leaves and branches( 50 g) are poured with boiling water.
Withstand in a water bath for 10 minutes.
Leave to stand for two hours.
Filter and drink on a tablespoon 5-6 times a dayIn case of diabetes
- A tablespoon of raw material( branches and leaves) is put in a pan with boiling water( 400 ml).
- Put on the fire and after five minutes turn it off.
- Remove from the plate and press under the lid for 60 minutes.
- Filter and drink 100 ml three times daily before meals.
From diarrhea
- A pinch of dried fruit is poured into a glass of boiling water,
- is kept on low heat for a minute, five,
- is removed and left for 15 minutes under the lid.
Take infusion over a tablespoon 4 times a day. It helps to cure dysentery in children.
Therapeutic possibilities are noted not only in fruits and leaves, but also in stems, roots and even bark of the bush.
Decoctions and compresses reduce sweating of the feet , promote the regeneration of the dermis after frostbite and burns( about treatment at home is written in this article).
Cooking and cosmetology
Fresh berries lie in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
Then the blueberry sour, so it is immediately sent for recycling:
- brewed compotes,
- jam,
- jelly and mousse.
To make vitamin preserves more interesting, blueberry is combined with other berries, including:
- cranberries( how to make home tincture is written in this article),
- cranberries( about the use of leaves during pregnancy read here),
- blueberry.
Blueberry is frozen, and its leaves are dried. The craftsmen produce home-made wine, tinctures and liqueurs. The berries are added to the pastry or made of them.
Cosmetology uses the extract of genobox, including its composition of lotions, creams and serums.
Flavonoids of fruits whiten and purify the epidermis, protecting it from ultraviolet and "subversive" activity of free radicals.
The extract treats external inflammations of and abrasions, strengthens the skin, has an exfoliating action, stimulates the production of collagen.
Always at hand
A small-capricious plant bypasses pests and diseases. Given these valuable qualities, as well as the therapeutic potential of the berries, domestic gardeners are increasingly planting cultivated shrubs on their plots.
Vaccinium corymbosum - a tall garden blueberry - the American "granddaughter" of blueberry ordinary. It was bred by breeders of the USA and Canada, where this berry is loved much more than the black currant.
The fruit of the overseas genobox weighs 10-25 g, while wild berries rarely reach 1 gram.
In America, one bush yields 10 kg of the crop, in Russia( with all the favorable factors), not more than 7 kg is collected from one bush of a tall "stranger".
This is explained by the prolonged maturation of berries in the Russian climate: the
- refers to the late-ripening varieties of tall garden bilberry.
If you plant a bush in the country, cultivate blueberry or buy medium and early mild blueberry hybrids.
Harm and contraindications
Blueberries are excluded from the diet when taking anticoagulants:
- vitamin K "thickens" the blood, nullifying their diluting effect.
Therefore, the plant is contraindicated in patients with certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Blueberry - under the inhibition of , if you have increased secretion of gastric juice or an increased acidity is detected. With an allergy through the fault of blueberries, doctors are extremely rare.
If you intend to "squeeze" out of the berries all the useful properties, learn how to properly harvest it in the forest or choose the market.
Fresh fruits:
- dry and whole,
- without rot,
- painted in blue with a whitish bloom.
A damaged plaque suggests that that blueberries have lost their freshness and deteriorates.
To gonate you all vitamins and minerals, eat a handful of fresh berries a day in the season. Be sure to include the blueberry in the menu of children, women and pregnant women,. Watch the video about the medicinal properties of berries and blueberry leaves.