We successfully treat hyperkeratosis at home

No man can live a life and never get sick. In the course of life, not only illnesses await, but also various minor troubles - for example, dandruff. We already perceive dandruff as something quite normal, but in fact it is a skin disease called hyperkeratosis. You can carry out treatment at home hyperkeratosis of the scalp.

  • Briefly about the disease
  • Causes of the disease
  • Methods of home treatment
  • Onion husk
  • Crude potatoes
  • Salicylic Alcohol and Aloe
  • Flesh of fresh beet
  • Medications
  • Darsonval treatment
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Interesting! Hyperkeratosis is called in medical practice a thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. As a result, the skin begins to peel off. We think dandruff is just a phenomenon and nothing terrible happens. However, you need to find out the cause of the disease and conduct local and general treatment.

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Briefly about the disease

Due to skin lesions, increased keratin production occurs. This protein can accumulate in large quantities. In the stratum corneum, scales accumulate, which, separated from each other, appear as dandruff.

The described illness looks unpleasant, but if the condition is not treated, it only gets worse. The area of ​​the affected area gradually increases, on the head appear tubercles.

Important! In the presence of hyperkeratosis on the affected area of ​​the skin all the necessary functions are violated: gas exchange, sebum and sweat secretion. This leads to atrophy of the epidermis (the skin begins to die).

In order not to start balding, you need to treat hyperkeratosis of the scalp. It is important to consult a specialist who will help to pinpoint the causes of the described problem.

It should be noted that hyperkeratosis manifests itself not only on the head, it can be on the knees, feet, elbows, in those places where the seams of clothing are often in contact with the body.

Causes of the disease

The main possible reasons are:

  • violation of hygiene standards - the first external cause of the described pathology;
  • An uncomfortable headgear or clothing that constantly squeezes the skin;
  • lack of vitamin A or E in the body;
  • absence in the body of a sufficient amount of zinc;
  • deficiency of folic acid;
  • excessively dry skin (the cause of dry skin should be determined separately);
  • improperly selected by age or type of skin cosmetics;
  • problems with the liver, gall bladder;
  • disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • all kinds of lichen;
  • psoriasis.

Methods of home treatment

With the consent of the doctor, you can practice various methods of treating hyperkeratosis of the scalp at home. Not always with the help of an experienced physician and various analyzes can determine the exact causes of the condition. But it is known that many home therapies help with local application.

Onion husk

The first means, which is recommended by folk healers at the described phenomenon. Onion tincture in the home can make everyone and do not necessarily go to the store.


  1. You need to soak the husk in the vinegar for a few weeks.
  2. Then soak clean cloth and do compresses.
  3. Leave the compress on the affected area for half an hour for the first time, and then constantly increase the time.

In a few days the symptoms should be: dryness, peeling.

Crude potatoes

Raw potato mass, grated on a fine grater, can be used as a local medical compress. Flesh with juice should be put in gauze. Put on the affected area of ​​the skin for 60 minutes, then compress the replacement. Compresses do several times a day.

Salicylic Alcohol and Aloe

From the aloe plant you need to trim the lower fleshy leaves. Cut them along and place the cut to attach to the problem zone, roll over. It is good to perform the procedure at night, because the aloe compress should be kept on the skin for up to 10 hours, it greatly facilitates the symptoms of the course of the disease. When the compress is removed, the skin should not be washed, but rubbed with alcohol.

Flesh of fresh beet

Like potatoes, beets in pure form should be grated on a fine grater. Flesh and juice carefully put in gauze. Then, for 120 minutes, leave the compress in a dark place, apply for a couple of hours to the affected areas. It is best to rinse off the juice from the skin using olive oil.


To treat hyperkeratosis at home, you can use medicines. Preference is given to ointments and gels, which contain tretinoin, topical corticosteroid (prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointment), as well as panthenol, salicylic acid. Of oral medications should be taken medications that include retinoids. It takes medication to improve immunity, the body needs vitamins A and E.

Darsonval treatment

Darsonval acts on the skin with an electric current, which feeds in high-voltage frequencies - not strong. Thanks to this action, hair bulbs awaken, their growth grows, the structure strengthens. Nerve endings inhibit the work of the sebaceous glands, so the hair does not fade so fast. During the procedure, they receive a new dose of oxygen. The skin becomes "easier to breathe", so after darsonvalization it will be useful to soak it with medical masks, balms, whey and lotions.

These methods of treatment at home hyperkeratosis of the scalp will not relieve the disease. But they will help quickly eliminate the main manifestations in the form of itching, dry skin and dandruff.

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