Nutrition after rotavirus infection

  • What happens to the digestive tract?
  • What you can and can not eat
  • Sample menu for a week in the acute period
  • Recipes of dishes for patients with rotavirus
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Rotavirus infection is a common viral disease, called intestinal flu and affecting the digestive tract. The causative agent of the infection is rotavirus. Most often the disease affects children, whose age does not exceed 5 years, which have physiological characteristics of the digestive system and not fully formed immune system.

In the acute period of the disease and after it, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will be directed at restoring the work of the gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter - the gastrointestinal tract). What kind of diet should be followed after rotavirus infection? Let's consider all its features.

What happens to the digestive tract?

After the virus has penetrated the body and reached the small intestine, even for 1-5 days may not show itself in any way. In this case, the patient is already contagious to others and will be the carrier until the last day of full recovery.

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Then it begins to multiply actively, causing many serious symptoms. Getting inside the enterocytes, they begin to destroy them. As a result, in order to replace normal cells, defective, non-absorbable, cleavage processes and enzyme synthesis

To be able to tolerate the disease it is necessary to follow a certain order:

  • reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it is necessary to provide the organism with micro- and macroelements;
  • prevent loss of fluid and body weight;
  • reduce the inflammatory process in the organs of the digestive tract;
  • normalize the work of all the digestive organs.

Basic dietary rules for rotavirus infection in adults and children:

  • food should be diverse and easily assimilated, taken at least 5-7 times a day;
  • the recommended temperature of finished products should be at least 30 and not more than 38 degrees;
  • the total daily diet should be reduced by 20-50% of the physiological norm;
  • providing the body with a sufficient number of proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  • ensuring shchazheniya from mechanical effects on the digestive system;
  • all products should be consumed only in boiled form, wiped through a fine sieve;
  • include in the diet of dairy products, rich in lactobacilli.
Vomiting and diarrhea
In the early days, when the symptomatology is in full swing, it is important to drink plenty of fluids

Nutrition after rotavirus infection should remain unchanged for 10-14 days to ensure that the body is finally strengthened, and the digestive tract has returned to normal.

What you can and can not eat

After the intestinal flu is affected by a child or an adult, the question arises: "What can you eat so as not to harm the body?" Specialists have identified certain products that favorably affect inflamed organs and those that can cause more harm.

Permitted foods and meals Prohibited foods and dishes
Sour-milk products from 3 days. Milk, sour cream.
Lenten meat. Fatty grades of meat, fish and poultry.
Fruits and vegetables in boiled or baked form. Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Cereals: rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal. Marinades and spices.
Breadcrumbs of bread, biscuit biscuits, drying. Pickles, smoked meat, pickles.
Soups on vegetable or diluted meat broth. Confectionery and sugar.
Strong coffee and tea.
Eggs soft-boiled or scrambled. Fresh bread and bakery products.
Honey instead of sugar. Carbonated drinks.
Tea is very diluted and broths of fruits without sugar. Food colors and additives.
Kissel and soufflé from fruits and vegetables. Alcohol production.

In addition to products that can not be eaten, it is worth noting that all dishes should be served in a warm form. Too hot or cold food will irritate and adversely affect the upper parts of the digestive tract.

Sample menu for a week in the acute period

After the first signs of intestinal flu appeared, you should pay attention to what you can eat and what not. The first 2 weeks must strictly adhere to the diet, which will spare the digestive tract.

The diet can be expanded only with due regard for the patient's normal state of health and the specialist's permission.

1 day: in the morning, sugarless jelly, for lunch, wiped soup of vermicelli on vegetable broth, snack biscuit, decoction of rose hips, supper mashed potatoes without milk and butter, at night a rice decoction.

2 day: in the morning omelette for a couple, several drying, lunch rice soup on diluted chicken broth, decoction of berries without sugar, afternoon tea baked apples in the oven, buckwheat dinner with half a steam cutlet, at night kissel.

Nutrition with intestinal infection

3 day: soft-boiled egg, biscuit biscuit, soft tea, buckwheat soup with a weak meat broth, potato casserole, fruit souffle, rice dinner with a piece of boiled fish, at night a glass of fat-free yogurt.

4 day: oatmeal porridge on the water, diluted cocoa drink, soup with meatballs, pasta from durum wheat, on snack bifid, dinner vegetable stew with a piece of baked chicken, overnight yogurt.

5 day: buckwheat porridge, infused with kefir, cracker or dried biscuits, rice soup lunch, mashed potatoes with meatballs, compote of dried fruits, baked sweet apple without sugar, casserole with pasta, at night jelly.

6th day: 2 soft-boiled eggs, a sandwich with butter and a slice of cheese, a soft tea, a meat soup, a buckwheat porridge and a piece of boiled chicken, compote with drying, dinner with rice with a steam chop, fruit soufflé, decoction of rose hips, a cup of yogurt for the night.

Day 7: oatmeal porridge on diluted milk, cocoa beverage and cheese sandwich, soup with meatballs, pasta with steam frying pan, tea with honey, soufflé from fruit, mashed potatoes with baked fish, at night a glass of bifidoc or ryazhenka.

Refusal of food
Do not force to eat a child or an adult, if there is absolutely no appetite. Enough drinking will be enough to reduce the risk of dehydration

Recipes of dishes for patients with rotavirus

As it was written above, you can eat and not during the disease. It is recommended to eat only boiled low-fat meat, fruits and vegetables that have been thermally treated, and so on. But how to diversify your dietary table and make it more tasty? For this you can use several recipes for cooking delicious food.

Recipe number 1. Chicken Breast with Vegetables

For cooking, you need a chicken breast without skin and bones, a large carrot, 2 small tomatoes, potatoes and mineral water. In the breast we make transverse incisions and soak in mineral water for about 40 minutes, so that the meat becomes much softer.

Then cut small cubes of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes, lay next to the breast on a baking sheet and cover everything with foil (you can bake in the sleeve). We put in the oven, heated to 220 degrees and bake until ready. If you want the dish can be a little podsolit.

Recipe number 2. Stuffed pepper

Bulgarian peppers are well washed and the core is removed from them with seeds. Then minced meat is prepared (you can take it ready): beef or turkey meat is scrolled through a meat grinder with a small onion and carrot, a zucchini or eggplant, 1 egg and a small pinch of salt

With the mixture obtained we stuff the pepper and put it into the steamer. Cook for at least 40 minutes until fully prepared. You can cut the vegetables finely, instead of letting them into the meat grinder. So they give less juice and it will be stored in the main dish.

Recipe number 3. Apple-carrot puree

In an aluminum saucepan, boil 2 carrots and bake several large apples in the oven. Mix the vegetable and fruit in one container and beat well with a blender until smooth. You can add a little honey for sweets.

Recipe number 4. Kissel from berries (black currant)

Fresh or frozen berries are well washed and put in a pot filled with water. After boiling the broth, it should be filtered through a sieve, and the resulting cake is discarded. In still hot compote, you need to add starch and a teaspoon of sugar, pre-mixed in cold clean water. Put the entire mixture on a small fire and stir for a few more minutes before thickening. It is recommended to serve the drink cold.

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