Gymnastic ball: features of choice


  • 1Gymnastic ball: how to choose the right size
    • 1.1The first is weight
    • 1.2The second is the material
    • 1.3Growth
    • 1.4Arm length
    • 1.5Are all the balls different?
    • 1.6For babies
    • 1.7A few rules at last
    • 1.8Rules of operation
  • 2How to choose a gym ball
  • 3How to choose gymnastic balls?
    • 3.1What is fitball
    • 3.2Types of balls
    • 3.3How to choose?
    • 3.4How does it help and who will it suit?
    • 3.5Manufacturers
  • 4How to choose the right fitball
    • 4.1What is a fitball?
    • 4.2What is useful for regular training with a fitball?
    • 4.3The history of the appearance of fitball
    • 4.4Types of gymnastic ball
    • 4.5With horns or staples
    • 4.6With spikes
    • 4.7Smooth
    • 4.8Children's
    • 4.9Oval
    • 4.10Criterias of choice
    • 4.11The size of the ball
    • 4.12Qualitative indicators
    • 4.13Terms of use
    • 4.14General recommendations
  • 5Correct choice of fitball: practical recommendations
    • 5.1What is fitball - general information
    • 5.2History of creation
    • 5.3Varieties
    • 5.4Choose the ball correctly
  • 6How to choose a gymnastic ball for fitness
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Gymnastic ball: how to choose the right size

An effective physical training device that allows you to go in for sports and at home is a gymnastic ball. How to choose the size? This depends on many factors that should be considered when buying this accessory.

Today this sporting projectile is very popular due to its versatility, convenience, ease of use, as well as an affordable price.

In addition, these accessories are widely used both for classes with children, and future moms, who even in the position tend to keep themselves toned.

The first is weight

Experts advise you to choose a ball with your own weight.

The main thing - do not buy a cheap accessory, which not only does not differ in quality, but also, most likely, will not be very convenient for use.

It is important that the fitball is elastic and durable - in this case it will be able to withstand your weight.

And if you perform strength training, you need a strong and reliable gymnastic ball.

How to choose the size? Remember that high-quality models can withstand loads of more than 300 kg.

For children, small balls with a diameter of up to 65 cm, which have a sufficient margin of safety, are absolutely suitable, and therefore absolutely safe.

The second is the material

A good fitball should be made of strong materials that have a good electrostatic effect. If the surface of the product is porous, it will absorb the dust and sweat.

Therefore it is important to check the smoothness of the material, its elasticity - there should be no wrinkles on the ball.


Otherwise, know that before you a substandard product that does not help you with sports activities.


How to choose the right ball? Note that the surface is clean, smooth, without protruding seams and bulges. The best materials are PVC and latex.


The size of the ball directly depends on the growth of the athlete. It is noteworthy, but this sports projectile is suitable for both adults and children. The variety of configurations allows you to select a gymnastic ball suitable for a particular person. How to choose the size?

So, if we proceed from growth, we need shells of the following sizes:

  • up to 155 cm fitball should be a diameter of 45-55 cm;
  • with an increase of 155-169 cm, choose balls with a diameter of 55 cm;
  • for a height of 170-185 cm fit fitballs of 65 cm;
  • with an increase above 186 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 75 cm.

Arm length

Professional instructors who teach pilates or gymnastics, suggest taking into account the length of the hand in order to correctly pick up the gym ball. How to choose the size in this case?

To determine this parameter, you need to measure the length of the hand, starting from the shoulder joint and ending with the tips of the elongated fingers:

  • if the arm length is up to 55 cm, you need a ball with a diameter of 45-55 cm;
  • with a hand length of 56-65 cm, the fitball should be 55 cm in diameter;
  • at a length of 66-75 cm the diameter of the ball should be 65 cm.

To understand if the product suits you, you need to check the following: when sitting on the fitball in a sitting position, the corners between the body, thigh, leg and foot should be about 90-100 degrees.

Are all the balls different?

We told how to choose a gym ball for growth. But it is important to take into account also some external parameters of choice:

  • Balls can be with handles or in the form of "horns" - often such models are chosen for children.
  • Products with spikes on the entire surface are covered with small balls that have a certain massage effect. Such balls should be used in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as for children's massage. In order for the fitball to be stable, it can have support legs at the bottom.

For babies

Universal and easy to use gymnastic ball. How to choose a size for newborns? In most cases, these parameters range from 45 to 75 cm, but experts advise choosing a bigger ball - it's easier for a child to accommodate.

For exercises with infants, you can use fitbols with a diameter of 55-75 cm. Well, if the models are supplemented with pens: they help to monitor the child, help him to keep himself.

For an adult, the pen is the ability to control the ball, since otherwise it is difficult to grasp during the exercises.

So how to choose a gym ball for a child? We offer you to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances:

  • The ball must be made of a dense, elastic fabric and have a smooth surface;
  • When trying to compress on the surface of a gymnastic projectile, folds should not be formed; if they are, it means that the product is of poor quality;
  • The nipple must be soldered into the product so that nothing will interfere with the movement;
  • The gymnastic ball must have an anti-explosive feature, the marking of which is ABS. She talks about the safety of the projectile for training.

A few rules at last

How to choose a gymnastic ball for fitness? First of all, let's talk about the fact that training with this sports equipment became popular not so long ago.

It was invented by the famous physiotherapist Joseph Pilates, and from the usual ball fitball differs only in size. All models are used for exercises in gymnastics and aerobics.

Today balls for fitness are widely used in the prevention of many diseases of the legs, back, thighs. They are especially effective at recovery after injuries.

Despite the external simplicity of the accessory, it is universal, since it allows you to use in class practically all groups of muscles, develops a sense of balance, flexibility, helps to improve posture and remove fatigue.

Many people choose the color of the gym ball. Here the work includes psychologists, since each color affects our nervous system in different ways.

So, blue and green produce a calming effect, reduce pressure, yellow helps to improve mood and raise energy levels, and orange can relieve depression.

If you have weak immunity, then choose a red gym ball.

Rules of operation

Fitball is a safe sports equipment that can be easily inflated by a conventional pump manually or automatically.

To ensure that it lasts longer, use the ball only on a smooth and level surface so that there is no risk of mechanical damage.

Keep products in an inflated condition away from sunlight.

Gymnastics balls are simple sporting shells, which nevertheless allow solving a number of tasks without leaving it for home. They are absolutely safe, but subject to the observance of elementary rules.


The main thing - do not leave the child, especially the small one, alone with this shell. Today the most popular products are the following brands - Gymnic, Ledragomma, Azuni, Spokey, Torneo.


Choosing the right gym ball, you can perform effective exercises at home without the use of special efforts.

A source: http://.ru/article/223407/gimnasticheskiy-myach-kak-vyibrat-razmer-pravilno

How to choose a gym ball

You probably already read our article about the gym ball and its effectiveness as a physical simulator.

If you still decided to buy it to begin to deal with the physical condition of your body, then this article is just for you.

We will try to dedicate you to all the subtleties and nuances that you will have to face in the processselection of fitball, since it is from the correctness of the choice of fitball that the result you get from the exercises with it depends.

The choice of the ball depends on your weight.

The most important rule - in no case is it worth buying cheapgymnastic ball, since a poor-quality Chinese model can be not only uncomfortable and useless, but also dangerous for health.

The most important parameters of the fitball are its elasticity and strength. Good and quality balls must withstand weight from 200 to 1000 kg. If you want to engage in the ball with the use of a dumbbell, you should also choose a ball that is designed for strength training.

Such balls can withstand weight over 300 kg.

Pay attention to the material of the ball.

Also not an unimportant parameterfitballIs the material from which it is made. The material should be strong enough and it should not collect dust from the floor, that is, it should have a good electrostatic effect.

Also, the ball should not have a porous surface, since in this case it will absorb sweat and dirt.


To check the ball for elasticity, it is enough to pinch it lightly, if numerous creases appear after the pin on the surface of the ball, then the ball is made of poor-quality material.


When you press the hand on the ball, the hand should lightly bounce and you should feel a little heat coming from the ball, this indicates its quality. Usually poor-quality balls are cold and slippery.

Also, study the ball well and make sure that there are no protruding seams on it, and the nipple is perfectly pressed inside. The best material forgymnastic ball- polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and latex. Therefore, it is recommended to take balls from this material.

Safety of the ball.

The ball must necessarily be safe, it means that in case of a puncture, it should not burst under you like a bomb, but should be gradually blown away. For this, the balls are equipped with an anti-break system (ABS-Anti-Burst System).

Do not be scared if you feel that there are some strange substances in the ball. It most likely can be a filler, which is filled with some models, so that they support the ball in a certain position.

Such balls are designed for people who are very difficult to keep their balance, as well as for expectant mothers and people with disruption of ligament and muscular apparatus.

If you do not fall into these categories of people, then such a ball you should not take, because it will be less effective for you.

The size of the ball depends on the height.

Gymnastic ballsshould be selected based on your growth. To know what diameter of the ball you need, you must sit on a chair and measure the distance from the knee joint to the floor. This value will correspond to the diameter of the required fitball.

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Usually the diameters of the balls have the following dimensions:

  • 55 cm - height up to 150 cm;
  • 65 cm - from 150 cm and up to 170 cm;
  • 75 cm - from 170 cm to 190 cm;
  • 85 cm - height above 190 cm.

How to inflate the ball.

The ball must be inflated to the dimensions indicated on the package, while if it is easy to press a hand on the ball it should bend by 2-3 cm.

If you cheatfitballtoo much, then it will be unstable, and if the inflation is weak, it will not have the necessary effect on the muscles. Classes on the gym ball are conducted on a flat and smooth surface.

To avoid injury, it is not recommended to work on too slippery surfaces (for example on the floor) and on too hard (rocky floor).

Types of gymnastic balls.


In the market you can find a huge number of varieties of fitbols. Balls with thorns - play the role of massage balls. They provide a more intense effect on the muscles, as they increase blood flow to the tissues and organs, and also relieve the pain syndrome.


Still it is possible to meet special orthopedic balls with small horns which are very steady and they can be used instead of chairs. Also sold balls with additional handle-holders.

They are designed for those people who are still feeling insecure on the ball or for a massage with the help of a ball. There are balls and for children - ball-jumping with seat and handles.

There are balls with rubber shock absorbers (special belts with springs attached to them), which are used to strengthen loads on the muscles of the back.

The color of the fitball matters.

Color is not the most important factor whenchoosing a gymnastic ball. Here, most likely you will be guided by your taste and preferences, but still something about color is worth knowing.

For example, blue and green color calms the nervous system, and also reduces pressure. Yellow balls recommend people with a lack of energy, since yellow color plays the role of a mental stimulant.

Orange color helps to get rid of depression, and also has a beneficial effect on restoring the hormonal balance.

A red ball is recommended for people with weak immunity, as it stimulates the protective functions of the body and increases its endurance.

How to store a gym ball.


Do not forget about the storage of the ball.Fitbolshould be stored in an inflated condition and away from bright sunlight, so it will last you much longer. Also, do not put it next to items that are well heated.


Complete the ball.

During the selection of the ball, check its configuration. Qualitative balls should be equipped with a good pump, as it will have to be pumped long and hard.

I think after our advice and recommendations you can easily choose a good onegymnastic ball. We wish you a successful purchase and pleasant workouts.

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How to choose gymnastic balls?

In order to strengthen health and improve the figure, doctors often assign different physical exercises to the patient.

Some of them require only the use of their own bodies, while others can be performed with the help of sports equipment and devices.

It can be a gymnastic ball, a skipping rope, dumbbells, hulahop and so on.

What is fitball

People who have never encountered the notion of a gymnastic ball, differently represent not only its use, but also the appearance itself. In fact, most of us saw it and if not live, then on TV, in the morning exercises programs.

Gymnastic ball (fitball) - a huge rubber ball, characterized by strength and elasticity, there are different types, but most often represented in the form of a large diameter ball.

This device is widely used in recreational exercises, for correcting problems with posture, with Pilates, yoga and aerobics.

The peculiarity of this ball is that it is chosen not only in size, but also in color, the color scheme will find the most suitable for yourself.

Types of balls

All gymnastic balls are divided into types, except the most basic ball, which is called another fitball, there are four more types.

Fitball - its purpose is to maintain balance during the implementation of certain exercises. Helps during stretching, jiggling and rotating.

If it is used as a substitute for a stool, then it is possible to reduce the sensation of pain in the lumbar region by an order of magnitude. In addition, it is often used for outdoor activities and relaxation.

The weight of such a ball does not usually exceed one kilogram.

The next type of ball is a fitball with handles. Such balls in appearance, as well as the main type of gymnastic, only their feature is that there are pens or horns. In fact, the application is the same as the previous type, but it is intended for beginners or pregnant women.

For beginners, because of inexperience, the pens help to keep balance, pregnant women without them are more difficult to stay because of changes in the body and weight gain.

This kind is in the playrooms for children, because you can sit on it and ride, and keep with the help of horns.

Massage fitball is another type. Its sphere of use is medical medicine. The fact is that the fitballs are made smooth, and on the massage there are pimples.

In the process of performing exercises, in addition to exercise, during massage exercises the patient is massaged.


Such exercises will help improve blood circulation, can be used to recover from previous injuries or problems with the vestibular apparatus.


In medicine, another type of gymnastic ball is used, the so-called medball. It differs significantly from the above in the first place in its size.

If the usual fitball is large, can reach a size of 90 cm, then this is often similar to a volleyball.

It is made of dense rubber, leather can be used for making, it does not spring or bounce, since it is filled with either sand or other materials that give significant weight.

Its purpose is to put additional strain on the muscles, the weight of one ball starts from one and can reach five kilograms.

Half-moon with its name speaks for itself, looking at this kind of gymnastics balls, you see that it seems to be cut in half. It also has the name "oval one side completely flat and the other spherical.

Due to this, you can use the ball in many exercises, it is stable, but it has a spherical surface that allows you to perform the exercises. It can be used as a support in the process of training different muscle groups.

It will help to train the balance and coordination of a person. Weight is seven kilograms.

How to choose?

When selecting a ball, several factors should be considered.

First of all, it is necessary to decide what exactly you choose your ball for, depending on which you should stay on the type you are interested in.

And if with the choice of medbola or polumyacha there are no special difficulties, except in terms of weight in the first case, then when selecting a standard fitball, several nuances should be considered.

Diameter. In this situation, you need to know how to choose a gym ball by its diameter.

If the person is not high, then the ball in diameter under the meter will not only look ridiculous, but also will not allow to fully use it in the training process.


Focusing on the parameters of the human body, it should be borne in mind that there is a certain ratio of the diameter of the ball to growth.


People who have a height below 152 cm, you must use one of the smallest balls with a diameter of 45 cm. With an increase from 152 cm to 165 cm, balls with a diameter of 55 cm are needed.

From 165 cm to 185 cm - 65 cm. For tall people from 185 cm to 2 m, you should buy balls 75 cm in diameter.

If your height is above 2 meters, then during training you use balls 85 cm or more.

In addition to the correct selection for the diameter, make sure that before training the ball was properly pumped, since any exercise will not give the proper effect if there is not enough air in the ball or, conversely, pumped over.

If you choose a fitness ball directly in the gym before starting the workout, then for sure you will not know exactly its diameter. At selection act as follows.

Sit on the ball like a chair, if in the knees the legs form an angle of 90 degrees, then this fitness ball is right for you.

In addition to these features, many people are interested in the issue of maximum load and how to pick up the ball in this case. Gymnastic balls for children are usually designed for a weight of up to 60 kg.

Balls for adults, which are used during training, should have a maximum load of 180-200 kg. You can already find on sale such balls that can withstand up to 500 kg.

Some balls for additional protection are equipped with an anti-disruptive system that allows the ball, under excessive loads, not to burst at once, but simply to gradually deflate. This will help a person avoid possible trauma in a sharp fall.

In the selection of the ball follow a little advice. If you buy a ball, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the material from which it is made.

A good gymnastic ball combines elasticity and strength.


He should not strongly attract dust to himself or stick to his hands, the surface of the ball is often warm.


Few people pay attention to this, but the rigidity of the ball is also important. A hard ball is best used for exercises by trained people, and beginners need to pick themselves a soft one.

All the seams on the ball should not create discomfort during training, it will be ideal if on it they are practically not probed.

If you store the ball in an inflated form, protect it from sunlight and additional sources of heat.

How does it help and who will it suit?

Gymnastics with a gymnastic ball is used to eliminate various problems in the body. This ball also allows you to perform an exercise that trains muscles and ligaments. Classes using the ball strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

To deal with such a ball can even a child, he helps to train the balance and coordination in children. This is one of the safest items, since the child can not swallow the details, the fall does not cause serious damage, just like the process itself, when the child performs the exercise.

Many people use a gymnastic ball for weight loss, especially often in aerobics training.

All sorts of exercises on the gym ball allow you to expend a lot of energy, which makes it possible faster to lose weight, thus there is a smaller loading on joints at the expense of additional support and a support.

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In addition, it is often used in group sessions for pregnant women to prepare for childbirth. Classes help relieve stress and improve overall health, the use of the ball can still be prescribed to patients who are contraindicated in certain sports.


In the market of gymnastics balls there are several firms that have established themselves as manufacturers of quality goods. This is Gymnic, an Italian factory that has been creating products for sports since 1963. Fitbals of this brand will cost $ 10-15.

The company from Germany Togu gives the opportunity to choose the required ball in diameter and color. Prices for one fitball range from $ 15 to $ 35.

One of the most affordable in terms of price is the Italian company Torneo, it produces high-quality products, although the market for sports goods is relatively new.

When choosing, make sure that the ball allows you to get the necessary support and was comfortable during the training.

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How to choose the right fitball

Gymnastics ball or "fitball this is a sporting device, familiar to everyone who has been in the fitness hall. Experts advise to use it to everyone involved in fitness and aerobics, not only in the gym, but also at home.

Fitball increases the effectiveness of training. It helps to improve coordination, allows you to evenly distribute the provided on the muscles load, helps to get rid of the fat layer in problem areas, makes the abdomen flat, the body slender.

To feel all the advantages of this sports equipment, you need to know how to choose and use fitball, for which exercises it fits best.

What is a fitball?

This sports equipment, which is also called Swiss, is a large, resilient, strong, rubber ball designed for fitness and aerobics.

It is great for home workouts, as well as for use in the hall. The correctness of his choice directly depends on the effectiveness of the exercises.

Fitball must match the height, weight, goals of the athlete.

What is useful for regular training with a fitball?

The use of a large sports ball has a multifaceted effect on a person:

  • develops dexterity, flexibility, coordination;
  • involves almost every muscle group;
  • corrects and corrects posture;
  • prevents development and treats the initial stages of degenerative and dystrophic changes in the joints and spine,
  • gives the silhouette of harmony without the use of complex simulators;
  • promotes rapid burning of calories.

The spherical shape facilitates the performance of exercises with a high degree of amplitude, and the instability of the fitball - the maintenance of the musculature in a tone. This projectile has no age limits, is affordable.

Its purchase, unlike a treadmill, an exercise bike, a stepper, does not require large expenses. The big ball perfectly strengthens the pelvic muscles, which made it popular among aerobics and fitness of pregnant women.

Absence of excessive loads on the musculature of the legs makes it possible to use the projectile both for older people and for those who suffer from joint problems, varicose veins, overweight. The latter need to be particularly careful in choosing the ball, which must be sufficiently resilient and strong to withstand the pressure exerted on it.

Classes with a Swiss ball strengthen the muscles of the press, relieve the fatty layer in the abdomen and other problematic parts body, reduce cellulite manifestations on the buttocks and thighs, allow the involvement of groups of muscles, usually remaining unused. Thanks to these advantages, fitball is considered to be one of the safest, universal, accessible sports equipment.

The history of the appearance of fitball

His second title is "Swiss" ball due to the fact that the first in his work began to use Susan Klein-Vogelbach - a physiotherapist from Switzerland.

In 1960, this simulator became part of the rehabilitation program for patients with spinal cord injuries.

Later it was also used in the treatment of patients with cerebral palsy.

Observations of doctors for patients led experts to the conclusion that a ball with a large diameter can serve not only therapeutic, but also preventive purposes.


The exercises with him on a regular basis strengthened the musculoskeletal apparatus and stabilized the weight. This did not go unnoticed.


Already in the nineties of last century, fitball gained wide popularity as a simulator, contributing to the correction of the figure and weight loss, and aerobics with a Swiss ball has become a popular trend in fitness.

Types of gymnastic ball

Each type of fitball has its own characteristics. This simulator is available in the following versions:

With horns or staples

They are equipped with special handles, allowing you to keep your balance, jumping on the sword. This model is especially loved by young children, it is perfect for beginners.

With spikes

The products possess not only all the advantages of a gymnastic big ball, but also are an excellent massager helping in the fight against cellulite.


Can be used by everyone without restrictions, but most suitable for pregnant women. They are used to perform both relaxing and intensive training.


They have a reduced diameter and a corresponding bright decor.


They differ in a peculiar form, which resembles a donut.

The cost of the projectile is determined by the size, design, bundle, brand and varies from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Criterias of choice

You can buy a gym for exercising aerobics and fitness in the sports goods store or order via a similar Internet portal with delivery.

A competent consultant will help determine the optimal size and give useful recommendations. To ensure that the purchase is not spontaneous and ill-conceived, the ball parameters should be considered in advance.

It is better to study the basic characteristics of the projectile independently, how they affect the subsequent training.

The size of the ball

This parameter depends on the physical characteristics of the athlete. Select the dimensions of the projectile can be both in terms of height and length of the arm:

GrowthLength of the handDiameter
up to 155 less than 55 45
155-169 56-65 55
170-185 66-75 65
more than 186 over 75 from 75

All data are in centimeters, and the length of the hand is measured from the shoulder to the tips of the elongated fingers.

Finally, to make sure the correctness of the choice allows a small test. If the trunk with the thigh, the drumstick with the foot while sitting on the shell, form a practically right angle, the ball is correctly selected.

Beginners, who did not work with similar simulators before, are recommended to purchase a shell with a diameter less than the norm. This minimizes the risk of serious injury from falling.

Qualitative indicators

A good fitball should be:

  • elastic and spring when pressing on it with the palm;
  • Sturdy with perfectly executed and inconspicuous seams;
  • with high antistatic properties;
  • with a perfectly pressed nipple.

To avoid the risk of serious injury when piercing or cutting the projectile, majority producers Modern models equip balls with an anti-rupture system, the presence of which is indicated by the marking of ABS in technical parameters. It prevents the fitball from exploding, that is, the projectile is simply blown out slowly.

The maximum permissible weight provided for a vertical load on the ball, as a rule, is also prescribed in the characteristics. It depends on the specific model, but if it is a really good simulator, then it can withstand about 200-300 kilograms.

Terms of use

To protect the ball from mechanical damage, work with it on a smooth surface. The pierced shell is repairable.

Quite often in the kit comes a glue that allows to ensure the damaged area resistance to rupture. Keep fitball should be pumped up, away from the sun direct rays and heaters.

In winter it is necessary to transport it not in the trunk, but in the cabin of the vehicle.

Pump the product by any kind of pump. The main thing is that the nipple should fit the diameter. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to buy a special pump.

The ball can be inflated without the use of auxiliary devices, but as a conventional inflatable ball.

Elasticity fitbola selected individually, given that it should not be too hard or, conversely, soft.

General recommendations

In order not to make a mistake with the selection of a gymnastic ball, it is better to consult the trainer first or to get acquainted with the feedback on the models of different manufacturers on the Internet. Do not buy a product of unknown brands. It can be too soft, fragile, slippery.

When buying is carried out in a sports shop, it is advisable to ask the consultant to inflate the ball. This will allow to check fitball for the absence of marriage and puncture, to estimate the size, elasticity, surface quality, which should be without cavities and blisters.

The Swiss ball is not just a simulator, but also an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. On it you can sit in front of the TV or at the computer.

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Correct choice of fitball: practical recommendations

Fitball is a popular gymnastic ball, which is familiar to anyone who at least once visited a fitness room.

Experts advise using this projectile for everyone involved in aerobics and fitness in the gym and at home.


This is a great way to improve coordination, give the muscles a uniform load, remove excess fat from the problem areas, make the body slim, and the stomach - flat.


Consider what kinds of gymnastic balls there are, how to choose fitball, pump it up and what exercises with it are most effective.

What is fitball - general information

Fitball is a strong and elastic rubber ball of great size for fitness and aerobics in the hall and at home.

Another name for this gymnastic object is a Swiss ball. Choosing the right fitball in many ways determines the effectiveness of subsequent workouts.

The ball must correspond to the height, weight of the athlete and the goals of training.

The benefits of regular exercises with a large ball for fitness are multifaceted:

  • Load on almost all muscle groups;
  • Development of agility, flexibility and coordination;
  • Correction of incorrect posture;
  • Prophylaxis and therapy of the initial stages of degenerative and dystrophic pathologies of the joints and spine;
  • Effective calorie burning;
  • Slim figure without the use of complex simulators.

The round shape of this gymnastic allows you to do exercises with a large amplitude, and the instability of the ball supports the muscles in a constant tone.

In addition, fitball is much cheaper than, for example, an exercise bike, a stepper or a treadmill, while not inferior to these devices in efficiency. Acquire the ball for home exercises can even students and retirees.

The ball is widely used to strengthen the pelvic muscles in pregnant women.

A distinctive feature of aerobics with a fitball in the absence of an excessive load on the lower limbs. This allows you to engage in fitness for the elderly and those who have problems with joints.

Do exercises with a Swiss ball can even people with varicose veins and excess weight.

In the latter case, you should, of course, control the load on the ball and choose the most durable and elastic model.

Exercises with fitbol bear a complex benefit: the press strengthens, fat disappears from the abdomen and other parts of the body, the manifestations of cellulite on the hips and buttocks decrease, the work includes those muscle groups that do not usually are involved. Swiss ball is appreciated for its versatility, accessibility and security.

History of creation

The history of fitball begins from the middle of the last century. In 1960, the ball was used by a physiotherapist from Switzerland Susan Klein-Vogelbach.

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Initially, the simulator was used solely as a therapeutic tool for the rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries.

Then it was used to treat patients with the diagnosis of "cerebral palsy".


Later physicians came to the conclusion that a Swiss ball can be used not only for therapy, but also for prevention.


Regular training helped to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, helped to stabilize the weight.

In the 90s of the XX century, the Swiss ball was widely used in gyms as a means of weight loss and correction of the figure. So aerobics with fitbol became a popular direction of fitness.


There are several varieties of Swiss balls:

  • Fitball with horns - handles for keeping balance. Such models are especially liked by children: the pens allow you to jump on the ball, keeping balance. A model with horns or brackets is suitable for inexperienced users.
  • Fitball with spikes, in addition to all the usual properties, has additional qualities of a massager. This model is especially effective for fighting cellulite.
  • Smooth fitball is suitable for all users, but is most often used for pregnant women. Such balls can be used both for relaxation and for intensive training.
  • Special children's fitbols are usually appropriately decorated and have small sizes.

There are also oval balls and models in the form of a donut. The prices for the ball depend on the dimensions, design features, brand, equipment. The average cost of a fitball is from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Choose the ball correctly

Where to buy a quality and durable gymnastic ball? You can buy this product in a regular sporting goods store.

A good consultant seller will certainly help to choose the right fitball, choosing the most suitable variant for all parameters, but it is better to determine the selection criteria in advance.

Also, you can buy fitball in the online store, having previously studied all the features and characteristics of various models.

First, we'll figure out how to pick up the fitball in size. To do this is relatively simple: for the sake of clarity, tables have been compiled that can be oriented.

Selection of diameter fitbola for growth:

Height, cm Diameter of fitball, cm
less than 155 45
155 - 169 55
170 - 185 65
more than 186 75 and more

Another method of selection is based on the length of the hand, which is measured from the shoulder joint to the tips of the elongated fingers:

Arm length, cm Diameter of fitball, cm
less than 55 45
56 - 65 55
66 - 75 65
more than 75 75 and more

Make sure that the model fits perfectly, in the following way: in the position sitting on the ball, the angles between the trunk and the thigh, as well as between the foot and the shin, should be approximately 90 degrees. Inexperienced athletes experts advise to choose a ball slightly less than the norm: in case of a fall, the probability of serious injuries decreases.

The main characteristics of a quality product:

  • Elasticity: when pressing on the ball, the palm should spring;
  • Strength;
  • The ideal surface - the seams on quality balls are completely invisible;
  • Antistatic properties;
  • Perfectly pressed into the surface nipple.

Modern models are equipped with an "anti-rupture" security system: in case of accidental puncture or cut, such a ball does not explode and does not injure the athlete, but will be slowly blown away. When buying an imported fitball, refer to the technical parameters section for the designation ABS (Anti-Burst System) - this means the presence of an anti-tear system.

How much weight a fitball can sustain with a vertical load is usually indicated in the technical specifications of the model. However, modern balls from bona fide manufacturers are strong enough and can withstand any possible weight (up to 200-300 kg).

Use the ball on a smooth surface, protecting the projectile from mechanical damage.

If a puncture occurs, it is necessary to repair: often the kit includes glue, which ensures the stability of the damaged area to the rupture.

Keep the balls better when inflated, away from radiators and open sun. Transport fibol in winter should be in the car, and not in the trunk.

The ball can be inflated manually, leg, electric and any other pump with a suitable nipple.

You can buy a special pump for fitbola, but you can not spend extra money and pump up your own lungs like a regular inflatable toy.


Determine the degree of elasticity yourself - the ball should not be too soft or too hard.


Before buying a fitball, it is better to consult a trainer in the fitness room or study reviews about a particular manufacturer on the Internet. Unknown brands are best not to buy - sometimes even an expensive ball is fragile, slippery or too soft.

If you do not want to find a marriage in the form of a puncture or a house break, do not hesitate - ask the seller to blow the ball right in the store. In passing, it is possible to evaluate the elasticity and dimensions of the product, as well as the state of the surface: it must be uniform, without swellings and depressions.

The ball can be used not only for fitness training: it is an excellent tool for relaxation and prevention of osteochondrosis. You can use the ball instead of a chair - sit on it at the computer or in front of the TV.

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How to choose a gymnastic ball for fitness

In order to adjust the figure, there are many different simulators, but many of them affect a certain group of muscles.

One of the universal simulators can be considered a gymnastic ball for fitness, the purchase of which replaces half of the equipment of the fitness center. However, after training, even very intense, you will not feel tired the next day.

And the sensations in the muscles will prompt you about the effectiveness of each exercise. In addition, the use of a gym ball for fitness (or fitball) is useful not only in sports.

Thus, some managers of large Japanese companies have replaced chairs for employees on fitbols, which helps to strengthen the spine and reduce fatigue of employees. And many mothers use this thing while rocking the child on their hands.

When choosing, before buying a gym ball, you can get confused by the variety of offers, however if you know the main parameters by which the quality of the product is determined, it will not be difficult for you to quickly find a suitable training apparatus.

One of the basic requirements for the fitball is its strength and elasticity. The quality is determined by the weight maintained, it should be 200-1000 kg. Better choose the figure from 300 kg, tk. such a ball implies strength training.

The next parameter is the choice of the source material. It should not only be very strong, but also have an antistatic effect, i.e. Do not electrify, otherwise dust will constantly accumulate on the surface.


In addition, the material should not be porous, otherwise it will absorb sweat and dirt. The elasticity of the material is checked with a conventional pin, the ball should be smoothed, multiple folds indicate low quality.


In the inflated condition, the ball slightly springs the hand when touched, the quality of the heat speaks out, the cold and slippery material indicates the opposite. For the manufacture in most cases, manufacturers choose latex and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

However, the material can be different, in any case, a quality ball is characterized by the presence of an anti-break system ABS or anti burst system. It provides safety in the event of accidental puncture of the fitball: it is blown off gradually, and does not scatter to pieces, like a balloon.

The convenience of operation is ensured by the absence of seams and a protruding nipple. Some models are filled with special granules for greater stability, thanks to which the ball supports a certain position. But these are specialized variants intended for people with broken ligament or muscular apparatus, as well as for pregnant women. In other cases, such models will not have a positive effect, because balls are valuable precisely for the need for constant balancing. At the moment, gymnastic balls are represented by a wide range of models with additional elements:

  • Massage balls are equipped with rubber spikes, the effect of which on the muscles activates the increased blood flow to the tissues and organs and relieves painful sensations;
  • orthopedic, equipped with special small horns, increasing stability. These balls can be used instead of chairs;
  • balls for beginners. Their peculiarity consists in the presence of additional handle-holders for greater confidence in the performance of exercises;
  • jumping, designed for children, they have a seat and handles.

Gymnastic balls are produced in several variations, the choice of a suitable size should be based on height and weight individually. Before going to the store, measure in the sitting position the distance from the floor to the knee, with this diameter and pick up the fitball.

There are 3 main diameters dm for growth up to, m - up to, 5 and, - to, m. For an average weight of 75 kg, a ball with a minimum of 200 kg load is calculated. In the complete set of a gymnastic ball, ideally, the pump should enter, because

constant self-inflating is difficult enough, and for a long time. Pumping is carried out to the state in which the ball when pressed depresses a couple of centimeters, the optimal size is usually indicated on the package.

Inflated excessively fitball loses stability, and incomplete filling of air, on the contrary, will not allow the muscles to work in sufficient measure. As for the muscles, the training aqua programs in the pool showed their effectiveness in their strengthening.

Such body loads have a high fat burning effect, therefore they are of great interest to women. Enjoy a full range of wellness procedures by visiting the swimming pool in Nekrasovka.

If you are thinking over all the nuances of buying a gym ball, pay even more attention to the possible colors balls, because with the help of the color gamut, you can regulate the state of a person morally and physically.

So, for calming the nervous system, green or blue color is suitable.

Colors of the red spectrum are filled with energy: yellow refers to mental stimulants, orange charges positive, and also positively affects the hormonal balance, red shades are able to increase immunity and even endurance.


Remember that all exercises are based on balancing, so conduct classes on a flat non-slip surface. Parquet, stony floor and a mat for fitness is better to exclude. To prolong the life of a gym ball, do not store it in the immediate vicinity of heating devices and direct sunlight. Do not inflate and lower the simulator daily, it is best to keep it in working condition.


Based on materials

Useful purchase - children's fitball and ball-hopping with horns in the form of animals

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You can not make an attempt, give up without a fight, give in without reason, leave without a fight.

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