White cabbage: health and weight loss benefits

Many cabbages are eaten raw or after preliminary cooking and do not always think about the benefits or harm.

It is grown almost throughout the country, appreciated for its taste and the content of useful substances. In some cases, harmless, at first glance, cabbage can cause harm.

Article content:
  • Why is it useful?
  • Nutritional and caloric value of
  • Is there any harm and contraindications?
  • Methods of application in folk medicine

Than useful?

Cabbage is a dietary product of plant origin. It is included in many diets( thanks to rough fiber contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the body, quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger).

The main useful properties:

  • of vitamin C it contains more than in citrus( ascorbic acid is present in the form of ascorbic acid, which, when cooked, is not destroyed);
  • tartronic acid, which has an anti-sclerotic effect, slows down the process of transition of glucose to fat( only found in fresh cabbage);
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  • folic acid( in green leaves) is needed by the body to normalize metabolic processes;
  • contains more fructose in it than in lemons, potatoes or carrots;
  • high choline content leads to a normal fat metabolism, therefore it is recommended daily cabbage consumption for people trying to lose weight;
  • in the process of sour milk production of lactic acid, eliminating dysbacteriosis and preventing the processes of putrefaction in the intestine;
  • vitamin U heals ulcers in the digestive tract( can only be used outside the period of exacerbation!);
  • its constituent phytoncides destroy Koch's wand( a causative agent of tuberculosis), Staphylococcus aureus.

Fresh cabbage fresh:

  • increases blood glucose level in diabetes;
  • leaves are used for headache, joint inflammations, bruises;
  • promotes the purification of the vascular walls, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • cellulose removes cholesterol, harmful substances;
  • juice helps with bronchitis, cough, diseases of the urinary system.

Benefits of sauerkraut:

  • is a source of ascorbic acid, it increases the immunity.

Cabbage diet can last up to 10 days. For 3 - 5 days, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds. It is not recommended to use this diet for more than a week - the body will experience a protein deficit, so you should enter fish or poultry.

Nutritional value and calorific value

Energy value 100 g white cabbage 28 kcal.

Chemical composition( %):

Proteins 1,5
Carbohydrates 3 - 5
Cellulose 0.5 - 1.1
Hemicellulose 0.5
Starch 0.1 - 0.5
Pectic substances 0,3 - 2,4

Content of vitamins per 100 g of product,( mg):

E 0,1
PP 0,9
B6 0,1
B5 0,2
With 45
Choline 10,7

Micronutrient content in 100 g of product,( mg):

Iron 1
Phosphorus 31
Magnesium 16
Calcium 48
Potassium 185
Sodium 13
Zinc 0.43

Potassium is required for cardiac activity and muscle strengthening, calcium for keeping blood and bone tissue in a normal state. Phosphorus is involved in energy processes, sodium regulates water metabolism and blood pressure. Magnesium is needed for the best work of the heart muscle, iron is required for hematopoiesis.

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On beneficial properties and contraindications of lentils - http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / chechevitsa.html

Is there any harm and contraindications?

Harm from cabbage is possible with:

  • excessive consumption( darkening in the eyes);
  • problems in men in the intimate sphere;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • problems associated with the digestive tract( it is recommended to use after heat treatment).

In cases where the consumption of salt should be limited, sauerkraut should be washed with water before use.

Contraindications for the use of fresh cabbage are:

  • acute enterocolitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • exacerbation of gastritis with increased secretory function.

The content of nitrates in white cabbage depends directly on the conditions in which it was grown. Accumulate harmful substances in a stump, so it is not recommended to eat it when buying a product in a store. Carcinogenic substances do not contain cabbage, its use, on the contrary, is recommended for the prevention of malignant neoplasms.

Methods of application in folk medicine

An important property of dietary fiber is its ability to normalize bowel function. Cells begin to receive nutrients in sufficient quantities and do not try to put them off.

Those who use cabbage for weight loss should:

  • not use salt( it delays the liquid);
  • for refueling cabbage use unrefined vegetable oil;
  • drink daily up to 2 liters of water;
  • to reduce flatulence include in the diet of fennel, dill.

Recipes of traditional medicine:

Problem Dosage How to use
Joint pain, gout Cabbage seeds 10 g Pour a glass of water into the raw material, boil for 10 minutes. Every day drink 1/3 of the stack.x 3 times( a diuretic).
Myositis Fresh cabbage leaf Mash in the hands of a sheet, rub it with laundry soap, apply to the affected muscle. Heat wrap, leave for the night. Repeat for a week.
Angina Cabbage juice Dilute the juice with water( 1: 1), used to rinse the throat.
Cough Cabbage juice Mix with honey or sugar, drink 1 tbsp daily.l.x 3 times.
Burns, purulent wounds, ulcers, dandruff eczema Cabbage leaf fresh Apply to affected areas of the skin to accelerate healing.
Overweight Cabbage Juice Drink ½ cup every day.x 4 times.
Obesity Cabbage white 3 kg,
liquid unsweet 4 l
Arrange 2 fasting days. On the day of 1.5 kg of cabbage and 2 liters of liquid.
Bold skin type Sauerkraut Weekly use mask for face and neck. Increases the elasticity of the skin, disappears greasy luster.

The use of cabbage to reduce body weight does not guarantee the preservation of the result unless the eating habits are changed. When adding dishes made from white cabbage to the diet, the body will receive useful substances and vitamins, it will help to keep the figure in good shape.

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