What products are useful for the heart and blood vessels, how to eat them properly

From the article you will learn about useful products for the heart and blood vessels. What and why is it recommended to eat in order to maintain the normal operation of the cardiovascular system and to consolidate the effect of drug therapy( if you already have a cardiac disease).

Contents of the article:

  • Products useful for the heart
  • Products useful for vessels
  • Products useful for the heart and for the vessels

Nutrition is one of the regulated factors that affects the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The use of beneficial in terms of content and processing of products has a significant positive effect:

  • with an already established cardiological or vascular disease, improving its course and fixing the result of the drug treatment;
  • allows to reduce the risk of pathology, especially if there are other risk factors( age, diabetes, excess weight, smoking, pressure instability, heart disease and blood vessels in loved ones).

General principles of the influence of "right" and useful products:

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  1. Normalization of the level of low density lipids in the blood - the main cause of atherosclerotic changes in the vascular wall in all organs.
  2. Maintaining the physiological balance of electrolytes( potassium, sodium, magnesium) - the main elements that ensure a normal myocardial contraction and the volume of circulating fluid.
  3. Derivation of metabolic products and slags through the intestines - reducing the toxicity of fermentation products.
  4. An obstacle to the destruction of cells and tissues by free radicals is an antioxidant action.
  5. Increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, strengthen it and reduce the fluid permeability.
  6. Strengthening muscle fibers of the heart muscle, increasing its resistance to oxygen starvation against a background of blood flow disturbances.
  7. Improve blood flow, an obstacle to the formation of clots in the lumen of the vessels.

One use of products that are useful for the heart and blood vessels is not enough to prevent and treat diseases of these organs, but the combined effect of nutrition, lifestyle and well-chosen therapy can reduce the risk of developing serious complications.

To find out what products are useful, how often and correctly to use them, a dietitian will help, as well as a therapist and a cardiologist.

Products useful for the heart

The main components, their action In what form and how often to use
Dried apricots, raisins Contains high amounts of potassium

Normalizes the electrolyte composition of the blood plasma

Improves the conductivity of the electric excitation pulse in the heart muscle parts

Decrease the volume of circulating plasma in the blood,reducing the load on the myocardium

compotes without sugar - 1-2 times a week

in its pure form - 50-60 g 1 every 7-10 days

Pumpkin As part of potassium, vitamin C, pectin

Streettakes heart muscle contractility

Reduces the load on the right heart

Prevents destruction of the myocardium by free radicals

Discharges toxins through the intestine

In raw or baked form up to 200 g per week
Broccoli Source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, B and C vitamins

Normalizes heart contractility

Reduces circulating blood volume

Increases the resistance of myocardial cells to oxidative processes

Increases the elasticity of muscle fibersIn DCA

cheese, baked or boiled to 500 g per week
rice and buckwheat groats contain large amounts of thiamine

improve elasticity

myocardial muscle cells of heart cells increases endurance to

load daily, boiled 50-80 g in the firstafternoon
Dark chocolate The tiles with the content of the cocoa beans & gt; 70% of high levels of thiamin

effect is the same as that in cereals

maximum 5-10 g per day

minimum of 50 g - 1 weekly

Eggs in the composition of tocopherol, B vitamins, coenzyme Q10

Prevent damaging effects of free radicals on the myocardium

prevent the development of anemia and heart

malnutrition increases the functional capacity of the heart muscle

boiled 2-3 times a week
Lentils, beans high content of potassium, iron, flavonoidsand fiber

Improve cardiac pulse conductivity

Normalize electrolyte balance

Discharge excess fluid and toxins

Increase the number of active erythrocytes, uluchshaya food

infarction in the form of side dishes to 200 g per week
berries( currants, cherries, cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries) about As part of potassium, magnesium, vitamin C

Normalize the contractility of cardiac muscle

prevents the accumulation

excess fluid protects the heart of the processoxidation

better fresh, you can use fruit drinks and fruit drinks without sugar

maximum of up to 300 grams per day

Apples contain potassium, pectin

effect, like berries

Additionally toxins

1 medium-sized appleper day
Asparagus, bran Phosphorus source

Strengthens the walls of myocardial cells

Improves conduction of nerve impulse through the heart

Daily up to 20 g
Carrots High potassium content

Normalizes water exchange

Discharges excess fluid

Improves cardiac muscle contractions

1 time per2 weeks to 100 g
Potatoes Rich in potassium

Has the same effect as carrots

Baked peel - one medium potato per day
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Products useful for vessels

Food Main components, their action How and how often to use
Grapefruit Rich in B, C, P and D vitamins

Strengthens the walls of the vessels

Increases the elasticity of the muscular elements of the arteries and veins

Reduces the permeability of the wall for water,edemas

Fresh or juice 1 time in 1-2 weeks
Garlic Contains nitrogen oxide

Relieves spasm of the vascular wall, thereby normalizing the pressure level

Improves blood flow in all organs

Stabilizera power receptacles themselves

1 clove daily
linseed oil and sunflower

source of polyunsaturated fatty acids Stabilizes cholesterol

Displays "bad" lipids from the blood, protecting the vessels from atherosclerotic lesion

1 tbsp.l.in the morning
Rosehip, black currant, mountain ash A large amount of rutin, or vitamin P

Increases the elasticity of the vessels

Reduces the fragility of the wall of arteries and veins, increasing their resistance

Reduces the flow of fluid through the cellular spaces, removing edema

Raw berries 100-200 g in 7-10 days

Compotes, decoctions, fruit drinks for 1 glass in 2-3 days

Seafood( shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus) The main source of vitamin F

Reduce the level of low density lipids

Purify the vessels from cholesterol overlays

Infertile cholesterol

In any form except roast 200 g in 10-14 days
Dairy products Pyridoxine source

Act like seafood

Daily up to 200 g depending on the type and fat
Red fish,tuna, mackerel Large quantities of omega-3 fatty acids

Purify vessels from atherosclerotic plaques

Normalize cholesterol and "bad" lipids

Strengthen vascular wall

Improve blood flow to organad and tissues

In any form 1-2 times a week up to 300 g
Almonds, walnuts The source of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Are the same as the red fish

Up to 100 g for a week

Products useful for the heart, andfor vessels

The main components, their action In what form and how often to use
Avocado As part of potassium, copper, iron, vitamins E and C, group B, omega-3 fatty acids

Normalizes conduction and contractility of the myocardium

Protectscells from the action of free radicals

Clears blood and blood vessels from cholesterol

Raises the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells, improving the nutrition of the heart and blood vessels

Displays excess fluid, facilitating the work of the right heart

In raw form, 1 time perfir
Pomegranate Contains iron, natural antioxidants and blood thinning substances

Protects cardiovascular cells from destruction by radicals

Makes blood fluid, preventing the formation of thrombi

Improves nutrition of vessels and heart muscle

Reduces cholesterol

Increases hemoglobin content in red blood cells

Glassjuice or whole garnet per week
Oat groats Source of potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids

Improves contractions of the heart muscle

Normalwater-electrolyte exchange

Displays cholesterol

Reduces the amount of "bad" lipids

Up to 3 times a week, 80-100 g
Cheese, dairy products Calcium rich

Improves myocardial contractility

Strengthens the vascular wall

Cheese - every other day to 100 g

Sour milk products - glass daily in the morning

Low-fat meat, bananas Contain magnesium

Reduce blood viscosity, preventing the formation of clots

Improve blood flow in the heart and walls of vessels

Daily 150-200 g in any form, except fried
Figs Contains potassium, furocumarin, rutin, B group vitamins

Liquefies blood, prevents the formation of clots

Strengthens the walls of vessels

Gives elasticity to arteries and veins, increasing their resistance to injury andelements of inflammation

Improves the functioning of the heart muscle

One berry in 1-2 weeks
White mushrooms Rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin P

Strengthen the vessels

Improve the conductivity in the myocardium

Normalize the waterleft balance

Reduces stress on the right heart

Discharge excess water from the body, reducing swelling

Increase the elasticity and stretch of the heart muscle fibers

150-200 g in 10-14 days
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The listed useful products for the heart and blood vesselsrefer to the main ones and do not include their entire extensive list. The main thing to remember is that if the products are useful, this does not mean their uncontrolled use in large quantities - in that case, the benefit can become harmful.