Milk honey soda from cough proportions

Milk with soda from cough: effectiveness and indications for use

Despite the development of modern medicine and the abundance of medicines, folk medicine does not lose its popularity and it is used to treat many diseases. Traditional medicine in the treatment of cough has been used for many centuries.In her arsenal, you can find many recipes for infusions, broths, grindings and piles.

On how effective this treatment is shown by numerous positive reviews. In particular, folk remedies in the treatment of cough are most effective in relation to children. Apply folk remedies for cough in those cases when it is not recommended to use medicamentous preparations, for example, in pregnancy, in the presence of allergic reactions and intolerance of drugs components. Also, folk remedies are often used in complex treatment, along with medicines.

Milk with soda from cough has repeatedly proved its effectiveness. This tool is fairly simple to apply, you only need to observe the recommended proportions. The cost of such treatment is available to everyone.

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Soda with milk is an effective tool in the fight, even with a strong running cough, because the product is prepared on the basis of natural ingredients, you can use it even very young children. Efficiency is caused by the fact that milk has many useful properties and is enriched with vitamins, and in combination with soda it can dilute sputum.

Indications for use are:

  • Rhinitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Nasopharyngitis.
  • ARVI.
  • ARI.

Despite the fact that milk with soda from coughing has no side effects and is absolutely harmless for organism, before using it, you need to make sure that the patient is not allergic to milk or soda. The only contraindication is the individual intolerance of one of the components and allergic reactions.

It should also be noted that if an adult rarely uses milk, he is recommended to drink no more than 2 glasses in a week, in view of the fact that often the enzyme, which is responsible for the splitting of milk, is reduced in the absence of it use.

It is not recommended to use medicinal drinks based on milk for older people, as often their digestive system loses the ability to digest milk. Drinks that are added to honey are contraindicated for people with diabetes and certain gastrointestinal disorders.

Milk with honey and soda: cooking methods and recipes

Milk with honey and soda has a very effective effect on coughing, because it has softening, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action, diluting sputum and improving it Departure. The way of making this drink at home is very simple: milk should be boiled, add to it 1/3 teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of honey for 1 glass. Everything must be thoroughly mixed and the product is ready for use, but remember that the drink should be hot, but comfortable to drink otherwise you can get a burn. Milk with soda and honey is recommended to drink after eating, since an empty stomach soda can damage the stomach mucosa. And if you drink a medicine at night, then the therapeutic effect will increase several times.

In addition, there are other popular recipes that have a significant therapeutic effect in the treatment of cough:

  1. Milk with figs.This drink is not only effective for coughing, laryngitis and sore throat, but also has a pleasant taste. For its preparation it is necessary to take 4 fruits of dry figs, put in a glass of milk. All put on fire and bring to a boil, then let the agent to infuse under the lid for about half an hour. Then the figs must be eaten and heated with milk. With sore throat, such milk can be used to rinse.
  2. Milk with cinnamon and honey.This drink is warming, in addition to the therapeutic effect, it has a pleasant aroma and taste. In a glass of hot milk it is recommended to put 1/3 of a teaspoon of cinnamon and a couple of spoons of honey. Use recommended immediately before bedtime.
  3. Milk with honey and cognac.This drink also has a warming effect. In a glass of hot milk, add 1 teaspoon of honey and cognac, drink before going to sleep in small sips. However, it should be noted that this recipe can only be used to treat adults.

Also, there are many recipes, which include additional ingredients and useful additives. Milk with honey and soda can also be supplemented, for example, with butter, which has an enveloping emollient effect and effectively relieves sore throat and coughs. And if there are strong, non-subsiding coughing attacks, it will be useful to add an infusion of oats.

A glass of oats is poured into a liter of hot milk and boiled until the grains swell, after which honey and oil are added and taken at night and during coughing attacks.

To combat dry cough, it is recommended to add ginger and anise seeds, to strengthen immunity during illness, effectively add radish or carrot juice to milk. To relieve the pain from cough, it is recommended to add honey and garlic to the milk. Also, milk, honey and soda are often added with aloe juice, salt and camphor oil.


Use of milk with soda from cough

Traditional medicine is known for a number of effective prescriptions for colds.When coughing is often used warm milk, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes respiratory tract, and when other natural remedies are added to this natural product, the process is accelerated recovery.Milk with soda from a cough is great for those situations where coughing attacks on the respiratory tract irritate and tear. Especially helps this folk remedy with a dry cough that occurs mainly at night.

How does milk work on the body?

Such products as milk and soda, by themselves have a sick body in the course of colds a favorable effect, and with their skillful combination, you can quickly eliminate the signs colds. A properly prepared product has a complex effect on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • softening;
  • enveloping;
  • expectorant.
Warm milk is an old, reliable and proven remedy for coughing, both in adults and children.This dairy product is useful for the whole body, for medicinal purposes it can be combined with honey, butter, garlic. It is best to use whole-house milk that has not been heat treated, it has all the useful properties.

Drinking milk when coughing has a softening, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes. With a dry, sore throat, a coughing fit should be added to this product the usual baking soda. It increases the amount of sputum secreted, so with normal sputum separation this remedy will not work.

Effective recipes

It is important that during the preparation of such a national remedy, it is only brought to a boil. Drinking such a medicine for colds can increase sweating, which leads to a significant loss of fluid, and, as is known, such a process is undesirable in the disease. If there is a cold, manifested by coughing attacks, you can use the following recipes:
  1. A glass of warm milk should take half a teaspoon of baking soda. It is necessary to adhere to the indicated dosage, since when a large amount of soda enters the body, it can cause a laxative effect. Drink the prepared medicine at a time.
  2. It is used for coughing milk with soda, butter and honey. This remedy also helps with a sore throat, as honey has an anti-inflammatory effect on the inflamed mucous membrane, and oil has an enveloping property. For 200 warm milk, take a spoonful of honey and butter, half a spoonful of soda. Drink should be taken before bedtime, after which you need to warmly dress and wrap yourself in a blanket.

    In a glass of warm milk add a tablespoon of butter, a tablespoon of honey, a half teaspoon of soda, rinimat for the night

  3. Before going to bed, preheat a glass of milk, dilute ½ teaspoon of soda in this liquid and add a pinch of salt. This medicine increases the amount of mucus produced and promotes its removal to the surface of the respiratory tract.
  4. There is also such a recipe, in which another chicken egg, sugar and honey are used. Take a chicken egg, a spoonful of butter and sugar, mix well, add ½ tablespoon of soda and a spoonful of honey, pour 200 g of warm milk. Drink after eating.

Such a medicine of traditional medicine as warmed milk with the addition of soda, is effective even with bronchitis. To eliminate the cough seizures that accompany bronchitis, you can use cocoa butter, which in itself is a powerful antitussive. For adults with diseases, the main symptom of which is a cough, a few drops of propolis tincture are added to the milk. Due to the safety and effectiveness of such a national antitussive drug, it is actively used in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.

Milk, soda and oil will help get rid of cough

Proponents of traditional medicine argue that milk with soda from cough is an excellent remedy.Indeed, in order to overcome an unpleasant cough, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy and stock up on expensive medicine packages. Normal milk, soda, cough oil have a curative effect, which has been known since ancient times. It should be mentioned that whole homemade unboiled milk does not suit all people: some may have an individual intolerance to this product. But milk, which has undergone special heat treatment, which is sold in stores, can be safely used to treat everyone.

Recipes from dry cough

One of the common recipes is milk with soda from cough. Doctors often recommend that patients use baking soda for inhalations aimed at relieving dry bouts of severe cough. Therefore, the combination of components such as milk and soda is not at all random. The medicinal mixture according to the grandmother's recipe is very simple:

  1. A glass of milk is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil over a small fire. Then you need to wait until the liquid cools down a little.
  2. Add half teaspoon of soda to 200 ml of milk. It is not necessary to think that the more soda is added, the better the effect the medicine will have. The fact is that soda in excess can negatively affect the stomach. It is better to adhere strictly to the recommended proportions.
  3. To avoid irritation of the stomach with soda, the prepared mixture is drunk in a warm form after eating. It is noteworthy that this folk remedy can be used not only by adults, but also by children.

This very simple but effective recipe will help in the case of a dry, severely irritating throat cough. Its manifestations are especially unpleasant at night. A warm milky-soda drink helps to liquefy phlegm, relieves perspiration and sore throat. As additional ingredients in milk with soda from cough, you can add on a teaspoon of butter or honey, which will calm the irritated throat, gently lubricating it. Another option - add a milky soda drink a couple drops of alcohol tincture of propolis.

To get rid of discomfort and reduce pain in the throat area, it is recommended to drink milk and butter several times a day.

And to obtain a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use natural butter, and not a spread based on vegetable fats. Cocoa butter works very well, which can be used for treatment instead of cream.

Such a drink will be very useful before going to bed and will help to avoid the painful bouts of dry night cough. To make it, take a glass of hot milk and add a piece of butter - it will quickly dissolve in the liquid.

Other recipes with milk

Often with milk, combine other ingredients: mineral water, carrot juice, figs, birch juice, honey. All these products are available to everyone, and cooking recipes are very simple.

Milk with natural honey is recommended not only as a cough medicine. This drink, rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances, helps to strengthen the immunity of a sick person. Directly before use, heat a glass of milk and add a tablespoon of honey to it. It is desirable to drink such a food after eating.

With a prolonged or residual cough, a mixture of milk and birch sap, taken in equal amounts, helps a lot. A similar effect will have maple syrup with milk.

Cough caused by bronchial diseases, such as bronchial asthma, can be removed with a drink made from fresh carrot juice and warm milk. The proportions of the components must be the same. Therapeutic drink is taken 5-6 times a day.

A very well-cooked fig helps you cough very well. Fruit a few pour a glass of milk, bring to a boil over a small fire, and then insist with the lid closed for another 20 minutes. Welded figs can be eaten separately during the day, and milk is drunk in a hot form.

Another popular recipe suggests the use of milk and onions. Two small bulbs cut into medium pieces, pour a glass of milk and boil until the onion is soft. The resulting broth is filtered and a spoonful of natural honey is added. Take this drug every hour on the table spoons and after a couple of days the cough passes.

Prolonged cough is treated with warm milk, which is added to the juice of a typical radish. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and take a homemade natural remedy on a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes that will help to cope quickly with a cough. Their components are natural and there is in every house, so self-prepared funds for milk will be absolutely safe.

However, if a cough does not go away for several days, you need to contact a doctor for a qualified consultation.

Recipes with milk from a cough

With various colds, bronchitis, respiratory diseases causing cough, a very effective remedy for traditional medicine is regular milk. It softens the throat, promotes the dilution of phlegm and the regeneration of dry reflex exhalations into moist ones. Milk from cough is recommended not only in pure form. Very often, various additives are used, sometimes even the most unexpected ones.

How to treat cough with milk?

Traditional medicine makes it possible to use recipes, the ingredients for which are quite diverse. However, all specialists agree on the same - cough treatment with milk is recommended to begin immediately after the appearance of the first signs of a symptom. The manifested promptness will allow to recover faster and not to give the disease to develop into a chronic stage, from which it is much more difficult to get rid of.

Recommended recipes against cough and milk are fairly simple. They are not difficult to prepare, and the products are likely to be found in the refrigerator from any landlady or at a nearby store.

Cough recipe: milk with soda

The composition perfectly liquefies phlegm and facilitates its exit from the body, has a therapeutic effect on dry spastic exhalations, regenerating them in wet, helps to cope with the neglected phenomenon. Milk with soda for coughing is prepared as follows: a glass of liquid is heated on a fire, but do not bring to a boil. They pour into a mug. Put half a teaspoon of baking soda. Use this compound twice a day before eating.

Milk from cough: a recipe with onions

The drink perfectly fights not only with spasms of the respiratory tract, but also with their provocateurs - viral and bacterial infections. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 large onions, cut them and pour the milk. The medicine is cooked on until the softness of the vegetable. After that, the liquid part merges, it puts a few spoonfuls of honey. The composition is recommended to take every hour for 2 teaspoons. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, it takes a few days.

Recipe for milk from cough: option with a radish

The mixture is perfectly cured by prolonged exhausting reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Both ingredients have healing properties, which are amplified several times when these products are combined. The ingredients must be mixed in equal parts, add a little honey. Take the medicine should be 6 times a day for one tablespoon.

Milk with oil from cough

Most often, the composition is used for pain and perspiration in the throat. The drink perfectly soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves swelling, helps reduce inflammation. The medicine prepared according to this recipe helps to sputum. It is necessary to heat a glass of liquid, throw there butter in the amount of 50 grams. Drink a cure for a cough drink before bedtime. It is recommended to do this every day until the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

Milk with cough sage

Such a drink doctors recommend drinking with prolonged reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Prepare the formula for the following recipe: throw a tablespoon of dry medicinal plants in a glass of milk. The liquid is brought to a boil and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The solution is boiled again, filtered. Add butter to the resulting composition from the cough in the amount of 1 teaspoon and the same amount of honey. Take the mixture at night, so that after that do not get out from under the blanket.

Milk, soda, cough oil

It softens the throat well and removes reflex respiratory cramps caused by colds diseases, the following recipe: for a glass of cow's food put ½ teaspoon of soda and 1 table spoon of honey. You can add carrot juice, figs.

Propolis with milk from a cough

The composition is recommended to take to soften the throat, strengthen the expectoration. The drink has a calming effect, so it is advised to take it for the night. The recipe is quite simple. It is necessary: ​​in a half of a milk glass to dissolve 10 drops of a propolis tincture and to drink before a dream. Milk with propolis can not be taken to people who are allergic to bee products. All others can use the recipe safely.

Oats with milk from cough

Such a compound is used in the fight against an unpleasant symptom for a very long time. Accept it if it is necessary to regenerate dry spastic exhalations into productive ones. To do this, you can use the following recipe: pour into the enameled container 1 half-liter jar of pre-collected and washed oats. Pour there 2 liters of milk, preferably home. Put the container in a water bath, leave to languish for 3 hours. After the required time, remove the broth from the plate, cool. Strain the resulting composition through gauze. Oats in milk from cough should turn yellowish. Eat 6 times a day before eating 100 grams of broth.

Cedar cone with milk from cough

Drink is a very good remedy, which is recommended to be used for medical and preventive purposes. The medicine is prepared according to a simple recipe: pour 2-3 cones with a slightly warmed liquid (1 glass). Add a small amount of goat fat and honey to the mixture. Drink the formula at a time. Use this remedy should be several times a day.

Mineral with milk from cough

The composition can successfully compete in its effectiveness even with certain pharmaceutical preparations. It perfectly moisturizes and soothes irritated throat. The best variant of the mineral water used is Borjomi and Essentuki, however, any other alkaline varieties is also suitable. The composition is made according to a surprisingly simple recipe. Mineral water at room temperature is mixed with warmed milk in equal proportions. The received medicine is taken before each meal by 1/3 cup.

Sage with milk from cough

The leaves of the plant contain a large number of valuable essential oils, which have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This helps the formulations to fight the pathogenic microorganisms causing the cough. Also, the drink gives a good expectorant effect. To prepare the medicine, the following recipe is used: a tablespoon of dried sage should be filled with a glass of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes. After that, the same amount of cow product is poured into the concentrate. The therapeutic drink is filtered and drunk instead of tea.

Milk with garlic from cough

The recipe is great for fighting airway cramps caused by colds. It is necessary: ​​to boil a glass of cow's product. Pour a few cloves of crushed or chopped garlic. Cover the composition, let it brew to cool. After that, add a little honey to the solution and drink small sips. Drink a medication in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Cough recipe: milk with cocoa

The remedy is used to get rid of the sharp spastic exhalations, provoked by colds and bronchitis. To do this: boil a glass of milk, it adds a spoonful of honey and a small piece of cocoa butter. The composition is drunk several times a day in a warm form.

Carrots with milk from cough

The product perfectly helps to cope with respiratory tract spasms, provoked by bronchitis. The recipe is as follows: a small carrot is cut into pieces, filled with liquid in the amount of 1 glass, not long cooked. This drink is drunk up to 4 times a day. Carrots are eaten.

Goat's milk from cough

Due to its bactericidal properties, this livestock product has a unique means for long storage. Goat milk can be drunk with a cough as in pure form (it promotes the degeneration of dry sharp spastic exhalations into wet), and prepare various therapeutic compositions based on it. For example, the following recipe is very effective in chest cough: a glass of goat's product is heated to hot condition, put a tablespoon of any animal interior fat or butter, and also honey. Drink the formula before going to sleep in large sips.

Dates with milk from a cough

The agent very effectively helps to get rid of chronic reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. To do this, use the following recipe: every morning for 15 minutes to boil 10 dates in half a liter of cow's product. Eat this medicine throughout the day. Treatment dates should be continued for 10 days. Such a remedy helps to cure not only of cough, but also of a cold that causes an unpleasant symptom.

Milk with egg from cough

The recipe is great for treating children. After all, it resembles dessert rather than medicine. To prepare the composition, it is necessary: ​​grind 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Add a glass of warm cow's product, a little flower honey and whipped whites. You can sprinkle a small amount of fruit juice (especially recommended citrus). It would also be superfluous to put a teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Do not forget that if warm boiled milk from a cough in its pure form can be taken without consulting a doctor and in any quantities, the compositions prepared according to the prescriptions are already medicines and their uncontrolled use is inappropriate. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms should be to visit a physician and establish a diagnosis. Only after consulting with a specialist and confirming the advisability of treating an unpleasant symptom with the help of folk recipes can you expect effective results and quick recovery.

With milk from a cough

An excruciating cough can be a sign of bronchitis or some other respiratory disease. Even after the person has recovered, the cough continues for a while.

Cough milk

People always believed that cough is well treated with milk. Someone adds honey to honey, some soda, some carrot juice or something. Milk from coughing helps, though each person thinks out himself what to add to it.

There is one recipe that helps everyone. In the milk you need to put finely chopped onions, put on fire and cook until the onion is soft. After that, the broth is filtered and honey is added from the calculation, one teaspoon per half cup of broth. Adults should take one tablespoon in one hour. If the child is sick, the dosage is halved. For two or three days the cough will pass without leaving a trace.

Still it is possible in 300 ml of hot milk to add a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, a small piece of butter and a teaspoon of honey. Instead of butter, you can pour cocoa butter.

With a dry cough it is recommended to drink milk with mineral water, the proportion:.

Some mix milk with carrot, birch or maple juice. The amount of juice and milk should be the same. Drink six times a day.

Fig with cough milk

To date, there is a huge amount of cough medicine, which can be difficult to choose. Many people do not like to use pills and turn to folk medicine.

Figs with milk from a cough are prepared simply. It is necessary to take milk, pour it into a ladle and put it on the fire. Further in the milk is added a dry or fresh fig, which is pre-washed well. For a glass of milk you need to take one fig fruit of medium size. After the milk boils, it is necessary to cook in it figs under a closed lid for about half an hour. Next, the dishes with the broth wrapped in a blanket, in order to make the figs and gave all the useful properties. When the milk cools down, it must be filtered and poured into a glass jar. It is necessary to drink the prepared broth for three hours, because it is during this period that it is considered the most useful.

Milk with soda from cough

At the initial stage of the disease, cough does not necessarily have to be treated with medications. You can try to get rid of it with the help of what is in the kitchen. Milk with soda from cough helps very effectively. This combination of components is used for dry cough. Generally, soda increases the amount of sputum, so if a person has a cough moist, such a remedy is unlikely to help.

How to prepare this cough medicine? It is necessary to boil the milk and add to it half a teaspoon of soda. If you add a little more soda, the chair may break. Take milk with soda twice a day before meals.

Milk with honey from cough

Traditional medicine is rich in tips and recipes. Since people have coughing at all times, a huge amount has accumulated from this disease.

In order to get rid of a cough, you can prepare "Gogol-Mogol". Yolks and sugar are ground and gorged on an empty stomach.

Well helps white wine with the roots of pepper. To prepare the medicine you need to take 250 ml of white wine and 50 grams of roots. Boil and drink three times a day.

Milk with honey from cough helps not only adults but also children. A glass of warm milk should take a tablespoon of honey. Take preferably before going to bed.

Borjomi with milk from a cough

Still our grandmothers were treated by Borzhomi with milk from a cough. Even with strong bronchitis this drink helps. Milk must be heated and poured into it with mineral water in the following proportions:. Mineral water should be at room temperature, warm and cool it to nothing. Drink this drink before eating a third of the glass.

Some before pouring mineral water into the milk release gases from it. To do this, you need to chat for a while with a fork in a glass of water and that's it.

Someone adds honey to the milk with mineral water, someone butter. It's a matter of taste, everyone does as he pleases.

If there is no opportunity to buy mineral water, you can add soda to the milk. A quarter of a teaspoon of soda is taken for a glass of hot milk.

Mineral water is used in the treatment of cough not only when it is mixed with milk, but also pouring it into the inhaler.

Onions with cough milk

In order that people do not get sick, they must constantly strengthen their immunity: to fully eat, spend free time on air and drink vitamins. The negative side of the cough is that it can stay after the illness is released.

Onions with cough milk are made this way. It is necessary to cut a few bulbs in small pieces, pour it all into a saucepan and pour the milk. When the onion is cooked and infused, strain the broth, add honey and drink one tablespoon every hour. For three days the cough passes.

Milk with oil from cough

For a long time people cough cough with milk with various supplements. Milk and butter from coughing do this: take a glass of milk, warm it and add a teaspoon of butter. You need to drink three times a day.

Oats with milk from cough

Oats - this is a very useful agricultural crop, it is used in the treatment of various diseases. Oats with milk from cough can be given even to children. To prepare the medicine you will need a glass of milk and a handful of oats. These components are mixed and poured into a clay pot, which is then placed in the oven for an hour. You need to take several times a day.

Milk with cough sage

Cough can be treated in various ways, some help, and some remain useless. Milk with sage from a cough is prepared this way: a tablespoon of sage is taken for a glass of milk, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. Then boil again, filter, add a teaspoon of butter, as much honey. Take before bed, when from under the blanket will not need to go out.

Milk with garlic from cough

Garlic, onions, honey, milk - all this and more help with various diseases. Milk with garlic from cough helps. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to pour five cloves of garlic with a glass of milk and boil, then add a teaspoon of honey and boil again. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

Ginger with milk from cough

In autumn and winter, all are usually ill, try different medications and it happens that it is unreasonable to throw a lot of money into the wind. Many people resort to folk wisdom and try to get rid of the disease with the help of alternative medicine.

Ginger with milk from a cough helps well. How to prepare this medicine? It is necessary to bring to a boil 1/5 cup of milk, then pour there two teaspoons of tea leaves, a little sugar and one circle of ginger root, which must first be cut. The mixture is boiled again, insisted for five minutes and boiled again. After the broth is infused, it must be filtered and drunk several times a day.

Milk with banana from cough

This recipe is very popular with children who love bananas. Milk with a banana from a cough is prepared this way: from a banana make a gruel and add 3 spoons of cocoa, mix and pour a glass of boiling milk. You can add honey or sugar to the mixture. Drink this drink before bedtime and exclusively in a hot form.

Propolis from cough and milk

Propolis is a bee glue that is actively used in folk medicine. Propolis from a cough with milk is prepared this way: take 20 grams of propolis and a glass of milk, the ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. Insist and take inside one tablespoon four times a day. Since propolis is a rather serious natural remedy, before giving it to children it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Milk with nuts from cough

There is an opinion that both nuts mixed with milk perfectly cope with the cough. Milk with cough nuts is prepared as follows: a glass of untreated pine nuts are poured with a liter of milk, boiled for twenty minutes and filtered. Nuts can be eaten, and warm milk (one glass) should be drunk before going to bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.

Milk with cough fat

To cure chronic cough and bronchitis will help milk with fat. Goat fat is usually used for these purposes. The mixture must always be fresh. Milk with fat from cough is cooked like this: boil a glass of milk and add to it a tablespoon of goat fat and a tablespoon of honey. You need to drink before bed, wrapped in a blanket.

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