Folk remedies for high blood pressure: a selection of the best recipes

From this article you will learn: what folk remedies help from high blood pressure. How they can be cooked. What tools provide quick help with increased blood pressure, and which need to be taken systematically.

Pros and cons of folk remedies

  • 1. Quick-acting methods - tinctures
  • 2. Means for applying the course - water infusions, juices, berries
  • 3. Other remedies
  • Folk remedies are effective for lowering pressure in chronic hypertension. Some of them can be used to treat an attack of high blood pressure - others can be taken by a course to lower chronically high blood pressure.

    Before using folk remedies for the treatment of high blood pressure, consult a treating cardiologist.

    Pros and cons of folk remedies against high pressure


    1. Naturalness. They are all made from herbs or other natural ingredients.
    2. Fewer side effects. But this does not mean their complete absence: like any other medicine, natural can also cause side effects.
    3. Availability. Many herbs can be bought at the pharmacy or procured independently.
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    Cons of folk remedies for the treatment of high blood pressure:

    1. High probability of self-treatment. Since drugs can be prepared on their own, many do not consult a doctor before using them.
    2. High probability of overdose. Thinking that natural remedies for the treatment of hypertension are absolutely harmless, patients start to abuse them( to drink at a higher dosage, without the need, or for too long a course).
    3. Presence of contraindications. Like any other medicine, folk remedies can not be used by everyone. But patients do not always take this into account.
    4. Only symptomatic treatment. When hypertension is often necessary to treat not only the increased pressure, but also its causes. Councils of traditional medicine can not help in this. Therefore, in any case, do not replace the approach to the doctor with self-medication.

    1. Fast-acting methods - tinctures


    Effective agents from such plants:

    • motherwort;
    • valerian;
    • peony.

    Tinctures of these herbs can be bought at the pharmacy, and you can do it yourself.

    Ingredients Method of preparation Dosage for treatment
    Motherwort dry - 20 g

    Alcohol 70% - 100 ml

    Grind the dried plant, pour alcohol. Close tightly and place it in a shaded area. Every day, shake the mixture. Insist for a month.

    Please note! Use only a glass container for cooking. The plastic separates harmful substances when it interacts with alcohol.

    30 drops dissolve in 1 tbsp.l.cold water.
    Valerian root - 10g

    Medical alcohol( 70%) - 50 ml

    Finely chop the root of the plant. Fill with alcohol. Seal it tightly. Insist 14 days away from direct sunlight. 30 drops dissolve in a small amount of water.

    If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 40 drops.

    Peony root - 10 g

    Alcohol - 50 ml

    Grind vegetable material. Fill with alcohol. Close tightly and put in a dark place for 20 days. Shake every 2-4 days. After 20 days, strain. 20 drops dissolve in a small amount of water.
    Tinctures from these plants help in the treatment of hypertension

    Helpful advice. Store all cooked tinctures in a container of dark glass, so that their quality is not affected by light. Suitable bottles of drugs. Before use, rinse thoroughly with boiling water to remove the remnants of used medication.

    All means for rapid treatment of high blood pressure have side effects and contraindications.

    Side effects and contraindications

    Tincture Side effects Contraindications
    Peony Drowsiness, fatigue, low blood pressure( usually with an overdose), rash on the body Increased gastric acidity, renal or hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children
    Motherwort Nausea,in the stomach, skin rash Gastritis in acute stage, stomach or bowel ulcer, pregnancy, lactation, age under 18
    Valerian Drowsiness, reduced workloadstool disorders, rash Depression, pregnancy, breastfeeding

    Interaction with medications

    All of the listed tinctures enhance the action of such medications:

    1. Sedative.
    2. Sleeping Pills.
    3. Tranquilizers.
    4. Neuroleptics.
    5. Analgesics.
    6. Hypotensive.

    Peony enhances the effect of anticonvulsants. Valerian makes a stronger effect of antispasmodics.

    This should be taken into account to avoid excessive effect. Tinctures it is better not to combine with the specified medicinal preparations.

    2. Means for applying the course - water infusions, juices, berries

    For the course treatment of chronic hypertension, you can take the tinctures of the same herbs, but cooked on the water.

    Advantages of water infusions Disadvantages of
    Possibility of taking long courses( long use of alcohol tinctures doctors do not recommend) Not as fast acting
    Not contraindicated to children

    Recipes of water infusion

    Ingredients Method of preparation Dosage and course duration
    Valerian root - 40 g

    Water - 1 L

    Grind the root of the healing plant, pour warm water. Put in a water bath and keep it there for half an hour. Remove from a water bath. Pour into a tightly closed container, seal and insist 120 minutes. Strain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.4 times a day.

    The maximum duration of treatment is 60 days.

    Peony root - 2 tsp.

    Water - 0,8 l

    Powdered dried root, pour boiling water. Insist for an hour. Strain. Drink 20 ml three times a day.

    The maximum course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

    Motherwort - 30 g

    Water - 0.5 l

    Pour the raw material with boiling water. Insist 1-2 hours. Strain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.three times a day for 30-60 days.

    Or 1/3 cup 3 times a day for a maximum of 7 days.

    Hawthorn flowers - 1 tbsp.l.

    Water - 0,5 l

    Fill the dried flowers with water. Insist for a day. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day or half a glass 2 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is 1.5 months.
    Infusion of hawthorn flowers helps in the treatment of hypertension

    Herb collections

    Benefits of fees Cons
    Due to the diversity of components have a complex effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems and the whole organism Some of them are complicated in the preparation of
    Not only can lowering blood pressure, but also improve the condition of blood vessels, lower cholesterol inblood, improve immunity, etc. Higher probability of an allergic reaction( if you stop taking the medication right away and consult a doctor)
    Contraindications of all components should be taken into account - for ethen consult a doctor
    Components Preparation and intake scheme
    Motherwort - 1 tbsp.l.

    Wheat - 0.5 tbsp.l.

    Hawthorn berries - 1 tsp.

    Rowan( berries) - 1 tsp. Dill( seeds) - 1 tsp.

    Shepherd's bag - 1 tsp.

    Strawberries( leaves) - 0.5 tbsp.

    Flaxseed seeds - 1 tsp.

    Mint( leaves) - 0.5 tsp.

    1. Mix all the ingredients.
    2. Place in the thermos bottle.
    3. Pour 0.75 l of boiling water.
    4. Insist for 6 hours.
    5. Strain.
    6. Drink one third of the glass 3 times a day.
    7. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
    Root of horseradish - 2 pcs.

    Beet juice - 0.4 l

    Carrot juice - 0.4 l

    Grind the root of the plant. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for a day. Then add the juices in the specified amount. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day. St. John's Wort - 1.5 tbsp.l.

    Camomile - 1.5 tbsp.l.

    Birch( kidney) - 1.5 tbsp.l.

    Immortelle - 1.5 tbsp.l.

    Grind and mix all the ingredients. Pour 3 liters of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Drink a glass in the morning and at night. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.
    Ingredients for the preparation of tinctures from increased pressure

    Berries from hypertension

    The berries help with increased pressure for prolonged use. You can apply them in a variety of ways.

    Berries of berries

    Components of Preparation of
    Black dried dried currant - 40 g

    Water - 0,6 l

    Pour dry berries with boiling water. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Refrigerate. Insist 2-3 hours. Take 100 ml 3 times a day for 2-3 months.
    Chokeberry - dried - 4 tsp.

    Water - 1 L

    Pour the dried fruits of the plant with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink on 2-3 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 2-3 months.

    Grated sugar with sugar

    • Pound 100 g of cranberries with 100 g of sugar. Eat a tablespoon 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.
    • Pound 250 g of black chokeberry with 150 g of sugar. Eat 2 tablespoons.l.2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
    • Pound 100 g of viburnum with 50 g of sugar. Eat 1 tbsp.l.every 4 hours.

    Sugar can be replaced with honey.

    This method of preparing berries from pressure is contraindicated for diabetics and obese people.

    Juices against hypertension

    Juices of fruits and vegetables - excellent folk remedies for high blood pressure. With a course application, they help reduce chronically high blood pressure and prevent hypertensive crisis.

    Traditional medicine recommends for hypertension such juices:

    • Beetroot. Drink 500 ml per day.
    • Celery juice. Dosage - 100 ml per day.
    • Pomegranate. Enough 50 ml per day.
    • Orange.2 glasses a day.
    • Cowberry. Drink 0.5 glasses a day.
    • Mix. Half a glass of beetroot mixed with half a glass of carrot and a quarter of a glass of cranberry.

    Juices can be alternated every two weeks.


    To lower blood pressure, drink a few cups of tea a day.

    Hypotensive effect has such teas:

    • green;
    • carcade;
    • from hawthorn;
    • chamomile.

    To enhance the effect, add to the tea a ring of lemon, not peeled.

    3. Other products: baths, aromatherapy

    They are suitable as one of the elements of the complex treatment of hypertension.


    Take them 1-2 hours before bedtime for 15 minutes. The water should not be hot, as this may provoke, on the contrary, an increase in pressure.

    Bath with essential oils:

    • fir - 2 drops;
    • lavender - 7 drops;
    • lemon - 5 drops.

    Bath with valerian:

    • 50 ml of finished alcohol tincture per bath.


    Excellent folk remedies for lowering blood pressure - essential oils. The following have the hypotensive effect:

    • lavender;
    • fir;
    • lemon;
    • rose;
    • ylang-ylang;
    • bergamot.

    They can be filled in special aroma lamps. Or just spray them with an object( for example, a handkerchief) and bring to the nose.

    Also from hypertension helps massage with the aforementioned essential oils. For use, a few drops of essential oil dissolve in oil for massage. In no case can not apply a clean, dilute essential oil on the skin. This will cause severe irritation.

    Please note! Doctors do not recommend essential oils to those who take anticoagulants. They are also contraindicated in pregnancy.