Fokusin - instructions for use and indications, side effects, form of release, composition and price

Composition and Form of Release

Medical preparation Focussin is produced in a single dosage form - hard capsules with a transparent body and a blue lid of prolonged action. Inside are white micropellets in the form of a powder mixture. One cardboard package contains 3, 9 or 10 blisters for 10 caps.on each. Instructions for use are enclosed. The active ingredient is tamsulosin hydrochloride with a concentration of 400 μg per 1 caps. Chemical composition of Fokusina:

active ingredient,

mg Excipients Composition

hard shell

tamsulosin hydrochloride( 0,4)

microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, polysorbate 80


colloidal silica aqueous

dye patent blue


talc dispersion

methacrylate copolymer

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Focussin is a representative of the pharmacological group alpha1-adrenoblockmoat. It is recommended for the treatment of diseases associated with impaired urination on the background of a pathological increase in the prostate gland. The drug shields the alpha receptors on postsynaptic membranes, reacts to the effect of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine from sympathetic postganglionic neurons.

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The active substance tamsulosin inhibits the passage of nerve impulses through adrenergic synapses, promotes the expansion of arterioles and precapillaries, and activates the natural outflow of urine. With prostate adenoma, the drug improves urodynamics. Therapeutic effect of Focusin is observed after 2 weeks of regular use of the medication. Positive changes in the patient's well-being:

  • the pressure in the urethra decreases;
  • decreases resistance to urine flow;
  • symptoms of obstruction of the urinary tract disappear;
  • normalizes the blood supply to the detrusor;
  • increases the lumen of the urethra and neck of the bladder;
  • normalizes natural urination;
  • improves cellular metabolism at the level of the bladder.

After a single dose, the focussin is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and enters the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is maintained for 5-6 hours. A stable therapeutic effect is observed after 5 days of continuous use of the capsules, according to the instructions and medical prescriptions. With plasma proteins, tamsulosin binds 99%.Half-life lasts up to 13 hours. Metabolism proceeds in the liver, inactive metabolites and tamsulosin are excreted unchanged in kidneys with urine.

Indications for use Fokusina

This medication is recommended for use by patients as an independent agent or as part of a comprehensive treatment of dysuric disorders caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia( adenoma).Before you start oral tamsulosin, you need to go through a complete diagnosis, clarify the features of the clinical picture, study the instructions in detail.

Method of administration and dosage

Medication Focussin is intended for oral use. According to the instruction, it is required to drink the recommended dose after a hearty breakfast. Capsule can not be grinded or chewed beforehand, it is supposed to be swallowed whole and washed down with a lot of liquid or milk. Daily dose of Fokusina - 1 pc.per day. The doctor determines the course of treatment individually based on the stage of the pathological process.

How long can I take Fokusin without a break

The first changes in the general health of the patient are observed 2-3 hours after the application of a different dose, but one can not rest on the result. According to the instructions, this alpha-blocker is recommended to take at least 2 weeks. Otherwise, the desired therapeutic effect is absent or weakly expressed. For medical reasons, the course of treatment can be extended, but doctors do not recommend taking Fokusin for longer than 30 days. It is necessary to take a break, otherwise the risk of complications increases.

Drug Interaction

Detailed instructions for use Fokusina describes the behavior of the drug in combination with representatives of other pharmacological groups. Information on Drug Interactions:

  1. When concomitant use with beta-adrenoblocker Atenolol, antihypertensive drugs Enalapril and Nifedipine, the risk of drug interaction is minimal.
  2. In combination with antagonists of alpha1-adrenergic receptors, the severity of the hypotensive effect, collapse, increases. The patient may need to be hospitalized with resuscitation.
  3. The combination of Fokusina with Diclofenac and Warfarin leads to an increase in the rate of excretion of tamsulosin.
  4. Anxiolytic Diazepam, thiazide diuretic Trichloromethiazide, beta-adrenoblocker Propranolol, hypocholesterolemic drug Simvastatin does not affect the free fraction of tamsulosin in the blood.
  5. With simultaneous application with cimetidine, the plasma concentration of tamsulosin increases, whereas in combination with furosemide, on the contrary, it decreases.
  6. Tamsulosin hydrochloride interacts with the antitumor hormonal drug Finasteride, the bronchodilator Salbutamol, the hypoglycemic drug Glibenclamide, the tricyclic antidepressant Amitriptyline.
  7. It is not recommended to combine the use of the drug Fokusin with ethyl alcohol. For the period of treatment it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, alcohol-containing tinctures. Otherwise, the patient is worried about skin rash, irritation, attacks of allergic rhinitis.

Side effects of

When appointing Fokusina, the doctor does not exclude the occurrence of side effects at the very beginning of the course. If you have any complaints, the patient should immediately consult a doctor. A list of adverse events is contained in the instructions for the use of Focusus and extends to many internal organs and systems:

  • gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, indigestion( indigestion), constipation, diarrhea, gastralgia( abdominal pain);
  • nervous system: dizziness, migraine attacks, insomnia, confusion, rare syncope, asthenia( general weakness);
  • urogenital system: decreased libido, retrograde ejaculation with reverse sperm transfer, painful erection( priapism);
  • cardiovascular system: orthostatic hypotension( pressure decrease when body position changes), tachycardia( rapid heart rate), periodic heart pain;
  • Skin: Allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, hives, itching and burning of the epidermis, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

Overdose of

If the recommended dose of Fokusin is systematically exceeded, the patient complains of a sharp drop in blood pressure. To eliminate the symptoms of arterial hypotension, the first thing the victim needs to be washed is the stomach, and for this, it is artificial to provoke a vomiting attack. Then, the intake of intestinal enterosorbents is recommended, intravenous administration of vasoconstrictors is not excluded. The patient needs systematic monitoring of kidney function. There is no need for dialysis. Further treatment of the patient is symptomatic.


Medicinal preparation Fokusin with prostatitis or prostate adenoma is not approved for use by all patients. In the detailed instructions, medical contraindications are indicated. These are:

  • orthostatic hypotension( hypotension);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe forms of renal or hepatic insufficiency( with a creatinine clearance level below 10 mL / min);
  • individual intolerance to tamsulosin or ancillary drug components;
  • children under 18 years;
  • female sex.

Terms and Conditions of Sale and Storage

Medication Fokusin is sold in a pharmacy, but is dispensed by prescription of a doctor. According to the instructions for use, it is required to store this medication in a dry, cool and dark place, inaccessible to sunlight and small children. The shelf life of Fokusin capsules is 2 years from the date indicated on the package. The overdue product must be disposed of.


If the medication does not help restore normal urination, or if its use causes side effects, the physician prescribes an analogue of Focusus. Below are the reliable drugs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, a brief description:

  1. Adenorm. This is a prescription drug recommended for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The patient is prescribed 1 capsule according to the instructions.for a day for 2 weeks. The recommended dose is forbidden to exceed, otherwise hypotension develops.
  2. to the Bases. Medication with identical chemical composition, principle of action and daily dosages. The instructions for use contain a large list of side effects and information on drug interactions.
  3. Omiks. These are transparent capsules with red caps designed for men with prostate adenoma. The duration of treatment is determined individually, the daily dose according to the instructions is 1 caps.per day.
  4. Omnimax. A medicine effective for infectious and inflammatory processes of the prostate gland. During drug therapy, it is required to monitor the blood pressure and kidney function, do not exceed the recommended dosages.
  5. Ranoprost. A medicinal preparation in the form of enteric-soluble capsules for oral administration. The patient is prescribed 1 unit each.once a day for 14 days, but not more than 30 days without a break.
  6. Tamex. The drug in the form of capsules, used for benign prostatic hyperplasia. According to the instructions, the patient is prescribed 1 unit.1 time per day. The course of treatment is determined individually depending on the stage of the pathological process.
  7. Tamsol. The drug is recommended for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. According to the instructions, the medicine is required after breakfast for 1 pc. If you miss a single dose is not recommended to double, to be treated according to the previous scheme.
  8. Tamsulosin. It is an effective drug for prostatic hyperplasia with the same active component. Treatment is required to continue for 14 days, but not more than 30 days. Otherwise, the risk of side effects increases.

Omnik or Fokusin - which is better

Both medicines contribute to a quick relaxation of the smooth muscles of the genitourinary system and an uncontaminated outflow of urine. The chemical composition of the Focus and Omnik is identical, the form of release is also. The difference lies in the manufacturer and the cost of prolonged action capsules. The price of Focus # 30 is 480 rubles, Omnik No. 30 - about 800 rubles. The final choice of medicine is carried out by a specialist, preference is given to high efficiency, mild action in the body.


The average cost of this medication in the amount of 30 capsules varies from 400 to 550 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer, the number of capsules in the carton, the rating of the chosen Moscow pharmacy:

The names of the pharmacies in Moscow

The price of the drug №30, rubles



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Ivan, 47 years old

Tablets Fokusin took 2 years ago with prostatitis. He was pleased with the treatment. The doctor prescribed 1 capsule per day for 2 weeks. Positive changes noticed after 2 days, but the course continued. After 14 days, the health problem was completely solved. It took 2 years, the prostatitis no longer bothered. For the price - the treatment cost 500 rubles.

Andrei, 53 years old

Accepted Fokusin with prostate adenoma. Completely cure the disease failed, but it turned out to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. To be treated in this way is simple: you need to take 1 capsule every morning. In my case, the course lasted 21 days, after the doctor recommended to take a break. Re-treatment did not resume until there is no need.

Victor, 55 years old

I have a drug Fokusin causes a strong digestive disorder( diarrhea), although I do everything according to the instructions. As soon as I start taking capsules with exacerbation of prostatitis, immediately there are side effects. The medicine can be effective, but the body does not give it to me. You have to buy expensive analogues.

When men develop symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia, doctors prescribe the drug Fokusin( Fokusin).This medication relaxes those muscle groups that are responsible for the tone of the neck of the bladder, urethra, prostate( prostate).Focus admission Fokusina important to agree with the attending physician( urologist) in advance, self-medication is dangerous for the health of men.

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