Pain in the stomach after alcohol

  • Facts about the composition of alcoholic drinks
  • The role of snacks in the appearance of pain
  • What happens in the stomach?
  • How is the stomach affected?
  • What diseases of the stomach provoke alcohol?
  • What can I do if the pain is associated with drinking alcohol?
  • Recommendations for Traditional Medicine
  • Video on topic

If a person has a stomach ache after alcohol, it can be regarded, on the one hand, as a provocation of an exacerbation of a chronic pathology that has not been detected before, on the other - as a sign of acute local toxic toxicity.

All alcoholic products include ethyl alcohol. Poisoning begins from the stomach. The study of "beer experience" shows that after 3-5 years of regular use, a person becomes a chronic patient with a disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Facts about the composition of alcoholic drinks

Many people are ready to argue that "one or two glasses" only bring good. We give only the facts based on the technology of the production of alcoholic beverages. An obligatory component of not only vodka, but also beer and cognac is ethyl alcohol. After fermentation, the liquid is filtered in several stages, with the residue of paper and wood added to it.

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The composition of the drink contains no less dangerous substances for human organs( dyes, flavors).Beer includes nitrogenous substances. In all wines, except for fruit and fruit extracts, it is necessary to include methyl alcohol. Poisoning is guaranteed to people with increased sensitivity.

Law-abiding manufacturers indicate contraindications on

labels. Cognac is distinguished by the most purified production, but it also contains:

  • organic acids;
  • ethyl ether;
  • tannin and other tannins.

Pharmacy alcohol-containing tinctures are not considered to be drinks, they are used by needy patients in droplet dosage. Technical liquids in their majority include methyl alcohol. When drinking or with a hangover alcoholics drink any product without thinking about the consequences.

In adolescence, 0.5 liter of "non-alcoholic" beer is dangerous. By technology, it must contain at least 5% of ethanol. Therefore, if after a beer your stomach hurts, do not look for other causes of poor health.

The role of snacks in the emergence of pain

Physicians have long known that drinkers and non-snacking people subsequently go to the hospital with a stomach ulcer, and snacks - with cirrhosis of the liver. This rough truth is confirmed by the nature of food when drinking.

Food for dry, fast food, shaurma with spicy seasonings, shish kebabs, hot sauces, pickles, smoked products "finish off" the protective capabilities of the stomach. The drinking person does not pay attention to the quantity and quality of the food eaten, this is facilitated by the effect of ethanol on the brain.

This "grocery set" without alcohol is very likely to cause stomach upset
The pain in the stomach after alcohol is a cry for help and a warning about the disruption of adaptive mechanisms that eliminate the negative consequences.

What happens in the stomach?

Ethanol begins to break down from the moment it hits the stomach. Alcohol dehydrogenase juice is an enzyme that oxidizes up to ¼ of the alcohol( meaning 25% does not reach the liver), it turns ethanol here into acetaldehyde. Simultaneous reception of fatty products delays absorption, but does not neutralize and does not reduce toxicity.

The reverse effect is observed on the background of taking a group of H2-histamine receptor blockers( Famotidine, Ranitidine, Cimetidine) by a chronic patient with gastritis or ulcer drugs.

Drugs inhibit the synthesis of alcohol dehydrogenase in the stomach and significantly increase the amount of uncleaved ethanol entering the bloodstream and then into the liver. This explains why people get drunk after treatment and return to alcohol.

In the female body, there is a physiological feature - in the gastric juice, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is produced much less. This increases the load on the liver, contributes to rapid addiction.

Acetaldehyde is ten times more toxic than alcohol. It is considered a powerful carcinogen, capable of causing mutations of genetic information. It is this substance that causes the high risk of developing alcohol, gastric, esophagus and liver cancer.

How is the stomach affected?

Changes begin already in the oral cavity: the saliva becomes thicker, so the food is not sufficiently wetted and moves along the esophagus more slowly than usual. Possible burn mucous, violation of the swallowing reflex.

Getting into the stomach and splitting to acetaldehyde, alcohol increases the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, mucus. This mechanism temporarily performs a protective function and activates the processing of food. With significant dosage or frequent use, the compensatory changes fail. First, the rate of gastric juice production slows down, then acidity decreases.

What alcohol can be used for pancreatitis?

As a result, the food lump in the stomach cavity is not digested, but decomposes, and the pressure inside the stomach increases. By the time delay of stay increases to 8 hours.

The motor function of the wall and sphincter of the organ is disturbed. There is a reflux cast back into the esophagus. An unpleasant smell of decay is felt from the patient's mouth.

In the development of alcoholic damage to the stomach, a significant role is played by diseases of other organs of the digestive system, which react to acetaldehyde no less severely:

  • of the liver;
  • of the pancreas;
  • of the gallbladder;
  • of the kidneys.

Serious changes occur in the intestines. It lacks the enzymes necessary for digestion, so the contents do not reach the degree necessary for absorption through the intestinal villi into the blood, is ejected with feces. Usually, in addition to the fact that after a drunken stomach hurts, alcohol abusers have diarrhea and stomach ache.

What diseases of the stomach provoke alcohol?

When a patient has a stomach ache after alcohol, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. A survey will be required to help establish a specific disease of the stomach or other organ that gives similar pain.

The most informative study is fibrogastroscopy. It can be done out of turn in private clinics. Endoscopic picture allows you to identify the degree of damage to the upper parts of the digestive tract.

Most often, the examination reveals gastritis( acute or chronic), gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease

In the absence of medical measures, continued alcoholism after a few years, stomach cancer is possible. What to do and how to get rid of the pain syndrome will tell the doctor, having analyzed all the survey data.

Symptoms for acute and chronic alcoholic gastritis

The course of acute gastritis resembles food poisoning. In fact, so it is, only ethanol instead of poor-quality products.

The patient appears:

  • pain cramping or raspiruyuschego type in half an hour after drinking alcoholic beverages, localized in epigastrium, given in hypochondria;
  • nausea and vomiting of eaten food, acidic stomach contents, mucus;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • feeling bitterness in the mouth;
  • tachycardia;
  • pallor;
  • the temperature rises.

Chronic gastritis causes pain without alcohol. Heartburn, nausea is often troubled after any food, especially greasy and fried foods. In the morning, there is a sudden vomiting of mucus.

I'm thirsty all the time. Disturbances of stool( diarrhea or constipation) are disturbing. Appetite is broken, weight is lost. Patients suffer from insomnia, are irritable, which is why they constantly arrange conflicts in the family and at work.

Symptoms in peptic ulcer

Gastric ulcer often accompanies chronic alcoholism. It is formed as a result of refusal of treatment, violation of diet with gastritis, continuing dependence on alcohol. Deeper damage to the wall of the stomach is accompanied by severe cramping pain in the epigastrium one hour after eating or earlier.

Pain given in the back, abdomen. They are accompanied by vomiting, containing mucus, impurities of blood. Patients take a forced lying position with their knees pressed to the chest. If the ulcer is localized on the back of the stomach, intense back pain appears.

A perforated ulcer causes acute "dagger" pain, a shock state. The patient is rapidly developing signs of peritonitis( inflammation of the peritoneum).A serious complication is bleeding from the vessels in the area of ​​the ulcer. There is a vomiting of "coffee grounds", pains in the lower abdomen, diarrhea with liquid black feces.

The general condition suffers: the patient develops weakness, blood pressure drops, a syncope

is possible. What can be done if the pains are associated with drinking alcohol?

With gastritis against the background of alcohol intake, assistance consists of:

  • in the ban on the continued use of any alcohol-containing beverages;
  • gastric lavage with warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • ingestion of 4-6 tablets of activated charcoal;
  • you can drink 1-2 scoops of Almagel A, take a No-shpa tablet or Bellaspon.

To treat an exacerbation of chronic diseases is necessary only after a doctor's examination. If the pain is very strong, cutting, vomiting visible blood, you should call an ambulance. You can not take anything on your own.

Some people have pain during a hangover, and they try to justify their addiction to alcohol relief after additional alcohol intake. The state of abstinence is caused by severe intoxication of brain cells. It must be removed with special preparations, and not with an additional dose of ethanol.

Patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system are recommended a strict diet. Each intake of alcohol causes new exacerbations and shortens the life span. With a sick stomach, an additional irritant effect activates all the negative factors of the disease. Gastritis quickly passes into an ulcer, then into a cancer.

The drug should be washed down with water, acts like a sponge, absorbs and removes toxins and toxic toxins

. Even after a small dose, when dull, aching epigastric pains appeared, you need to use the cleansing action of activated carbon, Smekty, Enterosgel, Polysorb to get rid of toxins. With increased acidity and heartburn, you can take Gastal, Festal will help stop diarrhea.

Several days have to follow a strict diet, it is not a cure, but can delay the destruction of alcohol digestion.

Categorically contraindicated:

  • meat dishes in fried, smoked;
  • pickles, mushrooms, spicy seasonings;
  • legumes and cabbage dishes;
  • strong tea, coffee, carbonated water;
  • sweets and baked pastries.

You can eat:

  • low-fat soups;
  • porridge on the water;
  • cottage cheese;
  • products from scrolled meat( meatballs, meatballs);
  • casseroles.

On further expansion of the diet should consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine recommendations

Folk remedies for pain after alcohol are not always approved by official medicine. For example, the recommendation to eat plums or pepper in peas does not fit in any way with the direction of dietary nutrition.

You can use herbal tea from currant leaves, mint, chamomile. These plants soothe pain relieve intoxication. It helps to take a tablespoon of linseed oil or sea buckthorn oil.

People with a passion for alcoholic drinks of all kinds, including cocktails with alcohol, liqueurs, cognac, beer, should think more about health. The appearance of an attack of pain is the signal of the beginning of the defeat of all digestion.