From this article you will learn about central venous pressure( CVP) - an important indicator of blood flow, on which the volume of return of venous blood to the heart and the state of blood circulation depends.
- Method of determination of
- Method of determination of
- Indications for monitoring
- Pathological increase or decrease in parameter
- Symptoms of pressure deviations
- Treatment for deviations from the norm
- Forecast
Central venous pressure means the pressure in the right atrium and the mouth( s) of the hollow veins. The index affects the return of venous blood and the filling of the heart during the relaxation phase. It is determined in critical situations with a diagnostic purpose and for the control of infusion therapy( intravenous fluids).The norm of central venous pressure can fluctuate in significant limits: from 50 to 120 mm of water column.
Increased pressure in the right atrium often indicates a decrease in the contractility of the myocardium and the development of acute heart failure. A decrease in the indicator indicates a significant decrease in the volume of circulating blood.
Abnormal parameter deviations usually occur in life-threatening conditions and require immediate intervention.Since the measurement of the index of central venous pressure is necessary in the development of emergency conditions accompanied by severe circulatory disturbance, the solution of this problem is mainly the resuscitation physician.
Method for determination of the
index To measure the index, the catheter is inserted into the upper vena cava to the right atrium through the subclavian or internal jugular vein. The classical variant of measuring pressure in the central parts of the venous system involves the use of the Waldman phlebotonometer - a tripod with a scale of division along a glass tube filled with saline.
The Waldmann machine is the most popular option for measuring the
. Using a connecting tube on which a clamp is applied, a phlebotonomer is connected to the infusion solution system via an adapter. The tripod is positioned so that the zero division is at the same level with the right atrium of the patient corresponding to the intersection point of the fourth intercostal space and the middle axillary line.
After the introduction of the solution through the catheter, the liquid transfer system is detached and the clamp is removed from the tube leading to the phlebotomanometer. After 1-2 minutes, the level of the central venous pressure is determined by the liquid level on the instrument scale.
The correct location of the Waldman apparatus in relation to the patient. Click on the photo to enlarge.
Technique, how to measure the central nervous system in central veins, is constantly being improved: electronic sensors are used for monitoring. Such a control system has additional functions: counting the average values of measurements, displaying graphs on the screen.
Indications for venous pressure monitoring
The main indications for the installation of the sensor in the right atrium:
- development of acute circulatory failure;
- control of the response to intravenous fluids in the presence of heart failure;
- blood transfusion therapy with significant blood loss;
- severe sepsis with the threat of shock;
- suspected development of pericardial tamponade;
- monitoring during and after complex surgical interventions on the abdominal organs.
One of the indications for CVP measurement is long and aggressive infusion therapy( i.e. insertion of various solutions into the bloodstream)
The value of central venous pressure helps in the evaluation of the volume of circulating blood, myocardial contractility. The control of the parameter allows to regulate the infusion therapy and to avoid the infusion of excessive amounts of liquid with the development of water intoxication.
Pathological increase or decrease in right atrial pressure
Several factors influence the parameter:
- volume of circulating blood;
- heart rate;
- respiratory phase, the state of lung tissue.
The decrease in central venous pressure occurs with an absolute or relative decrease in the volume of circulating blood( hypovolemia), noted in the following situations:
- significant bleeding;
- loss of a large volume of fluid with diarrhea, vomiting, burns;
- some types of shock with a decrease in the volume of circulating blood - septic, hemocoagulation, anaphylactic;
- reception of diuretics;
- action of drugs that dilate the peripheral vessels( vasodilators).
Evaluate the indicator in conjunction with clinical data and the results of other studies. Lowering the pressure in the central veins usually develops with large blood loss - not less than 10-15% of the blood volume. In some situations, bleeding due to the development of heart failure or compensatory vascular spasm, the indicator does not change or even slightly increases.
Not all types of shock are characterized by a decrease in pressure in the central part of the venous system. With cardiogenic shock due to a sharp decrease in the contractile function, the index increases. Often, the growth of the parameter is observed with an infectious-toxic shock.
Increased central venous pressure characteristic of pathologies accompanied by a sharp decline in contractile function of the myocardium: Also, the growth rate may accompany these states: Myocardial infarction Cardiac arrhythmias Acute right ventricular failure valvular lesions Cardiogenic shock Artificial ventilation Myocarditis Intensive pneumothorax( accumulation of air or gases in the pleural cavity) Toxic ovaryheart attacks Pulmonary embolism Severe brain injury Heart failure decompensation Heart injury with tamponade development Constrictive pericarditis Symptoms of central venous pressure rise and fall
Decrease in the value of
The pressure decrease in the central veins occurs usually in the background of urgent conditions whenthe condition of patients is assessed as severe. There are symptoms of shock and dehydration.
The magnitude of the parameter in the right atrium can be visually seen from the pulsation of the internal jugular vein from the supraclavicular fossa to the lobe of the ear.
Correct position when visualizing the CVP.4,5 cm - the interval in which the pulsation of the vein is tested
In this case, it is not the vein itself that is visible, but its pulsation outside of the carotid artery. The norm for the vertical position of the trunk is the absence of pulsation of the veins of the neck. With a diagnostic purpose, it is observed in the prone position with an elevated 45 ° body. The upper level of visible pulsation gives an approximate idea of the magnitude of central pressure in the veins. At a low index, the saphenous veins of the neck do not fill even in a horizontal position, there is no ripple.
Increase in the value of
With increased central pressure in the venous system, the main symptoms are the symptoms of the underlying disease: heart failure, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, etc.
Immediate increase in the parameter is indicated by the following symptoms:
- swelling and pulsation of jugular veins on the neck;
- veins of the neck and head remain full-blooded in an upright position;
- pressure in the liver leads to increased pressure and increased pulsation.
Treatment measures for abnormalities from the norm
The magnitude of the central venous pressure combined with the evaluation of other indicators helps to clarify the functional diagnosis and determine the nature and extent of treatment activities. The normal values of the parameter vary considerably, while the pressure is influenced by many different factors. The most important is tracking the indicator in dynamics.
In a number of cases, a sample is performed with the introduction of a small amount of an infusion solution and subsequent evaluation of the pressure change in the central veins. For example, if, in response to the load, the indicator grows by more than 5 cm of water.v., the introduction of fluids is discontinued, since such an increase indicates a compromised myocardial contractility. If the value increases by 2 cm of water. Art.and less, a decrease in pressure is probably associated with a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, and the solution should be continued. It is important to simultaneously assess the blood pressure, the volume of urine output, hemoglobin saturation with oxygen and other indicators.
Correct interpretation of central venous pressure in dynamics along with other parameters helps to avoid complications of inadequate infusion therapy. The introduction of excessive fluid volume( hyperhydration) leads to an increase in the index, damage to the kidneys and other organs and an increased risk of death.
Treatment of increased or decreased pressure in the central veins is determined by the disease that caused the growth of the indicator:
- The presence of heart failure requires the implementation of measures to restore contractile function of the myocardium.
- Hypovolemia - a decrease in the volume of circulating blood in the body - an indication for intravenous fluids or blood substitutes.
- In case of shock, they try to eliminate its cause, restore functioning of vital organs.
- With a cardiac tamponade associated with the accumulation of exudate in the pericardial cavity, a puncture is performed to remove excess fluid.
In patients who underwent heart surgery, the cause of high CVP may be bleeding and cardiac tamponade.
Deviations from the norm of central venous pressure usually occur in a severe condition of the patient requiring urgent care. The forecast depends primarily on the reason that caused the change in the parameter.
- When it is lowered due to bleeding and loss of fluid, the timely administration of blood substitute or infusion solutions in many cases results in a cure.
- The pressure drop in the central veins during sepsis testifies to the severity of the condition and the development of shock, the chances of recovery in such patients range from 50 to 75%.
- With an increase in the indicator due to acute heart failure, the possibility of restoring the contractile function depends on the underlying disease.