The healing properties of grass and rhizomes of cattail grass creeping on joints and other human organs

The miraculous properties of medicinal plants are known to man for thousands of years.

Many medicinal berries, roots, herbs, flowers - have a healing power that can benefit health. Weeds were no exception. One of them will be discussed in the article.

  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Short description

    A creeper is a perennial weed that belongs to the family of cereals.

    The plant is spread in the middle zone of Russia and is widely known to amateur gardeners as a weed.

    Thanks to its exceptionally powerful and ramified root system, the wheatgrass creep rapidly and deeply grows into the soil, clogs it, depletes it, takes away nutrients.

    The plant is characterized by a rare unpretentiousness, adapts to any climatic and environmental conditions of the environment, grows in vegetable gardens, wastelands, ravines and roadsides, forest and steppe more often.

    Despite the harmful effect on the soil and crop, the curative essence of the wheatgrass creeping, is confirmed by folk and traditional medicine.

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    Chemical Composition

    For centuries, the root of a plant has been used as a medicine. Unique properties of common weed, allow you to fight a wide range of diseases of the human body.

    The main healing properties of creeping creeper:

    • anti-inflammatory,
    • diuretic,
    • diaphoretic,
    • hemostatic,
    • antiseptic,
    • cleansing,
    • expectorant,
    • mild laxative, enveloping;
    • sedative, restorative.

    And you know how to brew and how to drink hawthorn? Recommendations and recipes of traditional medicine are written in a useful article.

    About the useful properties of thyme and oregano is written on this page.

    The effective medicinal and therapeutic properties are due to the content of essential and fatty oils in the rhizome of the plant, carotene, organic acids, vitamin C.

    In addition, the chemical composition contains: calcium, iron, sodium, pectin, silicic acid, malic acid, gum, sugar, starch, inositol, vanillin, manitum, saponin, mucus and levulose.

    Benefits and applications

    Thanks to the abundance of nutrients, preparations from the rhizome of cattlegrass are used in traditional medicine. The plant is used in complex treatment and in the prevention of the following diseases:

    • Skin diseases
      cleansing properties of wheatgrass, help to treat neurodermatitis, furunculosis, diathesis, chronic eczema, acne, allergic dermatitis;
    • Respiratory diseases
      expectorant and anti-inflammatory property will help in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, colds, pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • Liver diseases
      choleretic properties and ability to purify the body help with jaundice, cholelithiasis( about cholagogue grasses written here), hepatitis, alleviation of the condition with cirrhosis;
    • Digestion system diseases
      property to envelop mucous and regenerate tissues useful for gastritis, enteritis, colitis, ulcer( therapeutic diet) hemorrhoids, diseases of the large intestine;
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - strengthening of the vessel walls, arrhythmia, angina, hypertension, cholesterol reduction;
    • Diseases of the genitourinary system
      diuretic, anti-inflammatory medicinal properties will help in the treatment of cystitis, female genital diseases, infertility, pyelonephritis;
    • Diseases of bones and joints
      arthritis and arthrosis, rickets, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout;
    • Diseases of the nervous system
      irritability( sedative herbs for the human nervous system), insomnia, stress, chronic fatigue.

    And do you know what diseases help the grass of the moccasin, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described in the useful material? Go and read the recommendations for the use of the medicinal plant.

    How to make a solution of vinegar from the temperature for children is written here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /raznoe/ propolis.html written about the use and contra-indications of propolis tincture on alcohol for children.

    Traditional medicine recommends the use of wheatgrass creeping as a restorative, tonic as in the form of broths, infusions and juices .

    The main indications for use are anemia, lung, skin, liver, stomach and intestines.

    The content of vitamins and microelements allows the body to replenish energy, toxins and slags are eliminated, and a sense of fatigue disappears.

    Methods and recipes

    Cleansing the body positively affects your well-being, stimulates proper functioning of organs, reduces or stops inflammatory processes.

    • Decoction of wheatgrass
      is taken with skin diseases, stomach and intestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus.
      To prepare the decoction of , crushed dry roots of wheatgrass are flooded with water, boiled, filtered, taken before meals at the recommended doses.
    • Whey grass extract
      is taken with joints, upper respiratory tract and nervous system disease.
      External for the treatment of skin diseases.
      To prepare the infusion crushed roots of wheatgrass are poured with boiled, warm water, left for 12 hours, filtered, is taken before eating .
    • Whey grass
      is taken with diseases of the skin, genitourinary system, joint diseases, upper respiratory tract and colds, stomach catarrh and dropsy.
      Enemas, with diluted juice, is used for constipation.
      For the preparation of fresh juice, carefully washed and boiled with boiling water, the roots of the plant are ground with a meat grinder, filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, boiled for three minutes.
      Ready juice is taken in a different dosage, depending on the situation and individual tolerability, three times daily before meals .

    Contraindications and side effects of

    As with any medicine, drugs, folk remedies from crocheted forage, it should be taken competently by studying the body's reactions.

    The expressed cholagogue and diuretic properties of a plant influence the removal of toxins from the body, which can adversely affect the health and general state of the body systems.

    Special care and caution should be demonstrated with the use of preparations of wheat grass in the following cases:

    • pregnancy,
    • diarrhea,
    • acute pancreatitis,
    • hypotension( low blood pressure),
    • ulcer, during exacerbation;
    • susceptibility to allergic reactions,
    • for children under 2 years.
    The usefulness and value of medicinal plants is undeniable. Wonderful gifts of nature can help a person, however, wisdom and prudence should be shown when applying them.

    Watch the video about the numerous healing properties of weed grass - wheat grass.

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