Sour and rotting eyes of the child, what to do, what to treat, why it happens

Sourness and ocellation of the eye - a common phenomenon among newborns and young children, of course, suppurate and sour eyes in an older child, who is no longer in kindergarten, but in school.

Any eye treatment should begin with an accurate definition of the causes of eye diseases, so it is advisable to visit a pediatrician or a pediatric ophthalmologist. Because only they can correctly answer the question, why eyes are sour and fester.

This pathology does not belong to a number of serious diseases requiring urgent or even surgical treatment. Nevertheless, you should know certain symptoms and signs of inflammatory diseases of the outer shell of the eye and the lacrimal sac and canal.


School of Doctor Komarovsky.

Symptoms of external inflammation of the eye, that the child begins to sour eyes, or even fester, parents learn more often in the morning hours of awakening the child. This can happen both with newborns, and with children in 2, 3, 4 years and more years. During the night, when the eyelids are closed, in the eyes - under the eyelids - the mucous discharge separates, in the presence of infection, the body fights against it, produces a large amount of mucus, and in the morning unpleasant symptoms appear:

  1. the child can not open the eyes, because his eyelids are stuck togetherwith the help of mucous and withered overnight excretions;
  2. , after the eyelids are finally slightly opened, the slime formed overnight fills most of the eye, gathering mainly in the inner corners;
  3. if it is a newborn, he is naughty and crying, if the baby is 2 years old or more, he will complain of pain, burning, stinging in the eyes, that he sees badly and that something prevents him from watching;
  4. children actively rub their eyes, because they itch, seeking to get rid of the interfering foreign mucus;
  5. mucus can be of different shades: white, yellowish, whitish-transparent, brownish( like pus);
  6. after washing the eye from the mucus, pain and unpleasant feelings do not disappear, and after a while( without treatment after 20-30 minutes) you can see how a new portion of mucus accumulates in the corners of the eyes.

When a child's eyes are sour at any age - at 1 month or 3 years old, irritability develops, sleep deteriorates, appetite is lost, he fits and cries.

Why does the child's eyes turn sour and fester?

Actually, the causes of such inflammatory diseases, accompanied by sour eyes, the release of pus from them is not so much, the most frequent reasons are conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctival( most external) coat of the surface covering the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids.

A fairly common eye disease among children of different ages: it can also begin in newborns, and at 1 and 2 years. The causes of conjunctivitis may include factors such as the penetration and activation in a small organism of various infections( viruses and bacteria), allergies, against inflammatory diseases, and contamination of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Sometimes acute purulent conjunctivitis is accompanied by a small( subfebrile) increase in body temperature.


Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac. Rareer eye disease in the newborn, which is also accompanied by souring. In addition to the above symptoms is also expressed by swelling of the eyelids, strong reddening of the eyes, mucopurulent discharge.

This condition arises due to the fact that the tear duct of the baby is impassable, as it still contains the remains of embryonic tissue. They provoke the formation of gelatinous plug, which clogs the tear duct of the crumbs. Tears in such a situation are not able to perform their protective functions. The result is the entry of microbes into the eye cavity, which begin to develop actively there.

It should be noted that only a doctor can determine which disease became the cause of the inflammatory process. Therefore, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

What to do or what to do if the child's eyes turn sour

Depending on which disease the eye sore has caused in a child of any age, the treatment will be prescribed.

With conjunctivitis :

allergic type of disease - antihistamines in the form of drops and tablets;

viral - administration of antiviral agents in the form of tablets, capsules and eye drops;

bacterial - antibacterial drops and ointments.

Albucid, Levomycetin, Tobrex, Vitabakt and other similar eye drops are suitable for the treatment of all types of conjunctivitis. Ointments are tetracycline 1%.

With the dacryocystitis , rinses the eye with antiseptic and herbal decoctions, massage( and in the most neglected cases - probing) the nasolacrimal duct, hygienic procedures.

In addition to medical treatment, it is necessary to provide the eye sights of the baby with full care and with the permission of the doctor to use folk remedies for their washing:

  1. Tablespoon dry chamomile pharmacy or, marigolds pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours wrapped, drain, cool. Rinse with this infusion of the eyes 5-6 times a day.
  2. To wash sore eyes to the kid also it is possible warm, strongly brewed black tea. Density of the solution - as in a teapot.3-4 packs of 200 ml of brewing.water.
  3. Washing with furacilin will also give very good results.

Now you know what to do if your child's eyes are sour.

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