Causes of watery discharge in women

The presence of excretions in a woman is normal, which is not a sign of the disease. However, by their nature, quantity and smell, it is absolutely impossible to determine the appearance of a certain pathology. What does the watery discharge in women show like water? This symptom should be considered in more detail.

  • Causes of watery discharge
  • The causes of the formation of pathological discharge in women
  • Treatment with watery discharge
  • Home Treatment
  • Prevention of pathological discharge
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Causes of watery discharge

It is often enough the appearance of watery discharge in a woman is a normal condition. This process can occur in such cases:

  1. Discharge in the form of water begins to appear in girls during puberty. They can be both abundant and barely noticeable. This factor depends on the work of the ovaries. Allocations in such a situation are manifested without smell, the girl does not feel painful sensations.
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  2. During the period of ovulation strong discharge in the form of water in women - a normal state. Due to the active action of hormones, they become abundant. Their duration varies within 5 days.
  3. In women during pregnancy, liquid discharges like water are often observed. This is especially noticeable in later terms. This is due to the sharp jumps in progesterone in the body.
  4. At the time of sexual arousal, the woman has a clear liquid discharge, which ceases after a few hours.
  5. Before the monthly and after a couple of days a liquid can be released from the vagina.
  6. In women with menopause, this symptom is observed. This is caused by abrupt changes in the hormonal background.
  7. In postmenopause, liquid secretions are normal only if they are not secreted with blood or other impurities.

Important to remember!If liquid discharge in a woman is observed for more than 5 days, you should contact a gynecologist! This may indicate the appearance of an inflammatory process, the cause of which the doctor must identify.

The causes of the formation of pathological discharge in women

If liquid secretions are accompanied by additional characteristics and unpleasant sensations, this indicates the appearance of a pathological process. The most likely diseases that are accompanied by this symptom are:

  1. Vaginitis. A disease that is caused by the appearance of pathogenic microbes or bacteria in the vagina. Usually accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor. A woman may experience itching or burning in an intimate place. In large quantities, yellow watery discharge forms.
  2. Inflammatory process in the ovaries. Watery white discharge appears. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a general weakness of the body. When examining the patient, the gynecologist reveals an increase in the ovaries. Most often their inflammation occurs as a result of severe hypothermia.
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. It occurs as a result of harmful viruses, bacteria or germs getting into the fallopian tubes through the blood, lymph or vagina. The woman has an increased body temperature, regular pain in the abdominal cavity, watery discharge with blood.
  4. Thrush. The most common disease among women. There are many reasons for the development of thrush. Especially often it occurs in women with weakened immunity and as a result of prolonged use of antibiotics. Allocations have a curdled character.
  5. Trichomoniasis and other diseases that are transmitted sexually. A distinctive feature of the secretions in these diseases is the unpleasant smell of rotten fish.

Important to remember!At the first uncharacteristic changes in the discharge it is required to consult a gynecologist! With a detailed examination and the availability of the results of certain analyzes, he will establish a diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

Treatment with watery discharge

How to treat this symptom? If a woman notices that a watery discharge forms a sufficiently long period, then this is an occasion to turn to a gynecologist. After all, there is no standard treatment, since the reason for their appearance should be eliminated. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment individually, depending on the disease.

If the symptom is not a consequence of a venereal disease that is treated for a sufficiently long period, then the therapy looks like this:

  1. Reception of antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs contribute to the elimination of infections and harmful bacteria that fall into the vagina. The course of admission is approximately 1 week. The most effective drugs are: tetracycline, penicillin, as well as drugs with a similar effect on the body.
  2. Local treatment. For this purpose, various creams, ointments, solutions or suppositories are used. Most often use Metronidazole, Clindamycin and other.
  3. Increased immunity. The use of vitamins contributes to more effective treatment, and also eliminates the possibility of re-emergence of the disease.

Important to remember!Treatment should be carried out according to the appointment of a specialist! You can only use auxiliary procedures yourself, such as syringing or local baths.

Home Treatment

In order to accelerate recovery and eliminate the inflammatory process, in addition to pharmacy drugs, you can use folk remedies. There are many medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the female body.

Oak bark

It will take 2 tbsp. l. Oak bark, which should be filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put on a slow fire for about 30 minutes. After the time has passed, leave to stand for 1 hour. Prepared broth to perform the douching procedure 2 times a day.


To prepare the broth you need pine buds in the amount of 30 grams, which you need to pour 3 liters of water. Put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 30 minutes. Then insist 1 hour. Cool the broth to room temperature. Prepared remedy to make local baths for 20 minutes 1 time a day before bedtime.


It should take 1 tbsp. l. flower honey, moisten it with a cotton swab and insert into the vagina. It is required to extract it after 1 hour. Then take a local bath of decoction of chamomile or calendula about 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out once a day.

Important to remember!Before using a specific medicine for alternative medicine, you should consult a specialist! He will assess the effectiveness and feasibility of such treatment, and most importantly, will accurately determine: whether this impact will not harm a woman.

Prevention of pathological discharge

In order to avoid the diseases that lead to the emergence of watery discharge, it is required to adhere to such rules:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene - daily wash with warm water and change underwear;
  • Do not overcool your body;
  • refrain from intimacy during the critical days;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • use condoms as a method of prevention.

Also, do not forget about the regular visit to the gynecologist for preventive examination.