Treatment of gout: drugs that excrete uric acid


  • 1The most effective drugs for removing uric acid from the body for gout
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3How to treat?
    • 1.4Preparations
    • 1.5Folk ways
    • 1.6Effects
  • 2What drugs to remove from the body uric acid for gout?
    • 2.1Principles of treatment
    • 2.2Remedies for the excretion of uric acid
    • 2.3Means for blocking the production of uric acid
  • 3Treatment of gout - drugs that excrete uric acid
    • 3.1Review of drugs for the treatment of gout, excreting uric acid
  • 4Treatment of gout: drugs that excrete uric acid
    • 4.1Types of medicines for excretion of uric acid salts
    • 4.2Overview of uricodepressive drugs
    • 4.3Allopurinol
    • 4.4Phoebusostat
    • 4.5Orotic acid
    • 4.6Pelopathy
    • 4.7Overview of uricosuric drugs
    • 4.8Probenecid
    • 4.9Sulfinpyrazone
    • 4.10Atofan
    • 4.11Colchicine
    • 4.12Drugs of mixed effect
    • 4.13Allomaron
    • 4.14Blamaren
    • 4.15Ketazone
  • 5Treatment of gout with medicines: the best drugs
    • 5.1What medicines to take an acute attack of gout
    • 5.2Basic therapy of gout with medicines
    • 5.3What other drugs to treat gout can be used
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Treatment of urolithiasis - we derive uric acid for gout
    • 6.1Causes of accumulation and consequences
    • 6.2Indicator control
    • 6.3Readers often study together with this material:
    • 6.4Types of drugs
    • 6.5Appointment and contraindications
    • 6.6List of medicines
    • 6.7The editor has found for you two more interesting materials:
    • 6.8Folk remedies
    • 6.9Diet

The most effective drugs for removing uric acid from the body for gout

Gout is a disease associated with a metabolic disorder in the human body. It is manifested by the accumulation of uric acid and the formation of nodes in the joints.

With a negligent attitude to the disease, complications occur that can result in deformity of the limb due to the growth of nodes from the salt crystals.

There are special drugs that help to remove excess uric acid and, thereby, improve the condition of the patient. What are these means and how do they work on the body?

The formation of crystals of uric acid (tofus) in the joints


There are many negative factors against which the disease can develop. The main ones are disruptions in metabolism and malnutrition with a high protein content. In addition, the following causes of the disease develop:

  • injuries of the joints;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • obesity and high body weight;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • long-term use of some medications;
  • high pressure;
  • frequent diets with an unbalanced diet;
  • kidney diseases;
  • high content of foods with purine in the diet.

High weight is one of the main causes of gout


Being deposited in the joints, salt causes an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • There is pain in the joint and nearby tissues;
  • Painful sensations increase with physical activity and in the evening;
  • In the area of ​​lesion and the formation of tofus (knots), edema is formed;
  • The skin becomes hot and turns red;
  • The patient feels weak and weak;
  • Increased sweating;
  • With severe inflammation, there is a chill and an increase in body temperature.

If the disease is not treated, then soon the growths in the area of ​​joint damage grow and lead to immobilization of the limb.

It is very important for the first manifestations of gout (swelling, redness and hypersensitivity of the joint) to see a doctor who can recognize the disease in time and prescribe an effective treatment.

How to treat?

To combat such a disease, doctors often choose tactics of complex impact on the problem. A prerequisite is to adjust the diet, taking medications, physiological procedures and therapeutic gymnastics.

Chocolate is a product containing purines

The diet provides for the exclusion of food products containing purines. These include fatty meat, tea, beans, sorrel.

A mandatory condition is the refusal of alcoholic beverages. In this case, you need to increase water intake, doctors recommend drinking alkaline mineral water.

A large amount of salt in food also adversely affects the patient's health, and therefore its quantity needs to be reduced.

As a drug therapy it is recommended to use drugs that help to reduce symptoms of an acute attack of gout, and also aimed at treating the disease in its chronic manifestation.


Excretion of uric acid is impossible by applying dietary nutrition and physiotherapy.

For this, it is necessary to take a special remedy, which purposefully acts on the problem.

Such drugs are simply necessary for chronic disease. Their effect on gout is as follows:

  • Decreased amount of uric acid production;
  • Gradually, specific formations (tofusi) resolve;
  • The development of urolithiasis is stopped;
  • Gradually decreases the number of seizures.

Urodan stimulates the removal of urea from the body

The main drugs prescribed by doctors are:

  1. Urticodepressive. They reduce the production of uric acid ("Allopurinol "Thiopurinol "Hepatocatalase "Orotic acid").
  2. Urikozuricheskie. With their help, the kidneys begin to actively excrete uric acid from the tissues ("Kebuzon "Tsinhoven "Urodan "Sulfinpirazon").
  3. Mixed action (Allomaron).

"Allopurinol" acts as a blocker of the enzyme involved in the production of uric acid. Due to the preparation, the acid level falls and the patient's condition improves. After two weeks, all the patient's parameters come back to normal.

Therapy begins with a minimal dose, which gradually increases. The medicine is taken until there is a positive effect.

Contraindications for use are individual sensitivity to the drug, as well as pregnancy, breast-feeding and kidney failure. It is worth considering the fact that the drug should be taken for a long time.

Six months after the start of therapy, the doses become minimal, taking the drug only to maintain the effect. In some severe cases, "Allopurinol" should be drunk until the end of life.

"Probenicid" provides an excretory effect. There is a blockage of reabsorption of uric acid in the kidneys. Used for chronic manifestations of the disease. The dose can reach 1 mg per day. If there are no acute manifestations of gout, then the dose should be reduced to a minimum.

"Blamaren" normalizes the metabolism. The drug promotes alkalization of the body and resorption of stones of uric acid. Does not affect the function of the kidneys and liver, so it is acceptable to take even pregnant and lactating women. The course of treatment - no more than 6 months.

Treatment of gout, using drugs that excrete uric acid, is a fairly long process. It should be taken into account that you can only alleviate the patient's condition and reduce an acute attack, but the disease does not lend itself to complete cure.

Often for the treatment of gout use a decoction of cowberry

Folk ways

There are prescriptions in alternative medicine that will help in the treatment of the problem. The following decoction excretes uric acid well:

  1. 20 grams of cowberry leaves pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist for 30 minutes.
  3. Take before each meal.

A rather effective remedy is juice of fresh nettle. It is enough to drink one teaspoon of juice before eating.

Decoction of birch leaves also excretes harmful substances from the blood and tissues. To prepare the product you need 1 tbsp. finely chopped birch leaves brew in a glass of hot water. Infuse for at least two hours. Drink 1/4 cup with food.

Consequences of neglected gout


Negligent attitude to health and delaying treatment lead to the development of complications in the patient:

  • the disease from acute to chronic form;
  • tofusi deliver strong painful sensations at the slightest physical exertion;
  • damage to the blood vessels of organs such as the kidney and heart;
  • tissue structure is destroyed;
  • joints are deformed;
  • motor activity decreases;
  • the nodes become quite large;
  • fibers of connective tissue grow;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • kidneys work with impairments;
  • Sclerotic processes occur in the human body.

The patient develops diabetes mellitus, dry eye syndrome and cataract in the presence of gout. Concomitant problems include pyelonephritis, renal dysfunction, nephrosclerosis, glomerulonephritis.

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What drugs to remove from the body uric acid for gout?

In the treatment of gout, drugs that excrete uric acid play a key role. After all, this disease develops as a result of violation of purine metabolism and the accumulation of salts in a variety of tissues and organs, mainly in the joints.

Principles of treatment

How to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood for gout? This is the main goal of complex treatment, as it is not enough to remove the clinical manifestations of the disease with the help of symptomatic medications. An increase in the level of uric acid over time leads to the deposition of urate salts and the progression of the disease.

To quickly and effectively achieve the normalization of hyperuricemia, it is necessary to establish the causes that provoked the development of pathological accumulation of uric acid in the body.

After all, salts can accumulate for two main reasons - their enhanced synthesis and diseases of the kidneys and other organs, as a result of which they are poorly excreted.


That's why you can not be treated independently, because to develop a full-fledged complex therapeutic the scheme can only be performed by a specialist on the basis of examination of the patient and the results of laboratory and instrumental analyzes.


To reduce the level of uric acid used 2 groups of medicines:

  1. Drugs that promote the rapid removal of salts from the human body. The most commonly used probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone, Benzobromarone and others. A properly prescribed dose of medication will help stabilize the level of uric acid in the blood plasma.
  2. Drugs affecting the process of urate production. Slow down the cleavage of purine compounds to the final degradation products, as a result of which its level in the blood plasma decreases. This reduces the likelihood of accumulation in tissues, joints, and other organs in the form of salts. These drugs include Allopurinol, Allomaton and others.
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The goal of the treatment is to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood plasma to no more than 310 μmol / l in women, 420 μmol in men and 350 μmol in children.

Remedies for the excretion of uric acid

Actively used for inclusion in the treatment of gout. The most popular drugs with which you can successfully remove surpluses of the final products of purine metabolism are Probenecid and Sulfinpyrazone.

The necessary medicine, dosage, frequency of reception and duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor. It is necessary to take into account all contraindications to use in order to prevent the occurrence of complications.

The therapeutic effect of probenecid is provided by its property to block tubular reabsorption of products of purine metabolism. As a result, the substance is removed from the body, and not filtered back into the blood.

The main feature of the use of this remedy is to start treatment with small doses, gradually increasing them.

The decrease in the level of uric acid in this case occurs gradually, so that the body does not experience stress.

Probenecid is used to treat patients with gouty arthritis and other pathologies due to the accumulation of urate salts.

The drug is recommended for prescribing to people under the age of 60 with no kidney ailments, in particular urolithiasis.

In parallel with its use, which causes the increased excretion of uric acid, care should be taken to ensure a good drinking regime.


In this case, you need to choose another drug that has similar properties and is not sensitive to aspirin. A good option is the appointment of Sulfinpyrazone. Treatment Probenecid is also performed with small doses, which need to be increased over 7-10 days.


Benzobromarone has a good uricosuric effect. Its effectiveness is due to inhibition of absorption of uric acid in the central renal tubules and accelerated excretion of it from the body.

In addition, the removal of the substance not only through the kidneys, but also the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases, the development of side effects is possible: stool discomfort may occur, as well as skin manifestations in the form of rash and itching.

Means for blocking the production of uric acid

Good results in the complex treatment of gout are drugs that suppress the synthesis of uric acid in the body and do not allow the accumulation of its salts in tissues and organs. As a result, the level of uricemia in the blood decreases.

The most popular drug used for this purpose is Allopurinol. Indications for its purpose include the following states:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gouty sites;
  • kidney failure;
  • inefficiency of other drugs in reducing hyperuricemia;
  • reaction of intolerance to uricosuric agents;
  • Hyperuricemia due to deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase.

The necessary dosage of the drug can be chosen only by a doctor, since Allopurinol is characterized by a high probability of developing side effects.

The heaviest of them are fever, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, hepatitis, vasculitis and even bone marrow suppression. That is why allopurinol is prescribed from small doses, gradually increasing them.

After achieving the desired effect, you should switch to maintenance therapy. The necessary parameters for taking the medicine are selected taking into account the laboratory data. = ajtAu19Le80

Another drug that reduces the synthesis of uric acid in the body - Allomaton. Since the remedy has a complex action, its additional advantage is the ability to quickly remove the substance through the kidneys. The main thing is to ensure a sufficient drinking regime, at least 2 l per day.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and take the drugs in accordance with dosages. It is necessary to regularly undergo laboratory monitoring of the level of uric acid in the blood, so that if necessary, the doctor was able to correct the appointments in a timely manner.

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Treatment of gout - drugs that excrete uric acid

Gout- a disease associated with a pathological change in the joints. The cause of gout is a high level of uric acid.

For the disease characterized by acute pain attacks in the joints (most often in one of the big toes), redness and swelling of the skin in the affected area. If the disease is not treated, then on the bone erosion is formed.

The question of how to remove uric acid from the body, and what drugs contribute to getting rid of excessive amounts of urate in the blood, is solved taking into account the etiology of the disease.

Review of drugs for the treatment of gout, excreting uric acid

With gout, a diet that helps reduce purines is recommended, but uric acid can not be removed with the help of proper nutrition.

In this connection, when manifesting the symptoms of the disease, it is mandatory to contact a specialist. Based on laboratory tests of the patient's urine, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy.

For the treatment of gout, 2 types of medicines are used:

  • drugs that excrete uric acid from the body;
  • drugs that reduce the concentration of uric acid in the tissues of muscles and joints.

Next, we will consider in more detail the drugs that remove uric acid from the body.

Probenecid (Probenecid)

Probenecid is one of the most commonly used drugs for gout that excretes uric acid. The drug blocks the reabsorption of uric acid in the tubules of the kidneys, thereby enhancing its excretion.

In the chronic course of the disease, the initial single dose is 250 mg with the administration twice a day. After a week, the dose is usually increased to 500 mg with a two-time intake per day.

In the case of insufficient effectiveness of drug therapy, the dosage can be increased, but it should be borne in mind that the maximum daily dose does not exceed 2 g. Probenecid refers to long-acting drugs.

In the absence of acute gouty attacks for 6 months, if in addition the concentration of urate is normal, the dose is gradually reduced to a minimum.


One effective remedy for treating gout is Blamaren. The drug normalizes metabolism, alkalizes the body, with uric acid stones gradually dissolving.

A significant plus is that Blamaren does not interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver, because of which the medicine can be taken without risk to the health of pregnant and lactating women. The daily dose is 2 - 6 tablets. Duration of treatment - up to 6 months.


Before taking effervescent tablets dissolve in a glass of liquid. It can be mineral water, fruit juice, compote or tea.


Allopurinol (Allopurinol)

Allopurinol - a drug that affects the synthesis of uric acid, reducing its concentration in the body fluids, including in the urine. The doctor determines the dosage of the medicine individually, taking into account the severity of the disease.

The daily dose of Allopurinol can range from 100 mg to 900 mg. Multiplicity of admission - 2-4 times a day immediately after meals. The drug can be used in the treatment of children, 10-20 mg per kilogram of the child's weight is prescribed per day.

Allopurinol is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the drug can not be taken with severe dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver.

In case of a decrease in the function of the liver or kidneys, a reduction in the dosage of the drug should be provided.

We hope the material about what drugs are removed from the body uric acid, it will be useful if you have gout in the inactive stage. Remember that it is impossible to remove uric acid in the event that the signs of the disease are already obvious.

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Treatment of gout: drugs that excrete uric acid

Gout is a disease that is characterized by excessive accumulation of uric acid salts in the body. There are many ways to treat this pathology.

Complex therapy includes many types of effects. The main of these types of gout treatment is the use of medicines that excrete uric acid.

Consider the most common and effective tools used for this purpose.

Types of medicines for excretion of uric acid salts

In order to reduce the indices of this acid in the body, such groups of drugs are used:

  1. Uricodepressive agents. They help reduce the amount of this component in the body by removing urates from the joint tissues.
  2. Urikozuric means. They are aimed at reducing the reverse absorption of urates in the tubules of the kidneys.
  3. Preparations of mixed action. Their action is to reduce the release of acid with a more active excretion of it from the body together with urine.
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Thanks to these drugs, salts are more actively excreted from the joints, thereby helping to alleviate the condition of the patient with gout.

Overview of uricodepressive drugs

These medications are prescribed in such cases:

  • gout with tofus formation;
  • damage to the joints, accompanied by diseases of the circulatory system;
  • kidney disease associated with high secretion of uric acid salts;
  • presence of stones in the bladder.

Let us consider in more detail the most common drugs of the uricodepressive group.


This drug is available in the form of tablets. It helps to reduce the concentration of salts, thereby reducing their level in the body.

Allopurinol should be taken 3-4 times a day immediately after eating. Duration of treatment and the number of tablets is determined by the severity of the disease.

The drug is contraindicated in such situations:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe form of diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system;
  • disrupting the kidneys.

Allopurinol has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of uric acid.


This medication is intended for long-term use. By results of analyzes it is possible to notice decrease in quantity of uric acid in 2-3 months.

Processing of Phoebusostat occurs through the liver, which significantly reduces the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, it can be used to treat gout with a kidney failure.

The only drawback of the drug is its high cost.

Orotic acid

This drug is in the form of granules or tablets. Take orot acid is required for no more than 20 days, after which you should take a break.

Strengthens the excretion of uric acid. But, in comparison with analogues, Orotic acid is a less potent drug.

Therefore it is used in the early stages of gout development.


It is a drug that is made on the basis of beef liver. It is available in the form of a solution for injection. It is less active when compared with analogues, but has virtually no side effects. The solution is required intramuscularly 3 times a week.

Overview of uricosuric drugs

To reduce the level of salts with gout help also uricosuric means. Consider the most effective drugs of this group.


This remedy is aimed at absorption of acid crystals by the tubules of the kidneys and its subsequent excretion from the body.

Despite its high effectiveness, Probenecid has one significant drawback: it only removes crystals of salts, but does not suppress their accumulation in the blood.

Therefore, to treat gout during the exacerbation of this drug is not suitable.


This medication should be taken after eating. It promotes the active excretion of salts in gouty arthritis. The disadvantage of sulfinpyrazone is a significant number of contraindications. The medicine should not be taken in such cases:

  • an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • dysfunction of the liver.

The use of sulfinpyrazone negatively affects the patient's condition from the gastrointestinal tract.


This drug is actively used in the period of exacerbation of gout. Because it weakly removes acid from the articular tissues. The medicine negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only during periods of exacerbation.


This preparation contains only natural ingredients.

Its action is aimed at blocking the crystals of uric acid from settling in the joint tissues.

Colchicine is used only during periods of exacerbations of gout, since in the steel age can cause a large number of side effects.

Drugs of mixed effect

The use of drugs of this group promotes the active excretion of acid salts, but at the same time reduces the occurrence of side effects, thereby reducing the risk of stones in the kidney or bladder.


This drug is used at any stage of the disease. The drug is intended for long-term use. Some patients are prescribed Allomaron for 6 months. At the end of this time, the patient has a significant improvement in the condition.


The drug contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, as a result of which stones in the kidney or bladder can be absorbed. Blamaren applies a long period of time - at least 6 months.

The main advantage of this medication is the absence of side effects. Therefore, there is the opportunity to treat gout during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Blimaren is produced in the form of effervescent tablets, which should be dissolved in 1 glass of any liquid, except for alcoholic beverages.


This drug not only helps to remove salts of uric acid along with purines, but also has anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is better to use ketason during periods of exacerbation of gouty arthritis. Take these tablets should not be longer than 3 weeks.

Long-term use of drugs aimed at reducing the level of uric acid, helps to normalize this indicator, thereby significantly improve the patient's well-being.

Also, these drugs reduce the risk of exacerbations. But the choice of the required remedy should only be done by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition and the severity of the illness.

To enhance the effectiveness of medications for gout patients should comply with a special antipurin diet. This mode of nutrition improves well-being, and also prevents the appearance of exacerbations.

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Treatment of gout with medicines: the best drugs

Gout is a chronic disease characterized by metabolic disturbances and deposits of uric acid salt in the large and small joints of the legs, epiphyses of bones and cartilages of the ears. Salt accumulations cause aseptic inflammation, characterized by severe pain attacks.

What medicines to take an acute attack of gout

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Gout, like many chronic metabolic disorders, is treated for a long time and involves taking medication groups and changing diets.

Treatment of gout with medicines is aimed at the removal of pain manifestations and complications, among which the most Dangerous are damage to the renal parenchyma, leading to chronic renal failure and destruction joints.

Treatment of gout with medicinal preparations includes two main directions:

  1. Withdrawal of an acute attack.
  2. Basic therapy.

First of all, during periods of exacerbation the patient must be in the hospital, where the treatment implies the removal of pain, the subsidence of inflammation in the legs and the restoration of the function of the joints by the appointment of appropriate medications. At home, gouty seizures are difficult to treat.

At this stage of gout treatment the following groups of medicines are used.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce the severity of inflammation and reduce the intensity of pain. Among this group of drugs:

  • Ibuprofen, in the form of tablets - taken at 1200-1400 mg per day, is the drug of choice at the peak of a gout attack;
  • Indomethacin, in the form of tablets - is taken 150 mg per day, the drug has a pronounced analgesic effect.

For local treatment, the treatment of the skin of the inflamed area with analgesic ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is used, such as Diclofenac and Butadion.

Ointment Diclofenac, based on diclofenac sodium, is one of the most common analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of the joint apparatus. Ointments are applied in the affected area without rubbing.

They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and antipyretic effects.

In addition, you can recommend ointment Fullflex - a remedy for gout local action, on a plant basis, with good results even in advanced stages of gout.

Fullflex removes soreness, renders an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates flushing of the affected area.

Fullflex contraindications do not have at the expense of plant composition, but it can not be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. There were no side effects when using Fullfleks.


Steroid hormones


Steroid hormones, with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, are given once in injection or short course, so as not to cause addiction and side effects peculiar to this group medicines. Among the common remedies used in the treatment of gout:

  • Methylprednisolone, in the form of an injection solution, tablets and ointment;
  • Betamethasone is a glucocorticoid hormone for systemic and topical application.


Colchicine is a known medication for gout with high efficiency (in 90% of cases) in relief of symptoms, due to the effect on the level of uric acid.

Produced from a cesspool. The form of release - ampoules for injections and tablets.

Intravenously, colchicine is given during severe attacks of gout, it can reduce the frequency of seizures.

The principle of action of colchicine consists in inhibition of the process of lysosomal degranulation, oppression of the leukocyte function and phagocytosis of urate salts. Colchicine also has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.

Assign it no more than 1 mg per day. This medication does not cause significant side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, does not cause addiction and does not reduce the effectiveness with prolonged use.

Start treatment Colchicine is necessary during the prodrome, the improvement occurs within 12-14 hours after the first admission. Inflammation subsides in two days, if the treatment is started in a timely manner. Otherwise, with the late onset of treatment, no effect is observed.

The use of colchicine means a periodic blood test to detect anemia and leukopenia - these pathologies can be detected in some patients.

Basic therapy of gout with medicines

Drug treatment of gout with basic drugs begins after the removal of acute inflammation and can be carried out outside the hospital, at home.

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The goal of therapy is to eliminate the causes that caused pathology, prevent relapse and achieve a stable remission.

Gout is treated for several months, with a systematic intake of medicines.

The medicines used in the course of treatment of gout are divided into two groups:

  1. Uricodepressants, or uricosynthesis inhibitors that reduce the formation of uric acid. This is Allopurinol, its analogue Thiopurinol, Orotic acid.
  2. Urikozuricheskie drugs that remove excess uric acid. Representatives of the group - Probenecid, Etbenecid, Benziodarone, Sulfinpyrazon, Dykuparol, Atromide. This group of medicines is not assigned to everyone, due to the increased urate clearance they can cause serious side effects.

The first group of medicines

  • Allopurinol - a drug in the tablet form, often prescribed for gout. The action of the drug is based on the inhibition of the synthesis of uric acid. Systematic courses of Allopurinol allow to avoid exacerbations of gout, recurrence of attacks. It is taken orally, starting at 50 mg per day, with a step-up dose up to 400 mg. The maximum daily dose should not be above 600 mg. The most effective allopurinol in a joint course of treatment with Colchicine.
  • Similarly works Thiopurinol, having an apparent effect after 4-5 days from the beginning of admission.
  • Orotic acid is used less often due to a less pronounced effect on the formation of uric acid and the level of its concentration in the blood, but it is also a fairly common drug.

This group of medicines should be taken continuously, according to the doctor's prescriptions, to have a lasting and lasting effect.

The second group of medicines

  • Probenecid is a tablet preparation that inhibits the reabsorption of uric acid salts in the kidneys and increases the volume of excreted acid in the urine. The day is prescribed, mg at the beginning of the course of treatment, divided into two doses, the further dose rises to, mg every week. Over 2 mg per day to take Probenecid can not. Side effects are rare, tolerance is high.
  • Analogues of Probenecid - the drug Etbenecid, with similar properties, after the course of treatment with this remedy, secondary manifestations of gout are less often diagnosed.
  • In the case of low effectiveness of Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone is prescribed, a tablet preparation with a strong uricosuric effect. Its daily dose is up to 600 mg. Also has good tolerability and low occurrence of side effects.
  • Benziodarone is the drug of choice in the case of kidney failure, when many uricosuric agents are contraindicated. Effective more than the previous means. The dose per day is 100-300 mg.
  • Atromide and Dicuparol are non-permanent drugs that can be useful for gout with associated chronic cardiopathy.

What other drugs to treat gout can be used

Among the drugs to relieve inflammation with gout is Aspirin, which has the property of increasing urate output in urine.

Apply Aspirin should be as follows: 5 tablets dissolved in 10 ml of iodine, leave until lightening solution, which then lubricate the diseased parts on the legs before going to bed, with further warm wrapping.

Aspirin is undesirable to be taken with Sulfinpyrazone, in order to avoid a decrease in uricosuric effect.

Dimexide - in combination with Novocaine, the drug is used to put compresses on the affected area to relieve acute inflammation and pain. It should be used with caution, since Dimexide has a list of contraindications and side effects from the liver, kidneys and heart.

All prescriptions and dosages of medicines in the treatment of gout are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, self-medication, especially in advanced stages of chronic gout, is unacceptable.

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Treatment of urolithiasis - we derive uric acid for gout

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To reduce the frequency of gouty attacks, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of MC (uric acid)

information for reading

To begin with, let us examine in more detail what gout and uric acid in the blood are, how they are interrelated, and what are the causes of the development of pathology.

Causes of accumulation and consequences

Uric acid is the final product formed as a result of the breakdown of the purine protein. It is able to create compounds with sodium, less often potassium. This connection contributes to the formation of urate deposits.

The mechanism of the appearance of gout

Since uric acid with gout is deposited more often in the legs or hands, it can be seen that it crystallizes in areas where blood stasis is formed and its temperature decreases.

As a result of accumulation of urate, gout, urolithiasis, arthritis and other diseases develop, as the bloodstream covers the entire body. Further complications are such as kidney failure, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies.

Indicator control

The analysis of uric acid for gout is carried out by blood sampling and biochemical research. The results are estimated in milligrams per deciliter.

With a genetic predisposition to diseases of this kind, as well as the manifestation of anxious symptoms in the form of pains in the joints and kidneys, it is urgent to undergo diagnostics.

Ideally, it is recommended to take control tests at least once a year.

In the blood, the level of uric acid with gout significantly increases. However, such changes do not necessarily indicate the presence of this disease. It is necessary to undergo more thorough diagnostics, including examination of rheumatic test, ultrasound and MRI with appropriate indications.

Age and gender Level of uric acid (μm / L)
Children under 14 years old 120-320
Women 150-350
Men's 210-420

Normal indicators of MK

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An integrated approach is needed to quickly and effectively treat gout.

Drugs that excrete uric acid are combined with physiotherapeutic procedures, diet and folk techniques.

The exact program of therapy is appointed by the attending physician after preliminary diagnosis of the patient's condition.

Types of drugs

The main goal of the treatment is to reduce the incidence of gout attacks and achieve a stable remission.

These provisions are closely related to the excretion of uric acid from the body. With gout, you need to work on the body from different sides.

That is why drug therapy involves the use of different groups of drugs.

Initially, it is important to eliminate painful symptoms and relieve inflammation. Only after stopping the attack can proceed to further manipulation.

There are such types of drugs for fighting MK:

  • Urticodepressive. These drugs have an overwhelming effect on the body cells and slow down the synthesis of uric acid. In this case, they do not damage them, but only block the work of one of the enzymes involved in this process. Such funds are indispensable in the presence of disruptions in the work of the body and increased production of MC.
  • Urikozuric. Drugs of this group contribute to the removal of MK from the body naturally. The essence of their action is to increase the amount of urine and intensify the work of the kidneys. Urates partially dissolve in alkaline medium and are excreted in urine. Diuretics for gout are the main category of medications used.
  • Mixed. These drugs combine the properties of uricodepressive and uricosuric agents and have a complex effect on the body. They are considered the most effective, but are associated with a number of restrictions for use.

It is important to choose the right medicine

Appointment and contraindications

Such medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Reasons for this may be:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • increased concentration of MC in the assays;
  • nephropathy;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Uric depressants have a milder effect on the body, since they do not provoke increased kidney function.

Diuretics with gout should be prescribed only if the kidneys are in a normal state.


With insufficiency or other serious disorders, as well as individual intolerance, drugs are contraindicated. Care must be taken during pregnancy and lactation.


The main contraindication for taking diuretics is the presence of large stones in the kidneys

List of medicines

To reduce the content of uric acid in gout is allowed by such drugs and substances:

  • uricodepressants: allopurinol, orotic acid, hepatocatalase, thiopurinol, milurite, hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine;
  • diuretics: ugly, zinhoven, kebuzone, sulfinpyrazone;
  • mixed: allomaron.

Allopurinol inhibits MK synthesis

To increase the effect of drug therapy, you must drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. An alkaline medium is welcomed, which neutralizes the conditions favorable for the accumulation of urate, and promotes their dissolution.

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It is important to know what to get uric acid for gout, except for medicines, because long-term use of medicines is not always permissible. For this, people's prescriptions are used, and results are supported by observing a special diet No. 6.

Folk remedies

Basically, folk techniques are an alternative to diuretics and are more maintenance therapy than the main method of treatment.

How to reduce uric acid in gout:

  • decoction or fresh juice of the nettle;
  • cranberry tea;
  • decoction of birch leaves;
  • green tea;
  • camomile tea;
  • succession;
  • sage;
  • cornflower;
  • dandelion root.

These plants are able not only to remove the MC, but also accelerate the cleavage of purines.

Herbal preparations and teas can replace diuretics


Thanks to the treatment table number 6, the uric acid norm is restored. With gout, this diet is mandatory.

Its essence is to reduce protein food and replace it with useful carbohydrates. That is, meat and fish are allowed only occasionally and in a boiled form, legumes are excluded.

Preference should be given to such products:

  • milk;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • pears;
  • plums;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberries;
  • potatoes;
  • porridge;
  • vegetable soups.

If you follow these recommendations and use medicines prescribed by your doctor, you will prevent the accumulation of urate in the body and reduce the risk of developing attacks of gouty arthritis. Over time, subcutaneous tofusi, which cause not only physical, but also psychological discomfort, may disappear.


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