Is disability given a herniated spine?


  • 1Disability in the intervertebral hernia: how to get it and what is needed for this
    • 1.1Diseases in which a person is considered disabled
    • 1.2Expertise as a basis for further action
    • 1.3Indications for referral to commission
    • 1.4Denial of responsibility
  • 2Disability in hernia: when given, and when - not
    • 2.1When sent to a commission
    • 2.2Procedure for passing the commission
    • 2.3Documents for the passage
    • 2.4Which examinations need to be completed
    • 2.5Groups of invalidity with a hernia
    • 2.6The amount of disability pensions in 2017
  • 3Obtaining the status of an invalid with spinal hernia: clearance
    • 3.1Indications for referral to ITU
    • 3.2Medical and social expertise
    • 3.3Required documents for the commission
    • 3.4What should be taken into account before the medical and social expertise
  • 4How to get a disability by a spinal hernia | Spinal hernia
    • 4.1What does the law say
    • 4.2ITU procedure
    • 4.3What is necessary for the passage of ITU
    • 4.4Categories of incapacity for work
  • 5
    instagram viewer
    In what cases in the hernia of the spine is given a disability
    • 5.1Hernia
    • 5.2Decor
    • 5.3Indication for examination
    • 5.4Required examinations
    • 5.5Groups of disability
  • 6Disability after removal of a hernia
    • 6.1Groups of disability, which give after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Disability in the intervertebral hernia: how to get it and what is needed for this

The intervertebral hernia is a serious disease that requires long and rigorous implementation of medical recommendations.

Very many patients who have this pathology discovered are interested in the question of whether a disability is caused by a spinal hernia.

This question is by no means idle, since the disturbance of the normal activity of the musculoskeletal system in to one degree or another restricts a person's opportunities both in the workplace and in the home sphere.

Diseases in which a person is considered disabled

Here is the list, which is the answer to the question, under what diseases of the spine are disabilities:

  • fracture,
  • neoplasms in various tissues of the spine,
  • curvature,
  • arthritis,
  • a hernia in the spine,
  • spondylosis and others.

This disease is on this list. But in itself the presence of a hernia is not yet a reason to talk about any disability.

Is the disability group given to patients with disc protrusion? It depends on how much the disease has changed or complicated a person's normal life, and what functions that were performed earlier became impossible after the disease or are performed with restriction.

But before we consider what is the prerequisite for obtaining a disability in this case, we will determine what is disability and who determines this condition.

Expertise as a basis for further action

Whether it is possible to receive disability at the diagnosis of a "hernia" depends on many factors. But in the end, only state bodies can formally, legally recognize the disabled as disabled.

You can feel it yourself, the doctor can give you a certificate, where he will state his point of view on the state of your health, but only medical and social expertise will determine whether you are entitled to help state. Actually, it is for her sake that the patients go through the commission.

Before the examination, the attending physician will certainly send the patient to the necessary examinations, after which the necessary materials will be given out:

  • X-ray of the spine at the site of the hernia;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electromyography (if there is radiculoheschemia);
  • rheovasography (for vascular disorders);
  • rheoenceology (if there is a posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome);
  • spinal puncture;
  • myelography;
  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

In addition, you may need to consult a neurosurgeon and his written recommendations for prompt treatment.

But do not assume that you will have to undergo all these studies: the necessary list will be determined by the attending physician. It is also incorrect to believe that disability with a spinal hernia without surgery is not given.

Although surgical intervention in most cases is a direct prerequisite for determining the reduction functionality of the body, but the functionality of a person can be significantly reduced in comparison with the state before disease.

In addition to the results of surveys, you need to have documents with you:

  • referral to a commission (such is a checklist from the polyclinic at the place of residence);
  • Medical Card;
  • passport;
  • an extract from the hospital (before the commission the patient must necessarily be sent there in accordance with routine examination);
  • if this is not the first commission - the previous certificate of incapacity for work.

The examination will examine not only the medical documentation, but also study the degree of need for assistance from the state (this includes pension and various benefits).

In particular, whether social protection is supposed to depend on the level of income of the patient and even his closest relatives. For example, if you have the opportunity to get a large income without applying your own physical efforts, the disability group can refuse.

Also, a "risk factor" may be that you (or your family) have been treated in expensive private clinics, and not in free public hospitals - from this the commission can draw a conclusion that in any compensation from the state you do not need.

Indications for referral to commission

These are:

  • severe and prolonged pain;
  • permanent long-term stay in the hospital;
  • violation of coordination and motor functions, and so on.

Disability can be determined when and. The heaviest, the first group, is given in case of paralysis or incontinence of feces and urine due to a hernia of the spine.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Disability in hernia: when given, and when - not

Many patients with back problems are interested in whether a disability is caused by a spinal hernia.

The answer to this question largely depends on the actual state of a person, the peculiarities of the development of pathology and specific symptoms.

How to make a disability, when to apply to the commission - in this article.

When sent to a commission

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to get a disability with a herniated spine starts with specific medical testimony, under which the doctor is obliged to send the patient to the examination of a medical commission that can take the appropriate decision:

  • severe pain that occurs regularly and lasts for a long period of time, often with exacerbations;
  • prolonged and frequent occurrence of the fact of incapacity for work (the worker often takes sick leave sheets);
  • exacerbation of various symptoms, including pain syndrome, which lasts more than 4 months and is not treated with the drugs recommended by the doctor;
  • various violations of coordination, control of the movements of the hands and feet, which interferes with the full life and the opportunity to perform work;
  • complications from the internal organs (urogenital, respiratory, cardiovascular system).

Similar symptoms can be observed practically with any diagnosis - i.e. regardless of where the hernia of the spinal column is located (in the lumbar, thoracic, cervical or sacral areas).


Get a disability in the hernia of the lumbar spine (and other departments) can not be in the presence of these symptoms in general, but in those when the patient was provided with the necessary assistance, he observed all the prescriptions of the doctor, but the treatment did not yield any significant results.

Procedure for passing the commission

Read the same: Symptoms and treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine

To get a disability after the operation on the spine, as well as in other cases (when complications progress, develop painful symptoms, etc.), you need to pass a commission, which is officially called medical and social expertise (ITU).

The patient needs to receive the conclusions of three specialists at once:

  1. A district therapist.
  2. Neurologist.
  3. Neurosurgeon.

Specialists conduct surveys, prescribe appropriate diagnostics, study complaints, medical history and conclusions of other doctors. And first you need to contact your therapist and get directions to the ITU.

Documents for the passage

Along with the direction passing the commission must take the originals of such documents:

  • your passport;
  • medical card;
  • an extract from the hospital, from which the patient was sent for examination (if he passes the commission in another hospital);
  • the results of all diagnostic studies conducted the day before;
  • description of the rehabilitation course if the victim has already passed it;
  • a certificate of disability attribution for the same disease (if a person does not apply for the first time).

Thus, the disability can be issued only if all the medical documents that confirm the fact diseases, fix the stages of its development, exacerbations, as well as the fact that the victims have passed the relevant courses treatment.

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Which examinations need to be completed

To make a disability for a patient with a hernia of the spine, the patient almost always needs to pass several types of additional examination (the doctor appoints not all of them, but only some, in proportion necessary):

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • X-ray of the affected area;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the affected area gives the most detailed picture and in many respects influences whether a group of disabilities can be obtained in hernia formations;
  • CT scan;
  • electromyography - is prescribed to patients who expect to receive disability with intervertebral hernia due to chronic, progressive sciatica;
  • Myelography is performed in those cases when the protruding disk compresses the nerve fibers of the spinal cord;
  • rheovasography - to determine the state of the vessels;
  • puncture of cerebrospinal fluid (analysis of cerebrospinal fluid) - this method is especially often used for disability in connection with spinal trauma.

PLEASE NOTE - The question of how to get a disability with a spinal hernia without an operation depends also on the specific symptoms of the victim. Thus, the main criterion of whether a group is given or not is not associated with an operation as such, but with the actual state of a person.

Groups of invalidity with a hernia

There are three groups for which a medical commission can issue a disability.

They are determined on the basis of the stage of the development of the disease, the progression of complications, pathologies from other internal organs, and also based on a person's ability to work.

What features each category has in hernia and its description is given in the table.

Group description of symptoms and complications incapacity notes
the first Such disability is given in the most severe cases, when paralysis of the hands and / or legs is diagnosed, and also impairment of the bladder and / or rectum (uncontrolled urination and defecation) The patient completely loses his ability to work and can not continue to work, so he needs constant third-party care There are material benefits and social supervision (care for the care of a social worker)
the second In these cases, after an operation to remove a hernia, the spine is given a disability (regardless of the place of development of the pathology). Passing treatment complains of severe pain, limitation of limb movement and body, and conservative treatment does not give effect The victim can not continue working in the previous place, although he can take care of himself and provide basic physiological needs
the third The development of the disease occurs in 2-3 stages, there are some symptoms A person can not fully work at his current place of work, but can perform other activities and fully serves himself The pension is provided, social assistance - no


The disability group with a spinal hernia does not depend on the specific location of the disease. The main criterion for establishing - the symptoms of the disease, complications that do not allow a person to fully or partially continue to live a full life and perform work.

The amount of disability pensions in 2017

After passing the appropriate commission and obtaining an opinion, a person is identified with a disability with the assignment of a certain category (or decides to refuse).

Together with the question of whether the disability group is entitled to hernia, citizens are often interested in the amount of pension benefits.

The relevant data, current for 2017, are given in the table (the amounts are rounded up to whole rubles, without kopecks).

Group amount in rubles
1 9117
2 4558
3 2279
disabled children, 1 12 082
disabled children, 2 10 068
disabled children 12 082

The figures do not take into account regional peculiarities (for example, for the residents of the Far North, the pension is higher), as well as the availability of dependents in the care of the disabled person. A concrete amount will be called by representatives of the local branch of the Pension Fund, where you need to apply for a pension.

Thus, the question of whether the group is given a disability in the hernia of the spine, directly depends on the specific condition of the victim and his ability to work fully.

In any case, you should not suffer constant pain and other symptoms - the sooner the question of prescription disability category, the sooner a person will be able to issue documents and the corresponding medicinal security.

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Obtaining the status of an invalid with spinal hernia: clearance

Prepare to visit ITU in advance, do not go at random

The protrusion of the intervertebral disc sometimes leads to a complete (partial) disability. The victim becomes disabled. This diagnosis puts an end to a career, doing simple work.

Patients are interested in the question: "Do disabilities have a spinal hernia?". Receiving a social allowance will allow the victim to stay at home, receive funds, and be treated.

Many patients have to leave work, as professional activity causes unbearable radicular pain, the patient is unable to perform duties, lift the load, stay in the sitting room for a long time position.

Before getting a disability with a spinal hernia, a patient should clarify his rights, prepare in advance for ITU.

Indications for referral to ITU

In medical and social expertise, they will refuse in the absence of certain indications. This examination allows you to test disability.

The patient is recognized as an incapacitated state, ITU representatives find out the degree of protection of the person who needs the disability of the victim.

Medico-social examination is carried out in the presence of the following indications:

  • stable pain syndrome;
  • unfavorable forecast;
  • the presence of complications arising after removal of the hernia;
  • the disease is chronic;
  • the patient did not seek medical help in a timely manner;
  • too late diagnosis of degenerative pathology;
  • the presence of motor disorders due to radiculo-ischemia, compression of the cauda equina;
  • violation of movements in the joints of the cervical spine causes the appearance of pathological nerve impulses that go to the vestibular apparatus and cerebellum, causing vestibular symptoms;
  • regular exacerbation of the disease;
  • duration of exacerbation is more than 4 months.

Is the disability group given a hernia of the spine located at the protrusion stage? The protrusion is usually cured, patients with a diagnosis of protrusions have a positive prognosis.

However, the group at the initial stage of development of pathology is given.

The disability is affected by how degenerative pathology has complicated the patient's normal life, what kind of work, the victim's movements are unable to perform.

Is disability in the performance of surgical intervention, restoration of the functioning of the spine? The result depends on the patient.

The group is obliged to give, the hernia of the spine can recur, the victim needs to undergo restoration, consisting of several courses of physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy. The ability to refuse to receive disability benefits is always there.

For example, a patient refuses to register a disability, because the professional activity allows performing work without stress, the patient received a transfer for easy labor.

Medical and social expertise

If you do not pass the ITU, you will not be able to get a disability

The presence in the patient's medical record of a diagnosis of "hernia of the spine" means that the patient is capable of get a group if there is no positive result of conservative treatment, after surgery on the spine. Surgical intervention allows you to remove protrusion, avoid repeated relapse. The operation does not guarantee the patient the recovery of mobility, the ability to work. It is impossible to guarantee full recovery, the final result of treatment is not always positive, there may be complications. Those who suffered, who decided to undergo radical treatment of degenerative pathology, should think about the future if they do not manage to restore motor functions. The patient should be consulted regarding the benefits of a herniated spine. Having confirmed the incapacity for work of the patient, the doctor directs the patient to medical and social expertise. Why conduct ITU?

Medico-social examination is necessary to help the patient get the status of a disabled person. Get a disability without going through the ITU is impossible.

State employees study the course of the disease, the degree of development, take into account age, possible relapse, the scope of activity, symptomatology, mobility.

The state allows you to get a disability, given the severity of the disease of the spine give the group almost all patients who have a similar diagnosis. You can register a group after passing the ITU.

Medico-social expertise is able to determine the social security of the patient, the possibility of entering the former place of work.

Required documents for the commission

Whether it is possible to receive a disability at a hernia of a backbone depends on many factors. In order to receive a social benefit with a minimum subsistence minimum, it is necessary to provide the medical and social expertise with the relevant documents.

After receiving the documents provided by the ITU, the state will allow the patient to receive a disability with a spinal hernia. Before the ITU, the doctor gives the patient the direction to go through the commission.

Medical and social expertise requires the following materials:

  • doctor's report;
  • X-ray examination, preferably in several projections;
  • results of magnetic resonance (computer) tomography;
  • the presence of neurological symptoms of a hernia, for example, radiculo-ischemia, electromyography is required;
  • RVG - a method for diagnosing blood circulation in the extremities, is a modern non-invasive method for studying changes in pulsatile blood filling of organs and tissues;
  • with a hernia of the neck, it is necessary to provide the results of carrying out rheoenceology.

In addition to the results of visualization methods of diagnosis of a herniated spine, the patient gives blood tests, urinalysis, spinal puncture.

To increase the chances of getting the status of a disability before the operation, the consultation of a neurosurgeon will help, it is necessary to get a written opinion of the doctor.

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You need to provide ITU: referral to a commission, a medical card, passport details, a certificate from a doctor about incapacity for work.

The disability group is determined by the severity of the disease. Do not assume that they will immediately give 1 group.

Perhaps the medical and social expertise will consider that insufficient information is provided to get 1 group of disability.

Ask the doctor to give directions for the necessary studies. Types of groups:

  1. 1 group - is issued to the patient if it is impossible to return to the main job. Disability is given with partial paralysis, requiring care from medical personnel.
  2. The average severity of the disease implies the design of the 2nd group. Showing of 2 groups in the following situations is shown: the victim constantly turns to the hospital with a painful syndrome, there is a violation of mobility, there is no positive result of the treatment. The second group is obliged to give patients who lost their ability to work as a result of surgical intervention.
  3. The third group is easy. It is supposed to give 3 group to patients with constant pains, regular exacerbations of pathology. Means the patient's transfer to easy work, retraining. Adaptation in new conditions means the abolition of disability.

Disability in the hernia of vertebrae implies monthly social payments, depending on the group assigned to the patient.

What should be taken into account before the medical and social expertise

Medico-social examination is conducted strictly in accordance with certain rules. Disability is given, given the degree of need for government assistance.

Patients whose immediate relatives (parents, children) are able to provide the patient, are denied the status of an invalid. ITU representatives consider the average pension of the victim, the availability of benefits.

Social payments given to the victim play an important role in obtaining a disability after an operation to remove a hernia of the spine (without surgery).

When a spinal hernia is disabled, the main thing is to initially collect the necessary documents. When talking with ITU representatives, weigh what has been said. Patients do not pay attention to what was said, eventually unconsciously put a cross on getting a disability.

For example, the patient is denied social benefits for the following reason: he found a job, copes, employers try to provide the patient with an easy job, the staff helps in every possible way.

Representatives of the commission will assume that the victim copes with the work, so there is no need to give a group.

Attention! ITU can not be said: the work suits, the staff is well treated, transferred to easy work.

Insisting that the doctor stay in the clinic for further monitoring should be supported.

Failure is treated will lead to the refusal of medical and social expertise, which allows earlier to register a disability.

Having discharged independently, then having applied for reception of physical inability because of deterioration of a condition, the commission will refuse, the patient itself is guilty in a happened relapse.

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How to get a disability by a spinal hernia | Spinal hernia

Diseases ODA, which includes a hernia of the spine, can cause temporary, partial or complete loss of a person's ability to work.

Frivolous attitude towards one's health can lead to disability - untimely appeal to doctor, inferior treatment due to the patient's fault, complications after surgery or conservative treatment.

With a spinal hernia, disability in Russia is problematic, the law says the following.

What does the law say

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 approved the "Rules for recognizing a citizen as a disabled person the conditions are as follows:

  • complete dysfunction of the body, acquired due to a transferred disease, trauma or congenital pathology;
  • inadequate vital activity associated with partial or complete loss of ability to self-service, orientation, movement, training, work, stay in society;
  • social insecurity in the postoperative period.

In order to get a group of disability to a person who underwent an operation to remove a hernia of the spine, to correspond to all three points of the list - a single sign is not a sufficient reason for the recognition of a person incapacitated.

However, if a citizen after an operation needs a long rehabilitation, one can consider the issue of obtaining a disability.

This is done by members of a special commission (medical and social expertise) - they after a thorough examination give the patient a group of disabilities or recognize him as competent.

ITU procedure

The procedure for medical and social expertise is nothing more than the legal recognition of a person's disability by the state.

Before the commission members establish that the patient is after a surgery to remove the hernia of the spine, a group is set up, they carefully study all aspects of his vital activity.

  • Financial condition in the period "before" and "after" the disease.
  • The size of the already available social assistance from the state (subsidies, benefits, others).
  • The degree of severity of the disease, in which you can talk about the loss of legal capacity.
  • The presence of the group before the incident in question.
  • What was the cause of the ailment.
  • Whether the patient followed all medical recommendations.

Another item on this list is the availability of financially secured relatives who could provide material support to the patient.

Also, the level of the patient's passive income is taken into account (receiving dividends and the like).

In both cases, it can be argued that the assignment of a group to a person will be denied.

Another fact may not be beneficial to the patient.

Answering questions of members of the commission about labor activity, the patient says that with duties coping without specifying its special position (part-time work, lightened working conditions etc.).

The Commission draws conclusions and concludes that this person can not be given a group, since after removal of the hernia of the spine his health is satisfactory.

All patients after surgical intervention to remove the hernia of the spine are guided by the ITU procedure, referring to it by a doctor.

But a person needs to be prepared for the fact that government bodies do not just give a disability, and expertise is carried out more likely to confirm the patient's ability to act and the wording "patient's state of health satisfactory ".

What is necessary for the passage of ITU

In order to pass the ITU, the patient must provide the results of the conducted studies:

  • MRI, CT or X-ray examination of the spine;
  • with vascular disorders accompanying the intervertebral protrusion, the results of electromyography are necessary;
  • rheovasography, with a hernia of the cervical segment - rheoencephalography;
  • myelography and lumbar puncture;
  • if necessary, surgical intervention, the conclusions of a neurosurgeon are presented.

In addition, the patient needs to collect a package of documents - referral to the ITU, a medical card or an extract, in the case repeated application of the certificate of disability, the conclusion on the rehabilitation, all the results of the surveys, passport.

Even the provision of all documents does not guarantee that the disability group will be assigned to you.

If the patient at least once refused to carry out any procedures (even if they are expensive), which, in the opinion of doctor, provide an opportunity for a speedy recovery, disability can not be expected - the refusal will be 100%.

Categories of incapacity for work

Depending on the severity and consequences of the ailment, the patient may be assigned I, II or III disability.

  • The first group is assigned to patients with complete paralysis (impossibility of self-service and necessity in external help) by uncontrolled urination, defecation is the heaviest category patients.
  • The second group is given to patients who have obvious violations of the body's functions, there is a long-term pain syndrome, therapeutic measures do not bring results, and also in postoperative period.
  • The third group includes people who have muscular and vascular disorders (consequence of the disease) also those whose work leads to frequent exacerbations of the disease. Such patients are given the opportunity to retrain and transition to sparing working conditions.

Remember, the disability awarded does not have the status "for life" - the patient will have to confirm his special position every year.

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In what cases in the hernia of the spine is given a disability

Health is the main value of our life. Unfortunately, most of us can not say with certainty that they have absolute health.

When it collapsed, it requires some kind of material compensation and social assistance. Therefore, it is important to know if a spinal cord is invalid.


The intervertebral hernia is a shift or protrusion of the pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc with subsequent tearing of the fibrous ring. Most often it occurs in the lumbar spine.

The work of all parts of the spine is coordinated and correct, where each segment fulfills its role in the motor process.

If a program violation occurs, the load is not distributed correctly, some segments begin to wear out. Fibroznoe ring of the intervertebral disc does not withstand overload and crack.

Pulpoid nucleus flows outward, irritating and infringing the nerve endings. As a result, there is pain syndrome.

Symptomatic is very diverse:

  • feeling of heaviness, numbness in the lower back and sacrum;
  • spread of pain along the back and outside of the thigh;
  • numbness or sensitivity disorder in the little finger, the third and fourth toes;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the lower limbs;
  • Inadequacy of sensitivity to anesthesia (crawling, sensation of heat and cold without external stimuli);
  • weakening of muscles.
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For the prevention of the disease it is necessary to strengthen the musculature with physical exercises (cf. Exercises for different parts of the spine). Otherwise, the disease will progress.

When hernias develop such diseases as lumbar sciatica, the sciatic nerve is involved in the pain syndrome. But does the group give a disability to everyone with such symptoms in the hernia of the spine?


Theoretically, the patient becomes disabled after disruption of nerve conduction in the spinal cord, with loss of ability to work, but the issue is decided on the basis of ITU. Its results can be absolutely unpredictable.

In the examination, one of the important factors is a survey, i.e., patient's answers during the interview.

If a person says that he feels well, that he can easily cope with any work, then he does not see disability or there is a withdrawal of benefits and restrictions of labor activity. The patient has to work on a common basis for a whole working day.

Whether to give a disability to patients with a hernia in the spine is decided by a commission of doctors. The task of the ITU service is to find the grounds for denial of a disability. The state needs payers of taxes, not recipients of compensation. Therefore, the ITU procedure is always very difficult and unpredictable.

Indication for examination

To get a disability in the hernia of the spine, you need special indications:

  • radiculopathy during the period of acute and ineffective rehabilitation;
  • period of exacerbation in the direction of deterioration of the patient's health, when he can not correspond to the position held. As a consequence, his salary may decrease;
  • the presence of a long "hospital" in people with shoulder-wrist syndrome;
  • presence of cephalalgia;
  • presence of strong pain and movement disorders;
  • inability to find a job.

All these factors can serve as a basis for referring to the ITU to find out whether the group is disabled with a stable hernia of the spine.

Required examinations

In order to determine whether a disability is given in the hernia of the lumbar spine, the following examinations are necessary. Should do:

  • roentgen of the spinal column;
  • MRI;
  • electromyography;
  • rheovasography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • myelography and lumbar puncture;
  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis.
  • if surgical intervention is indicated, the patient should be advised by a neurosurgeon.

Based on all the tests and diagnoses performed, the question is solved, is it possible to get a disability with a hernia of the spine?

Groups of disability

There are three groups that are appointed on the basis of ITU. Let's see if the disability is given with the existing hernia of the spine and, if so, which group?

The 1st group is given at the most severe form of the disease, when the patient is not only completely disabled, but also unable to engage in self-service. He needs a carer for life.

Here it is possible to answer the question of concern to many patients, do disabilities give a spinal hernia without surgery? The patient is placed on the group during paralysis, as well as with inoperable form with involuntary emptying of the bladder and intestine.

The 2nd group is given to patients with severe pain syndrome, which is not withdrawn by drugs. The reason for this is also the lack of effectiveness from the treatment and the impossibility of the operation. This group can be obtained six months after surgery.

The third group is workable. It is given with mild disease. Such patients should have a light work and a sparing schedule.

The absurdity of the procedure for obtaining disability lies in the fact that it is not enough to have a serious ailment, it is still necessary to prove your helplessness and incapacity. If the patient still succeeds in obtaining it, then it will have to be confirmed annually.

So, in order to obtain a document on disability, one must have the reasons and direction of the attending physician, undergo a survey and very carefully answer questions on the ITU.

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Disability after removal of a hernia

Surgery to remove vertebral hernia in medical practice today is by no means a rarity, but not every case of surgical intervention presupposes the possibility of obtaining a disability.

In this article we will talk about who has the right to disability after removal of the intervertebral hernia, by what criteria the group of disability is determined and what documents are needed.

Vertebral hernia is a rather dangerous disease, often resulting in severe consequences with the end result - total or partial disability.

To issue a disability after an operation to remove a hernia of the spine, as a rule, without special problems it is possible only in the most difficult cases, in the rest the decision of a question on reception of the status of the invalid assumes gathering of necessary package of documents and obligatory the passage of ITU. Undoubtedly, every patient who underwent an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia, should know their rights and conditions for disability registration.

Conducting medical and social expertise - there is recognition by the state of the patient as a disabled person from a legal point of view. In the course of the ITU, it is established not only the labor and capacity of a person, the need for a social protection, but also the level of his passive income, as well as the possibility of material support from relatives of people.

Quite often there are cases when a patient receives a disability in his own fault. For example, when interviewed by an ITU commission, a person says that he is coping well with his work without specifying that he is working in an easy regime. On the commission, such answers are immediately perceived as an improvement in the state of health, which, accordingly, in the future may lead to the deprivation of all benefits.

Specialists who conduct medical and social expertise evaluate the results of all studies and decide on whether the patient needs social protection and getting the status of an invalid or not.

The patient is referred to the ITU commission by the attending physician in the following cases:

  • with frequent and prolonged exacerbations of radiculopathy, when rehabilitation measures do not bring the desired effect;
  • at a serious course of the disease with constant exacerbations, which do not allow the patient to perform professional functions freely;
  • prolonged temporary incapacity for work with an unfavorable prognosis for the patient;
  • with cephalgia, asthenic and persistent pain syndrome;
  • when vestibular disorders are detected;
  • with exacerbation of the disease, lasting more than 4 months.

The results of the following studies should be submitted to the ITU commission for disability after surgery:

  • X-ray examination of the spine of CT and / or MRI;
  • rheovasography (RVG);
  • electromyography (EMG) - with radiculo-ischemia in those cases when the intervertebral hernia is aggravated by vascular disturbances;
  • Rheoencephalography (REG) - in the presence of posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome;
  • lumbar puncture;
  • myelography;
  • the results of a consultation of a neurosurgeon (in cases where surgical intervention is necessary).

The package of documents includes:

  • referral to the ITU Commission;
  • an extract from a medical record of the disease;
  • a certificate of disability (must be provided upon re-passage of the ITU);
  • research results;
  • description of the rehabilitation course;
  • the document proving the identity.

Groups of disability, which give after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Group I -appointed in cases of lack of a person's ability to self-service and independent movement, When the patient needs additional help from the medical staff, social workers or from the side relatives.

After the removal of the intervertebral hernia, 1 group of disability is prescribed in the event of complications such as paralysis or sphincter disorders.

II group -is prescribed for patients with a pronounced prolonged pain syndrome, with violations of dynamic and static functions, in cases absence of the expected effect after the course of therapy, with a small postoperative period when the patient can not perform his labor function.
Group III- is prescribed for patients who have persistent pain syndromes with vegetative and musculoskeletal disorders, and also in cases of postoperative exacerbations with a frequency of 1-2 times a month that occur during the performance of professional responsibilities. Patients with 3 disability groups have the right to undergo retraining for a new profession and easier work, in which case disability is not prolonged.

It is worth noting that often, during the passage of medical and social expertise for the first time, a patient with a disabling hernia may not be assigned a disability group.

In such cases, the decision of the ITU Commission may be appealed by submitting an application to a higher-level organization (a regional ITU commission or a court). The application is reviewed within 1 month, after which the patient is re-examined.

Also, an appeal can be appealed against through a medical and social examination with independent specialists. In this case, the examination is paid for at the expense of the patient's funds.

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