After pneumonia, the chest hurts

Pain in the lungs after pneumonia

Pain in the lungs after pneumonia - what could be the reason? And the reason often lies in the inadequate attention to one's health. Often, we do not even think about the consequences of pneumonia, not treated or transferred on the feet, and the ignored rules of rehabilitation after pneumonia. Alas, in our modern life, the first place for many is the availability of uninterrupted serviceability.

We go out to work during illness, we carry the virus "on our feet" and very often we are proud of it. Pain in the lungs after pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) is precisely the reaction of the body to our frivolous attitude to this serious illness.

Symptoms of pain in the lungs after pneumonia

Patients are troubled by seizures that occur when inhaled and manifest as minor tingling, or acute attacks. These attacks can sometimes be accompanied by shortness of breath and palpitations. In this case, the degree of pain, depends on the severity of the disease, the speed and quality of its treatment.

instagram viewer

The symptoms listed above most often indicate the presence of an adhesion process in the body.

Spikes are a pathological fusion of organs. Spikes are formed as a result of chronic infectious pathologies, as well as mechanical injuries or internal bleeding.

In a patient with pneumonia, adhesions (adhesions) can occur between the pleura sheets, one of which lining the lungs and the other - the thorax. When inflammation of the pleura or the flow of inflammation from the lungs to the pleura, the release of fibrin, gluing the pleura with each other. The area of ​​the glued leaflets of the pleura is called spike.

Spikes are divided into two types - single and multiple. In critical cases, they envelop the pleura whole, causing its displacement and deformation and thus making breathing difficult. This pathology has a very severe course, sometimes aggravated by acute respiratory failure. Limited mobility of respiratory organs, frequent acute attacks of pain during breathing, the presence of mechanical obstruction - require immediate surgical intervention.

Multiple spikes in the pleural cavity can sometimes support a slow inflammatory process. This happens if the spikes limit the inflamed area from all sides, forming a capsule around it.

Adhesive pathology that causes pain in the lungs after pneumonia is a serious enough process, so the doctor should determine the diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors detect the presence of adhesions in the lung area by X-ray examination of the chest, CT or MRI of the thoracic cavity.

The course of therapy for adhesions is determined by the doctor and depends on the degree of its manifestation. In the presence of adhesions in the lungs, medicamental treatment is most often attributed, and surgical intervention is undertaken only when the patient's life is in danger.

Who should I contact if you have pain in the lungs after pneumonia?

Everyone should remember that the lungs are the most important organ of human life, responsible for the circulation of oxygen in the body. Therefore, patients should abandon attempts to self-diagnosis and self-treatment, as well as rely on intuition, knowledge in this area, advice of unqualified in the field of medicine acquaintances! Carry out the necessary diagnostics and prescribe the treatment you can therapist, family doctor, phthisiatrist.

Treatment of pain in the lungs after pneumonia

In modern medicine, the main methods of drug treatment of adhesive pathology in the lungs are heating and electrophoresis. The heating of the respiratory system can be paraffin, clay or mud.

For the treatment of pain in the lungs after pneumonia, an important role is played by the patient's response rate to the pain symptom, the patient's awareness and the urgency of the prescribed treatment. Only timely begun therapy can guarantee the complete cure of the patient. To exclude the complication after the inflammation of the lungs, to restore the weakened from the transferred organism, the right rehabilitation will help. The main function of rehabilitation measures is restoration of respiratory organs, exclusion of the possibility of development of chronic bronchial and pulmonary pathology.

To recover from pneumonia, it is often advisable to visit health resorts, massage certain points of the chest, oxygen therapy respiratory insufficiency, electrotherapy, artificial ventilation, complete quitting, general strengthening and quenching procedures, exercise therapy and physiotherapy. In addition, the patient must protect the body against colds, especially during two months after the illness, to refuse to stay in professional places pollution.

What if the pain is in the right lung after a history of pneumonia?


Takeshi Kitano

Do not read the bad habit... she's not right.
Pain in the lungs can be caused by pleural spikes, you need to see the therapist for auscultation (although-it) -it's easy to listen to the lungs.
By the way, as a pneumonia survivor, you are subject to the dynamic supervision of the doctor at the place of residence. You were supposed to appoint a day of appearance in the clinic ...

Vrednaya Privichka

nevozmozhno oschutit 'fizicheskuyu bol' v legkih
idite k svoemu ftiziatru i delaite rengen
ya lechila ochag dva goda nazad


Denj dobrij! 1) sami ljogkije ne boljat, mne tak samoj moj lechaschij vrach govorila), kogda u menja bilo tjazelejsheje vospalenije verhnevo segmenta levogo legkogo, ja bila v bolnice 45 dnej i u menja v studencheskije godi na polgoda bilo osvobozdenije ot fizkulturi... 2) jesli jestj boli to znachit Vi dejtvitelo mnogo kashljali i kashljajete i poetomu boletj mozet vsja diafragma i plevra, mozet bitj malenkoje srastanije tkanej plevri .U menja samoj vospalenije bilo v levom legkom, a boli, takij, hto daze dihanije zazimajet bili v niznej chasti pravogo ljogkogo. Provertesj u Vracha, pustj proslushajet Vas!!! 3) Vam sejtchas nuzno prinimatj otharkivajuschije preparati, kotorije oblegchat othod mokroti, potomuchto jesli Vi kashljajete, znachit mokrota jescho jestj v logkih i v bronhah... Samij mjagkij othod mokroti Vi mozete dobitsa prostim SIROPOM PERTUSINOM ILI ACETYLCISTEIN RASTVORIMIE TABLETKI "ACC-200MG" DVA RAZA V DENJ UTROM I VECHEROM- POTOMU CHTO OTKASHLIVATJ LUTSHE DNJOM, NA NOCH PRINIMAJTE KACHEL OSTANAVLIVAJUSCHIJE PREPARATI.TAK ZE PROSTOJ RECEPT - DVE BOLSHIJE KARTOSHKI HOROSHO PROMITIJE, NEOCHISCHENNIJE OTVARITJ BEZ SOLI I PITJ KAK CHAJ ORVAR KARTOSHKI TAK ZE UTROM I DNJOM / VESJ SEKRET V ETOM PROSTOM RECEPTE, CHTO, KOGDA MI NE DOBAVLJAJEM SOLJ V OTVARE SOHRANJAJUTSA SOEDINEJA SOLEI KALIJA- ETO I HOROSHEJE OTHARKIVAJUSCHEJE SREDSTVO I TAK ZE HOROSHO DLJA UKREPLENIJA SERDECHNOJ DEJATELNOSTI, POSLE PERENESJONNOGO VOSPALENIJA / TAK ZE NEZABIVAJTE KUSHATJ UTROM OBIKNOVENNUJU OVSJANKU SVARENNUJU NA MOLOKE I S MASLOM)) 4) Pokupajete-prostije naduvnije shariki i 3 raza v denj naduvajete po 1 shariku. KAZDIJ RAZ BERJOTE NOVIJ SHARI, ADUVAJETE I VIBRASIVAJETE.
N.B!!! Preduprezdaju, chto sejtchas Vash organizm oslablen i pervuju nedeliu Vam daze mozet kruzitsa golova I PRI PERVIH NADUVANIJAH VI SRAZU ZAKASHLJAJETESJ... poetomu naduvajte shariki po mere vozmoznosti ne do konca, neperegruzajtesj... Eto upraznenije raspravit alveoli- puzirki liogkih.
5) Uznajte-GDE NACHODITSA REABILITACIONNIJ CENTR, GDE VI MOGLI BI KAZDOJE UTRO PRINIMATJ ILI VO VREMJA PERERIVA NA OBED-VOZDUSHNIJE KOKTEJL, TO-DLJA NORMALIZACIJI DEJATELNOSTI LIOGKIH.6) ETO MOJ The best answer Vilma indrelite Master (1091) 2 weeks ago: Denj dobrij! Eta ochenj opasnaja forma vospalenija ljogkih! Chasche zabolevajut ili ochenj molodije, no oslablennij, li ochenj starije liudi. Mozet net temperatur, o obilnoe potootdelenij, aze pri prostom prijome gorjachego chaja ili sup, tak ze posle sna vsja postel i postelnoje beljo i Vashe nizneje beljo bukvalno kak posle dusha- mokrije. Pot lipkij, ne normalno silno pahnuschij ili na oborot sovsem bez zapaha. Mozet ne bitj temperatur, o srazu z, esli sdelajete analiz krovi mozet bitj ta, hto pokazateli leikocitov i SOE / SKOROSTJ OSEDANIJA ERITROCITOV / = BUDUT ZASHKALIVATJ V PREVISHENII NORM.MOZETE PODKASHLIVATJ TOLKO NAPRIMER PO UTRAM CHASOV TAK V 5-6 I VECHEROM CHASOV TAK V19-21.Mozet bitj slabostj do obmorochnogo sostojanija i blednostj kozi. K VRACHU I NEMEDLENNO!
Pri slabosti- PITJ zirnije slivk, ok ili teplij mors iz chernoj smorodini ili kliukv, ESTJ: nastojaschije, bez "kubikov" otvarnije supi-buljoni na govjadine, kurjatine i jagnjatine S OVOSCHAMI, CHESNAKOM, LUKOM I ZELENJU i v buljon jescho obilno narezte kusochki otvasrnogo mjasa ili kurici. NORMALNOJE PITANIJE! TAK ZE NEKOTORIJE UCHONIJE OTMECHAL, HTO PRI SLABOSTI LOGKIH NABLIUDAJETSA SLABAJA DEJATELNOSTJ PODZELUDOCHNOJ ZELEZ, AK CHTO PROVERTE SAHAR V KROVI I JESLI POVISHEN, TO NA KONSULTACIJU K ENDOKRINOLOGU!!! UDACHI VAM I POZALUISTA BEZ SAMOLECHENIJA! VSIO PO PREDPISANIJAM VRACHA!
P.S. Ja sama provizor-ekspert s17letnim stazem i sama bolela vospalenijem logkih, nastojashaja popravka cherez 8 mesjacev!!! Da ja zabila jescho skazatj ja v studencheskije godi pela v hore nashej Medicinskoj Aksdemiji i pela sama, t.k. sochinjaju i igraju na gitare i akkordeone, tak chto penije, toze pomoglo popravitsa))


The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

ewgeny gasnikov

About 10 years ago there was such a case for me. It was treated simply:
1 tablet mum on 1/2 cup honey water (1 teaspoon honey dissolve in 1/2 cup hot water). Mumie stir before dissolving in
water. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (2 weeks).

How to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia

Often when there are inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the question arises - how to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia. The cause of these diseases are the same microorganisms - pathogens, and these diseases arise as complications of viral respiratory diseases.


  1. Viruses are the cause of developmentpneumoniavery rarely and only in people with serious diseases of the immune system - primary or secondary immunodeficiencies, which can occur in the treatment of cancer. As a rule, pneumonia orbronchitismay occur as a complication after a previous acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, etc.
  2. DifferencebronchitisfrompneumoniaIt is possible by the degree of disruption of the general condition of the patient - whenbronchitise is more pronounced cough with difficulty in sputum discharge in the first days, whereas forpneumoniathe symptoms of general intoxication are more typical. In patients with pneumonia, there are more frequent abnormalities of tissue respiration, which are manifested by the appearance of different degree of pronounced blue spots of the protruding parts of the face (earlobes, tip of the nose) or nail phalanges of the hands and feet. For patients withbronchitismore characteristic is a sense of lack of air, which is explained by the spasm of musculature of bronchuses of different caliber.
  3. Whenbronchitise pain in the chest is localized most often behind the breastbone - this is due to a nauseous and unproductive cough, which is associated with minute tears of the bronchial mucosa. Whenpneumoniapain in the chest is localized in the half of the chest, in which the inflammatory process develops - this is due to the fact that with pneumonia in the the process necessarily involves the serosa, which covers the lungs from the outside and makes it easy to glide over the inner surface of the thoracic cells.
  4. The increase in temperature, the phenomenon of general intoxication, headache, aches in the joints, heaviness in the lower back may appear and whenpneumonia, and withbronchitise - they arise from the effects of toxins, which are produced by microorganisms.
  5. But the most reliable way, which makes it possible to distinguishbronchitisfrompneumonia- X-ray of the lungs, which will help to establish the diagnosis accurately.

Pain in the sternum in the middle

Pain sensations behind the breastbone - a common sign of many pathological conditions. The clinical picture of each of the possible "hidden" diseases manifests itself as characteristic symptoms. Pain in the chest in the middle should alert any person. Patients with problems with the heart and blood vessels should immediately go to specialists for any manifestations of discomfort in the chest in order to avoid the most serious consequences.

Why does the chest hurt in the middle?

Do not ignore the symptoms that deliver even the slightest inconvenience. A peculiarity of the painful feeling in the sternum is its irradiating character, which complicates the formulation of the exact diagnosis. Constant pains in the chest in the middle serve as a motive for seeking help in order to exclude serious diseases of vital organs and systems.

Behind a sternum in the middle gives in a back

Pain behind the sternum in the middle, giving in the back, along with shortness of breath, arrhythmia, low blood pressure can indicate thromboembolism of the arteries of the lung. Myocardial infarction has identical signs. Disruption of the esophagus is manifested by pain in the chest in the middle when swallowing food. The pain syndrome, the place of localization of which is concentrated in the chest and back, together with nausea, fever signals the development of cholecystitis.

Pain during movement

Sharp unpleasant sensations in the sternum during movement can speak about the pathology of the esophagus, sometimes about the presence of oncological diseases of the progressing stages. Discomfort when moving on the right side reports problems with the spine in the form of scoliosis, spondylosis. Pressing pain in the sternum in the middle, increasing with movement - a symptom of a possible heart attack.

Pain in inspiration

The intolerable sensations emanating from the solar plexus - intercostal neuralgia - are a sign of acute and chronic processes. If it hurts in the middle of the chest due to running, inhaling, coughing, sneezing, you can talk about squeezing or irritating the nerve endings that go from the spine to the ribs. The causes of the disease are:

  1. Subcooling.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Incorrect work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Pleurisy.

After smoking

The thorax hurts after smoking for several reasons: pulmonary and extrapulmonary. Pulmonary causes arise due to damage by tobacco smoke to lung tissue, manifestations of chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung oncology. Extrapulmonary - indicate problems of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris), gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis), bones and joints.

With pressure

The mechanical effect on the chest is a good test of many diseases. If you press a sore throat in the middle of the stronger and the attack revives again, these signs can signal the inflammation of the costal cartilaginous articulation. In diabetes, the impact on the sternum leads to painful sensations due to the accumulation of uric acid.

After vomiting

Deterioration of the condition and sharp soreness after the vomiting are symptoms of a possible perforation (rupture) of the esophagus. The unbearable pain is supplemented by burning, the patient has difficulty breathing, to perform the minimum in amplitude movements? This combination of circumstances requires immediate surgical intervention to eliminate the rupture and intoxication of the body.

When you cough

The oppressive feeling that presses in the sternum in the middle with a cough is an alarm bell. Lack of proper attention of specialists can lead to very sad consequences. Clinical sensations behind the sternum when coughing are detected due to diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. There are a number of other reasons that cause this symptomatic picture:

  • injuries;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • tuberculosis.

Types of pain in the sternum in the middle

The painful condition of the chest is one of the symptoms with which patients turn to specialists very often. With any feeling of discomfort of this nature, one should as soon as possible assess the seriousness of the situation, take the necessary measures to eliminate the pain syndrome and its underlying cause. The nature of pain can tell a lot about the severity of pathological processes.


Sharp stabbing painful echoes behind the sternum appear due to an attack of angina pectoris. The pain between the chest in the middle is so strong that it is difficult for a person to move. Nitroglycerin group drugs can alleviate the condition of the patient. If the external symptoms of the disease are not expressed, but there is permanent pain behind the sternum - this indicates a pathological change in the heart muscle or the development of osteochondrosis.


The girdle of severe pain below the chest in the middle arises due to gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, pancreatic and oncology of the pancreas and stomach, a strong increase in the spleen. A large role is played by the "reflected" pain syndrome. This fact has been little studied, the statement of an exact diagnosis of such conditions is complicated by many aspects, and the treatment of irrational pain is ineffective.


Deepening aching pains result from heart and lung diseases. With ischemic illness during sneezing, coughing, soreness is temporary. Cardialgia can act as a symptom of many pathological conditions. Her neurological causes deserve special attention. Discomfort behind the breastbone occurs much more often in people who are exposed to constant stress and shocks.


Unpleasant sensations behind the sternum arise as a result of muscle spasm of the walls of the stomach. If you press in the sternum in the middle at a certain time, then you can assume the cause of the disease. With a stomach ulcer, pain occurs after eating, accompanied by heartburn, vomiting. The presence of problems with the bile and bladder is described by similar symptoms. Syndromes are temporarily blocked with special medications, but the disease requires treatment.

Video: which means pain and burning in the chest in the middle

Painful sensations behind the sternum can be caused by a large number of different diseases. A clear differentiation of types of seizures or constant pain helps in a timely manner to diagnose pathological acute processes that can lead to death and disability. The most dangerous of the underlying causes of neuralgia are a heart attack, thromboembolism, peritonitis.

The clinical picture of such serious conditions develops very quickly, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and surgical resolution of the problem. Knowing the principles of functioning of the internal systems of the body can save your life and protect you from the negative consequences of the most unpleasant diagnoses. Watch the video and be fully armed!

The chest hurts


Raduga ™

How and why does the chest hurt? Pain in the chest can be of very different nature: in the middle, right, left. And the reasons for such pains are also different. It can be a very serious illness or the usual fatigue associated with physical stress, etc.

Of course, these pains must always be treated with care. After all, in the chest area is the most important organ of a person - the heart. Therefore it is important to pass the examination on time and find out the cause of the disease.

Why does the chest hurt? Main reasons.
myocardial infarction;
angina pectoris;
physical exercises;
impact from falling;
panic, anxiety;
diseases of the gallbladder;
peptic ulcer;
often during pregnancy the chest hurts or nipples hurt;
pulmonary embolism and other causes.
In each case, the pain in the chest is different. They can last at different times and be more or less intensive. And the nature of the pains is also different: pressing, stitching, cutting, burning, etc. Pain also manifests itself in different places of the chest depending on the disease.

In what cases is immediate medical attention required?
Immediate medical attention is required in cases where pain in the chest is accompanied by the following symptoms:

loss of consciousness after physical exertion or a strong attack of cough;
pain or severe pressure from the chest extends to the shoulder, neck, back, jaw;
the duration of the pain is more than 15 minutes, especially when the pain did not pass after rest;
chest compressions, accelerated heart rhythm, vomiting, nausea, intermittent breathing, sweating, dizziness, fainting;
intermittent breathing, coughing with blood;
heartburn, which can not be remedied by any medication;
constant pain after eating.
Why there is pain in the chest in the middle
Pain in the middle of the chest can be formed from the appearance of pulmonary diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, deformation of bones or cartilaginous structures. There may be a problem with the heart or aorta. Often the pain in the middle is just irradiation, that is, it hurts on the left, and pains are given away in other places.

Pain in the middle of the chest from vascular diseases. If continuous pain is more felt in the upper part of the chest, this may be due to an aneurysm of the aorta, a large vessel going from the heart to the left. Such pain can be very long. They increase after exercise. In most cases, only surgical intervention helps.

Also, vascular refers to the thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, coming from the heart on the right. In this case, pain often increases with inspiration. In addition, blue skin, drop in blood pressure, palpitations, dyspnea may be observed. It is urgent to see a doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pain in the center of the chest can appear from the spasms of the walls of the stomach. Such pains appear periodically and are associated with meals. May be ill in the chest before meals or some time after eating. These are signs of a stomach ulcer. In addition, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn may occur.
Causes of chest pain on the right:
defeat of internal organs;
damage to the bones or cartilage of the chest;
myofascial syndrome
diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
diseases of the spine;
pulmonary diseases;
diseases of the abdominal cavity;
psychogenic diseases, etc.
In most cases, the pain in the chest on the right is also an echo of the pain that occurs elsewhere. For example, there may be an irradiation of pain from the heart after


but if I had a mandarin, I would certainly share


this cholecystopancreatitis. tomorrow also jaundice will appear.
The gastroenterologist to you in the help, unreasonable child.

{m [1] sT [1] k}

I do not think that this is inflammation or pneumonia, maybe some sort of allergy to mandarins or some other kind of garbage but navryadli something serious ...

Natalia Romanova

It looks like an allergy. But such different symptoms... Mom better let him consult with a specialist. Look closer to you and save time

♡ ♡ ♡

Physical manifestations

The thorax is a part of the body between the shoulders and abdomen, in which the heart and lungs are located. The following description refers only to pain in the chest,

Emotional causes

In monadahosomatics, the breast represents the family. Pain in the chest can indicate that the person has experienced pain in connection with the unfulfilled desire to cuddle up to the breast of the father or mother; it can also mean that this person does not allow someone to cling to his breasts. It is possible that he swells, bulges his chest, trying to seem necessary and important in the family. In addition, any pain in the chest indicates that a person feels guilty - before himself or before someone else. He can blame himself or someone else for inadequate care for some other member of his family.

Mental causes

Your body tells you that you must love yourself and give yourself the right to be yourself, that is, to accept all your shortcomings and weaknesses. Do not put your happiness in dependence on others: do not think that you can love yourself only if you are loved by others.

Spiritual causes and elimination

In order to understand the spiritual reasons that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions listed in the monadotherapy section. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

After pneumonia, the muscles ache



This suggests that the body has an inflammatory process. You need to make a computer. tomography of the chest. Most likely you have not treated pneumonia, the cat. makes itself felt.

Sirius A.

rub the breast with alcohol-containing solutions at night. will pass.

BAD *** Alexsandr *** BOY ***

Hello, Vadim Timoftica!
1) You were definitely diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia?
2) Does the sternum or intercostal space hurt?
3) Is the pain worse by inhaling, exhaling, turning or moving?
4) How long have the pains appeared?


Neuralgia, lungs, as a rule, do not hurt. Do not smoke and go in for sports

Evgeny Kushnarev

strengthen immunity-vitamins in any form-and not necessarily exotic. all the groups of Be. Ascorbinum more. dairy-good at home. and walks on increasing. and subfibrilitet can last a long time. the more possibly he moved a little. coughing and other nastukali muscles non-standard load. and adjust the food. recreation. lung breathing exercises. and the complex is detailed in the internet-recovery after pulmonary diseases. and for yourself specifically. Recovery!

I do not remember

for some time the muscles will be aching, the recovery period is several months

♠♠ 6 Sebastian ♠♠

♠♠ 1➪ Rest ...

Ivan Romanov

More chicken, bitch.

Danil Suslov



Alcohol to help you ..

Katerina Shkurko

subfebrile temperature after a serious illness can last a few more days.

Lyudmila Brodovskaya (Timoshchuk)

Remember: it hurts, then oxygen does not flow. Do respiratory gymnastics, at least Bodyflex ()


be treated.

Rimma Tretyakova

this complication after the started pneumonia, that is, the doctor was turned back already when it became unbearable to endure, the complications manifest themselves with full force. The only option in your case is to see a doctor for an examination on the meositis of the thoracic cells-pathological inflammation of the pectoral muscles, which can occur when you are in a draft and other reasons.

Zakhar Mikhailovich

I will advise Drink Mate

Yuri Moiseev

to the pulmonologist

Yulia Kozlovtseva

Pulmonologist is your decision.

Maria Odolskaya

the cardiogram did or made?


if pneumonia was accompanied by a strong and very strong cough, then the muscles will hurt... is the tension from coughing... Has passed it more than once... but 1-2 weeks after recovery and muscle pain will go away.. of course-vitamins-and better natural.. means that increase immunity.. it's all after recovery.. if you smoke, try to throw... although it is difficult to advise... You. sorry. not Moldovan? if at the moment not at home.. can the climate change affected... in Moldova is warmer

Anelina Putin

Look at here

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