Angina without fever and sore throat

Purulent sore throat without fever

Purulent angina without temperature is much less common than inflammation of the tonsils with a significant increase in body temperature.

In Latin palatine tonsils are called tonsillae, and in the practice of ENT doctors this diagnosis sounds like catarrhal tonsillitis.

Let's find out when there is angina, which is not accompanied by fever, while this disease has an infectious etiology.

ICD-10 code J03 Acute tonsillitis

Causes of purulent sore throat without fever

The main causes of purulent sore throat without temperature are associated with activation of those caught in the throat - airborne by way of or through objects, for example, dishes or cutlery - pathogenic bacteria of the serological group A. First of all, this is a beta-hemolytic streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes, which is responsible for almost 80% of cases of acute inflammation of the tonsils.

In addition, purulent angina without fever may occur due to Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). This Gram-positive bacterium is present on the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in almost 25% of people and coexists with a person on the principle of commensalism. This is a kind of coexistence, in which the bacterium-lodger does not interfere in life "Sheltered" his host organism, but at the same time the responsibility for communication with the environment is completely lies on the owner. Therefore, once the immunity (usually not giving the bacteria to manifest its pathogenic properties) the nonspecific defense of the body from infections weakens, or develops, one or another disease. In this case, purulent angina without temperature.

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As noted by the otolaryngologists, in purulent angina without a temperature there can be mixed etiology, when the amygdala attacks both streptococci and staphylococci - against the background of weakening of immunity during hypothermia. In addition, the source of infection does not have to be external: often tonsils become inflamed from infection, concentrated in the paranasal sinuses (for example, with chronic sinusitis or sinusitis) or in the cavities of the teeth, affected caries.

Causes of purulent sore throat without temperature can also be chronic tonsillitis, shortness of breath, laryngeal involvement fungus Candida albicans, defeat of palatine tonsils with a spindle-shaped rod and spirochaetes (Vincent's angina), stomatitis, syphilis.

Symptoms of purulent sore throat without fever

Angina (acute tonsillitis) has several clinical forms: catarrhal, lacunar and follicular, fibrous and phlegmonous. And only catarrhal angina, in which the inflammatory process affects only the upper layer of the tonsillar mucosa, can be purulent angina without temperature.

The obvious symptoms of a purulent sore throat without a fever are manifested as:

  • perspiration, dryness and sore throat, which, during swallowing, increases and can give back to the ears;
  • hyperemia (redness) and puffiness of the glands, as well as hyperemia of the palatine arch and posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • yellowish-white mucus-purulent coating covering the tonsils in whole or in part;
  • a slight increase in submandibular or behind-the-back lymph nodes, which can lead to painful sensations.

Where does it hurt?

Sore throat Sore throat during pregnancy Sore throat with swallowing Sore throat in children

What's bothering you?

Symptoms of purulent sore throat

Diagnosis of purulent sore throat without fever

Diagnosis of purulent sore throat without fever is performed by an otolaryngologist on the basis of patient complaints and through a routine examination of his throat. As a rule, this is quite enough to prescribe the necessary therapy.

But if purulent angina occurs frequently without temperature, then a microbiological examination of the smear from the surface of the tonsils and the posterior pharyngeal wall is prescribed to determine the type of pathogenic bacteria. You will also need to give a general blood test for ESR and white blood cells, as well as a blood test for CRP (C-reactive protein of blood plasma).

What it is necessary to survey?

Pharyngeal (adenoid) tonsil

How to inspect?

Throat examination

Who to contact?

Otolaryngologist ENT - doctor

Treatment of purulent sore throat without fever

Treatment of purulent sore throat without temperature necessarily involves rinsing the throat. To this end, it is recommended to use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), a solution of furacilin (per 100 ml of warm water 1 tablet), a solution of boric acid (200 ml of water, one teaspoon), rivanol solution (%), chlorophylliptine solutions or Benzimidine.

Also, to rinse the throat, which should be conducted 4-5 times a day after meals, decoctions and water infusions are used medicinal plants: sage, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers and marigold, oak bark and eucalyptus leaf (a glass of boiling water - a tablespoon dry grass).

Improves the condition of the throat and lymph nodes by warming the neck with a scarf, and also warming compresses (ethyl alcohol with water in proportion:).

To treat purulent sore throat without temperature antibacterial pharmaceutical preparations are used - antibiotics of penicillin or cephalosporin series (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Oxacillin, Rovamycin, Cefalexin, etc.) in the form of oral tablets.

So, having a wide spectrum of action, Ampicillin is prescribed to an adult by, g 4-6 times a day, the maximum daily dose is no more than 3 g. For children, the daily dosage is determined from the calculation of 100 mg per kilogram of body weight, and the daily dose is divided into equal parts by six steps. Semisynthetic antibiotic Amoxicillin (trade names Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab) adults and children over 10 years take one tablet (, g) three times a day - before or after meals. The duration of treatment is 5-12 days. Rovamycin is an antibiotic-macrolide with bacteriostatically active substance spiramycin (in tablets, ME) - adults are recommended to take 3 million. ME 2-3 times a day, and children - 150 thousand. ME per kilogram of body weight per day (in three divided doses).

Cephalosporin antibiotic Cephalexin (in capsules to, 5 g) is applied: adults - by, 5 g 4 times a day (regardless of food intake); daily dose for children - 25-50 mg each kilogram of body weight also in four reception. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-14. Daily dose of Cephalexin in the form of suspension ml for children of the first year of life; 5 ml - from 1 year to 3 years (in 4 divided doses);, ml - 3-6 years; 10 ml - over 6 years old. The minimum duration of taking this drug is 2-5 days.

It should be remembered that all antibiotics have side effects in the form of dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, allergic reactions and changes on the part of the blood, so if purulent angina without fever occurs during pregnancy or lactation, it is better to do without antibiotics.

It is good to remove inflammation and sore throat antiseptic lozenges, lozenges and tablets for resorption, such as Strepsils, Faringosept, Astracept, Geksoral, Falimint, and others.

For example, Strepsils has an antiseptic of local action amylmetacresol and an anesthetic drug lidocaine. Adults and children over 12 years of age, these tablets can dissolve in acute tonsillitis no more than 5 times a day and not longer than three days. The active component of Tharyngept is a strong bacteriostatic amphazone; these pills are used after half an hour after a meal, and after a complete resolution of the tablet, you should not eat at least three hours.

When purulent angina without a temperature, locally used aerosols Tantum Verde, Hexaspree, Anginovag, Bioparox, etc. Spray Tantum Verde removes inflammation and acts as an analgesic due to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent contained in it benzidamine. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is provided by Hexaspre, which is allowed to use no more than 5 days.

In addition to treatment

Physiotherapy with angina Than to treat? Antibiotics for purulent sore throat Antibiotics for angina


As trite as it may sound, but the key point in preventing purulent sore throats without temperature is the strengthening of immunity, that bacteria, "flattening" in our body or attacking it from the outside, could not manifest their pathogenic properties.

You should definitely avoid hypothermia, consume enough vitamins, cure chronic tonsillitis and timely cure a runny nose, monitor your teeth health and observe the rules of hygiene.

The prognosis of purulent sore throat without a temperature is positive, if it is treated. And if you do not treat or treat inadequate methods, then, from the angina of the catarrhal to the sore throat lacunar or follicular, as they say, a stone's throw. And if you do not stop the "activity" of beta-hemolytic streptococcus in the palatine tonsils, it is able to attack the ears and paranasal sinuses, and also lead to the development of pharyngeal phlegmon.

In addition, as doctors say, the prognosis of purulent sore throat without temperature looks much less optimistic if we recall the antibodies that the body produces to combat this streptococcus. However, under the impact of these antibodies, connective tissues of the heart and the myocardium often enter, leading to problems in its work. And the products of vital activity of these streptococci - toxins - get into the lymph and systemic blood flow. And this for the body can turn into intoxication, inflammation of the joints and damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis).

In general, purulent angina without temperature is also a serious disease. Therefore, treat his treatment seriously.

Whether there can be an angina without temperature, why such occurs or happens

Angina is a disease characterized by an infectious origin. The causes of the ailment are the ingress of various microorganisms into the body. Causal factors are divided into two groups: primary and secondary. The first indicate that angina is an independent disease. If it arose against a background of a certain pathology, then these are secondary factors.

It happens or not

Most often, inflammation of the tonsils is accompanied by a rise in temperature. Such a symptom arises because the inflammatory process develops.If the patient has a primary and uncomplicated sore throat, then the temperature values ​​are increased no more than 2 days.

But there are cases when the disease occurs without a temperature reaction, as a result of which the disease acquires its own distinctive features. In addition, every type of angina has its own temperature reactions. For example, the catarrhal form is an uncomplicated variant of the course of the disease (by reference one can read how to treat catarrhal angina). Temperatures do not exceed 38 degrees. But the follicular or lacunar form very often proceeds with a temperature, the indices of which are 39-40 degrees. For catarrhal or pus tonsillitis is not peculiar to the rise in temperature. This phenomenon is very rare and casuistic. If there is no temperature rise, the doctor may suspect a decrease in the overall resistance of the body. In other words, the immunity of a child or adult is not capable of adequately responding to the inflammatory process. Such phenomena occur in patients for whom the immunodeficiency state is characteristic.

The video tells us whether there can be an angina without temperature in children and adults:

With a purulent form

For this type of angina, there is an inflammatory process without temperature. Most often the patient has a diagnosis called catarrhal tonsillitis. Now it is necessary to determine in what cases purulent angina can occur without a rise in temperature, because the ailment has an infectious nature.

The main causes of purulent angina without fever include the activation of the throat-infected pathogens.Man can get infected through dishes, cutlery, airborne droplets. As a rule, the source of infection is streptococcus, it is he who causes acute inflammation of the tonsils. Here symptoms of streptococcal angina are described.

Also, the cause of purulent sore throat (both unilateral and bilateral) without temperature can become Staphylococcus aureus. This gram-positive bacterium, which is located on the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This microorganism is constantly in the body in humans, but it does not affect his health. But as soon as the immune forces of a person weaken, the bacterium begins to exert pathogenic influence and cause various ailments. One such disease is purulent angina.

Many otolaryngologists, during the diagnosis, note purulent angina in patients without the temperature of mixed etiology. This disease is characterized by the defeat of tonsils streptococci and staphylococci against a weakened immune system.

In this case, the source of the infection does not need to be external, since the inflammation of the tonsils can occur from an infection that is common in the paranasal sinuses, tooth whitening. It contributes to the formation of purulent angina without temperature, even tonsillitis of chronic form, shortness of breath, defeat of the larynx by fungi, stomatitis, syphilis. Here you can read than to treat a purulent sore throat. Perhaps you will be useful information about what you can gargle with purulent sore throat.

In follicular form

The follicular form implies a pathological process, characterized by symptoms, associated with an increase in regional lymph nodes and the formation of follicles on the surface of the palatines tonsils.

In the picture - the symptoms of various types of angina

The main symptoms of such a pathology include sore throat during eating and fever. Angina is acute. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, as the temperature rise can reach 40 degrees, and the symptoms of poisoning are increasing.

But there are situations when the follicular flows without temperature. In this case, the disease in humans passes like a common cold. If the follicular tonsillitis is in neglected form, then this is very dangerous for health.

If the follicular sore throat and flows without temperature, then the patient swells with tonsils, there is a purulent deposit, inflammation, pain and lymphatic enlargement. When the temperature is normal, many doctors miss the sore throat, diagnosing a common cold.Untimely treatment leads to serious complications. Such anginas can cause the development of rheumatism, myocarditis, paratonsillar abscess.

With lacunar angina

Lacunar angina is an acute infectious process, which is characterized by local inflammation of the tonsils. Despite the fact that tonsils are most often affected, doctors can diagnose inflammation of the pharynx and larynx in patients.The cause of angina may be pneumococci, viruses, streptococci and meningococci.Can lacunar angina flow without temperature? This is very rare, although such cases in medicine were noted, because every organism in its own way responds to the infection.

For lacunar inflammation is characterized by severe clinical symptoms. Often a patient on the background of this ailment can have a follicular.

The lacunar form of the disease is characterized by deep damage to the tissues of the tonsils. In the inflammatory process, follicles are introduced, which are related to the glandular elements of the tonsils. During diagnosis, it is possible to recognize festering follicles.

They are visible through the mucous membrane and noticeable yellowish-old bubbles in the form of plaque. When the follicles break through, a parathonsillar abscess arises. The result of this process is phlegmonous tonsillitis, blood infection, streptococcal meningitis. Here is described the treatment of lacunar angina.

The course of the herpes form

Is there cold sore throat without fever? Since enterovirus infection is widespread, herpes angina deserves special attention. If the disease occurs without complications, then the body temperature is kept within normal limits. On the affected tonsils can detect bubbles, inside which there is grayish-turbid content. After a few days these bubbles are opened and a defect is formed. The duration of the disease is 7 days, and after recovery in the oral cavity there are no traces of the opened vesicles. Here you can read in detail about the causative agent of herpetic sore throat. Here the symptoms and treatment of herpes sore throat are described in detail.

In the photo - angina without temperature:

If herpes sore throat is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then, as a rule, it passes in 2 days and does not cause any complications.If the temperature regime persists for more than 3 days, then this is a serious reason for contacting a doctor for help.

Angina, regardless of shape, is an inflammation, so it can provoke a temperature rise. But it happens that the temperature regime remains normal. This indicates that the human body tries to cope with the infection by itself and wins it. Read also how to treat angina at home. On the prevention of angina is written here. You may also be interested in when the angina ceases to be contagious.

Whether there is an angina without temperature, one of the basic signs of the given disease

Most people in their lives have experienced pain in the throat - it's an unpleasant feeling when first a little pershit, then sates, and then there are pains when swallowing, discomfort during talking and eating.

On hearing many of the diseases of ENT organs - sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as sore throat. If the first two diseases are more often viral (less often bacterial), then angina is a disease of the throat, mostly of a bacterial nature.

Most of the sore throat is accompanied by a high temperature rise. But can there be no temperature?

Since the manifestations of angina are in most cases very characteristic, questions arise: "Can there be angina without temperature, if the symptoms include a strong pain syndrome and when viewed bright red throat, but other characteristic no signs? And angina is it? ".

It turns out that it happens. And in order to understand and recognize the angina in time, to quickly take the necessary therapeutic measures you need to know some features of this disease of the throat.

It is important to know

Angina is a highly infectious disease! Even if you do not have fever with angina, a prerequisite for treatment is first of all compliance with hygienic conditions (separate dishes, towels, bed linen). Best of all - a separate room.

Why there is no temperature in angina: cases of sore throat without temperature

Temperatures with angina are absent in the following cases:

  • With good immunity, when the body actively struggles with the pathogen, the disease can be limited only by perspiration and a small pain in the throat, a general malaise, weakness and a transient headache, while an increase in body temperature absent. With timely treatment begun, the disease can be stopped in 2-4 days.
  • There are cases when the temperature of the body is absent, and other signs of tonsillitis make themselves felt for a very long time, the disease has a long sluggish character, and then suddenly there can be complications.

Categories of persons susceptible to this clinical picture tend to have reduced immunity due to various causes:

  • Pregnant women due to hormonal adjustment. Why is there no fever in angina? Because the immunity is lowered, and such a protective factor, like temperature, is absent. If symptoms of a throat develop, a pregnant woman should take the first steps to prevent further aggravation and immediately consult a doctor.
  • Elderly people. They have angina without temperature, because with age, the body's defenses are reduced, and immunity becomes not so strong, that to develop necessary protective factors at a meeting with pathogenic organisms. In addition, older people become vulnerable to angina pectoris due to the accumulation of chronic diseases of various body systems. The defenses of the body exhaust themselves for constant help to the body in the course of the course of chronic processes. And when you need a powerful response when meeting with pathogenic microorganisms, immunity does not have enough strength for an adequate response.
  • Absence of temperature in angina occurs with immunodeficiency statesin patients with HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C, tuberculosis, cancerous tumors, malignant processes in the body. Under these conditions, it is more difficult for an organism to recognize alien agents and to fight them. Any joining of the infection becomes dangerous and long-lasting.

It is important to know

Absence of temperature in angina in cases of decreased immunity is an unfavorable sign, because in time to recognize the onset of the disease and take measures it is not always possible. Therefore, when there are pains in the throat, weakness, malaise, it is necessary to begin to conduct available medical measures and urgently seek medical attention!

So, let's sum up: is angina without temperature?

Yes, sometimes. It flows in a lighter form, but can go into a purulent stage and give complications.

Why is there no temperature in the sore throat in some cases?

Angina without temperature is in two cases: with good immunity and with weakened immunity. In the latter case, angina can occur in a more severe form and give complications.


Angina without fever

Angina, or acute tonsillitis, is sometimes not accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In some cases, this increase is insignificant - to 3, ˚С ("to low-grade figures"). The temperature rise in angina is caused by the release in the inflammation of the tonsils of a variety of substances with biological activity that rebuild the activity of the thermoregulatory center in the brain.

The biological meaning of fever is to accelerate the death of microbes in an environment with increased temperature. Thus, if the temperature of the body does not increase significantly in angina, then the number of microbes trapped in the body is small.

Clinical forms and manifestations

In most cases, angina without temperature flows in the form of catarrhal, that is accompanied by reddening of the tonsils without the formation of pus. In both adults and children, the main symptoms are perspiration and dryness in the throat. Pain is quickly associated with swallowing, but it is not very strong. Despite a normal or slightly elevated temperature, a general patient's condition: decreased efficiency, fatigue, headache, sensation weakness. The child may lose appetite, sleep is disturbed, the child is listless, sometimes there is nausea and vomiting. Cervical lymph nodes can be slightly enlarged and sensitive to palpation. When examining the throat and pharynx, enlarged, reddened tonsils and palatine archs are visible, their surface is loosened. Tonsils can be covered with a mucous or mucopurulent coating, but films are not formed. Within a few days, sore throat without temperature passes.

Lacunar and follicular angina without temperature are very rare. With such symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor for differential diagnosis with other pharyngeal diseases (burns, chronic tonsillitis, candidiasis of mucous membranes and others). The correct diagnosis will help to avoid unnecessary self-treatment.

Separately, another type of angina without fever is considered - the Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent's angina, or ulcerative-necrotic. This disease is caused by microbes living in the mouth of many people. When immunity is weakened, chronic purulent processes in the oral cavity (caries of molars), chronic intoxication, protein starvation, these microbes are activated and cause the formation of tonsils of ulcers. Ulcers are covered with a gray coating, easily removed spatula. Typically, the defeat of the tonsils on one side. The general condition of the patient varies little, body temperature is almost always normal. Symptoms of the disease include drooling, sore throat and bad breath, are found mostly in adults.


Angina without temperature therapy includes the same directions as with normal angina.

The patient must comply with the home regime. If this is not possible, protect others from infection by using a medical mask. One-time mask should be changed frequently (every 2 hours). The patient should have separate utensils and personal hygiene items.

It is necessary to limit physical and mental stress, to eat easily assimilated food, rich in vitamins, to increase the consumption of fermented milk products. It is recommended to drink more liquid, including broth of dogrose, tea with raspberry jam, honey, lemon.

Angina without temperature is an indication for taking antibiotics. The treatment includes penicillins in combination with clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav) or macrolides (azithromycin). Simultaneously, you can take drugs that protect the intestinal microflora ("Acipol "Lineks").

It is necessary to rinse the throat with solutions of table salt, furacilin, baking soda. If desired, you can use drugs with antibacterial effect - chlorhexidine, miramistin, grammidine, yoks and other means of different groups.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, ibuprofen and its derivatives ("Nurofen"), can help reduce the sore throat.

Angina Simanovsky-Vincent is treated mainly by rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin and other antiseptics, in severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

Symptoms of angina, pliz! Should there always be a temperature? and is the doctor obligated to give sick leave?



Inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis (in Latin, tonsil tonsils). The most common cause of tonsillitis is all known acute respiratory viral infections, frequent the symptoms of which, in addition to fever, cough and cold, are the "red" throat and swallowing. There are 2 microorganisms - streptococcus and staphylococcus, affecting tonsils especially often and in a special way. The disease begins very quickly, with high fever, sharp pains in the throat, pustules appear on the surface of the tonsils. This is angina. The frequency with which these two microbes cause it, is approximately as follows: 80% - streptococcus, 10% - staphylococcus and 10% - staphylococcus a streptococcus. Once again, symptoms of angina: acute onset, fever;
General intoxication (weakness, chills, sweating, loss of appetite, headache);
Inflammation of the tonsils - an increase in size, redness, plaque, pain in the throat, sharply increasing when swallowing. In all organs and tissues, in addition to blood vessels (veins and arteries), there are lymphatic vessels that collect a special interstitial fluid, lymph. No part of the human body can even approximately match the tonsils in terms of the number of lymphatic vessels. It is not surprising that a purulent inflammatory process is immediately accompanied by a pronounced reaction of those lymph nodes that collect lymph flowing from the tonsils. ANGINA is an acute infectious (infectious!) Disease. It is the defeat of the tonsils that determines the severity of the disease in angina. Angina is the redness in the throat, and pain, and plaque on the surface of the tonsils, and the reaction of the lymph nodes. Angina, this is not a bunch of all sorts of different diseases, angina is a specific disease that has specific symptoms and is caused by a specific microbe (usually streptococcus). It is very important to note that angina is acute. She can not
last for months, you can not get sick every month. Angina is infected - from a patient with angina or from a carrier of streptococcus. You can not get sick with sore throat, just getting your feet wet. It is necessary first to soak your feet, and then find a person from which you can get infected (of course you will catch it after hypothermia easier). Angina is very successful and is treated fairly quickly with the proper and timely administration of antibiotics. Angina, which is not treated at all, or which is treated incorrectly, very often gives complications, because it is streptococcus affects the heart, joints and kidneys. Once again I draw your attention to the fact that almost 100% of all rheumatic diseases and glomerulonephritis are the result of "normal" angina!
In an acute period (before the normalization of body temperature), bed rest is desirable - motor activity increases the probability of heart damage. Eating appetite, it is important that food does not hurt the tonsils - broths, mashed potatoes, etc. The nature of food in principle is obvious - a patient with angina is hard to force to eat crackers.
The most important rule is an abundant warm drink - mineral water, compote from dried fruits, 5% glucose solution. Antibiotics! It is important, as however and always when treating antibiotics, do not stop treatment immediately after it becomes easier. With angina this is especially
topical - treatment course less than 5-7 days repeatedly increases the risk of complications.
At home, it is quite possible to use: decoctions of sage and chamomile, soda and saline solutions (1 teaspoon baking soda for a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of common table salt per liter of water). The optimum temperature for rinsing solutions is 40-50 ° C, rinse 4-6 times a day. During rinses, you can not overdo it - too frequent and too intense vibration of the tonsils slows down the recovery process. But after any meal, rinse throat should be. At a high temperature and severe pain, aspirin, analgin, paracetamol and the like are symptomatically used.


the temperature is not always, although almost always, the symptoms are sore throat, weakness, well, when examining the throat, the doctor will see the characteristic changes, the hospital must give


Sore throat and fever. Angina is very dangerous complications. She can not be carried on her feet. It is necessary to lie down. The hospital is necessary.

Yanina Emelina

yes, the temperature with angina is present, maybe even 39. Yes, the doctor can give you a sick leave if you need one.


Swollen tonsils, olnogo swallow, chen heavily sore throat, tempera, ar. The doctor MUST give sick. 100% Angina is contagious.


With angina, there is not always a temperature... The first symptoms when it starts in the throat of the sh... it is never possible to treat angina with hot tea, this bacteria multiply even more... A hospital should give, if the legs are not suffering a disease... Usually doctors ask doctors themselves whether they need a hospital ...

Arina Hershkowicz

At me an angina very painfully to swallow (meal, water,) all vobschem it is sick.

Is angina without pain in the throat,? tug down the sore throat does not hurt, but the temperature is 39 (((



Pain may manifest later


Nooo of course (

Anatoly Alexeev

Most angina flows without pain in the throat ...
Alas ...


this virus is now such a walk. I'm also sitting with the temperature, they say angina.
and my friend got infected from me.


it happens. if angina lacunar

Maga Pavlovich

without a sore throat and fever, there is only a fungal angina. The rest is only with pain and temperature, it's 100 percent


Yes, and without pain, it happens without the temperature. Rinse your throat with liquid MALAVITOM, just dilute 1 to 3. And all pass. And even better, buy tea tree oil in a pharmacy and smear your tonsils, the inflammation will immediately pass.

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