Ankle: Anatomy and Pathology


  • 1Ankle and its diseases
    • 1.1Anatomical features
    • 1.2Joint bones
    • 1.3Appearance of the ankle
    • 1.4Articular muscles
    • 1.5Ankle Bracing
    • 1.6Blood vessels
    • 1.7Functions of the ankle
    • 1.8How does the pain in the ankle manifest?
    • 1.9Fracture of the ankle
    • 1.10Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    • 1.11Tendonitis
    • 1.12Arthritis of the ankle
  • 2The structure of the ankle and foot
    • 2.1Anatomy of the foot
    • 2.2Ankle joint
    • 2.3Bundles
    • 2.4Muscles
    • 2.5Achilles tendon
    • 2.6Blood supply
    • 2.7Other joints of foot
    • 2.8Functions
    • 2.9Diagnostics
    • 2.10Pathology of the ankle
    • 2.11Deforming arthrosis
    • 2.12Arthritis
    • 2.13Injuries
    • 2.14Rupture of the Achilles tendon
  • 3Anatomy of the ankle joint. Pathologies and their treatment
  • 4Anatomy and structure of the human ankle: ligaments, bones, muscles, photo
    • 4.1Features of ankle anatomy
    • 4.2Functions of ankle articulation
    • 4.3Possible pathologies of the ankle group

Ankle and its diseases

The ankle is one of the most vulnerable joints in the human body. Its damage often leads to complete immobilization of the person. It provides the connection of the foot with the shin. For normal walking it is necessary that he is healthy and fully fulfills his functions.

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Anatomical features

The distribution of the pressure of the body weight of the person on the surface of the foot is provided by a nominal ankle, on which the entire weight of a person is loaded.

The upper anatomic border of the ankle passes along the conventional line 7-8 cm above the medial malleolus (visible protrusion from the inside). The border between the foot and the joint is the line between the lateral and medial malleoluses.

The lateral ankle is located on the opposite side of the medial malleolus.

The joint is divided into internal, external, anterior and posterior parts. The back of the foot is the front section. In the Achilles tendon region is the posterior section. In the medial and lateral ankle - internal and external sections, respectively.

Joint bones

The ankle joint connects the peroneal and tibia with the supraclavicular bone - the talant or the bone of the foot.

The appendage of the foot bone enters the nidus between the lower ends of the peroneal and tibial bones. An ankle joint is formed around this joint.

In this basis, several elements are distinguished:

  • the inner ankle is the lower (distal) edge of the tibia;
  • the outer ankle is the edge of the fibula;
  • distal surface of the tibia.

The outer ankle behind has a recess in which tendons are fixed, which fit the muscles of the peroneal muscles - long and short.

Fascia (connective tissue envelopes), together with lateral articular ligaments, are attached to the outer side of the external ankle.

Fascia formed from protective cases that cover tendons, vessels, nerve fibers.

The ankle has a so-called cleft that is formed on its inner surface by the upper side of the talus and hyaline cartilage.

Appearance of the ankle

The structure of the ankle joint is easy to imagine. The surface of the lower edge of the tibia looks like an arc. The inner side of this arc has an outgrowth. Bottom on the tibia there are appendages in front and behind. They are called the anterior and posterior ankles.

The tibia is on the outside of the tibia. On each side of this notch there are tubercles. The outer ankle is partially located in the peroneal incision. She and the peroneal incision together create an anteral syndrome.

For the full functioning of the joint, its healthy state is very important.

The tibia has a distal epiphysis, which is divided into two unequal parts

The front part is smaller than the rear. The surface of the joint is divided into the inner and outer by the bone crest. = eEKyOnHkYrs

The anterior and posterior tubercles of the articular surface form the inner ankle. They are separated from one another by a fossa.

The anterior tubercle is larger than the posterior. The deltoid ligament and fascia are attached to the ankle from the inside without articular surfaces.

The opposite surface (on the outside) is covered with cartilage.

The heel bone and the bones of the lower leg are connected by a talus bone, consisting of a head, neck, block and body. The block of the talus provides a connection with the shin.


Between the distal parts of the peroneal and tibial bones a "fork" is formed, in which the talus bone block is located.


The block is convex on the upper side, along it there is a depression, into which the crest of the distal epiphysis of the tibia enters.

The block is slightly wider in front. This part goes into the neck and head. On the back there is a small tubercle with a furrow, through which the flexor of the thumb passes.

Articular muscles

Behind and outside the ankle are muscles that provide flexion of the foot. These include:

Read more:How to treat ankle dislocation

  • long flexors of toes;
  • posterior tibial;
  • plantar;
  • triceps musculature of lower leg.

In the anterior ankle are located muscles that provide extension:

  • anterior tibia;
  • extensors of toes.

Short long and third fibular bones are muscles that provide movement of the ankle in the outer direction (pronators). Movement inside provides supinators - a long extensor of the big toe and an anterior tibial muscle.

Ankle Bracing

Normal functioning and movement in the joint is provided by means of ligaments, which also hold the bone elements of the joint in their places. The most powerful ligament of the ankle is deltoid. It provides the connection of the talus, heel and scaphoid bones (feet) with the inner ankle.

The heel-peroneal ligament, as well as the posterior and anterior talon-peroneal, are the ligaments of the outer part

A powerful formation is the ligamentous apparatus of interstitial syndesmosis. The tibia are held together, thanks to the interosseous ligament, which is the continuation of the interosseous membrane.

The interosseous ligament passes into the posterior lower ligament, which keeps the joint from turning too far inwards. The front lower interbody coil restrains from too much turning in the outward direction.

It is located between the peroneal incision, which is located on the surface of the tibia and the outer ankle.

In addition to the excessive rotation of the foot, the transverse ligament, located under the intercellular ligament, is kept outward.

Blood vessels

The outflow of venous blood occurs along the outer and inner networks, which converge in the front and posterior tibial veins, the small and large subcutaneous veins. The venous vessels are connected in a single network by anastomoses.

Functions of the ankle

The ankle can perform movements around its axis and along the axis passing through the point in front of the external ankle. The own axis passes through the center of the inner axis. On these axes, the motion is possible in an amplitude of 60-90 degrees.

It is quite often that the ankle is subjected to traumatic damage, the nerve endings and muscles, there are detachments of the ankles, their fractures, ruptures of ligaments and muscle fibers, fractures or cracks of tibia bones

How does the pain in the ankle manifest?

When you have pain in the ankle, it is usually difficult for a person to walk.

Ankles become swollen, blue skin may appear in the affected area.

It is almost impossible to step on the foot due to a significant increase in pain in the ankle, which loses its ability to withstand the weight of a person.

When the ankle is affected, the pain can radiate to the knee or shin area.

The majority of athletes are at the risk of having pain in the ankle joint, since in the classroom football, tennis, volleyball, hockey and other outdoor sports on the joints of the feet account for a significant load.

Fracture of the ankle

Ankles are an area that undergoes fractures more often than most bones in the human body. The fracture is usually provoked by a sharp and overly rapid movement of the ankle inward or outward.

Often a fracture of the ankle is accompanied by an extension of the ligaments of the ankle joint. Fractures and other injuries of the ankle are more susceptible to people who have ligaments weak.

With ankle injuries, the joint area swells, the strongest pain does not allow it to stand on its foot.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

This pathology is a neuropathy associated with damage to the posterior tibial nerve. The nerve shrinks, as if passing through a tunnel.

In this case, the person feels the tingling and soreness of the ankle joint. These same feelings can spread to the feet.

In the area of ​​the ankle and in the legs, cold or fever may be felt.


With this disease, inflammation of the Achilles tendon occurs. Tendonitis often causes complications in the form of a rupture of the tendon or arthritis.

If you experience pain during running or walking, a swelling in the ankle and pain in it, you might suspect Achilles tendonitis.

You can not run his treatment, as this is fraught with often recurring injuries, especially for people who often walk a lot, run, jump.

Arthritis of the ankle

The most common ankle disease is arthritis. Depending on the type of arthritis, the causes that caused it may be different, but the most frequent and common are:

  1. Infectious damage to the joint by pathogenic bacteria. These can be gonococci, chlamydia, pale spirochetes. In this case we are talking about a specific form of the disease. Nonspecific form occurs as a secondary disease after the flu or furunculosis.
  2. Gout. Because of a metabolic disorder in the body, the ankle joint may be affected.
  3. Infringements in work of immune system. The organism can recognize the cells of the joint tissues as alien and begin an attack on them.
  4. Injuries and mechanical injuries.

Factors that provoke the development of the disease can be the following:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • flat feet;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • disruptions in metabolism;
  • strong professional workloads (mainly among athletes);
  • severe hypothermia;
  • excess weight;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • allergy and decreased immunity.

Treatment of arthritis is performed conservatively or surgically. When bacterial form of the disease requires antibacterial therapy.

It is important to follow a special diet to reduce pain and reduce the manifestations of the disease. It is necessary to exclude from the diet nightshade, canned food and smoked meat, the use of salt should be minimized.

For the removal of inflammation, NSAIDs are prescribed (Diclofenac, Voltaren, Aspirin). Help the patient to help the painkillers.


To improve metabolism, additional removal of inflammation and early recovery of cartilage tissue is recommended to take vitamins and dietary supplements.


The joint is recommended to immobilize and completely give up loads on it, for walking it is necessary to use crutches

Complications of incorrect or untimely treatment of arthritis may be deforming arthrosis or synovitis. In this case, often enough patients need surgery, as a result of which it is possible to restore the mobility of the joint.

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After suffering arthritis of the ankle joint, patients are recommended hydromassage, warming up and therapeutic baths. These procedures help to speed up the restoration of the joint and prevent a relapse of the disease.

Significant burden on the ankle joint provokes its frequent pathologies. Preventing disease can be, adhering to a healthy diet, abandoning bad habits and avoiding excessive stress.

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The structure of the ankle and foot

Ankle joint is the supporting point of the skeleton of the lower limb of a person. It is on this joint that the weight of the body falls when walking, running, playing sports.

Unlike the knee joint, the foot can withstand loads not by movement, but by weight, which affects the characteristics of its anatomy.

The structure of the ankle and other parts of the foot plays an important clinical role.

Anatomy of the foot

Before talking about the structure of various parts of the foot, it should be mentioned that in this department the legs organically interact with bones, ligament structures and muscle elements.

In turn, the skeleton of the foot is divided into the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges of the fingers. The bones of the tarsus are articulated with the tibia in the ankle joint.

Ankle joint

One of the largest bones of the tarsus is the talus bone. On the upper surface there is a ledge, called a block. This element on each side is connected with the peroneal and tibial bones.

In the lateral sections of the articulation there are bony outgrowths - ankles. The inner is the department of the tibia, and the outer one is the peroneal. Each articular surface of bones is lined with hyaline cartilage, which performs nutritional and amortization functions. The junction is:

  • By structure - complex (more than two bones are involved).
  • In shape - blocky.
  • The volume of motion - biaxial.


The retention of bone structures between themselves, protection, limitation of movements in the joint is possible due to the presence of ligaments of the ankle joint.

The description of these structures should begin with the fact that they are divided into anatomy into 3 groups.

The first category includes fibers that connect the bones of the human shin to each other:

  1. The interosseous ligament is the lower part of the membrane, stretched along the whole length of the tibia between its bones.
  2. The posterior lower ligament is an element that prevents the inner turn of the lower leg bones.
  3. Anterior lower peroneal ligament. Fibers of this structure are directed from the tibia to the external ankle and allow to keep the foot from the outer turn.
  4. The transverse ligament is a small fibrous element that ensures the fixation of the foot from turning inwards.

In addition to the listed functions of the fibers, they provide a reliable attachment of the fragile fibula to a powerful tibial. The second group of ligaments are external lateral fibers:

  1. Anterior talus-peroneal
  2. Posterior talon-peroneal.
  3. Heel-peroneal.

These ligaments begin on the outer ankle of the fibula and diverge in different directions towards the tarsal elements, so they are united by the term "deltoid ligament". The function of these structures is to strengthen the outer edge of this area.

Finally, the third group of fibers are internal lateral ligaments:

  1. Scaphoid-navicular.
  2. Tibial calcaneal.
  3. Anterior tibialis.
  4. Posterior tibialis.

Similar to the anatomy of the previous category of fibers, these ligaments begin on the inner ankle and prevent the tarsal bone from shifting.


Movement in the joint, additional fixation of the elements are achieved through the muscle elements surrounding the ankle. Each muscle has a specific point of attachment on the foot and its own purpose, but you can combine structures into groups by the prevailing function.

The muscles involved in flexion include the posterior tibial, plantar, triceps, long flexors of the thumb and other toes. For extension, the front tibialis, the long extensor of the thumb, the long extensor of the other fingers respond.

The third group of muscles are pronators - these fibers rotate the ankle inwards to the middle line. They are short and long fibular muscles. Their antagonists (arch supports): a long extensor of the big toe, anterior fibular muscle.

Achilles tendon

The ankle joint in the back is strengthened by the largest Achilles tendon in the human body. Formation is formed by the fusion of gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the lower leg.

An important clinical moment is the possibility of ruptures and strains of this structure. In this case, the doctor of the traumatologist must carry out complex treatment to restore the function.

Blood supply

Muscle work, restoring the elements after a load and injury, metabolism in the joint is possible due to the special anatomy of the circulatory network surrounding the connection. The device of arteries of the ankle is similar to the pattern of blood supply to the knee joint.

The anterior and posterior tibial and peroneal arteries branch into the external and internal ankles and cover the joint from all sides. Thanks to such a device of the arterial network, full functioning of the anatomical region is possible.

Venous blood flows from this area along the inner and outer networks, which form important structures: subcutaneous and tibial internal veins.

Other joints of foot

The ankle joint unites the bones of the foot with the shin, but among themselves small fragments of the lower limb are also connected by small joints:

  1. Human heel and talus are involved in the formation of a subtalar joint. Together with the talus-calcaneo-navicular joint, he unites the bones of the tarsus - the posterior part of the foot. Thanks to these elements, the volume of rotation increases to 50 degrees.
  2. The bones of the tarsus are connected to the middle part of the skeleton of the foot by the tarsus-metatarsal joints. These elements are strengthened by a long plantar ligament - the most important fibrous structure that forms the longitudinal arch and prevents the development of flat feet.
  3. Five metatarsals and the base of the basal phalanges of the fingers are joined by metatarsus-phalanx joints. And inside each finger there are two interphalangeal joints, which unite small bones among themselves. Each of them is strengthened laterally with collateral ligaments.

This uneasy anatomy of the human foot allows it to maintain a balance between mobility and the function of support, which is very important for the erection of a person.


The structure of the ankle joint is primarily aimed at achieving the mobility necessary for walking.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the muscles in the joint, movements in two planes are possible. In the frontal axis, the ankle of the man performs flexion and extension.

In the vertical plane rotation is possible: inside and in a small volume outward.

In addition, thanks to the soft tissues of this region, the damping of movements is carried out, keeping the bone structures intact.


In such a complex element of the musculoskeletal system, as the ankle, various pathological processes can occur. To detect a defect, visualize it, correctly put a reliable diagnosis, there are various diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography. The most economical and affordable way of research. In several projections, shots of the ankle are made, on which it is possible to detect fracture, dislocation, swelling and other processes.
  2. Ultrasound. At the present stage of diagnostics is used rarely, because unlike the knee joint, the ankle cavity is small. However, the method is good for economy, fastness, absence of harmful effects on tissues. You can detect blood clots and swelling in the joint bag, foreign bodies, visualize the ligaments. Description of the procedure, the results seen, the doctor gives a functional diagnosis.
  3. CT scan. CT is used to assess the condition of the bone system of the joint. With fractures, neoplasms, arthrosis, this technique is the most valuable in the diagnostic plan.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging. As in the study of the knee joint, this procedure is better than any other to indicate the condition of articular cartilage, ligaments, Achilles tendon. The technique is expensive, but highly informative.
  5. Atroscopy. Minimally invasive, low-traumatic procedure, which includes the introduction of a capsule into the chamber. The doctor can examine the inner surface of the bag with his own eyes and determine the focus of pathology.

Instrumental methods are supplemented by the results of medical examination and laboratory tests, on the basis of a set of data the expert makes a diagnosis.

Pathology of the ankle

Unfortunately, even such a strong element as the ankle joint is prone to the development of diseases and traumatization. The most common diseases of the ankle are:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Injuries.
  • Ruptures of the Achilles tendon.

How to suspect a disease? What should I do first and what kind of specialist should I contact? It is necessary to understand each of these diseases.

Deforming arthrosis

The ankle joint is often subjected to deforming arthrosis.

With this pathology, due to frequent stress, trauma, lack of calcium, there is a degeneration of bones and cartilage structures.

Over time, on the bones begin to form outgrowths - osteophytes, which violate the volume of movements.

Pathology is manifested by pains of a mechanical nature. This means that the symptoms increase in the evening, increase after the load and weaken at rest. Morning stiffness is short-term or absent. There is a gradual decrease in mobility in the ankle joint.

After diagnosis, the patient will be recommended medication correction, physiotherapy, medical exercises. It is important to comply with the doctor's requirements in order to avoid deformations requiring surgical intervention.


Inflammation of the articulation can occur when entering the infection cavity or developing rheumatoid arthritis. The ankle joint can also become inflamed due to the deposition of uric acid salts during gout. It happens even more often than a gouty knee joint attack. = B45A1vlSjcQ

The pathology shows itself pains in the joint in the second half of the night and in the morning. The pain weakens from movement.

Symptoms are stopped by taking anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nyz, Diclofenac), and after using ointments and gels on the ankle area.

You can also suspect the disease for the simultaneous damage to the knee joint and articulations of the hand.


Diseases are dealt with by doctors rheumatologists who prescribe the basic means for eliminating the cause of the disease. Each disease has its own drugs, which are designed to stop the progression of inflammation.


It is important to distinguish infectious arthritis from other causes. Usually it manifests itself as a bright symptom with intense pain and swelling syndrome. Pus accumulates in the joint cavity. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, bed rest is needed, often hospitalization of the patient is required.


With the direct traumatization of the ankle in sports, in road accidents, various fabrics of articulation can be damaged in production. Damage causes fracture of bones, rupture of ligaments, violation of the integrity of the tendons.

After getting an ankle injury, you need to attach ice to the place of injury, provide peace for the limb, then contact the emergency department. The doctor traumatologist after the examination and conduct of diagnostic studies will appoint a set of therapeutic measures.

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Therapy most often involves immobilization (immobilization of the limb below the knee joint), the appointment of anti-inflammatory, analgesics. Sometimes for the elimination of pathology surgical intervention is required, which can be performed in a classical way or with the help of arthroscopy.

Rupture of the Achilles tendon

During athletic loads, when falling on the leg, a direct blow to the back surface of the ankle may result in a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon.

In this case, the patient can not stand on his toes, unbend the foot. In the area of ​​damage, edema is formed, blood accumulates.

Movement in the joint is extremely painful for the injured person.

The doctor-traumatologist with a high probability will recommend operative treatment. Conservative therapy is possible, but with a complete rupture of the tendon is ineffective.

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Anatomy of the ankle joint. Pathologies and their treatment

The ankle joint determines the biomechanics of human movement.

Diseases of this part of the musculoskeletal system cause pain of varying intensity, gait disturbance up to the impossibility of moving.

Treatment of the pathology of the joint is carried out in accordance with the origin of the disease. The scope of measures includes medicamentous appointments, physiotherapy procedures and in some cases surgical interventions.

Anatomically ankle joint is represented by a movable joint of the articular surfaces of the talus, small and tibia bones. The junction of structures strengthens several ligaments fixed in different areas:

  • anterior talon-peroneal;
  • posterior talus-peroneal;
  • heel-peroneal;
  • deltoid (medial ligament), diverging from the inner ankle in the direction of the scaphoid, heel and talus bones.

The tibial and tibial tibia enclose the lateral block of the talus of the foot. This structure provides flexion and extension in the ankle with some possibility of deviating the sole from the sides.

In addition to the osteo-ligamentous apparatus, the joint includes the synovial membrane, and the ankle itself is surrounded by a complex of soft tissues. Changes in the bony, muscular, connective tissue structures are manifested by symptoms of defeat in the ankle.

Diseases can be classified as follows:

  1. 1. Injuries. Stretching and tearing of the ligaments of the ankle joint. Fractures of the ankles and fracture-dislocations. There is a direct connection with the damaging factor in the form of a fall or exposure to a heavy object. There is a sharp pain. The area of ​​the joint becomes swollen. Skin covers are locally hyperemic (blood vessels are full of blood). Flexion and extension of the foot is limited to painful sensations or completely impossible. Often there is an unnatural position of the foot, a change in the shape of the joint. Fracture of the ankles and the talus is accompanied by a crunch and a sensation of fragments during palpation. If one of the groups of ligaments is damaged, the ankle remains stable. With the rupture of two or more representations of the ligamentous apparatus, the joint is destabilized and the sole deviates to the side.
  2. 2. Infectious and aseptic arthritis. The ankle thus swells, the skin over it blushes, it becomes hot to the touch. Pain restricts active movements in the joint. Rheumatoid lesion is characterized by morning stiffness, the patient indicates the need for gradual "pacing" after lifting from bed. Patients exclude specific joint damage (gonorrhea, tuberculosis arthritis).
  3. 3. Osteoarthritis. The condition is associated with thinning of the articular cartilage, an irregular growth of connective tissue structures. Ankle joint ceases to function in full. The patient changes his gait, pains appear, hyperemia joins, swelling.
  4. 4. Inflammation of soft tissue structures and ligaments. Tendenites, fasciitis, entensopathies, bursitis of the ankle region constitute a complex of diseases similar in clinical manifestations. There are classic signs of an inflammatory pathology: redness, swelling, pain, increased local temperature and restriction of function.
  5. 5. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. In the anatomy of the ankle, a bone-fibrous channel between the inner ankle, the calcaneus and the connective tissue plate of the tendon of the flexor muscle of the fingers is of particular importance. At this level, chronic constriction of the tibial nerve can occur. Patients with a tarsal syndrome complain of unpleasant sensations in the foot, intense pain, loss of sensitivity in the sole and on the back of the shin. The foot does not bend in the plantar direction, it is slightly inclined to the outside. Fingers can not be arbitrarily diluted and reduced. There is a decrease in the calf muscles in the volume.

Types of ankle damage

The treatment of diseases of the ankle joint is based on the elimination of the cause of the condition, ensuring a sparing regimen for the patient's leg and often using invasive techniques. In case of traumatic injuries of the foot and ankle region, measures should immediately be taken to prevent the aggravation of the condition:

  • to ensure the maximum possible immobility of the joint by imposing a tight bandage;
  • apply cold (optimally - ice), which contributes to the spasm of peripheral vessels, reducing pain, swelling and stopping bleeding;
  • if necessary, take an anesthetic, if there are no contraindications;
  • visit a medical institution (urgency of treatment to a traumatologist depends on the severity of the damage and circumstances);
  • an objective examination, the performance of ultrasound and / or X-ray help the doctor to diagnose correctly and to orient with further tactics of treatment.


A patient with a leg injury can be assigned a minimum recommendation for compliance with a limited motor mode, wearing fixative bandages, orthoses, the use of ointments with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparations). For unloading under tension, kinesiotics (elastic tapes made of cotton on an adhesive basis) can be used. When ruptures of ligaments, fractures and fractures and dislocations of the ankle bones, a comparison of the injured of the joints (tissue stitching or reposition of fragments) and fix them with gypsum or other constructions. In the future, a course of rehabilitation is prescribed.

Fixation of bone

Infectious inflammation requires the connection of antibacterial therapy.Pain in arthritis of any etiology is stopped with the use of non-steroidal analgesics or by rubbing the corresponding gels and ointments (Ibuprofen, Aceclofenac).

It is necessary to minimize the load on the affected joint. With degenerative changes, a long-term course of taking chondroprotectors (Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate) is additionally prescribed.

Strongly effective preparations with cytostatic effect, hormonal agents are prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis.

It is necessary not to abuse treatment with folk remedies. The positive effect on the background of drug therapy gives the use of a jellied fish, holland, products with gelatin. They contain proteins necessary for the construction of cartilaginous tissue.

Rubbing with alcohol tinctures, applying warming compresses is carried out with caution and after agreement with the attending physician.

Uncontrolled use of thermal procedures can lead to the development of local purulent complications.

Exercises for the ankle

At home, it is recommended to perform a complex of exercises of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises):

  • Lying or sitting with legs slightly bent at the knees, bend and unbend fingers and feet. Perform circular rotational movements in the ankles and turns in the joint outward and inward. Produce the extension of the feet using a tape (gradually pull the sock toward you). Exercises are performed alternately and simultaneously on both limbs (at a slow pace) 20-30 times.
  • In the same position put one sock on the other. The foot located below, directs efforts on itself, the top - from itself. Try to resist with the right foot on the left and vice versa. Exercise is repeated 15-20 times.
  • The patient grasps with his fingers stop pencils for 6-10 approaches.
  • In the standing position, 20-30 lifts are performed on the socks and then lowered to the entire foot.

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Anatomy and structure of the human ankle: ligaments, bones, muscles, photo

The foot in the human skeleton has an important function. Nature has allowed a person to walk upright, and feet during the evolution have acquired the opportunity to reliably and steadily carry the weight of the body.

However, in life a person is quite mobile and maneuverable, so these possibilities provide the structure of the ankle.

It withstands a constant static load, allows a person to move in the necessary rhythm.

The ankle is the support of the skeleton, allowing a person to walk, run, crouch, jump, dance, play sports, do their work with legs.

The foot is able to hold a load of weight, which is reflected in its structure.

To understand the causes of pathologies of this organ, each person needs to know the structure of the ankle joint.

The main element in the structure of the shin is not - they work perfectly and perform their functions only in a common ligament. The code for the ICD for the anatomy of the ankle joint corresponds to 10, where you can find the names and descriptions of the necessary elements of the articulation.

Due to its high functionality, the ankle group is most vulnerable, sometimes even a small bruise leads to loss of the person's ability to move.

Combining the foot with the shin, the bones should be healthy and strong, in order to fully perform all the necessary functions. Anatomy of the ankle is quite complicated.


Nature decided to reward the leg with a few bones, closely related cartilage, muscles and ligaments.


The ankle joint structure plays an important clinical role in providing mobility of a person. These parts of the legs in active human movements are at high risk of diseases and injuries.

Having created a shin thin and strong, the nature warns the person: protect legs from excessive loads and possible damage, because only during one active day a person can find tens of kilometers of the way, while loading ankle joints.

And this can cause unexpected complex pain in the legs.

Features of ankle anatomy

Anatomy of the ankle

It is the ankle that is responsible for the distribution of human weight on the entire surface of the foot.

The weight of each person is different, and the anatomical structure of the joint and bones is almost the same for all, except that women have more thin ankles and slender calves.

Above the anatomical borders are 7-8 cm above the medial malleolus. The visual line between the lateral and medial malleoluses is the main boundary between the foot and the joint.

Lateral and medial malleoluses are opposite each other, on both sides of the bone.

Lateral ankle of fibula - in Latin "malleolus lateralis fibulae" - lateral, lying farther from the middle. The concept of "medial" in Latin means an antonym to the concept of "lateral".

The medial malleolus of the tibia is called "malleolus medialis tibiae" in Latin and is located closer to the middle.

The medial ankle is called internal, respectively, the lateral is called the external one.


The next moment is a group of joints having sections from the inner, outer, anterior and posterior sides of the leg. The front of the foot is its back. The area of ​​the elastic Achilles tendon is the posterior section, which includes the sole of the foot.


The bony and articular structure of the ankle includes the peroneal, tibial, supracilar bone. The hindquarter has several other names - the ramming or simple - the bone of the foot.

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It has an additional process, which physiologically fills the space between the lower distal ends of the peroneal and tibial bones. These bones, ligaments, joints, vessels, cartilages and their connective soft tissues form an ankle joint.

Here, too, is the sesamoid bone, which is hidden in the thickness of the tendons that are thrown through the joints.

This is the ankle joint, which includes:

  • Ankle internal position - the lower, distal part of the tibia;
  • ankle external location - the lower part of the fibula;
  • the bony surface of the tibial distal junction.

In the recesses of the outer ankle tendons are fixed, supporting the long and short peroneal muscles.

The ends of the bones are covered with a fascia - a sheath of connective tissue that is attached to the outside of the ankle along with the lateral ligaments.

According to its physiological purpose, fasciae are original protective cases covering tendons, vessels, nerve fibers. The peculiarity of fastening the fascia and deltoid ligament - in their joint there are no articular surfaces.

On the tibia there is a large indentation, into which the base of the peroneal incision is included - this interbody syndesmosis, whose health is very important for the full functioning of the joint articulation. This syndesmosis must be permanent to ensure full exercise of the functions of the foot.

The ankle has a gap formed from the inside by a neighboring talus with hyaline cartilage. On the right and left leg they look symmetrical, as in the mirror image.

The ankle joint design refers to a block-shaped form, in the form of a screw-like junction.

As a matter of fact, this is a swivel joint, providing possible movements of the foot in different planes.

The structure of the muscles of the ankle

The structure of the ankle joint can not be imagined without a muscle group. Articular muscles pass behind and outside of the ankle, so as to ensure the flexion of the foot, turn the legs up and to the left - as her mistress would like.

Muscles working on flexion:

  • long flexor muscles, which ensure the bending of the toes;
  • tibia posterior;
  • a dense and massive plantar muscle;
  • triceps musculature of lower leg.

Muscles working on extension:

  • tibia front;
  • Extensor muscles that provide extension of the toes.

In its complex, the muscular group on each leg provides the necessary foot movements so that the person moves steadily confidently, and keeps his balance due to the work of the ankle muscles. This is the norm for healthy ankles.

In addition, the ligament structure includes ligaments. Their task is to provide normal functions and movements of joints, support of bone elements in their places. The most powerful ligament in the structure of the ankle is deltoid.

It connects the talus, calcaneal and scaphoid bone with the inner ankle.

It can only be broken in an extreme situation with extremely increased loads, and this will be a very serious injury with pronounced signs.


Nutrition articulation provides a network of blood vessels. There are arteries here: the peroneal, anterior, posterior tibial.


At the site of the articular capsule arteries branch, forming a vasculature.

The outflow of blood is carried out through the networks from the outer and inner sides of the bones, the networks smoothly connect to front and rear veins on the tibia, in a small and large vein, located deep beneath skin.

Functions of ankle articulation

Anatomy of the bone structure of the ankle

In the structure of the skeleton, according to which students study the anatomy of the bone structure of a man, the ankle bones easily move around their axis, along the axial axis, which has a base at a point in the center of the outer ankles. However, its own axis is in a strictly geometric relation to the center of the inner axis. In fact, joints of articular tendons, bone muscles, human feet can move at an angle of 600 to 90 degrees.

An important function of the ankle joint is back and plantar flexion of the feet.

Constancy in the movements is maintained due to the fibula, and the main work is performed by collateral ligaments, including deltoid ligament.

The bent stop is the result of the well-coordinated work of all the components of the ankle. In addition to motor, the support function is also of great importance.

The ankle structure was created by nature to perform walking, human movements. The well-coordinated work of the joint muscles provides twists in two planes - frontal and vertical.

Soft tissues of this part of the human skeleton provide amortization of movements, preserving the integrity of the bone structure. Nevertheless, due to the high mobility and body weight, injuries and damages of varying degrees of complexity are quite common in this area.

The ability to deform the joint articulation is extremely large.

Possible pathologies of the ankle group

Osteoarthritis of the ankle

Diseases of the ankle are associated with different causes, these are:

  • all kinds of injuries, including sports;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • Tendonosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the spine;
  • pathology of the foot structure.

In any pathology, a person has pains of different strength, along the entire foot, ankle, and heel. In the area of ​​the external and internal ankles there are swelling, with flushing of the skin.

With such symptoms, the flexion and extension of the foot is limited, or the foot falls to the outside.

Identify inflammatory diseases in the ankle zone is not difficult, it is more difficult to cure them so thoroughly that they do not pass into chronic arthritis, osteoarthrosis.


They occur against the background of trauma, infection in open wounds, due to inflammation of the respiratory system, due to autoimmune processes.


There is also reactive arthritis - as a concomitant disease in the treatment of other inflammatory diseases.

Developing reactive arthritis accompanies gout, rheumatism, severe forms of ARVI, influenza.

To hurt and swell the legs in the ankle may not be strong, but the annoying pulling pains of even a patient person will soon be brought to the hospital, to see a doctor. And this is correct, since the doctor controls how the injured leg heals, for which control pictures are taken on the x-ray.

In more complex injuries, an implant is used, which is implanted in the joint injury site, and the healing of such an injury, of course, requires the supervision of a physician. If the nerve is damaged, it is not visible on X-ray images in different projections.

However, the person feels a dumb part of the ankle, and the treatment plan in the hospital includes consultations of a neurologist, a neurosurgeon.

Their help will be required in the case of trabecular edema, a pathologically complex change and structure, and topography of the bone.

Remove such edema only with the use of surgical intervention.

Types of ankle injury

List of most common injuries:

  • sprain; The person experiences the strongest pains, uncertainty of a gait, loss of balance;
  • ligament rupture; there is pronounced edema, severe pain, restriction of movements;
  • subluxation or dislocation of the joint;
  • bruises;
  • falling, blows, which lead to fracture of bones.

In case of an ankle injury, an ambulance should be called.

Before the arrival of physicians it is possible - if there are skills - to impose an aseptic bandage and fix the leg in a fixed position.

The complex anatomical structure of the ankle joint is the basis for the most severe injuries, the appearance of which can be shown only on MRI, not even on X-rays.

In case of traumatic lesion of the ankle, nerve endings and muscles are damaged, bones of the ankles are broken, ligaments and muscle fibers are broken, fractures and cracks occur. The only way out is to lie and be treated under the supervision of surgeons. Even a small muscle tear can cause tissue necrosis in the area of ​​trauma.


There is a separate diagnosis - hygroma. This benign tumor is a capsule filled with a colorless viscous liquid.


It is usually localized in the joint bag, it is treated either by surgical removal, or by conservative drugs.

It depends on the stage of the disease and the rate of growth of the tumor.

Before surgical intervention, the surgeon makes a picture of the tumor, a diagram of its attachment points to internal tissues, possible places of its cutting off, lines of final cross-linking. This allows you to perform the operation in the least traumatic way.

The tumor protrudes at the site of localization, does not blush, it hurts a little, a person is more worried about itching than pain and swelling. This is absolutely not dangerous for human life education, just looks unattractive, which worries mostly women.

Traditionally, gypsum is applied to the injured leg, or modern plastic bandages, orthoses are used, which depends on the complexity of the injury and the decision taken by the treating surgeon.

And another year after the injury you will have to wear an elastic bandage, because it perfectly facilitates the process of walking, bending.

Traumatologist appoints to smear different ointments to reduce pain and stabilize the joints.

Hygroma in the ankle

The difference in ointments is insignificant - any composition of the components is aimed at reducing pain, swelling, and removal of the inflammatory process. From traditional medicine, doctors recommend apple cider vinegar for local lotions.

With severe pain in the ankle joint, with restricted movements, a person needs a doctor. It is not recommended to start treatment at home. A surgeon, a traumatologist, a therapist - any specialist who will carry out the initial examination and appoint the necessary examination will help.


You can cure any ankle injury, so that the articulation retains its natural form. Inflammation of old arthritis can occur against a background of uncomplicated trauma, for example, if a sprain occurs.


However, in many cases, chronic complications remain, and joint pain accompanies a person all his life.

There is a person who extends a helping hand to all people with aching joints - this is the doctor of medical sciences, professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky.

He calls more than 20 universal methods for treating various forms of injuries and joint diseases, and assures that sick joints can be cured even in old age.

According to reviews of his patients and readers of his medical publications, Bubnovsky's method really works for "hurray."

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