Osteochondrosis in pregnancy

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  • 1Osteochondrosis in pregnancy: features, causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 1.1What is osteochondrosis
    • 1.2Causes of osteochondrosis in pregnancy
    • 1.3Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy
    • 1.4Types of osteochondrosis
    • 1.5How to treat osteochondrosis in pregnant women?
  • 2Osteochondrosis during pregnancy: cervical, thoracic, lumbar / Mama66.ru
    • 2.1The provoking factors
    • 2.2Types of osteochondrosis
    • 2.3Symptoms
    • 2.4Who treats
    • 2.5Tactics of treatment
    • 2.6Preventive measures
    • 2.7about osteochondrosis
  • 3Osteochondrosis in pregnancy: treatment and ways to relieve pain
    • 3.1What is osteochondrosis?
    • 3.2Formation of osteochondrosis - risk factors
    • 3.3Pregnancy and osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Pregnancy planning and osteochondrosis
    • 3.5How to identify osteochondrosis?
    • 3.6Hand massage for osteochondrosis in pregnant women
    • 3.7Compresses for cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.8Orthopedic products for osteochondrosis
    • 3.9Pregnancy and osteochondrosis - practical advice
    • 3.10Medical gymnastics for osteochondrosis in pregnant women
    • 3.11Conclusion
  • instagram viewer
  • 4The main thing about osteochondrosis in pregnant women: how to treat and not to harm?
    • 4.1Causes and exacerbations of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Cervical disease
    • 4.4Lesion of thoracic region
    • 4.5Lumbar disease
    • 4.6Treatment methods suitable in this situation
    • 4.7Conservative therapy
    • 4.8Effective relief of symptoms at home
    • 4.9Special Therapeutic Gymnastics
    • 4.10Exercises for the neck
    • 4.11conclusions
  • 5Osteochondrosis in pregnancy
    • 5.1Briefly about osteochondrosis
    • 5.2Causes of back pain during pregnancy
    • 5.3Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy
    • 5.4Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnancy
    • 5.5- Pregnancy and back pain
    • 5.6Preventive measures

Osteochondrosis in pregnancy: features, causes, symptoms, treatment

Carrying a baby for the whole organism is a real stress, therefore it is during this period that all the diseases that once disturbed are emerging, but for a while they were hiding and did not manifest themselves at all. One of such misfortunes becomes osteochondrosis, which complicates the course of pregnancy and delivers many unpleasant minutes to a future mother.

What is osteochondrosis

When osteochondrosis affects the articular cartilage that makes up the spine, and intervertebral disks:

  • cartilage lose its elasticity;
  • the amount of intervertebral fluid decreases;
  • the absence of fluid leads to the fact that the intervertebral disks, constantly in contact with each other, are rubbed and thinned;
  • all this leads to the infringement of nerve endings, which is precisely what causes pain in the spine;
  • the blood vessels are too compressed by intervertebral discs, which leads to a violation of blood circulation in the affected area.

Attacks of pain in osteochondrosis complicate the condition of a pregnant woman.

If the disease does not affect the work of internal organs, pregnancy can take place without any threats to the baby.

However, all problems will begin during childbirth, since this disease often contributes to a change in the size and shape of the pelvis. In this case, only a cesarean section can be an exit.

Causes of osteochondrosis in pregnancy

The reasons why osteochondrosis is so clearly manifested during pregnancy are quite obvious:

  • the load on the spine increases as a result of increased weight and bearing of the baby;
  • metabolic disease;
  • incorrect posture;
  • flat feet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • the presence of this disease before pregnancy.

In order to somehow secure your pregnancy from the aggravation of this disease, women who have already come across osteochondrosis before the conception of the child, must undergo a full medical examination and the course of the corresponding treatment. And otherwise the aggravated disease will turn 9 months of pregnancy into a real torture.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy are the same as in the usual condition. The only thing that the pain is borne much harder, given the overall tension of the nervous system in this time period. Symptoms can be as follows:

  • aching pains in the back, which increase with physical exertion, sudden movements and even coughing;
  • The feeling of aches and numbness in the limbs;
  • muscle spasms;
  • the volume of movements becomes limited;
  • impaired sensitivity and decreased reflexes in the affected area of ​​the spine.

The symptomatology of this disease will largely depend on which part of the spine is affected.

Types of osteochondrosis

Since there are three main parts of the spine, the intervertebral disks of which are out of order, and osteochondrosis is different.

Characterized by pain in the hands and shoulders, as well as severe headaches.

There may be a buzz in the head, dizziness, flies and colored spots in the eyes.

With this kind of osteochondrosis it is much easier to cope than with the others, because the neck can be heated with compresses from medicinal herbs.

Pain in the lower back gives to the lower limbs and the sacrum. In no case can nothing be rubbed in the lower back or doing warming compresses: all this can hurt the baby.

Pain pushes into the chest, there is a feeling of "cola" in the chest. Breast even from the back during pregnancy, too, is better not to touch, as this can later affect lactation.

Any of these osteochondrosis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that his medication is prohibited.

How to treat osteochondrosis in pregnant women?

If there was a problem of osteochondrosis in the period of bearing of the child, from medical treatment, which happens to be successful in the ordinary state, it is necessary to refuse.

All medications used in such cases can harm the baby. Therefore, the doctor tries to relieve the patient's condition by other available means.

It can be:

  1. Bandage, corset, special shoes and exercise therapy will help reduce the burden on the spine.
  2. Some decide on procedures for manual therapy, although many doctors categorically do not recommend such a procedure. the way to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy, because they believe that it can lead to premature childbirth.
  3. Warming compresses on the neck area from warm decoctions of herbs such as burdock, parsley, St. John's wort, dandelion root. To the waist and thoracic area can not apply such a tool, as active substances and fever can adversely affect the condition of the baby in the womb.
  4. Follow the posture, trying in any situation, on the street and at home, in the hospital and at work, keep your back straight and steady.
  5. Avoid hypodynamia, engage in light sports for pregnant women, more to walk in the fresh air.
  6. Special massage.
  7. Proper nutrition.

Despite the fact that osteochondrosis during pregnancy is almost not amenable to treatment, you need to try at least somehow to ease your condition by all methods available at that time. The doctor who watches your pregnancy will necessarily give necessary consultations and will make sure that the baby in the womb is not injured.

massage for pregnant women with back pain:

A source: http://www.vse-pro-detey.ru/osteoxondroz-pri-beremennosti/

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy: cervical, thoracic, lumbar / Mama66.ru

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy is a rather frequent phenomenon.

Often, he overtakes even those women who had never had problems with the spine.

And this is a logical explanation: during the period of bearing the child in the body there are major changes that lead to various deviations.

Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the intervertebral discs are deformed and thinned. Immediate impact on the fetus does not have an ailment, but it can complicate labor.

In addition, pregnant, experiencing pain, is in a depressed mood, can not lead an active lifestyle, which affects the baby in a bad way. Therefore, it is impossible to tolerate and hope that the disease will pass after childbirth.

You need to treat osteochondrosis.

The provoking factors

Exacerbations of osteochondrosis during pregnancy are almost inevitable if a woman suffers from this illness in a chronic form and takes no preventive measures to avoid relapse.

The main reasons for the activation of the disease in expectant mothers are:

  • weight gain, as well as load on the spine;
  • pressure of the growing uterus on adjacent organs;
  • a change in the hormonal background;
  • displacement of the center of gravity;
  • a sharp decrease in physical activity (especially in later terms);
  • intoxication of the body;
  • deficiency of vitamins, other nutrients;
  • infection of a different nature.

Similar causes lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis during pregnancy for the first time.

The same provoking factors of the disease are considered:

  • incorrect posture;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • excess weight;
  • heredity;
  • other diseases and defects of the spine;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • "Sedentary" or "standing" work;
  • stress;
  • shortage of rest, sleep;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • supercooling.

If in the life of a woman who is preparing to become a mother, there are any of the above factors, most likely, osteochondrosis during pregnancy is ensured. Starting from the middle of the second trimester, she can feel the characteristic pain. And remove them will not be so easy.

Types of osteochondrosis

In addition to the stages of osteochondrosis, there are several other types of osteochondrosis. They depend on which particular part of the spine is affected.

The main varieties of the disease are three:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis.It poses a serious threat and can lead to disability. Characterized by the displacement and deformation of the vertebrae in the neck. They have relatively small dimensions, and mobility are high. Located in close proximity to the vertebral artery, supplying blood to the brain. And this factor makes this species so dangerous. Cervical osteochondrosis is rare in pregnancy.
  2. Thoracic osteochondrosis.Often provokes intercostal neuralgia, a decrease in the protective functions of the body and its intoxication, impaired breathing, nerve conduction and metabolism. It represents the defeat of almost motionless and perfectly protected by the muscles of the thoracic vertebrae. This type of osteochondrosis during pregnancy is also diagnosed infrequently.
  3. Lumbar osteochondrosis.It is considered the most common. It is a deformation of the vertebrae of the lumbar region located in the region of the sacrum. In this case, there is a pinched nerves, irritation of the muscle fibers and ligaments, there is swelling. The signs of this type of osteochondrosis are found most often in pregnant women.

The symptoms and tactics of treatment largely depend on the form of the disease. Sometimes doctors diagnose two or all three types of osteochondrosis. Particularly "like" to unite chest and lumbar forms.


Each type of osteochondrosis during pregnancy has its own symptoms. Although there are some common manifestations.

This is what a symptomatic picture looks like with different forms of ailment:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis is manifested by pain sensations in the back of the neck, shoulders, forearm, hands and fingers. Torment headaches, pestering dizziness, there is a noise in the ears, upset eyesight, decreases the sensitivity of the fingers. Sometimes this form is manifested by pain in the heart, pressure jumps, vegetovascular dystonia and migraines.
  2. At a chest form of an osteochondrosis there are slightly expressed signs. The main sign is paroxysmal or dull, not very palpable, pain in the chest or between the shoulder blades. They may be accompanied by breathing disorders, a feeling of chest tightness and limited mobility.
  3. Lumbar osteochondrosis is characterized by severe pain in the sacrum, which make it difficult to change the position of the body and movement. Periodically pestering the so-called lumbago. Pain can spread to the groin and hip area. Sometimes numbness, burning, tingling, convulsions in the lower limbs are recorded. The pregnant woman experiences general weakness, insomnia, irritation.
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Many symptoms of ailment are not specific. Therefore, pathology is easily confused with something else. Before you start to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy, you need to make sure that it is he. Without the help of specialists here is indispensable.

Who treats

If suspicions of osteochondrosis should be reported to their obstetrician-gynecologist, and then visit the therapist.

But this doctor will be able to tell how to treat an ailment, only after the findings of a neurologist, physiotherapist, orthopedist, surgeon, neurologist, reflexologist.

The data of narrow specialists will have to be bypassed.

Clinical examinations, supported by laboratory tests, will allow an accurate diagnosis and treatment. All appointments of the therapist should be discussed with the gynecologist. Perhaps, some written out means in this particular case will be unacceptable.

Tactics of treatment

Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy is hampered by the fact that many drugs and methods of diagnosis to a future mother are contraindicated. Drug therapy in this period is almost not carried out.

Exceptions are only a few drugs, in particular, Diclofenac, which, although with caution, but appoint in the first two trimesters a short course and in small doses.

Also from osteochondrosis during pregnancy apply ointments Finalgon and Kapsikan. But basically doctors try to limit themselves to prescribed therapy with folk methods and therapeutic physical training.


Manual and physiotherapy in this period is also not recommended, although this issue in medicine is considered controversial.


Treatment for pregnancy of cervical osteochondrosis, thoracic and lumbar has its own characteristics. It is important to remember this by choosing means and methods.

Here are the basic methods for each species:

  1. With lumbar osteochondrosis, it is recommended to wear a supporting bandage, which will partially relieve the spine. In the first trimester, you can do a light back massage in the lower part of it. Also, a good therapeutic effect for this type of illness is physical exercise. For example, "kitty which involves arching the back in the original knee-elbow position.
  2. During the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy, decoctions of burdock, parsley and dandelion root are widely used. They are applied as a compress of warming action, they make rubbers. Light massage and special exercises in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are also permissible.
  3. Thoracic osteochondrosis involves wearing a special corset of corrective action and performing physical exercises. Of the latter, the most effective are the arching of the back in both directions from the initial sitting position.

It should be especially emphasized that the treatment with warming rubbers, compresses, ointments is acceptable only with the neck shape. In all other cases this can harm the baby.

With any kind of ailment, a warm shower and a comfortable pose in a horizontal position will help ease the pain.

Only in the most extreme cases can you take an analgesic, always consulted in this regard with the doctor.

Preventive measures

Prevention of osteochondrosis should begin at the planning stage.

Preventive measures include:

  • physical activity within reasonable limits;
  • refusal of uncomfortable shoes (especially on high heels);
  • full nutrition, intake of vitamins;
  • the presence of a comfortable place to sleep.

Women planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo examination for the tendency to osteochondrosis. It is very good to go to a dispensary or a sanatorium. To minimize the risk, it is possible to strengthen the back muscles with the help of physical exercises and manual therapy.

Every future mother should know what to do in case of osteochondrosis during pregnancy, than to treat and how to remove pain.

The ailment can not be ignored, because it seriously reduces the quality of life of a woman and indirectly affects the condition of the child.

The treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that the list of means approved for pregnancy is too narrow. But there are methods, and they are quite effective.

Alexander Indra, a doctor,
especially for Mama66.com

about osteochondrosis

A source: http://mama66.ru/pregn/osteokhondroz-pri-beremennosti

Osteochondrosis in pregnancy: treatment and ways to relieve pain

Osteochondrosis is quite a dangerous disease, which is diagnosed in many people of different ages.

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that most of the medical methods during pregnancy are contraindicated.

But today we will consider how you can alleviate the condition with a similar diagnosis in pregnant women.

What is osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic change in cartilage and spinal discs. Now such a disease is diagnosed in every second inhabitant of the planet, it begins to develop in adolescence.

Osteochondrosis forms several problems at once. First of all, the violation of mineral metabolism, which occurs when there is a lack of minerals in the body.

We mercilessly squander them during sports, with mental and physical overloads. In addition, with a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture, the blood circulation and nutrition of the disks are disrupted, they are deformed.

The final stage - the formation of a hernia and osteophytes, ossification of the spine.

Osteochondrosis, for the most part, is the cause of back pain, localized in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, or affects the entire vertebral column. Over time, the disease can become a cause of disability, so it is extremely important not to launch such a pathological condition.

Attention! The disease often affects the lumbosacral spine, less often - thoracic or cervical.

Formation of osteochondrosis - risk factors

The most common reasons for the formation of osteochondrosis are:

  • incorrect posture;
  • wearing heels;
  • hypodynamia (low-activity lifestyle);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital defects of the spine, his illness, trauma and even micro-injury;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • excess weight;
  • malnutrition;
  • excessive physical activity.

Below we will consider in more detail the treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and osteochondrosis

Since osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, the latter is much more stressed during pregnancy than allowed.

Not only does the back feel the heaviness of the fetus, so also the mass of a woman often increases by 10 or even 20 kg, which puts the even the most healthy vertebral column under pressure. The center of gravity shifts, the pelvis relaxes on the threshold of childbirth. The hormonal background changes.

The body loses useful substances, giving them to the child. In general, osteochondrosis in pregnancy is a problem state, requiring a special approach.

Attention! Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.

Pregnancy planning and osteochondrosis

Often the disease finds itself during pregnancy. If you were diagnosed before conception, it is recommended that you address this issue at the planning stage of pregnancy.

During the carrying of the child to remove the acute phase of osteochondrosis will be much more difficult, since the doctors are limited in means because of the susceptibility of the organism to most drugs and other methods.

It makes sense to strengthen the back muscles, especially the lower back, since lumbar osteochondrosis is most dangerous during pregnancy, to undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures.

In addition, doctors prescribe sparing medicines, since the treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy requires the elimination of the chemical effect of many drugs.

It is recommended to go swimming or therapeutic gymnastics.

Motor activity will increase blood flow and give nutrition to the muscles and the spine itself, which will prevent inflammation during pregnancy.


Unfortunately, pregnancy planning in Russian-speaking countries is not so widespread as abroad, so many women learn about their diagnosis while already in this state.


Attention! Osteochondrosis can not cause pathology in the fetus, but it can cause a miscarriage.

How to identify osteochondrosis?

Symptomatology consists in painful sensations in the area that the disease has affected, and is expressed by unpleasant "lumbago pain and tension. Under the threat may be the cervical region, shoulders, upper limbs.

Often numb hands. There are symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia - dizziness, "flies" in the eyes, headaches and even decreased vision.

In pregnancy, this condition is difficult to bear due to the overall stress of the nervous system.

Breast osteochondrosis reports of chest pain, a feeling of squeezing the chest and lack of air. Mobility may be limited due to pain in the hands.

In the lesion of the lumbar region, the pain of shooting character often gives to the buttocks, legs and even the groin. Usually manifested in the second trimester of pregnancy due to the increasing burden.

Before you figure out how to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy, we'll discuss what categorically you can not do to future moms trying to alleviate the pain.

Compresses. Only allowed to the cervical region. On the lower back you can not in any case, because due to the influx of blood can happen detachment of the placenta.


Manual massage. Here the question is controversial, many doctors still can not give him a monosyllabic answer. On the one hand, manipulation can cause fetal death.


But on the other hand, excessive tension in the muscles of the lumbar region is dangerous the same. If the attending physician still allows you to apply to the manual, choose a good specialist who will act gently and skillfully.

Although it is safer for the fetus to still have a hand massage.

Hand massage for osteochondrosis in pregnant women

Cervical osteochondrosis in pregnancy - than to treat? Of course, massage! Many doctors allow their patients to attend sessions of manual medical massage.

This is especially true for osteochondrosis of the cervical department, when massage is extremely necessary. You can also massage your legs and hands to eliminate numbness and swelling.

It is important to take into account several points. First, abortive zones during massage are strictly forbidden to massage. This is primarily the lower back, the point between the thumb and forefinger on the hands and the area of ​​the tendon on the legs.

Massage should be done carefully, slowly and accurately, without excessive pressure.

During the session, pleasant "lumbago" can be felt, indicating that places that have been deprived of oxygen sooner begin to have increased blood flow.

At this moment, the nerve roots and fascia relax.

Do not forget about "cervical" physical culture. If you sit a lot, periodically knead your neck and shoulders with light classical exercises.

Compresses for cervical osteochondrosis

With cervical osteochondrosis, the pain can be alleviated by gauze compresses based on herbs. The dressing is put on the neck for 15-20 minutes, fixed with a plastic bag and a towel.

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Such a vacuum effect will allow active substances to penetrate more deeply and maximize the therapeutic effect. To prepare the broth, use the dandelion root, burdock, St. John's wort and other herbs that help with osteochondrosis.

Be sure to consult a doctor before using herbal medicines.

When the neck is not released, doctors also recommend the use of special pouches with hot sand or even pepper packs.

Orthopedic products for osteochondrosis

If osteochondrosis is found during pregnancy, it is necessary to reduce the burden on the spine.

Doctors are often advised to use supportive bandages to help solve this problem. The type of bandage depends on the affected department. Special orthopedic footwear also does not hurt.


In addition, it is recommended to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillows (under the waist and abdomen).


If osteochondrosis of the cervical region is detected, during pregnancy neurologists are often advised to buy special fixatives for the neck, which relieve the pain syndrome.

Pregnancy and osteochondrosis - practical advice

The following tips will help alleviate physical condition when osteochondrosis is detected.

  • Keep a smooth posture. The shoulders should be straightened, and the thorax stretched.
  • Do not bend too hard during harvesting. Excessive bending in the spine increases tension in the muscles and increases soreness.
  • Do special exercises for pregnant women.
  • Try to eat right.
  • Take a warm shower or bath, but not for long. This will help relieve the pain syndrome.

And, finally, emergency help for severe pain in the spine: lie on the floor for 5-7 minutes and relax as much as possible.

Medical gymnastics for osteochondrosis in pregnant women

Gymnastics is considered the most effective method of fighting osteochondrosis. Do it better in the morning. The duration of the approach should not exceed 30 seconds, otherwise there is an undesirable for the pregnant load.

In general, it is desirable to perform gymnastics under medical supervision. If you have the opportunity, go to yoga classes for pregnant women - they will not only improve the nutrition of the spine, but also help prepare for childbirth both morally and physically.

So, a few simple, but effective exercises for pregnant women.

  1. Straighten the shoulders, making them circular motions.
  2. "The Cat". Stand on all fours, bending your spine up and down.
  3. Stand up straight, hands on your waist. Slowly and gently follow the turns to the right and left.

The lumbar department, struck by osteochondrosis, requires special attention, because it is the fetus closest to it. To relax the muscles, lie on your back and, lifting your arms along the trunk, stretch, trying not to strain your back muscles. Relax. So repeat 5 times.


If you have osteochondrosis, keep the spine in good condition is necessary regularly. Therapeutic exercises are especially important. Also do not forget about walking, proper nutrition, regular massages. Do not run your back - and the illness will not bother you for a long time.

A source: http://.ru/article/310467/osteohondroz-pri-beremennosti-lechenie-i-sposobyi-snyatiya-boli

The main thing about osteochondrosis in pregnant women: how to treat and not to harm?


The period of gestation is a difficult test for the female body. Against the background of the changes occurring in the body, stresses and heightened emotionality, there are often not the most pleasant surprises, including diseases.

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy can occur for the first time, and can "wake up" after a long calm.

Why is this happening, what can and can not be done? How to treat without harm to the child? These and other important questions are answered in the article.

With osteochondrosis, there is deformation, thinning of intervertebral discs and abnormal growth of the vertebrae.

During pregnancy, the main burden falls on the lumbosacral spine, which is why it is most often affected by the disease.

The cervical and thoracic parts suffer much less often.

Load on the lumbar spine: on the left - "ordinary" woman, on the right - pregnant. Circle with arrow - center of gravity

Causes and exacerbations of the disease

The causes leading to the appearance and worsening of osteochondrosis in pregnant women are identical. There are a lot of them, but there are 5 main ones:

  1. Increased load on the spine and rapid weight gain with relatively weak, untrained and unprepared muscles of the back;

  2. sedentary lifestyle, especially in the 3rd trimester with a rapidly increasing abdomen and a change in the center of gravity;

  3. deficiency of vitamins, which are supplied to the needs of the organism of the woman (the greater part goes to the development and growth of the fetus);

  4. changes in the hormonal background;

  5. displacement of organs and compression of the neurovascular plexuses as the child grows - this leads to a disruption in the nutrition of the spine.

Also, the causes of the development of the disease can be: genetic predisposition, previous injuries and microtrauma of the spine, peculiarities of professional activity and other "standard" reasons disease. Pregnancy in this case is a catalyst for the development of the disease.

Changes in the musculoskeletal system in a pregnant woman


For each type of osteochondrosis - cervical, thoracic and lumbar - are characterized by their symptoms.

Cervical disease

Cervical vertebrae relatively small and sufficiently mobile, therefore, with the development of osteochondrosis in pregnant women, the symptoms are clearly pronounced:

  • headache and dizziness, hearing and vision impairment caused by compression of the vertebral artery;
  • pain in the neck and shoulders (sometimes pulsating), numbness or decreased sensitivity of the skin in the upper body - such signs are caused by pinching roots;
  • pain in the area of ​​scapula, heart, especially when coughing or sneezing and turning the head - the so-called cardiac syndrome.

Important! Rare, but the most dangerous symptoms in cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women are loss of consciousness and pressure drops, which can adversely affect the health and development of the fetus.

Lesion of thoracic region

Despite the protection of the muscular corset and relative immobility, the thoracic spine during pregnancy can also suffer from osteochondrosis. In this case, the ailment manifests itself as follows:

  • violation of respiratory function;
  • intercostal neuralgia (pain, sensation of compression in the rib and chest, especially after activity or, conversely, a prolonged stay in a static position);
  • violation of the activity of internal organs;
  • pain when raising hands;
  • pain between the shoulder blades.

To the note: thoracic osteochondrosis is dangerous because its symptoms are usually poorly expressed, and they are often confused with signs of other diseases.

As the pathology progresses, metabolic processes and nervous conduction may be disrupted, leading to intoxication of the organism - an extremely undesirable complication at any stage of pregnancy.

Lumbar disease

To reveal lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy at the first stage of development is difficult, because the disease at first can not manifest itself in any way. Expressed symptoms usually appear already in the second stage of the disease:

  • severe pain in the lower back and groin,
  • "Lumbago" in the lumbar region,
  • weakness,
  • disturbance of mobility,
  • cramps stop,
  • muscle pains and spasms,
  • difficulty of movement,
  • violation of the sensitivity of the lower limbs.

Attention: lumbar osteochondrosis in pregnant women can lead to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, which is a serious complication in this situation. Possible disruption of the work of other organs, which also adversely affects the development of the fetus.

Treatment methods suitable in this situation

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnancy is a topic around which disputes between doctors have not abated for a long time.

In view of the special position of the woman and the inadmissibility of adverse effects on the fetus, it is not always possible to treat pathology (both originated and exacerbated) by standard methods.

And still there is a way out of the situation. Which one? The answer is a little further.

Conservative therapy

Let's analyze the basic standard treatment options:

  1. Medicines. Most medications are not prescribed because of the risk of harming the fetus.

    However, with severe pain, doctors tend to treat the disease (to stop symptoms) with drugs based on diclofenac sodium, but only in the first and second trimesters and after careful weighing of the benefits and harm to the mother and the child.

  2. Ointments. Some ointments, the use of which is possible during pregnancy, helps to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of the disease (their ability to relieve the pain).

  3. Physiotherapy. During pregnancy, this method of treatment is contraindicated because of the negative effect on the fetus.

  4. Manual therapy. Some doctors are in favor of this method, because it really relieves pain and reduces symptoms. Other specialists categorically oppose manual manipulation, arguing that this is an increasing risk of premature birth.

And how can you treat the disease? Do not sit idly by!

Effective relief of symptoms at home

Without knowing it, many women can alleviate the symptoms of the disease without resorting to aggressive and unsafe methods of treatment. To remove the pain syndrome at the first manifestations or exacerbation of ailment help:

  • warm (not hot!) shower;
  • very easy stroking self-massage along the spine;
  • physiotherapy;
  • warming compresses (only with pain in the cervical region!);
  • orthopedic adaptations: bandage, corset, shoes, mattress, pillows (under the head and under the belly).

Special Therapeutic Gymnastics

Performing simple physical exercises in the mornings will bring pregnant women a great health benefit in general and help alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Next - a set of exercises for each department of the spine.

Exercises for the neck

  1. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back and try to take it in turn with your left ear to your left shoulder, your right ear to your right shoulder. Execute 5-10 "rolls".

  2. Sitting with your head thrown back, slowly lift your head up, and then aim your chin toward your collarbone. Execute 5-10 "nods".

  3. Put your hand on the forehead. Press the palm of your hand, resist the forehead (you should feel the tension of the neck muscles). Hold on "at the peak" (counting to 5), relax.

  1. Stand up straight, your hands are at the seams. Inhale, exhale - hands up, then lower your hands. Repeat 10 times.

  2. Sit down. Slowly bend your back forward, then back. Repeat 10 times.

  3. Stand up straight, close your hands "in the lock" on the back of your head. Make 3-5 smooth deflections back, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

  1. Lying on your back, raise your arms along the trunk and stretch, without straining your back muscles. Relax. Repeat 5 times.

  2. Lying on your back and spreading your arms out to the sides, slowly and gently curl up. Repeat several times.

  3. Stand on all fours, put your chin on a chair. Do the flexures of the spine up and down (5 times).

  1. Stretch the shoulders, performing circular movements "inside" and "outside."

  2. "Kind and angry kitty." Stand on all fours. Roll your back to the floor, and then arched, arching your backbone to the ceiling.

  3. Stand straight, hands on the waist. Carefully and slowly perform torso turns left-right.

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On a note. Useful for osteochondrosis will be some types of yoga. Think about enrolling in yoga for pregnant women. Remember that during the class you should not feel pain.


Osteochondrosis in pregnant women, even during a period of exacerbation, can be tolerated calmly. But for this it is necessary not to be lazy, but to work:

  • to eat well;
  • wear the right shoes;
  • use auxiliary orthopedic tools and harmless methods of pain elimination (compresses, warm showers, etc.);
  • to do therapeutic gymnastics.

Ignore the symptoms in any case impossible: timely treatment to the doctor is important for both the health of the mother and the child. Do not self-medicate - only a doctor will help you develop an individual treatment program. And remember about the prevention: all diseases better to treat before conception.

A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/osteohondroz/u-beremennyh-171.html

Osteochondrosis in pregnancy

Except exciting and joyful feelings, pregnancy is capable to bring to life of the future mother significant difficulties. And above all - health problems.

After all, despite the fact that bearing is a completely natural, completely physiological process, this time is a real test for the woman's body. Especially if she can not boast of good health.

Especially the big loading is necessary on a backbone, due to what "all awful illnesses and a disease" "wake up". For example, may develop osteochondrosis during pregnancy.

Briefly about osteochondrosis

If only recently lumbago tortured only the elderly, today, suffering from osteochondrosis, a thirty-year-old man has ceased to be a curiosity.

What does osteochondrosis look like?

During the development of osteochondrosis, the thickness of the intervertebral disc changes.

At first, the destruction, it would seem, is insignificant: first small microcracks appear, which almost do not cause any discomfort.

Moreover, a person may not even suspect that an osteochondrosis has "attacked" him, because he does not feel acute pain yet, and often writes off a small ache for the consequences of a hard working day.

Intervertebral discs are built of cartilaginous tissue, which is poorly regenerated.

This leads to the fact that the beginning of osteochondrosis (if, of course, it does not notice in time) is progressing.

Rubbing discs can cause protrusion and disc herniation - a phenomenon that greatly complicates life.

Like all diseases, osteochondrosis is easiest to stop at the initial stages. But most of us are used to waving their hands on their own health.

Often this happens when the disease appeared before conception and bearing of the baby, but it reminds of itself only when the doctor diagnoses osteochondrosis in pregnant women.

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

The load on the spine during pregnancy multiplies.

First, in the lumbar region, the woman has an additional burden - the fetus and amniotic fluid themselves already weigh a lot by the beginning of the last trimester.

And secondly, the body weight of a pregnant woman tends to increase: the cases when a woman is slack before conception and gestation suddenly begins to grow stout not only around the waist - are not at all rare.

Also during pregnancy, the center of gravity of the woman's body changes: now he moves to the abdominal region, due to which the future mother moves slightly backward in walking to keep the balance. Thus, there is an increase in tension in the lumbar region, which can lead to osteochondrosis.

Changes in pregnancy

The causes of exacerbation or the appearance of osteochondrosis during pregnancy are several:

  • Genetic predisposition and heredity.
  • Increased body weight and load on the back.
  • Slight mobility of a woman.
  • Failures in metabolism.
  • Incorrect posture.
  • Previous injuries of the back.
  • Incorrect food.
  • Physical exercise.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy can not catch you at the most opportune moment.

Although when such a moment can generally be suitable, if the entire period of bearing of an infant is an unceasing test of the body for strength! The incentive to pull yourself together and finally go to a medical examination should be, for example, that childbirth and so pretty And the bearing of the baby already brings a lot of difficulties to make the situation even more unpleasant with back.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time when all the functions of the body are rebuilt before delivery, so do not confuse the natural preparation for this process with the beginning or "awakened" osteochondrosis.

So, during the gestation of a baby, the bone tissue of a woman in the pelvic region changes and becomes softer and more mobile, so as to facilitate the child as much as possible through the birth canal. Back pain at this time is quite natural.

In addition, increasing in size, the fetus may begin to press on the nerve endings. Due to the fact that the pain threshold for all women varies, the expectant mother can accept the discomfort that has begun for the manifestations of osteochondrosis.

Only a specialist can resolve doubts on this score.

But what if the pains are not a natural reaction to the preparation for childbirth, but the most that neither is a real osteochondrosis? And the more so as to understand that there was an exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body requires special control

Often it manifests itself in the form of aching or acute pain in the region of the waist, chest or neck of the future mother.

It is not unfortunate, but the osteochondrosis that started during pregnancy, which had not the slightest hint of conception, may remain with the woman after childbirth, then aggravating, then calming down.

Especially difficult is the cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy. It can manifest itself in the form of headache, dizziness and even fainting. Often with him and insomnia. Cervical osteochondrosis can also be accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the scapula and arm, and quite strong.


Lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy manifests itself as aching pains, which when a woman makes sharp movements can turn into sharp ones.


Osteochondrosis of the thoracic area during pregnancy is not as common as its analogs in the cervical and lumbar region. However, it does happen.

More often, chest osteochondrosis during pregnancy is manifested in those women who have been traumatized by this department earlier. Also, he can "show signs of life" if the supply of intervertebral disks with necessary microelements is disturbed.

This option is quite possible, because the developing fruit "pulls" from the mother's body all the most useful that it finds in it.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnancy

The effect of most drugs on the woman's body in the situation is virtually unknown.

Firstly, no future mother will agree to experiment with her own health and health her future baby, and in addition permission to conduct such studies to get quite complicated. Therefore, doctors and pharmacists can not say for sure which medications are suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy. The complexity of choosing ways to combat pain is further aggravated by the fact that a woman in a position can not be subjected to physiotherapy, as well as to alternative medicine.

Bandage helps reduce the burden on the lower back

Than to treat an osteochondrosis at pregnancy? You can not prescribe your own treatment yourself.

At the first signs of osteochondrosis, hurry to the doctor.

And a visit to only one you can hardly be limited: it is advisable to visit a vertebrologist and neurologist.

Most NSAIDs (that is, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) taken during pregnancy are strictly prohibited. The same applies to corticosteroid hormones, which are used during paravertebral blockades.

And although the doctor may know for sure that any of the medicines should not cause harm mother, or child, he can not prescribe a drug, in the annotation to which is indicated the prohibition of admission during pregnancy.

However, some non-steroid drugs are still allowed to take during the first and second trimester of pregnancy. One of them is diclofenac sodium and the drugs based on it.

As far as topical preparations are concerned, ointments and balms with an irritating local effect, not having contraindications in the annotation, can significantly alleviate the suffering from osteochondrosis during pregnancy.


Especially "dopekaet" many women cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy. Although the fetus is at a considerable distance from the neck, manual effects and even active massage are contraindicated in this case.


But the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy can be carried out at the expense of special orthopedic collars, which help relieve tension and constriction from the muscles of the neck.

To wear such adaptations for a long time is not worth it - this can cause weakening of the muscular corset. They can be alternated with strengthening gymnastics and non-aggressive massage.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical part during pregnancy can also be treated with recipes of traditional medicine - for example, using various compresses from medicinal herbs.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region during pregnancy also does not bring particular joy.

To combat it, it is recommended to wear a bandage, which helps reduce the burden on the lower back.

With particularly severe pain, you can use painkillers or irritating ointments and gels, which have the right to be used during this period.

- Pregnancy and back pain

Preventive measures

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women may not be necessary if you find the germs of a disease in time before conception and take a preventive course in the hospital.

If a woman is aware of the fact that pregnancy can provoke the appearance or exacerbation osteochondrosis, it is not obliged to wait until it happens, but should do a preventive gymnastics.

As you can see, many pregnant women can undergo "attacks" of osteochondrosis. If this happens, you need to start treatment sooner so as not to let the disease harm you and the baby.

A source: http://pozvonki.com/main/pri-beremennosti/