Bandage on the shoulder joint, collarbone and forearm: how to choose?


  • 1How to choose a shoulder bandage (orthosis)
  • 2Shoulder bandage: indications, description, types and rules of use
    • 2.1Medical indications
    • 2.2Kinds of bandages
    • 2.3Fixing bandage
    • 2.4Supporting bandage
    • 2.5Restraining bandage
    • 2.6Bandage for clavicle
    • 2.7Children's shoulder brace
    • 2.8Degree of fixation
    • 2.9How to care for a shoulder bandage
    • 2.10What you need to remember
  • 3Bandages on the shoulder joint: what do you know about the forearm restraints?
    • 3.1What it is?
    • 3.2By whom and in what cases is appointed?
    • 3.3Features of the bandage
    • 3.4Who is applied?
    • 3.5What is the degree of fixation?
    • 3.6Kinds of bandages
    • 3.7Fixing
    • 3.8Supporting
    • 3.9Clavicular
    • 3.10Children's
    • 3.11Limiting
    • 3.12Differences of the band from the orthosis?
    • 3.13Tips for use and care
    • 3.14Cost and Manufacturers
    • 3.15What materials are used to make the bandage?
    • 3.16The subtleties of choosing a band
  • 4What kind of bandage is needed for a shoulder fracture?
    • 4.1Types of retainers
    • 4.2Bandage
    • 4.3Orthosis
    • 4.4Tire
    • 4.5Langhete
    • 4.6"Overlapping the tire on the shoulder"
  • instagram viewer
  • 5How to choose a bandage on the shoulder joint and how to wear it properly
    • 5.1general characteristics
    • 5.2Indications for wearing
    • 5.3Types of shoulder bands
    • 5.4Scarf bandage
    • 5.5Dezo Headband
    • 5.6Orthosis of the shoulder joint
    • 5.7Contraindications
    • 5.8Care instructions
    • 5.9Precautionary measures
    • 5.10What to look for when buying a bandage
    • 5.11Main producers

How to choose a shoulder bandage (orthosis)

Orthopedic bandage on the shoulder joint has a wide scope of application.

It is prescribed for injuries and after operations to load muscle and bone tissues, as well as to prevent damage and reduce pain in chronic diseases.

We offer to know more about why you need a shoulder brace, what kinds of it are used in this or that situation, how to choose and wear such an accessory correctly?

Modern orthosis on the shoulder joint allows you to fix an injured or recoverable after the operation site, improve muscle tone and blood supply, relieve stress and reduce pain Feel.In a motionless joint, all processes are faster and more successful, which means that the patient manages to cope with the disease more quickly.

On a note! The degree of fixation of the problem joint can be different: from complete immobilization to easy compression. In the first case I work semi-rigid abduction models, in the second - elastic, without metal tires and hinges.

All brachial orthoses can be divided into several large groups, each of which performs its functions and is assigned in certain situations.

An immobilizing semi-rigid orthosis on the shoulder and forearm reliably fixes the problem joint after trauma (fracture, dislocation, etc.) or surgery. In such a bandage the patient can not move his shoulder or move his hand to the side.

The fixing orthosis-kerchief from elastic fabrics is sometimes supplemented by rigid designs - tires, hinges, which help to set the necessary angle of an arm and a shoulder joint position.

On a note! In addition, an abduction brachial orthosis is produced, which has a special pillow. It is placed between the body and the hand, keeping the given angle of the position of the shoulder joint.

A soft support band is used to prevent injuries in the first place by athletes. It only provides the necessary level of compression to the joint and muscles, excluding stretches and fractures.

The most popular modification of this orthosis is the Dezo bandage, which helps to fix the bent at the elbow A hand with one or two shoulder straps, as well as a wide elastic retainer, which is attached to torso. This model is no longer a prophylactic, but a therapeutic one. It is used after injuries and operations, as well as in cases where it is required to immobilize the shoulder.


This type of bandage is often a half-waist with a short sleeve, which is worn on the problem shoulder. The diverting brachium orthosis has a fixing belt, which regulates the amplitude of the arm movement.


Bandages for the shoulder and collarbone are called "Delbe rings". With their help, the shoulder belt is fixed during treatment for injuries of the sternoclavicular joint.

Surely, you have already noticed that the scope of shoulder braces is enormous. This is a trauma to the ligaments, a fracture of the radius, and a dislocation of the shoulder, and a fracture of the neck of the shoulder. Let's generalize the most typical cases:

  • inflammatory diseases in the region of the shoulder girdle;
  • injuries, sprains, fractures, bruises of the shoulder or collarbone;
  • operations, including endoprosthetics;
  • preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of injury or development of chronic diseases of the shoulder joint.

The main contraindication for using a bandage for the shoulder can be skin diseases with open sores and abscesses in those places where the bandage is adjacent to the body.

It is important! Despite the fact that manufacturers are trying to choose for their products hypoallergenic tissues, in some patients may experience an allergic reaction to the composition of a particular model.

If you need to limit the mobility of the joint, remove puffiness, improve blood supply, and Improve absorption of medicines due to the heat effect and reduce pain, then neoprene elastic bandage.

A band with an abduction cushion is needed after the dislocation has been adjusted and at the stage of rehabilitation after ligament damage, after surgery on the rotator cuff of the shoulder. It is also used for inflammatory diseases, for example, bursitis. We recommend to pay attention to the bandages of the company "Trives".

The restraining bandage is appointed in cases when the shoulder is subjected to heavy loads, and also if you:

  • frequent dislocation of the joint, including it is used during training;
  • pain in the muscles and their damage in the shoulder girdle;
  • the fractures of the neck of the humerus;
  • inflammation of the joints and nerve endings (arthritis, plexitis);
  • chronic inflammation of the joint (arthritis, periarthritis, arthrosis).

It is important! Wearing any orthopedic product should be prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the patient's medical history, his age and other factors.

The mode of wearing a shoulder bandage should be determined by the doctor.Elastic bandages for prevention are worn during sports training or at high physical exertion.

True, it is not always possible to load a shoulder, for example, with regular dislocations to make sudden movements and lifting weights is forbidden.

Elastic bandages are not recommended to be worn constantly and, naturally, they can not go to bed.


If you are recovering from a fracture or stretching, then it is likely that the doctor will assign you a Dezo fixation bandage or bandage.


To wear such a bandage will be until the time of full recovery, or rather - until the doctor will not be allowed to remove the orthosis.

Usually it takes 2 months.

If the shoulder joint should be at a certain angle, then you will be assigned an abduction bandage.

To put on this model it is necessary only under the supervision of the orthopedist, that he put out the necessary angle (usual range - from 5 to 60 degrees).

To go in this bandage will also have to complete elimination of the problem.

Shoulder bandage in combination with medicamental action will ease the condition during an exacerbation chronic diseases, and, together with gymnastics, will accelerate the process of rehabilitation after trauma or operation. By itselfOrthosis is an effective preventive mechanism, which helps to avoid problems with the shoulder joint and reduce the risk of various diseases.

A source:

Shoulder bandage: indications, description, types and rules of use

Injuries and injuries of the shoulder girdle - the phenomenon is quite frequent. Physicians attribute this to the fact that the shoulder joint is very mobile and can suffer in the process of performing work tasks, at home, while playing sports.

In addition, the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder girdle are seriously affected by the lifting of weights. To reliably fix the shoulder joint and accelerate its recovery, trauma doctors recommend using a shoulder bandage.

But if the doctor did not specify a specific model, then it's not easy to understand yourself.

Medical indications

Using the bandage allows you to hold the shoulder joint in the correct position. Patients are recommended this fixation device in a number of cases:

  • in the process of postoperative rehabilitation;
  • in the process of rehabilitation after fractures, bruises, dislocations or sprains;
  • as a supporting device for acute and chronic joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, periarthritis, myositis);
  • when diagnosing paresis or paralysis of the hand;
  • after the installation of prostheses;
  • with hypermobility (extreme mobility) of the shoulder joints;
  • in the process of reconstruction of muscle gaps;
  • with neurological disorders;
  • for the prevention of pain and swelling after exercise.

The bandage fixing on the shoulder joint in some cases is used as an independent tool, but sometimes it is supplemented by other types of orthoses. Classical pair - plaster bandage plus supporting bandage.

Kinds of bandages

The appointment of brachial orthosis may have several goals. In connection with this, several large groups of different designs have been developed, united by one name - "shoulder bandage". Groups are called:

  • fixing bandages;
  • supporting bandages;
  • limiting bandages;
  • clavicular bandages.

Each group performs a specific set of functions and is assigned in the appropriate situation.

Fixing bandage

This group includes semi-rigid immobilizing products on the shoulder and forearm. In this case, the shoulder bandage fixes the damaged joint after injuries or surgeries. The patient loses the ability to move his shoulder, raise his hand and take her away.

If immobilization is not using a semi-rigid orthosis, but an elastic orthosis-scarf, then additionally a tire or hinge is applied, which makes it possible to fix the desired angle between the shoulder joint and hand.

Supporting bandage

This is a soft construction used to prevent injuries. Bandage brachial support is often called "kerchief". These devices do not have a division into the left or right hand.

They are made of strong materials, and retain little mobility in the damaged joint, significantly reducing the load on it.

Shoulder brace kosynochny, you can adjust the special straps to achieve the most comfortable condition.


Most of the supporting bandages are performed on the basis of the development of the French surgeon Pierre Desot.


He managed to figure out in the 18th century how to fix the shoulder together with the forearm to the trunk.

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The doctor used gauze bandages for this, and a modern bandage braided scarf is made of combined materials of different elasticity.

Restraining bandage

This is a more complex design in the form of a half-jacket with a short sleeve. He is put on a problem shoulder and fixed with a strap system. Thus, the amplitude of the movements of the hand is regulated.

Restrictive bandages are used for conservative treatment of shoulder joint dislocations, with humeroscapular periarthritis, with fractures of the head of the humerus, with fracture of the scapula, with injuries of the clavic joints, after the shoulder the joint.

This is not a complete list of indications, surgeons, traumatologists and orthopedists could significantly expand it.

For the patient it is most convenient to choose the limiting bandages of those structures that can be worn independently. It is important to place the shoulder strap so that it does not rub your neck.

Bandage for clavicle

Bandages for the collarbone in the common people are called eight-shaped. The medical name is "Delbe's rings". With the help of a simple design, the shoulder strap is fixed.

Such a brachial shoulder band is indispensable for rehabilitation after ruptures of the acromial-clavicular junction. The belt structure pulls back the shoulders, and fixes them in this position. This eliminates the pathology when the joint is sealed.

It is desirable to select the design in such a way that it does not rub the skin in the axillary region.

Children's shoulder brace

Children often find themselves in the office of a traumatologist with various bruises, sprains, dislocations and fractures.

This category of patients requires special attention, since incorrect treatment can prevent the correct development of the musculoskeletal system.


Since the skin of children is more sensitive, the children's shoulder bandage should be made of natural fabrics. Synthetic elements can be placed only in the inner layer.


In addition, children's bandages are recommended to be made of bright materials, so that they can be clearly seen. Otherwise, children during the games can forget about the injury and grab or pull the patient for the damaged area.

Degree of fixation

According to the degree of fixation, the structures are divided into several categories:

  • bandages of weak fixation for early rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system and for the prevention of injuries after overloads;
  • bandages semi-rigid for postoperative rehabilitation and treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and periarthritis;
  • Bandages of rigid fixation for immobilization at fractures or after operations.

The degree of compression and rigidity of fixation of the bandage is determined by the doctor.

How to care for a shoulder bandage

Since the bandages are designed for permanent or prolonged wearing, they must be kept clean.

For washing, soft detergents are chosen. The water temperature should be moderate (no higher than 35 ° C).

Drying of the bandage is allowed only in the shade, it is impossible to twist and iron the product.

What you need to remember

Any bandage should be properly sized. If an inflammatory disease of the skin is found in the field of application, then the bandage can not be worn.

If the patient is diagnosed with an allergy, then it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of the material of the shoulder bandage. Change the regime and time of wearing bandages is possible only on the advice of a doctor. On the bands of any designs the storage period is indicated.

After this period the manufacturer can not guarantee the preservation of the elasticity and quality of the product.

A source: http://.ru/article/273751/bandaj-plechevoy-pokazaniya-opisanie-vidyi-i-pravila-ispolzovaniya

Bandages on the shoulder joint: what do you know about the forearm restraints?

The shoulder retainer requires proper selection and use, as well as regular care. There are different types of bandages that differ in the degree of fixation and the complexity of the design.

The use of bandages designed to support and fix the shoulder joint is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Shoulder joint is the place of articulation of scapula, clavicle and humerus.

This joint is very mobile, flexible and complex in its construction. It is supported by tendons and muscle tissue, regularly subjected to high loads.

All this makes the joint vulnerable to the development of appropriate pathologies and injuries of varying severity. In such cases, except for medications and other therapeutic techniques, doctors use a shoulder bandage.

What it is?

A special device that can partially or completely limit the motor function of the shoulder girdle and upper limb.

In addition to reducing the range of motion, the bandage can also perform a supporting function.

The use of the forearm retainer promotes the rapid healing of stretched / torn tendons and muscles, as well as the fusion of bone tissue.

By whom and in what cases is appointed?

The appointment of a joint fixator may be prescribed by the attending physician after the necessary set of diagnostic measures and laboratory tests. By specialization the doctor can be:

  • Traumatologist;
  • a surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • vertebrologist;
  • neurologist.

A traumatologist examines a patient

The use of a bandage allows you to hold your shoulder and arm in the desired position. This device is assigned in the following cases:

  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • pathology of the shoulder joint, occurring in acute and chronic form (myositis, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis);
  • carrying out of diagnostic actions at paralysis or paresis of the upper limb;
  • as a preventive measure to prevent pain and swelling after excessive stress on the joint;
  • diseases of neurological etiology;
  • with a fracture of the arm bone;
  • for fixing the joint after a bruise, dislocation, stretching of the arm, humerus or clavicle;
  • if it is necessary to carry out the reconstruction of the ruptured muscles of the shoulder girdle and / or upper limb;
  • with hyperplasticity of the shoulder joint;
  • Rehabilitation period after installation on the arm or shoulder of the prosthesis.

Inflammatory process in the shoulder joint

Features of the bandage

In any trauma (dislocation, fracture, bruise or distention), the tissues that surround the pathological focus are also damaged.

As a result, ligaments and muscles can stretch or tear.

The latch of the shoulder joint is designed to eliminate these injuries by supporting and fixing the shoulder girdle, as well as limiting its functionality.

Due to the use of a bandage that has a supporting effect, the muscles and ligaments are in complete tranquility. This significantly reduces or even eliminates pain, reducing the rehabilitation period and contributing to the early healing of lesions.

Important!Compression is another function of the bandage. Due to compression, stimulation of receptors located in the skin is performed. As a result, the brain receives signals about the damaged condition of the shoulder girdle. Impulses entering the brain

Who is applied?

Bandages on the shoulder joint are used by patients with various injuries and injuries to bones, ligaments, cartilaginous and muscle tissues of the arm, forearm and shoulder girdle.

Sometimes the fixative is used as an independent therapeutic and preventive device. But most often it acts as an auxiliary method of treatment and requires supplementation with other types of orthoses.

A classic option is the combination of traditional gypsum langets and supporting bandage.

What is the degree of fixation?

There are several categories on which the bandages are divided by the degree of support and fixation:

  • with a rigid fixation. They are used after surgery or with complex fractures;
  • with weak fixation. May be useful in the early stages of the rehabilitation period for the reconstruction of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the shoulder. This type of joint fixator is used by athletes. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the use of a bandage with increased stress on the shoulder girdle, and also in order to prevent the development of pathologies and the occurrence of injuries;
  • with semi-rigid fixation. Served as an auxiliary therapy for periarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis. Sometimes they are used during rehabilitation after operations.

Good to know!In the late period of rehabilitation, doctors advise some patients to replace the bandage of weak fixation on the orthosis "Scalp".

Kinds of bandages

Due to the fact that the nature and severity of herbs and abnormalities of the shoulder can be different, several extensive groups of fixators for the shoulder girdle have been developed. Each of them has its own purpose and performs certain functions.


Purpose - use after fractures and surgical interventions. This group includes semi-rigid products that are attached to the forearm or shoulder. During the application of the bandage, the patient can not lift the upper limb, and also move it to the right and to the left.

Fixing shoulder brace


Used for preventive purposes, to avoid shoulder injuries.

The bandage is often called a scarf, it is a soft fabric construction.

Due to the use of this type of fixator, the load on the shoulder joint is reduced, the mobility of which remains only to a minor extent.

Supportive shoulder brace


The clamp for the clavicle is often called the "eight since it has the shape of the same name. This simple design ensures reliable fixation of the shoulder girdle, strongly turning the shoulders back.

In this position, the blades are located close to each other.

Purpose - damage to the acromioclavicular joints, fractures of the clavicle, including with dislocations (preoperative period before the decline of edema).

Clumsy Shoulder Bandage


Injuries in childhood require special attention and the most correct treatment. Even an insignificant mistake can lead to incorrect development of the child's ODS (locomotor system).

Due to the hypersensitivity of the baby's skin, the bandages for babies are made exclusively of natural materials. The presence of synthetic tissues is permissible only in the inner layers of the product.

In other respects, the construction of children's bandages does not differ from the design of fixators for adults.


This clamp is presented in the form of a waistcoat with the presence of a short sleeve. It is worn on the damaged shoulder and fixed with a fixing system of belts.

Thus, the amplitude of the movements of the upper limb can be easily adjusted.

The use of this bandage is prescribed for conservative treatment of periarthritis, shoulder dislocation, collar injury, and fracture of the scapula.

Limiting shoulder brace

Differences of the band from the orthosis?

In medical practice, the term "fetuses" often means one or another type of fixative. However, minor differences still exist. Almost all bandages are easy to use.

Orthoses, in contrast, have a more complex design and are designed to provide a rigid fixation of the joint. As a rule, they consist not only of elastic fabric, but also of metal and plastic.

Their design can contain plates, pins, bolts, spokes, springs, guides.

Attention!Using a simple bandage bandage, such as Dezo's bandage, it is impossible to correct the angle of fixation of the shoulder girdle and upper limb. But the orthosis perfectly copes with this task. And due to the equipment of an inflatable roller located in the zone of the armpit, this angle can be easily changed. Orthosis with hand flexure amplitude regulator

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Tips for use and care

To avoid exacerbating the problem, it is important to know how to properly wear and wear the shoulder fixer. In this regard, experts give recommendations:

  • Do not wear the bandage immediately after application to the skin in the area of ​​damage to the caregiver or remedy (cream, lotion, ointment, balm);
  • carefully read the instructions for using the lock. If you have any questions, consult your physician for advice;
  • wear the retainer according to the prescription of the doctor. If you need to remove it, do it as carefully as possible. It is necessary to put on the bandage with great care, first fixing it on the shoulder, and then on the arm;
  • Before using the bandage, make sure that you are not allergic to the materials from which it is made.

Due to the fact that the shoulder lock is designed for long or constant wearing, it requires regular maintenance. It is necessary to wash it with the use of gentle detergents.

The water temperature should be room or slightly warm (no higher than 36 ° C). Iron and squeeze the product is not recommended. It is necessary to dry the fixer not in direct sunlight, but in the shade.

Cost and Manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of orthopedic products are the following brands:

  • "Trivets." Produces quality shoulder braces of various types. At the stage of product development, the company cooperates with highly qualified specialists. The brand is very popular not only on the Russian market, but also abroad;
  • Orlett. The peculiarity of this manufacturer is that the shoulder retainers that it produces have limiters of age and appearance;
  • Medi. This German brand is the world leader in the market of orthoses. The manufacturer produces not only supporting, retracting and fixing shoulder braces, but also tires to support the damaged shoulder;
  • Otto Bock. The products of this company can be attributed to the middle price segment. But, despite this, the tires are made of high-quality materials, easy to use, easy to care for.
Comparative table of prices for shoulder locks of the described brandsBrandSupportingFixing
"Trives" 1600 -1755 rub. 2100-2340 rub.
Otto Bock 3700-3870 rub. 4250-4495 rub.
Medi 1310-1530 rub. 8460-10500 rub.
Orlett 2700-2985 rub. 3240-4100 rub.

What materials are used to make the bandage?

This device is made of a dense and elastic fabric. Due to this, the bandage fits snugly to the shoulder, which provides sufficient compression, as well as the correct distribution of load on the joint.

In addition to the fabric, various auxiliary support and fixation systems are used in the process of manufacturing the fasteners - belts, springs, plates, spokes.

If necessary, the band can be equipped with guides, plastic or metal stiffeners.

All fabrics that are used to make fixatives are conditionally divided into synthetic and natural. Cotton fabrics are short-lived, wear out quickly and are not elastic enough.

Synthetics are more practical, pleasant to the body, easy to care for.

Ideal fitting and easy compression are provided by such fabrics as spandex and neoprene, from which the majority of bandages are made.

Neoprene Shoulder Bandage

The subtleties of choosing a band

Before purchasing a shoulder lock, you need to know what type of product you need. To do this, you need to get a consultation from a specialized specialist who will perform the examination and diagnosis.

Based on the results, he will be able to assign the most suitable bandage in your case.

The shoulder retainer should be chosen strictly in size, it should fit snugly against the damaged area and securely fix the shoulder and arm.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, be wary of a fixator made of synthetic materials. Do not forget to find out the shelf life of the product, because over time, the quality and degree of elasticity of the retainer can be reduced.

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What kind of bandage is needed for a shoulder fracture?

The shoulder is one of the most moving joints in the human body, which is very often amenable to trauma. If the fall is unsuccessful, especially on the elongated arm, you can damage the bone and joint, pull muscles and ligaments.

To restore damaged structures, correct bone growth, a fixative is necessary. The attending physician after the appointment appoints which bandage will fit, what degree of rigidity should be.

What depends on the rehabilitation period is a fresh trauma, a post-recovery recovery.

Bandage provides partial or complete immobilization of the affected shoulder. Due to it, the bones are positioned correctly, so that when the integrity is restored, there is no displacement. This entails the development of joint ailments, pain, loss of a full range of limb movements.

The latch removes some of the load from the ligaments and muscles, which are also affected by bone trauma.Due to the immobilization of the limb, the pain syndrome passes more quickly, the affected tissues are restored.

After the fusion of the bones, it is necessary to wear a supporting bandage for some time, which prevents re-injury, reducing the load on the joint with daily movements. This is especially important during sports.

Repeated trauma most often has more serious consequences and a period of rehabilitation than the original one.

The bandage on the shoulder is regulated by several levels of limb fixation. The doctor determines the degree required.


This is an important point in the instructions for use, because an incorrect fixation at one of the rehabilitation periods can lead to an incorrect location of the bones.


And instead of successfully cured fracture, you will get a lot of complications and difficulties in the movements and functions of the hand.

Types of retainers

There are different types of latches, depending on their structure, method of application, degree of fixation and rigidity. Each of them has its own purpose and peculiarities of application at different stages of fracture healing, or its complexity.

There are the following types of fixation stiffness:

  1. Weak fixing - used in stretching, in the prevention of injuries during sports, as well as in the initial period of recovery of the hand after healing of the fracture.
  2. Semi-rigid orthosis - used for articular ailments, bruises, neck fractures in the shoulder joint, during rehabilitation of postoperative intervention. Due to such a fixer, the pain syndrome is removed, the joint is stabilized, exercise of exercise therapy is facilitated during restoration of the articulation.
  3. Hard - it is used for limb paralysis, fractures of different severity, after surgical intervention or correction of the dislocation. Fixation of the hand occurs with the possibility of its insignificant withdrawal, the shoulder in the correct format adjoins to the body, thereby eliminating the possibility of bone displacement under loads.


This tissue lock, which fits snugly to the body, firmly fixes the limb, so that the load is evenly distributed. For its production, elastic knitted material is used.

The bandage is used to fix the hand for minor injuries, sprains and uncomplicated fractures, when it is necessary to leave the mobility of the articulation possible.

Such fasteners in their composition usually have different belts, by means of which the degree of fastening of the hand is regulated.

The main functions are squeezing the skin of the injured shoulder, which reduces the activity of the muscles, and the hand becomes anesthetized, and the level of mobility of the limb decreases. The elastic retainer is worn over clothes, it is not recommended to wear it for a long time, only during the activity period in the daytime.

Pharmacy bandages, not homemade bandages, have the following advantages in use:

  • clasp of adhesive tape;
  • the dressing is fixed over the shoulder, but there is no burden on the cervical spine;
  • there is an opportunity to fix a hand to the body;
  • various fabrics and materials in the composition;
  • straps for supporting the joint and limb;
  • support tape with a sticky attachment.


It is a fixative, which in its structure has metal or plastic fins, and also an elastic fabric. These elements are the main difference from the usual band.

The orthosis on the shoulder joint completely immobilizes the arm, and can also be attached at different angles. It is very convenient and important at different degrees of fracture. Such a clamp can regulate the amount of possible movements of the hand.

It is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Of the indications for use are the following:

  • traumatic affection of ligaments;
  • fracture of the radius;
  • fracture of the cervix in the shoulder joint;
  • fracture of the clavicle;
  • dislocation of the joint.


The main task of the tire is to immobilize the injured limb and protect the injured part.

Provides relief of pain, prevents the development of pain shock and severe consequences of trauma.

When applying the tire, it is important to make sure that the places above and below the injury, as well as the broken bone, are reliably immobilized.

For the shoulder joint, a type of tread bar is used. It is attached to the trunk and opposite shoulder with straps, metal or plastic rings.

On the arm is put on a bandage of fabric and ribs, which form the necessary form of the retainer to which the roller is attached.

It is located between the arm and the body, which provides a reliable and anatomical fixation of the limb.


This type of fixation is used most often instead of ordinary and customary gypsum. Langhe for the shoulder joint is more popular due to the comfortable application and socks.

There are two types of tulips:

  1. Bandage hygroscopic type, which is poured with gypsum. It is very simple and convenient to use, and also made of special lightweight fabric, easy to use and lining the arm. Sold in a sealed package.
  2. A plastic type of gypsum is a thermoplastic, which must first be heated, and when it takes a plastic state, the damaged area is covered. Such a tongue quickly takes the form of a hand and freezes for a couple of seconds. Very convenient and safe to use. Does not stick to hair, it is resistant to moisture, it is hypoallergic, light.

The use of a plaster with a gypsum is a responsible process, because if you apply improperly, instead of using it, you can damage your hand even more. To gnip the limb you need:

  • To begin with, lay the oilcloth on the table, sift the plaster, put a bandage on top and then again a bowl of gypsum.
  • Minimize the bandage and put in water for a short time at room temperature.
  • As soon as the gypsum absorbs the liquid, it is slightly squeezed and unfolded on the table, gently smoothing. It is necessary to prepare about eight - ten such bandages.
  • Now we proceed to superimpose the tulips on the arm. The skin should be lubricated with petroleum jelly, after which the bandages are tied around the arm in turns.
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It is important not to put pressure on the plaster, because the dents will freeze and can put pressure on the arm, provoking the appearance of bruising, pain and swelling, and squeezing the capillaries. The whole process must be done quickly and accurately.

"Overlapping the tire on the shoulder"

In the video you can see how to put the tire on your shoulder.

A source:

How to choose a bandage on the shoulder joint and how to wear it properly

The shoulder joint belongs to the category of the largest and most mobile parts of the human body. It is not surprising that the amount of load that it takes on itself during the operation of the musculoskeletal system is quite large.

Paying the shoulder for such an active mobility becomes the destabilization of the head of the bone, that is, its inability to stably stay in a physiologically correct position.

Based on the statistics, about 13% of all fractures fall on the shoulder segment, and the list of the most common injuries includes a dislocation of the shoulder.

general characteristics

Features of the anatomical structure of the shoulder joint make it vulnerable not only to direct injuries, but also the development of arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis and other associated diseases.

Regular lifting of weights and professional sports also lead to inevitable limitations in movements, periodic and persistent pain syndromes, problems with the spine, etc.

To improve muscle tone, restore natural mobility and get rid of pain, it is recommended to wear special shoulder bands.


The task of the bandage is to fix the shoulder in a certain position, supporting the joint and unloading the entire musculoskeletal apparatus.


Due to the immobilization of the damaged limb, the degree of pain is significantly reduced, and the healing process itself is much faster.

In addition to fixing the shoulder assembly, the bandage limits the motor activity of the elbow joint and pectoral muscles of the back, which also contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient.

In addition, the shoulder orthopedic retainers have a warming effect and serve as a kind of micromassage.

Limiting the dynamics of muscles, the bandage also reduces the static of the ligaments.

And this, in turn, favors the reduction of swelling in the postoperative period and minimizes the risk of hematomas from rupture of small vessels.

Indications for wearing

Indications for wearing a shoulder brace may be the following:

  • diseases associated with inflammation of the joints: arthrosis, arthritis, periarthritis, myositis, brachial osteoarthritis, etc .;
  • dislocations, sprains, bruises, bruises and other cases, accompanied by a violation of the structure of the joint and nearby muscles
  • fractures and cracks in the shoulder;
  • rehabilitation after the removal of gypsum;
  • removal of swelling after surgery and trauma;
  • fractures of the scapula;
  • arthroplasty of the shoulder joint;
  • with the diagnosis of paralysis of the hand or paresis;
  • unloading of the shoulder joint for the speedy restoration of motor functions;
  • hypermobility of the shoulder joint;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • dysfunction of the shoulder joint, which is of a neurological nature.

Types of shoulder bands

Depending on the design and material used, the following types of fixatives are distinguished:

Scarf bandage

It is fixed on the neck with the help of wide straps, which also cover the thoracic area of ​​the back. When it is worn, the hand is fixed in a bent position at an angle of 90 °.

With this method of attachment, the mobility of the articular joint is preserved, but the load on it is minimal.

The most comfortable physiological position of the arm and shoulder is achieved thanks to the adjusting clamps on the supporting belts.

Harness is used for minor injuries: dislocations, bruises, sprains and simple fractures.

However, despite the simplicity of construction and ease of care, this orthopedic retainer has a number of drawbacks.

Firstly, it is difficult enough to dress independently, and secondly - during sleep can shift, leaving the shoulder in an uncomfortable position.

Dezo Headband

It is classified as a medium hardness bandage that stabilizes the injured shoulder along with the trunk.

In the absence of a ready orthopedic fixator, the dressing is applied manually with bandages using a special technique.

Due to reliable fixation of the humerus, tension of ligaments and tendons is eliminated, puffiness decreases, and the threshold of pain sensitivity decreases.

How to properly apply a dezo bandage shown in this video:


This type of bandage is used for arthritis, arthrosis, shoulder and collar fractures, during rehabilitation after operations.


It is often used by athletes to unload joints during the preparation for competitions, as well as to restore physical activity after injuries.

It is made of elastic materials with hypoallergenic effect.

Orthosis of the shoulder joint

It belongs to the category of rigid retainers. The product is equipped with a metal frame, as well as a mechanism for adjusting the angle of the arm.

In the course of the treatment process, the fixation force can change in the direction of decrease.

Due to the metallized basis, the orthosis is as close as possible to the damaged limb and body, which helps to avoid dislocations during walking, bending, tilting.

Appointed for fractures of the radius, shoulder neck, collarbone damage, upper limb paralysis, replacement operations shoulder joint, complex dislocations and other diseases and surgical interventions requiring temporary immobilization the shoulder girdle. They are an alternative to gypsum dressings, but they are better in comparison with them, because they are easier to clean and are made of washable materials.


There are a number of situations in which wearing a bandage is contraindicated or requires additional medical advice. For example:

  • dermatological problems (burns, allergic rashes, dermatitis, eczema, abscesses and other skin diseases in places where the fixer is attached to the body);
  • individual intolerance of the components that make up the fabrication material. It is highly recommended to read the instructions for using the band before you buy;
  • wear the device immediately after applying creams and ointments with a warming effect.

It is important to understand that the duration of the continuous wearing of the bandage depends on the complexity of the shoulder joint damage and the therapeutic purposes pursued.

Some fixatives are designed for stationary socks, but in most cases they must be periodically removed to avoid the occurrence of pressure sores and atrophy of immobile areas of the skin.

Temporarily released hand should be kept in peace or supported by a light bandage bandage.

Care instructions

Practically all bandages are made of soft elastic fabrics, therefore they require systematic hygienic treatment. Such things are washed by hand in cool water. On what it is necessary to pay attention at washing:

  • Before starting washing, fasten all fasteners and Velcro;
  • Do not use aggressive detergents, including whitening effect;
  • ironing is contraindicated;
  • You can not unscrew and strongly squeeze the fabric to avoid disturbance of the structural components;
  • dry cleaning is prohibited.

Since the frame of the bandage can have rigid inserts, they must also be regularly wiped with a soap solution.

Precautionary measures

The basic rule of wearing a bandage is to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to adjust the degree of support of the latch independently.

If there is no possibility to go to the hospital, you should carefully read the instructions or get advice in the orthopedic shop.

The shoulder band (not to be confused with the scarf) is worn only on the naked body, fastened around the torso with a special Velcro.

There are force majeure situations when the patient is forced to do it on his own.

In this case, before fitting the bandage, you should make sure that it is fit and there is no damage.

Any malfunctions of the supporting elements can lead to incorrect fixation of the joint and, as a result, disturbance of the blood flow, infringement of the nerve and other negative consequences.

What to look for when buying a bandage

Since there are many options for fixatives, it makes sense to adhere to certain evaluation rules when choosing the model of interest. The determining factors of choice are:

  • Material. Preference is given to tissues that have a minimum percentage of synthetics in their composition. It is also necessary to take into account individual characteristics regarding the intolerance of a material.
  • Band Size. It is calculated from the circumferences of the shoulder and elbow joints, the thorax. Usually the size grid corresponds to the standard world parameters: S, M, L, XL.
  • Degree of fixation. Here you need to focus on the nature of the disease. Bandages with easy fixation are used usually for preventive purposes, medium - for arthritis, sprains, dislocations, bruises, hard - for complex injuries and in the postoperative period.

Main producers

A good reputation in the sphere of orthopedic products production is enjoyed by the following trademarks:

  • Orlett. One of the most recognizable brands in the profile market. In favor of German quality, many doctors and professional athletes make their choice. To date, the company offers about 80 models of bandages, orthoses, polymer immobilizing bandages of other and orthopedic products, calculated for all age groups of patients.
  • Medi. It is one of the five world leaders in the development and production of products in the field of orthopedics. On sale there is a large selection of shoulder bands (immobilizing, retracting, supporting), as well as shoulder tires and much more.
  • OttoBock. A well-known prosthetic and orthopedic concern founded more than 90 years ago in Germany. The main profile is the production of rehabilitation and orthopedic products in the middle price segment. When manufacturing many fixatives, orthoses and bandages, the modern ComforTemp material with the thermoregulation function is used.

The effectiveness of treatment and the duration of the recovery period depends not only on the complexity of the problem, but also on how quickly a person can seek help from a doctor. The faster the diagnosis of the disease, the easier it is to restore all motor functions and return to the habitual way of life.

Bandage on the shoulder joint: purpose, types, selection rules. Link to the main publication

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