How to identify pneumonia

How to quickly identify pneumonia in the home?

How to identify pneumonia in the home? Pneumonia is a common infectious disease that affects the lung tissue. The inflammatory process develops in the alveoli and bronchi, leading to the appearance of pathological changes in them. Inflammation of the lungs is most common in children, but it is often diagnosed in adults. The causative agents of the disease are mycoplasmas, staphylococci and viruses. Depending on the type of microorganisms entering the lung tissue, the symptoms may vary.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia occurs not only when it comes in contact with pathogens and viruses, it can also occur in bedridden patients with impaired pulmonary circulation. Therefore, the patient is often advised to turn over. This will help to avoid the formation of pressure sores that cause blood infection. The treatment takes about a month and includes the use of antibiotics, immunomodulators and restorative drugs, as well as physiotherapy. A good effect is given and some folk remedies.

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The main signs of the disease are: pain behind the sternum, painful cough with sputum separation, severe fever, increased fatigue, pain in the muscles and joints.

If you have at least one of these symptoms, we recommend that you consult your doctor immediately.

Weakened immunity contributes to the rapid development of the disease, exacerbating its course of bad habits: smoking and alcoholism. The inhalation of tobacco smoke promotes irritation of bronchial mucous membranes. Other reasons for the development of pneumonia are: surgical interventions, chronic heart and vascular disease, endocrine disorders, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions. Inflammation of the lungs can be bacterial, viral and atypical. It can be quite difficult to understand what kind of disease the patient has. Signs of pneumonia can not be recognized, confused with the symptoms of colds and SARS. However, there are specific signs of how to recognize pneumonia.

How is pneumonia diagnosed?

So, let's figure out what to do if you are faced with such a disease as pneumonia, how to determine pneumonia? Clinical manifestations depend on the degree of damage to the lung tissue and the age of the patient. In children and older people, this disease is more severe. One of the characteristic signs of pneumonia is pain when coughing. Rare coughs eventually pass into a painful, debilitating cough. In addition, the body temperature rises sharply to 39-40 ° C and is accompanied by a fever. There are pains in the chest and stomach with inspiration, sneezing and coughing.

In the next stages of the disease, the patient experiences constant aching pain behind the sternum, breathing becomes more frequent. Sputum contains impurities of pus and has a yellow or brown color. When the temperature rises, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Developing intoxication, which manifests itself in the form of rapid heartbeats and headaches. Dehydration begins.

In addition to the characteristic symptoms of pneumonia, there is a decrease in appetite, the appearance of an unhealthy blush on the cheeks, especially from the inflamed lung. Due to a strong decrease in immunity, stomatitis and eruptions on the lips may appear. Urine is released in small amounts and has a dark color.

In order to avoid serious complications, it is necessary to pass the examination and immediately begin treatment. Focal forms of the disease affect individual lobes of the lung and can occur without pronounced symptoms. Under the influence of some factors, focal inflammation can become aggravated and quickly capture the entire lung.

How to cure pneumonia on an outpatient basis? For proper treatment of pneumonia, complex therapy is required. The course of treatment is selected individually, depending on the causative agent of the disease and the main symptoms. Usually appoint several drugs compatible with each other. They can be picked up only by a doctor, in addition, in some cases, treatment should be adjusted.

Why take antibiotics?

Focal pneumonia, previously considered a fatal disease, with the help of modern antibiotics is completely cured. The main task of doctors is to select an effective antibiotic. Many pathogens of infection eventually become resistant to certain antibiotics, especially if they are not taken correctly.

Before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to hand over sputum for analysis. Sowing on nutrient media will help identify the causative agent of infection and select an antibacterial drug.

Light forms of pneumonia occur when the body gets mycoplasma, chlamydia and pneumococci. These pneumonia have their own characteristics, with the help of which doctors distinguish them from other forms of pneumonia. When pneumococcal infections are prescribed antibiotics penicillin series. If the disease is caused by mycoplasmas, antibiotics of the tetracycline series, fluoroquinolones and macrolides will be effective. Macrolides and fluoroquinolones are suitable for the destruction of chlamydia. The duration of treatment depends on how quickly the symptoms begin to subside. It is recommended to take antibiotics for at least a week.

How to remove phlegm?

An important part of the treatment is the excretion of phlegm from the lungs. Accumulation of sputum in the lungs promotes the multiplication of bacteria and aggravation of the course of the disease. Now, in the treatment of pneumonia, ambroxol is most commonly prescribed. This drug dilutes sputum without increasing its volume, activates bronchial peristalsis, which contributes to rapid excretion of sputum from the bronchi, stimulates the production of surfactant - a substance that prevents the gluing of the walls of the alveoli. Due to these properties, this drug can replace most mucolytics and antitussives. It can be used by inhalation or in the form of tablets and syrups.

A good effect in pneumonia is given by warming up and physiotherapy methods of treatment. They can be prescribed after lowering body temperature. At home, you can put banks and mustard plasters, carrying out these procedures in turn. Then go to the procedures conducted in the clinic. With pneumonia, UHF, electrophoresis with drugs, magnetotherapy, etc. are prescribed. In the recovery period, you can go through paraffin therapy and mud therapy. Exercise of respiratory exercises begins immediately after bringing the body temperature back to normal.

Folk methods of treatment of pneumonia

Reception of antibiotics can be combined with the use of such drugs:

  1. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort and 3 tbsp. spoons of elecampane pour, l. boiling water. Broth boil on low heat for 30-40 minutes. Melt 2 cups of lime honey in a water bath. Add 1 cup of vegetable oil to the liquid honey. Then decoction of St. John's wort and elecampane strain and add to it the mixture of honey and butter obtained. Infuse the medicine in the refrigerator for 2 weeks in a glass container, then take 5 times a day for 1 hour. spoon. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  2. 250 g. of aloe leaves finely chopped, mixed with, l. Cahors and 350 g. liquid honey. Infuse for 2 weeks, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Rehabilitation of the patient

After treatment of pneumonia, it is recommended to eat a small piece of propolis daily, and also to inflate balloons. This exercise is necessary to increase the volume of the lungs and restore their functions.

How to determine the inflammation of the lungs by the first symptoms

This disease is often called pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs is a lesion of one or both lungs, which is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi. Despite advances in medicine, pneumonia is considered a serious and dangerous disease, which gives serious complications. How to determine the inflammation of the lungs by the first symptoms?

How does pneumonia spread?

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Inflammation of the lungs in some cases is transmitted by airborne droplets. When a sick person sneezes at others, his secretions contain microorganisms and bacteria that when ingested in a respiratory system of a healthy person, causes inflammatory infectious processes.

Sometimes, pneumonia occurs due to viral infections or hypothermia, weakened immunity. Pneumonia can occur with increased activity of bacteria, which are constantly in the nasopharynx. With weakened immunity, the body can not cope with viruses, and they instantly begin to multiply, penetrating into the lungs, and cause an inflammatory process.

How to determine the inflammation of the lungs by the first symptoms?

Symptoms of the disease are quite diverse, very often there is an asymptomatic course of the disease, and then the inflammation of the lungs is difficult to determine. If the inflammation of the lungs begins to be treated with delay, and during the treatment there are a lot of complications.

For inflammation of the lungs are characterized by such manifestations of the disease:

1. cough,

2. dyspnea,

3. heat,

4. fever,

5. separation of sputum.

6. In some cases, purulent discharge with blood is observed, which have the presence of veins structured in sputum.

7. Another of the important symptoms - when you try to take a deep breath there is a pain in your chest. Usually the pain manifests itself where the main focus of the disease is and such feelings are characteristic for the pleural form of pneumonia.

How to diagnose pneumonia?

To determine the inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary to perform lung fluoroscopy. It is the X-ray that is considered the main tool for diagnosing the disease, the focus of inflammation is clearly visible on the X-ray. In addition to X-rays, a laboratory analysis of sputum during coughing is also carried out, and a complete picture of pneumonia is established (the presence of bacteria, viruses and microorganisms).

A very unpleasant procedure is bronchoscopy, which allows you to put not only a diagnosis, but also to study bronchi. The process of bronchoscopy is as follows: in the patient's nose insert a videotube and the doctor examines the bronchi of the patient, if necessary, makes the mucosal fence directly from the source of inflammation. To prevent disease use a special vaccine.

How to identify pneumonia / How to recognize pneumonia

There is not a single person who would not have had pneumonia at a different age. Physicians still call this disease pneumonia. Why is pneumonia so common? Probably, because the same colds can cause pneumonia. It is believed that pneumonia is a rather complex disease that can carry many complications. To put it simply, pneumonia is an inflammation of one or two lungs caused by infections, bacteria and various fungi. Consider how to recognize the inflammation of the lungs.

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How to identify pneumonia, its symptoms

1. Inflammation of the lungs is determined by raising the temperature to 39 degrees.

2. Cough and shortness of breath.

3. Waste of phlegm.

4. The inflammation of the lungs is recognized by the fact that a person starts to freeze.

5. When you breathe in, you feel a pain in the chest.

6. Inflammation of the lungs is determined by headache and in rare cases of loss of consciousness.

7. Inflammation of the lungs is recognized by changes in skin color.

8. Lethargy.

9. The person stops eating normally.

10. At a high temperature, the skin peels, its dryness.

11. In very complicated forms of pneumonia, pulmonary edema occurs. What can lead to death.

How to recognize pneumonia - diagnostic methods

The main diagnostic method for determining lung inflammation is an X-ray, in which the doctor will be able to clearly diagnose pneumonia. In addition, sputum and blood tests are carried out.

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) usually occurs as a result of infection of the lungs, which, most often, is caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. Before the discovery of penicillin, every third person who contracted pneumonia died. However, despite the achievements of modern medicine, it is believed that pneumonia is a dangerous and serious disease, as regularly 5% of patients die.

Methods of infection with pneumonia

In some cases, pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets. A person with pneumonia suffers from sneezing; its secretion, containing microorganisms and bacteria, cause inflammation, getting into the lungs of a healthy person. In other cases, pneumonia is a consequence of the increased activity of bacteria present in the throat and nose of a person. With a decrease in immune protection, the human body can not resist these viruses, they begin to multiply instantly, make their way into the lungs and cause inflammation. This can happen because of viral infections or hypothermia.

How to recognize pneumonia in the home?

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs are recognized, depending on the species. The course and duration of the disease also differs. The first signs of pneumonia are often similar to signs of acute respiratory viral infection, which adversely affects the timely determination of the disease and its treatment. In adults, the symptoms of pneumonia can be more severe than in children.

You can find pneumonia by 5 symptoms:

  • cough;
  • temperature in the range 37-3
  • sputum and shortness of breath;
  • chills;
  • decreased appetite.

The appearance of a cough is found in many diseases. It is necessary to closely monitor breathing; with pneumonia it will be difficult, and, when you try to take a deep breath, you will have a fit of coughing. Also, like cough, the temperature is an indicator of many diseases, but with pneumonia it can not be brought down by antipyretic agents. The disease can be accompanied by fever, loss of consciousness, headache. How to recognize pneumonia in children and infants - with pneumonia, characteristic symptoms may not be observed, with the exception of fever, loss of appetite and lethargy. As soon as you notice symptoms of pneumonia in yourself or your loved ones, do not delay, immediately begin treatment.

Prevention of pneumonia

Take care of yourself, do not let external and internal negative factors affect your body. Go in for sports to prevent pneumonia and lead an active lifestyle, forget about bad habits, eat right and do exercises in the morning, do body hardening. Then no viral infection will disturb your immunity. God give you health and long life!

How to determine pneumonia

Pneumonia or pneumonia is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system. It develops both as an independent disease, and as a complication of other pathological processes. Often its first signs resemble an ordinary cold. However, among them, one can also see characteristic symptoms.


  1. The development of pneumonia is facilitated by viral, bacterial and fungal infections, as well as the inhalation of chemical and toxic substances. No less common cause of pneumonia is the complications of other diseases (influenza, bronchitis, etc.), as well as prolonged bed rest.
  2. The manifestation of pneumonia depends on the severity of the inflammatory process (complete or partial damage to the lung tissue), as well as on the age of the patient, concomitant diseases and other factors capable of somehow changing the picture of the disease. However, some symptoms are still characteristic of pneumonia.
  3. One of the first signs of pneumonia is a painful cough that turns into a painful cough. Most often it is accompanied by a high temperature up to 39-40 ° C with a shaking chill. In this case, it is possible to assume pneumonia in cases of pain in the side (in the chest), and sometimes in the stomach during coughing, sneezing and inspiration-exhalation.
  4. As the inflammatory process spreads, there is a constant aching pain in the chest. Breathing becomes superficial and frequent. During the cough, the mucous sputum changes to purulent and acquires the color of rust.
  5. Because of the fever, dry skin, peeling. Signs of dehydration and intoxication of the body. This in turn affects the cardiovascular and nervous system, which is manifested by rapid heart rate and headache.
  6. In addition to the characteristic signs of pneumonia, appetite decreases. Blush may appear on the cheeks, especially from the side of the affected lung. Often, herpes rashes around the lips and nostrils are added. Due to dehydration, urine acquires a dark color and is released in small amounts.
  7. A severe consequence of pneumonia is pulmonary edema. Often it leads to death. But even with a favorable outcome of the disease, spikes (replacement of the lung tissue by a denser one) may remain, which disrupt the functional capacity of the lungs.
  8. To avoid all unforeseen consequences of pneumonia, it is worthwhile to see a doctor at the first signs of her suspicion, for example, with pain during a cough (even mildly expressed), since focal pneumonia, when individual sections of the lung are involved in the inflammatory process, may proceed with a weak symptomatology. However, unfavorable factors can cause its aggravation.

Inflammation of the lungs in children: symptoms and treatment of newborns and infants

  • Symptoms in children 1-3
  • Symptoms in infants
  • Treatment

Inflammation of the lungs is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system.Inflammation of the lungs in children can be primary and develop independently or secondary, that is develop as a consequence of another infectious disease, transferred earlier, for example, sinusitis or influenza.

A child of any age, even just born, can get sick of this infection.Today, there are many medicines to treat this disease, so the disease can be called not so dangerous than a few dozen years ago.

However, it is not necessary to relax, since pneumonia is a serious illness that must be treated on time and correctly, so as not to lead to a fatal outcome.

  • The cause of the disease can be bacteria, viruses, fungiand all kinds of parasites. In the lungs of a child, these organisms are through breathing.
  • The main factors of the disease are viral infections, as a result of which the immunity of the child becomes weak.
  • Respiratory infectionsincrease the amount of mucus and reduce their bactericidal activity, and air enters the lungs not so clean and moist. All this kills epithelial cells and reduces the immunity of the baby, so that all microbes and viruses calmly penetrate the respiratory tract, leading to an inflammatory process in the lungs.

At infection, in the lungs there is an edema of the small bronchus, because of which the air enters the body badly. And it is here that the process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. The gas exchange process is hampered and oxygen is supplied to internal organs in insufficient quantity for normal functioning.


A doctor who determines a child's lung inflammation should always determine the form and severity of the disease. Only in this way can an adequate treatment be prescribed that will give results and facilitate the treatment process.

Inflammation can be of several types:

  • Croupous- One lung is affected. Can be left-handed or right-handed. The baby immediately jumps to a temperature of 39-40 degrees. In the lungs and abdomen, pain is felt, a moist cough with phlegm appears, red rashes appear on the body;
  • Focal. It is diagnosed in children aged 1-3 years. It affects the entire area of ​​the lung. This form is considered secondary and appears as a result of the transferred bronchitis. The first symptoms are high fever, dry and deep cough. This type of disease can be cured only by prolonged intake of the necessary drugs. Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • Segmented. Partially affects the child's lung. When this child does not want to eat and play, sleeps badly, the temperature appears 37-38 degrees. Coughing can be practically non-existent, because of what often this type of illness is difficult to detect from the first days of appearance;
  • Staphylococcal. This type of infection infects newborns and babies up to one year. The main symptoms are shortness of breath, vomiting, coughing and wheezing with heavy breathing. ESR and leukocytosis in the blood test will be above the norm. With timely and correct treatment, the disease will begin to recede after - 2 months. After that, the baby undergoes a 10-day rehabilitation.

Inflammation: symptoms in children from one year to three

According to statistics, babies are more likely to suffer from inflammation.All this is explained by the underdeveloped respiratory system in children under three years old. The weight of the baby's organs is only being formed and developing, so they can not fully resist the infections. In children up to the age of three, lung tissue is not yet mature, the respiratory tract is small and narrow, and the mucous membranes are saturated with blood vessels, because of what instantly swell as a result of infection, which leads to a deterioration in ventilation lungs.

In addition, the ciliated epithelium still can not quickly remove phlegm, which becomes more numerous in the disease. As a result, the infection safely penetrates into the body, settles in the organs and multiplies, leading to severe inflammation.

About the inflammation of the lungs, parents can guess by certain signs and symptoms.If the disease does not recede, but on the contrary gaining strength. If the child's immunity weakens day by day and all the treatment procedures performed do not lead to the desired result, it is necessary to urgently show the child to the doctor and think about serious medication.


It is not necessary in such cases to engage in self-medication and risk the health and life of the baby. This can only worsen a child's condition, and time for quick and painless treatment will be missed.

  • Symptoms of pneumonia in children aged two and three years are the same.
  • Parents should identify them in the shortest possible time and urgently call the doctor at home.
  • Within 3-5 days from the onset of the development of a cold or flu, the child's condition does not improve, the temperature constantly rises and cough intensifies.
  • The child refuses to eat, does not sleep well, is capricious and does not want to do anything about a week after the onset of the illness.
  • The main symptom is a strong strangling cough.
  • There may also be shortness of breath and a small temperature, indicating an inflammatory process in a small body.
  • The child begins to breathe frequently and intensively, but can not breathe normally.


Children 1-3 years should do 25-30 breaths, at an older age the norm is reduced to 25 breaths per minute.

With pneumonia the baby breathes more often than usual.There is a cough, runny nose, fever and temperature. If more than three consecutive days the fever keeps, you need to take antipyretic drugs.

Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms of pneumonia in infants

Mom must constantly monitor the condition of her baby, as the inflammation of the lungs in newborns manifests itself immediately and it will be seen from the behavior of the child.

If the baby whimpers all the time, behaves sluggishly and indifferent to the world around him or cries all the time, does not want to eat and at the same time the temperature rises to the baby, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

Most often pneumonia is diagnosed in infants who are on artificial feeding. As well as this disease, children with diathesis, rickets and other diseases are susceptible.The main symptoms that talk about the inflammation of the lungs in infants:

  • Temperature. In the first year with pneumonia, the temperature may not be high, in contrast to older children. It can stay within 37 degrees, sometimes rising to 3 degrees. In addition, the temperature at this age will not indicate the severity of the disease;
  • Unnatural behavior. The kid behaves uneasily, reacts badly to others, refuses food and breast, while in his sleep he constantly turns and cries. Vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose and a strong cough may also occur;
  • Breath. The baby becomes painful to breathe. When coughing, purulent and mucous formations are prominent. There is shortness of breath and rapid breathing. Sometimes foam and discharge can go from the nose and mouth.


    The norm in newborns is 50 breaths per minute. From two months to one year, children make 25-40 breaths. If the number of breaths becomes larger, the baby may have pneumonia.

    You can also observe how the skin is drawn into the child during breathing. Usually this happens from the patient's lung. To do this, you need to undress the baby and see how the skin behaves between the ribs;

  • Cyanosisnasolabial triangle. This symptom is manifested by blue skin over the upper lip and under the nose. Especially the skin turns blue during breastfeeding.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

Children under three years of age who have been diagnosed with pneumonia can be treated both in the hospital and at home. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the small patient.

The doctor should identify the type of pneumonia, on the basis of which the risks of complications will be determined.

  • Inflammation of the lungs in children can be treated at home, if the baby is not intoxicated, not breathing and the work of internal organs.
  • In addition, the doctor should be sure that the child's living conditions will be favorable for his treatment and will not provoke complications.
  • In this case, the doctor must come to the patient every day until the condition of the baby can not be called satisfactory, but stable. If the child's improved condition lasts several days, the doctor can come to the patient once or twice a day.

Treatment of newborns and children up to3-хyears should be spent in a hospital.Also, under the constant supervision of doctors should be children with respiratory failure, rickets, immunodeficiency. Immediate hospitalization is carried out by children who do not experience any improvement within 1-2 days of treatment.

Children with pneumonia are assigned bed rest in a ventilated room with an air humidity of 50-60%.

  • The trunk and head of the child in a horizontal position should rise.
  • It is necessary to drink a lot, so that the blood liquefies and sputum forms, which removes the entire infection from the body.
  • A complex treatment is prescribed, the basis of which is antibacterial therapy.
Before prescribing antibiotics, it is necessary to determine the presence of allergic reactions to any kind of medications from the baby and its close relatives. Initially, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is selected, which the child will take up to pores until all test results are obtained and the pathogen and species are determined disease.

Usually, the course of taking antibiotics is7-10 days.In severe forms, the course can be prolonged. In addition, antifungal agents and probiotics with vitamins are prescribed to support the body and enhance immunity.

If antibiotics do not improve the patient's condition for two days, the drug is urgently changed to another. After the temperature subsides and ceases to rise, dyspnea and wheezing during breathing will also decrease, the treatment continues for a couple of more days. Reception of antibiotics is terminated only after the complete cure of the child.

In order for the sputum to leave the baby's body well, stimulating and coughing means are used, thanks to which the bronchial secretion is diluted and eliminated from the body.

To do this, use plant, synthetic and semi-synthetic medicines, the basis of which are medicinal plants.

Also, antipyretic agents may be prescribed:

  • Babies up to 3 months at a temperature of 38 degrees and febrile convulsions;
  • At a temperature of 39-40 degrees;
  • With toxicosis and poor condition of the child.

After recovery from a serious illness, the rehabilitation process begins, during which the child is prescribed curative breathing exercises, warm inhalations and chest massage.

The doctor must always monitor the condition of the baby and his internal organs.After recovery, you need to pass the necessary tests to determine the need to take medication to restore the normal functioning of all the organs of the child. During the year the baby should visit the pediatrician every month.

Interesting Facts

Every year, according to statistics, 150 million children aged 1-5 years and younger suffer from such an ailment as pneumonia. Of these, 70% of all cases are associated with viruses that can be treated without antibiotics, 20% are infected with bacteria, and only 10% of all diagnosed diseases require treatment in the hospital.

A doctor can determine the presence of pneumonia in a child according to the main signs, the results of a blood test and a lung X-ray. And first of all it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease. Dr. Komarovsky argues that pneumonia in children is not necessarily treated in a hospital.

Medical assistance is necessary only in the event of a child's poor state and if it begins to suffocate. There are specific symptoms in which you urgently need to see a doctor.

Dr. Komarovsky singles out a few:

  1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease;
  2. Impairment after improvement;
  3. Any catarrhal disease that lasts more than a week;
  4. Coughing attacks with deep breathing;
  5. Pronounced pallor of the skin;
  6. Shortness of breath and lack of antipyretic effect.

As it turns out, it is not always necessary to prick injections. There are many analogues in syrups and tablets, which also act effectively. Therefore, if a child can swallow tablets, it is not necessary to give him injections.

To prevent the disease the child must live and develop under normal conditions, eat balanced and walk more often outdoors.


How to determine at home, is there pneumonia or not?


larysa lymar

Only the toctor should listen and do not tighten the puffiness of the lungs, oxygen starvation of the brain

Yana Galickaya

by symptoms (cough, fever, chills)


better to the doctor and the faster, the better.

Lyubov Emelyanova

With both hands, squeeze the chest down, if you scream in pain, then just pneuma

love ilina

No way. Only X-rays. All other symptoms - cough, fever, and others. diseases. For example, with bronchitis.


Breathe deeply and exhale sharply if you feel pain in your lungs then go to the doctor

Steppe Dmitry

At an early stage, not every doctor will determine, but you want at home.


The high temperature, which lasts more than 5 days and almost does not get off (even against the background of tolerable health), or suddenly comes back after, it seemed, a cure for colds; a strong cough, a pain in the chest, strong, audible rattles with deep breathing (with bronchitis it's squeaks, and with pneumonia rales are coarse, crispy).

How to determine pneumonia?


Nikolay Egorov

To diagnose pneumonia in patients with a cough, a number of diagnostic criteria have been proposed. However, the use of these criteria in practice is difficult.
Based on data on the high sensitivity and specificity of the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) for the diagnosis of pneumonia, a group of physicians in the US, led by Dr. R. Gonzales explored the value of the rapid test for determining CRP. The study involved 168 consecutive patients with cough complaints lasting no more than 3 weeks. The level of CRP in the blood from the finger was determined using the NycoCard II Test Kit (Axis-Shield of Oslo, Norway).
In all patients, in addition to the determination of CRP and chest X-ray, an evaluation of the symptoms of the disease was also performed. In 20 patients (12%), pneumonia was confirmed radiologically. The mean level of CRP in patients with confirmed pneumonia was statistically significantly higher than the mean level of CRP in patients without pneumonia (60 mg / l vs 9 mg / l, pStatic analysis confirms that the rapid test for determining the level of CRP has the same diagnostic power as the approved scale Heckerling.
With a CRP level of 100 mg / L and higher, the CRP test was highly specific for the diagnosis of pneumonia. This threshold value allows in doubtful cases to decide the need for chest radiography or the beginning of empirical antibacterial therapy.
Thus, based on the data presented, it can be concluded that the rapid test for determining the level of C-reactive protein in the blood is valuable in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia.

Maxim Pegasov

Take everything that you like

Nadezhda Davletshina

To determine it you need to take a picture.. Do not put the veneer in, if you do not die... prescribe antibiotics to pierce and all, do not get so scared ...

elena m

so you are treated with natural preparations and not with chemistry
I can help with recommendations
without antibiotics and pricks

Yulia Timoshenko

Go to the district therapist. Let them listen to your lungs. Perhaps you just have a relapse of ODS. To get sick with pneumonia, you must bear a very severe flu or very much catch cold (lying in the snow for a day).

[email protected] @))
In general, the alveoli overflowing with inflammatory contents are pressurized by capillaries, disrupting the circulation, until the blood flow ceases completely in a number of sites of the inflammatory tissue.
These anatomical changes do not always occur in a strictly defined sequence. Because of this, the morphological picture in different areas of the lung can be quite variegated. Lymph nodes located near the sites of inflammation increase in size and remain swollen even for some time after the elimination of the inflammatory process. As recovery recovers, the normal anatomical structure of the lung recovers, and the alveolar tissue begins to perform the usual gas exchange functions for it. In those cases when the lungs do not fully absorb the inflammatory effusion for a long time, it can accompanied by violations of respiratory function until the emergence of severe failure of external respiration.


relax it is not pneumonia, with her cough moist, the temperature is off scale. At you .most easier a pharyngitis, tabletochki resorbing popey, rinse a neck, more tea with a raspberry, a compress on the top part of a thorax


the doctor can and does not listen to pneumonia! do a fluorography. Buy sumamed 500 and drink 3 days for 1 capsule.
Now pneumonia is treated without a hospital.


You are more like a new ARVI. And about the pneumonia will have to vybirt between life and fear.

Inflammation of the child in the symptoms and treatment | How to treat pneumonia in children

One of the most dangerous diseases for babies is pneumonia or pneumonia in a child. A few decades ago it was believed that it was almost impossible to save a child under the age of one year. Modern medicines significantly improved the survival rate of children. Nevertheless, if the manifestations of pneumonia were detected in a timely manner, this has a much more favorable prognosis than the disease found at a late stage.

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Symptoms of developing pneumonia in a child

As already mentioned above, not only health, but also the child's life depends on the early diagnosis. Important role in the diagnosis of inflammation of the lungs are played by parents, because they should note the deterioration of the child's well-being.

The disease is very rapidly developing and, therefore, the level of oxygen that enters the blood and disease, and often leads to death or disability, is reduced. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of the disease, immediately go to the doctor to conduct a qualitative diagnosis of the disease and begin the right treatment. Every person just needs to know how to identify the symptoms of ailment.

The first manifestations of pneumonia in children

Determining the first symptoms of the disease is not easy. The child is not able to assess his condition and the degree of pain syndrome, unlike an adult. When collecting laboratory tests to determine the diagnosis, the child is difficult to identify the beginning of pathogenesis. It is very difficult to establish - the child felt recently a malaise, a headache, weakness, chills.

The first signs of inflammation boil down to the fact that:

1. with a cold disease after 3-5 days, the temperature begins to rise,

2. there is a cough,

3. child cranky, sluggish,

4. he has rapid, shallow breathing.

5. In the process of breathing, one half of the chest is significantly behind.

6. The child does not eat well, sleeps practically only on one side, often sweats.

All of the above symptoms should alert the parents, and urgently seek medical attention. In young children, if the treatment is not performed on time, pneumonia can end in tragedy for the family. Only a correctly diagnosed diagnosis can guarantee a quick recovery and prevent possible complications after pneumonia.

Clinical symptoms of pulmonary inflammation in children

Anxiety signs of pneumonia are:

1. Temperature increase

2. Refusal of the child from food. This is especially true of breastfeeding.

3. Capriciousness, bad sleep.

4. Coughing and wheezing when breathing.

Unfortunately, inflammation does not always have such obvious symptoms. Very often the only sign of the disease is the increased capriciousness of the child and rapid breathing - more than sixty breaths per minute for a child of up to 2 months and more than fifty, for a baby from 3 months to of the year. With the development of the disease begins to manifest a lack of oxygen, which primarily affects the color of the face - nasolabial triangle and the skin under the eyes acquire a characteristic bluish tint, and the skin of the body becomes sodgy colors. In no case should one engage in self-medication and use non-concerted with the pediatrician folk means, since the inflammation, the symptoms of which intensify over time, is extremely unfavorable forecast.

Symptoms of moderate to severe pneumonia in children

Such forms of inflammation predominate in newborns and infants);

1. often at the beginning of the disease there are symptoms of ARI: an increase in body temperature (may be small), coughing, stuffiness nose, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the throat, pain in the throat (if the child can independently complain of pain), conjunctivitis;

2. in a few days, the symptoms of acute respiratory infection may diminish or completely disappear, with subsequent deterioration in the child;

3. characterized by anxiety, severe symptoms of intoxication (high fever, weakness, lethargy, pale skin, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, older children may complain of pain in the muscles and joints, headache pain);

4. cough (at first dry, then - productive);

5. shortness of breath with swelling of the wings of the nose, shallow breathing.

To diagnose the disease, the clinical picture, laboratory tests and lung radiography are used. The basis of treatment is the use of antibacterial drugs. With timely treatment of pneumonia, the prognosis for the child is favorable, the symptoms quickly stop. In case of untimely started therapy, the risk of complications increases.

To dispel doubts, whether the child has pneumonia or not, take a blood test and phlegm, go through fluoroscopy. If the diagnosis is confirmed, in no case do self-medication, since there are known cases with a fatal outcome.

How to treat traditional methods of pneumonia in children?

The disease requires much more thorough treatment than a similar disease in an adult. In the success of treatment, early diagnostics plays an important role. That is why, when the first symptoms of inflammation in the baby, you need to urgently go to the doctor.

Treatment is always carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists whose main task is to stop the development of infection as soon as possible. To do this, use antibiotics, the dosage of which is selected strictly individually, depending on the child's age, weight and complexity of the disease. Often children's pneumonia is complicated by edema of already narrow breathing passages, which causes difficulties in breathing. In order to prevent oxygen starvation during pneumonia, a variety of sprays are used to help reduce swelling. Children under one year, in such cases, are placed in the nasal passages oxygen tubes.

After discharge, children who have had pneumonia, undergo a long period of rehabilitation, which consists of massages, physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Some children, for the prevention of the occurrence of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, are shown sanatorium treatment and procedures for strengthening immunity.

Medicamentous therapy for pneumonia in a child?

In the treatment of all kinds of pneumonia, antibiotics are used. At present, unfortunately, inflammation can not be cured by penicillin alone, since bacteria and viruses have become resistant to this drug. Often used in the treatment of antibiotics second and third orders - Amoxicillin, Levofloxacin, Cephalosporin, Clavulanate and Sulfamethoxazole. When pneumonia develops slowly, it is recommended to consume sulfur-containing antibiotics.

In the treatment of pneumonia caused by rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses and influenza, often antibiotics do not give the proper effect, which leads to the addition of antiviral drugs in the course treatment.

In fungal forms of pneumonia, it is mandatory to use drugs that have an effect locally on each fungus. Also, you need to know that it is necessary to follow a diet. To cope with the disease several times faster, it is possible to supplement medicament therapy with folk remedies.

Treatment of pneumonia passes through many stages. The use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. If the inflammation of the lungs is fungal in nature, in such cases, drugs are applied that affect each kind of fungus. Naturally, you should not refuse from the folk remedies that can strengthen the immune system, energize the body with vitamins.

With regard to the complications of the disease, it should be noted that they can occur when the diagnosis is incorrect and treated. Since each form of the virus requires a specific set of medicines for treatment. One form of complication may be damage to the nervous system or even lung cancer.

Principles of Home Treatment of Pulmonary Inflammations in Children

To cure ailment in the home, it is necessary to adhere to such rules.

  • Do not self-medicate, but rather seek qualified help from a doctor.
  • Bed rest.
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  • Drink plenty of fluids in the form of teas. Medicinal infusions or milk with a little addition of soda.
  • Drinking horseradish tincture.
  • An unconventional method of treating inflammation of the lungs suggests eating quail eggs a day (adults 506 eggs, children not more than three).
  • By the way, with pneumonia, a certain type of diet is prescribed (? 15).

Do not forget that the child's inflammatory processes can be more painful, so it is necessary to monitor all methods for preventing pneumonia in advance. After the illness, the children require special attention of the children's pulmonologist and pediatrician.

Causes of pulmonary inflammation in children and prevention of disease

The disease is caused mainly by pathogens, these microbes are in the mouth and mouth healthy child, but it is worth the child getting sick, how they become active and begins inflammatory process. The disease mainly arises from overcooling or systematic overheating.

At the child the inflammation proceeds much more quickly and more difficultly, than at the adult person. The cause of the disease is hypothermia, insufficient care for the baby, poor living conditions, which contribute to the development of bacteria.

Features of the structure of the children's nasopharynx - short air channels, narrow nasal passages, loose bronchi and poorly developed lungs, contribute to the lightning development of the disease. Especially dangerous is the latent or outpatient form of pneumonia, which for a long time does not manifest itself in any way, or disguises itself under the usual ARI.

According to statistics, the greatest number of children's pneumonia is recorded in the cold season. That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor the fact that the child was dressed "in the weather." During epidemics it is not recommended to visit public places, theaters, circuses, and if there is need for contact with a large number of people, you need to use a three-layer cotton-gauze the bandage.

Risk factors for pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children most often occurs against the background of influenza, parainfluenza or other acute respiratory viral infections. Therefore, the incidence of pneumonia in children increases dramatically in the cold season. Often the source of infection is a close person - a member of the family who has pneumonia. In children, the risk factors and symptoms of the disease have their own specificity compared with pneumonia in adults. This article is devoted to this article.

The risk factors for the development of the disease include unsatisfactory social and living conditions, a violation of diet and chronic diseases. Other factors may differ depending on the age of the child.

Risk factors for the development of pneumonia in newborns:

1. birth trauma;

2. intrauterine hypoxia, fetal asphyxia;

3. congenital malformations (especially of the heart, lungs, immune system);

4. pneumopathy in a child;

5. cystic fibrosis;

6. congenital and acquired immunodeficiency conditions in the child;

7. hypotoria, prematurity, morpho-functional immaturity;

8. allergic conditions;

8. hypovitaminosis, micronutrient deficiencies.

Risk factors for the development of inflammation in school-age children:

1. foci of chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx (chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, pharyngitis, laryngitis);

2. frequent recurrent bronchitis in a child;

3. acquired heart defects;

4. cystic fibrosis;

5. immunodeficiency states;

6. condition after surgery;

7. Smoking and chronic bronchitis (in adolescence).

How to prevent pneumonia in a child?

For the prevention of the disease vaccinations are applied, which is done to children from 2 months of age. Also for the treatment of folk remedies and methods such as phytopreparations, physiotherapy, laser therapy, acupuncture.

In order to reduce the likelihood of the disease, the following recommendations should be followed:

1. Carefully monitor the child's well-being. At occurrence of the slightest ailments, immediately to address to the expert.

2. To observe the hygiene of the body and mouth of the child, to regularly conduct a wet cleaning of the room in which it is located.

3. Several times a day completely refresh the air in the room. To do this, open the window for at least 10 minutes. It is worth remembering that airing is necessary at any time of the year.

4. Completely exclude the child's contact with a person who has symptoms of ARI or ARVI - cough, runny nose. During epidemics, avoid visiting places of mass gathering.

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