Polyarthrosis: Symptoms and Treatment


  • 1Symptoms and treatment of polyarthrosis
  • 2Causes, symptoms and treatment of joint polyarthrosis
  • 3What is polyarthrosis: causes, signs and photos of the hands
    • 3.1Etiology and pathogenesis
    • 3.2What are the clinical manifestations of
    • 3.3Therapeutic methods
    • 3.4Unconventional treatment and diet
  • 4Symptoms and treatment of polyarthrosis
    • 4.1General information about polyarthrosis
    • 4.2Clinical course of the disease
    • 4.3Methods of treatment
  • 5The causes, diagnosis and treatment of polyarthrosis
    • 5.1Causes
    • 5.2Clinical manifestations
    • 5.3Diagnostics
    • 5.4Conservative therapy
    • 5.5Dietary therapy
    • 5.6Physiotherapy
    • 5.7Prevention
    • 5.8Forecast

Symptoms and treatment of polyarthrosis

In the modern world, a large number of people are faced with various problems of the musculoskeletal system. One of such problems is polyarthrosis.

This disease can dramatically change a person's life, significantly limiting his motor abilities.

For this reason, you need to know the following information: what is polyarthrosis, the symptoms and treatment of this pathology, effective methods of prevention. Let's try to sort things out in order.

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In medical terminology, polyarthrosis is a chronic joint disease, for whichcharacterized by the destruction of cartilage and the subsequent progression of bone pathological changes.

Quite curious is the fact that the term described is not official. In fact, he appeared from the medical jargon.

In this word, specialists designated the lesion of several joints (by analogy with polyarthritis).

As a rule, the considered pathology affects women over 50 (although gradually these lines are blurred). With this deviation, the internal organs are not affected. Also, the disease is not accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Polyarthrosis develops slowly enough, gradually affecting the inner shells of the joints, cartilage, as well as components located in the immediate vicinity of the joints.

With such a pathology, dystrophic changes are present in the large movable elements of the hands and feet; In addition, the vertebral column is affected.

Often, the disease begins to form in the mobile components of the knee, the hip area or between the phalanges of the fingers.Defective changes are usually caused by three factors:

  • narrowing of the joint space;
  • thickening of the capsule of the joint;
  • thinning of the cartilaginous layer.

With the subsequent progression of the changes, bone components grow, limiting the functionality of the joint. Over time, specific outgrowths, called osteophytes, appear. In addition, fluid often accumulates inside the moving element, causing a feeling of stiffness.

Although the main reasons for the formation of polyarthrosis are modern, there is this deviation for a very long time. In particular, scientists found signs of such damage on the remains of people who lived in the Stone Age.

In a disease such as polyarthrosis,symptoms are rather blurry, but they are quite aggressive. Already at the first stages of development, a purulent, serous exudate is formed.

Over time, a scar tissue forms around the affected joint, which destroys the cartilaginous fibers and prevents the joint from functioning 100%. When the disease is brought to a neglected form, the granulation tissues are replaced by connective tissue (the latter eventually ossify).

Thus, the articular elements completely lose mobility.

The described processes are accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. pain in the region of joints with motor activity;
  2. deterioration of the exciting functions of the hands;
  3. a sense of instability;
  4. severe pain syndrome with palpation of ligaments.

If, when such deviations occur, a person goes to the doctor, then during the examination the specialist will identify the following violations:

  • deformation of compounds in the problem area;
  • signs of synovitis;
  • muscular hypotrophy;
  • modifications on the joint surface (usually it is found on X-rays);
  • ligament consolidation;
  • dystrophic changes in the synovium.

If you do not take medical measures for a long time, the patient's condition deteriorates noticeably.Pain syndrome is chronicand begins to torment a person even in a state of complete rest.

Unfortunately, until today, it has not been possible to identify the exact prerequisites for the formation of polyarthrosis.

It is believed that the pathology under consideration belongs to the category of hereditary (and is transmitted through the female line).

In other words, if in a family one of the women suffered from polyarthrosis, the ailment will manifest itself with different frequency (each generation, after a generation, etc.).

There are other factors that can provoke the formation of this disease. Among them we can distinguish:

  1. diabetes;
  2. systematic overload of joints;
  3. abnormalities in metabolism;
  4. overweight (especially obesity);
  5. the transferred diseases of glands of internal secretion (for example, a thyroid gland).

It should be remembered thatPolyarthrosis is divided into two types: primary and secondary.

The first type can be triggered by heredity, hypothermia, systematic overexertion.

As for the second type, its appearance is usually caused by traumas or transferred pathologies.

In the case of a defect like polyarthrosis, treatment is primarily aimed at relieving discomfort and reducing the burden of affected joints.

Thus, it is possible to slow down further progression of pathology. To achieve these goals, it is enough to adjust the way of life and take the drug course.

However, in order to get rid of the disease completely, complex treatment is necessary.

The basis of an integrated approach are medicines. In particular, the doctor can prescribe:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (with their help you can remove pain syndrome);
  • glucocorticoids (they help fight the manifestations of synovitis); these funds are given in the form of injections;
  • chondroprotectors (provide accelerated regeneration of affected cartilaginous tissues); they are also prescribed in the form of injections;
  • phosphaden (normalizes metabolic processes, ie eliminates the possible cause of the disease);
  • anticoagulants (lead to blood circulation back to normal).

These drugs can be given in combination or one at a time (as a stand-alone drug). Here everything depends on the nature of the pathology.

To enhance the effect of drug therapy a person necessarily undergoes a course of physiotherapeutic procedures. In particular, he may be prescribed:

  1. phono and electrophoresis;
  2. electromyostimulation;
  3. magnetotherapy;
  4. laser therapy.

With the help of these procedures, it is possible to accelerate the healing process of the affected joint sites.

In the most severe cases, when the disease developed to a neglected form, or the above-mentioned techniques proved ineffective,surgical intervention is performed. It may imply the implementation of arthroscopy or endoprosthetics.

Arthroscopy is a gentle surgical manipulation, used in the treatment of a variety of articular pathologies. It is carried out using an arthroscope, which is injected into the joint through a microcut.

The main advantage of this technique before similar operations is that the joint does not need to be opened completely.

Doctors make two small incisions on the operated site: one incision is for the arthroscope, and the other for the instruments. Through the holes formed, surgeons perform all the necessary manipulations.

Due to the accuracy of the method and minimal damage to the treated area, the person restores more quickly, and the chance of a favorable outcome is quite large.

Sometimes polyarthrosis of the joints develops to such an extent that the mobile element becomes unfit for use. In such situations, endoprosthetics is considered a real salvage.

It involves replacing the joint with a prosthesis.

The advantage of the method is that the person almost completely restores the lost functionality, but the minus of the operation is due to the fact that after a certain time, the prosthesis will change.

Probably, every person will agree that it is better to prevent the appearance of the disease, rather than fight it. Fortunately,there are a number of preventive measures that can be saved from "dating" with polyarthrosis. Among such measures can be identified:

  • weight control;
  • maintaining proper posture;
  • getting rid of bad habits that seem harmless; in particular, you do not need to constantly kick your leg, sitting on a chair;
  • proper nutrition.

A source: https://medeok.ru/artroz/simptomy-i-lechenie-poliartroza

Causes, symptoms and treatment of joint polyarthrosis

With age, the joints of a person become less mobile and elastic. Sometimes at the initial stage there are no symptoms at all, but also treatment of polyarthrosis with untimely contact with a doctor can become difficult.

Although it is at the primary stage, you can still somehow get rid of the patient from an unpleasant and insidious illness.

There are primary and secondary polyarthrosis developing as an independent disease in the background Rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, dysentery, rheumatic polyarthritis, viral infections joints. It happens that the secondary ailment develops as a consequence:

  1. metabolic disorders;
  2. pre-menopausal period in women;
  3. toxic manifestations in the body for one reason or another;
  4. progressive arthrosis;
  5. allergic genesis;
  6. genetic predisposition.

Usually it is a disease of the elderly, but it is often diagnosed among young people. It leads to the defeat of the joints of the legs, hands, or phalanges of the fingers, with subsequent spread to spine as it develops, leading to dystrophic, slowly progressing changes in the bones.

The causes of dystrophic changes in the articular cavity have not been fully studied. It is known that the pathological process can contribute to:

  • development of infection;
  • failure in the endocrine system;
  • hormonal failure in women;
  • the period of menopause;
  • previous vaccination;
  • physical activity and increased exercise;
  • a disorder in the metabolism or immune system;
  • bruise, dislocation, fracture of the joint.

The reason may be a chronic infectious course of any internal disease during an exacerbation. If you do not start to deal with the disease in time, then in the end it can happen:

  1. replacement of articular cartilage with connective tissue;
  2. covering the cavity with scars;
  3. decreased motor capacity of the lower limbs;
  4. paralysis of the legs until the loss of joint mobility.
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In addition, the complication may be the accumulation of purulent or serous fibrous exudate in the joint cavity, which will lead to severe pain in the joint, ossification and development of contracture.

It happens that the polyarthrosis develops in the hand, the phalanx of the fingers against the background:

  • constant movements with your hands;
  • muscle overstrain;
  • lifting weights.

The disease often occurs in runners, athletes, needlewomen, knitters, writers, people spending most of the time at the computer.

Arthrosis is more likely to affect women who perform daily volumetric work with their hands, taking a great interest in sewing, drawing, knitting, embroidering.

Over the years, there may be a partial loss of the ability to grab items with your fingers, soreness in the phalanges, a decrease in sensitivity in the fingers, cramps, tremors in your hands.

Absence of treatment will lead to dystrophic changes in the joints of the hands, when any measures will already be ineffective. The initiated generalized osteoarthritis in the chronic stage with the appearance of osteophytes is poorly susceptible treatment, and sometimes the question arises about carrying out arthroplasty, replacing the joint with an artificial implant.

This disease is most often found in people whose activities are associated with constant stress on the lower limbs, when you have to stay on your feet for a long time, walk or run a lot. The problem with age leads to the development of the inflammatory process in the joint, the progression of infectious internal diseases, and disturbances in metabolic processes.

Dystrophic changes are more often the knee, when a person begins to experience severe pain while walking, running, squats. In the knee joint, processes of degeneration begin to occur, substitution of healthy tissue for pathological.

Knees begin to swell, swell, change in color, contracture. Against the background of inflammation, the body temperature rises, chills appear, it is impossible to bend and unbend the knee.

All these unpleasant symptoms are an excuse to turn to doctors, to undergo examination and proposed treatment with medicines.

The stage of polyarthrosis directly depends on the degree of destruction of the joint:

  1. 1. The first stage begins with a slight discomfort in the joint with physical activity, sports, walking, squats, but discomfort soon passes and does not bother for a while.
  2. 2. The second stage is fraught with the appearance of soreness, aches in the joint even in a state of rest. In this case, modifications and contractures are subject not only to limbs, but also to muscles.
  3. 3. The third stage is characterized by the appearance of severe pains in the joints, a crunch during movements, unpleasant sensations during extension and flexion of the joint. This is already a neglected stage, which can lead to stiffness of movements, numbness of fingers or toes that can not be eliminated even by strong analgesics and anesthetics. There is a deformation in the joint during the diagnosis. The doctor is likely to offer surgery.

Pathology for a long time has a latent flow, and the symptoms are often nonspecific. Also, there are no clinical signs until a certain point, conducting early diagnostics is difficult. It is important to identify the cause of the development of polyarthrosis. Perhaps it was preceded by:

  • early injuries;
  • physical overstrain of the joint;
  • imbalance in fat metabolism;
  • hereditary factors;
  • changes in cardiovascular activity.

To clarify the diagnosis, patients are asked to undergo a detailed, extensive diagnosis.

Signs of polyarthrosis at the initial stage of development begin with minor joint pain, which can pass and do not disturb for a long time. The pathological deforming process proceeds rather slowly (sometimes up to several years). When joining the infection in the joint cavity:

  1. begins to accumulate purulent-serous exudate;
  2. the scar tissue is formed;
  3. food fibers are destroyed;
  4. The articular elements begin to lose their elasticity and their motor abilities.

There are pains in the joint during movement, a sense of instability in the limbs, a reduction in motor functions, a painful cramping syndrome in the hands, phalanges of the fingers. In the course of diagnostic studies:

  • compaction of ligaments;
  • dystrophy of the synovium;
  • deformation of fiber joints in the affected area;
  • muscular hypotrophy;
  • degenerative changes on the joint surface during the X-ray.

If there is no treatment for the disease, the process will take a long, chronic character. The pain in the affected joint or phalanges of the fingers will bother constantly, more often at night and even at rest.

With polyarthrosis requires a comprehensive comprehensive examination taking into account the data in the history, differentiation of the disease from other similar symptoms of infectious lesions in the body.

The course of treatment directly depends on the type of polyarthritis, the severity of the course and deformation, the presence (absence) of the inflammatory process, the presence of exudate, and other negative manifestations.

Perhaps the growth of osteophytes. Patients will be asked to pass urine, a general blood test, to undergo a biopsy by taking fluid from the synovial bags for examination for the presence or absence of inflammation, infection the joint.

With this disease, treatment requires an integrated approach. Are appointed:

  1. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain syndrome;
  2. NSAIDs for the removal of signs of inflammation (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen);
  3. glucocorticoids in the form of injections for injection into a sore spot;
  4. hondoprotectors for acceleration of regeneration processes in cartilaginous tissues;
  5. anticoagulants (pentoxifylline) to improve blood microcirculation, eliminate signs of metabolism;
  6. phosphadenes for the normalization of metabolic processes.

In addition to taking medication, it is recommended to additionally treat the affected joint with anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, creams, taking into account the nature, degree of development of polyarthrosis, the available symptoms.

If the drug treatment does not bring the desired results, then it is possible to prescribe surgery, endoprosthetics or arthroscopy, as more a gentle procedure widely used today by physicians in the treatment of various pathologies in the joints for rapid recovery and favorable course disease.

If, in the end, polyarthrosis still led to partial immobility of the articular elements, it is recommended that patients undergo rescue to perform an arthroplasty to replace the joint with a prosthesis.

This technique contributes to the complete restoration of lost functions in the limbs, but requires a periodic process again after a certain amount of time.

In addition, you can not do as an additional treatment without:

  • physioprocedures, irreplaceable for the purpose of elimination of pathological processes in the joints;
  • mud therapy;
  • thermal procedures;
  • Ointments and gels for the removal of pain and inflammation.

Irreplaceable diet for polyarthrosis with the appointment of a certain food, with the purpose of equipping the affected joint with the necessary micronutrients and vitamins.

Do not do without external topical application of gels, ointments with anti-inflammatory effect. An analgesic effect has blockade, or the introduction of glucocorticoids into the sore spot, and chondoprotectors in the form of injections.

Observe a certain diet and fight overweight patients is extremely important. Over the years, the joint loses its elasticity, calcium salts are rapidly washed away. It is important to include in food vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

Excess weight is often the main prerequisite for the development of polyarthrosis and leads to an acceleration of inflammatory processes in the joint cavity.

It will be useful to include in the diet of lean fish, rye bran bread, beans, fruits, greens, but sweets, pastries, alcohol, smoked dishes, fatty meat should be excluded altogether.

Polyarthrosis primary is successfully treated by methods of non-traditional therapy: homeopathy, medicinal herbs to improve immunity, enhance metabolic processes, microcirculation, regeneration tissues. Local treatment with folk remedies, tinctures of medicinal herbs promotes:

  1. elimination or reduction of swelling of the legs;
  2. increase immunity;
  3. increased blood circulation in the hematopoietic system.

Herbal treatment - long, term, for 2-3 months. But in the end it will lead to tangible results, a stable remission. Along with medications, it is recommended that the patient rubs ointments and gels to relieve the inflammation, increase the mobility of the joint.

If you miss the time, the disease will progress, lead to the destruction of the joint surface, degenerative processes inside the joint, complications in the form of osteomyelitis, which inevitably leads to disability.

Many obese people additionally suffer from diabetes mellitus, and treatment becomes difficult, ineffective. That's why prevention is so important at a young age, including:

  • timely treatment of arthritis at the initial stage, other diseases in the joints;
  • wearing comfortable orthopedic shoes and walking with a cane with similar problems with the legs;
  • taking measures to reduce.

Only systemic treatment of polyarthritis with the intake of nerve, glucocorticoids, external application of creams, gels and ointments will lead to positive results.

If nothing helps, then of course, you need to contact a surgeon for laparoscopy, endoprosthetics, to find the right treatment approach.

If you run a pathology, you can get a disability, when the mobility of the affected joint will practically come to naught.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/poliartroz-simptomy-i-lechenie/

What is polyarthrosis: causes, signs and photos of the hands

Polyarthrosis is included in the classification with the marking M15. The disease, as a rule, affects more than one joint. With polyarthrosis, there is never a symmetrical deformation of the same joints.

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More often, degenerative damages of the joints of the hands or feet appear in people of advanced age.

The problem concerns the group of dystrophic joint diseases, which are characterized by a slow course. The disease manifests itself as a lesion of the capsule, internal membranes, periarticular elements and cartilage.

The problem is different in origin, it can be a primary or secondary form. As an independent disease, polyarthrosis is observed in rheumatic polyarthritis and infectious arthritis (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, viruses, dysentery).

As a rule, secondary forms of the disease occur in allergies of various origins, diseases of internal organs and disorders of metabolic processes.

Polyarthrosis or generalized arthrosis develops, in most cases, as a primary disease in elderly people. This occurs against the background of endocrine and metabolic changes in the body, as well as due to menopause, toxic effects and other causes.

Known cases when polyarthrosis was formed in young people against the background of metabolic disorders and genetic factors. The disease is manifested not only by the lesions of large joints of the hands and feet, often the deformation processes affect the spine.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The causes of the appearance of polyarthrosis are still unknown, but there are several features that can in some way provoke a pathological lesion of the components of the joint.

These are infections, immune and metabolic disorders, the consequences of vaccinations (reduced immunity), physical and monotonous loads on the joints of the hands, as well as injuries to the hands and lower limbs, and other effects.

In each case, the mechanism of formation of polyarthrosis is different. However, this is always a complex disease with the formation of exudate (serous, fibrinous or purulent).

Over time, the cartilage is replaced with a scar tissue, which prevents normal joint movements, subsequently the cartilaginous tissue is completely destroyed.

At the last stages of the disease, granulation tissue is replaced by a connective tissue, ossification occurs, which leads to the appearance of contractures - complete immobilization of the joint.

What are the clinical manifestations of

It is important to know that the main sign of polyarthrosis is the defeat of several joints or their groups.

For polyarthrosis joints are characterized by clinical symptoms and variants of flow in different species. Often the disease is accompanied by deformation of the joints of the hands, as well as periarticular tissues.

With polyarthrosis, the onset of the pathological process is latent, there are no specific preclinical symptoms, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Of great importance in the polyarthrosis of the hands and feet, has an anamnesis with a clarification of provoking factors that could be at the initial stages of the disease. It could be:

  1. violations of the metabolism of fats,
  2. injuries,
  3. prolonged implementation of monotonous movements,
  4. overvoltage,
  5. hereditary factor,
  6. cardiovascular changes.

Key symptoms of polyarthrosis in the early stages of the disease:

  • pain in motor activity,
  • increased fatigue,
  • feeling of instability in the joints, insufficient grasping ability of the hands,
  • when X-ray shows the defeat of the distal joints of the hand, especially it is expressed in the region of the thumb,
  • slow course of the disease.

Polyarthrosis has the following symptoms:

  1. periarthritis, gradual joint damage,
  2. in areas of attachment of ligaments, there is pronounced soreness,
  3. short-term synovitis and bursitis,
  4. lowering of passive and active movements in the joint,
  5. subchondral osteosclerosis, thickening of ligaments, changes in the x-ray of the appearance of the surfaces of the joints,
  6. hypotrophy of regional muscles;
  7. in the test with a radio indicator, its uneven distribution with accumulation occurs in the places of attachment of the joint capsule,
  8. morphological identification of sclerotic and dystrophic changes in the synovial membrane.

At the last stages of polyarthrosis, the following phenomena occur:

  • pain of a mixed genesis - mechanical and inflammatory,
  • secondary recurrent synovitis,
  • obvious deformation of the joints of the hands and lower limbs,
  • Butar's and Geberden's nodules.

With polyarthrosis with the help of an X-ray revealed such changes in the joint:

  1. pronounced subchondral osteosclerosis,
  2. narrowing of the joint space,
  3. damage to the epiphyses,
  4. marginal osteophytes of the knee joint,
  5. limitation of mobility in the joints.

In arthritis, pain is caused by inflammation, and joints are deformed due to exudative and proliferative processes in the periarticular tissues. With polyarthrosis, these symptoms are caused by bone growths, that is, osteophytes.

Changes in laboratory indicators indicate the presence of inflammation, and an accurate diagnosis is provided by the study of synovial fluid, as well as synaptic biopsy.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment has a specific goal: it is necessary to reduce functional deficiency in the joints.

To the general therapy of polyarthrosis, it is effective to add physiotherapy procedures.

Treatment with non-pharmacological methods involves:

  1. Complex exercise therapy, which should lower the load on the joint, strengthen the muscles, adjust the length of the lower limbs and improve the patient's posture,
  2. Physiotherapy, which includes thermal procedures, mud and clay treatment, and hydrotherapy.

Reduces inflammation and helps to reduce the intensity of joint pain using local analgesics (gels, ointments, creams) and NSAIDs.

Treatment with medications includes:

  • systemic NSAIDs in the inflammatory process and manifest osteoarthritis,
  • introduction of glucocorticoids intra-articular with a stable synovitis,
  • the administration of NSAIDs orally or rectally (ibuprofen, diclofenac, celecoxib, lornoxicam),
  • Chondroprotectors intraarticular (hyaluronic acid derivatives, chondroitin sulfate).

Polyarthrosis can be treated with metabolic therapy. It is necessary to improve metabolism. Anticoagulants are used to improve microcirculation of blood flow (pentoxifylline).

To prevent the occurrence of polyarthrosis of the joints, preventive measures must be taken, which consist in:

  1. timely detection and treatment of arthritis,
  2. elimination of mechanical causes affecting the joints, using orthopedic footwear, corset or cane,
  3. weight reduction,
  4. substantially unloading the affected joint. It is important to abandon the actions that contribute to the further destruction of cartilage.

Unconventional treatment and diet

Polyarthrosis makes a serious review of the diet.

It is required to bring your weight back to normal, and regularly saturate the body with natural foods rich in trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

In food you need to eat only quality products that do not contain flavorings and chemical additives.

Unconventional medicine in the treatment of polyarthrosis can improve immunity, speed up the metabolism and microcirculation. It is necessary to strictly follow the formula and be treated for at least two or three months, short-term treatment with folk remedies will not bring results.

Irresponsible and copious application of various ointments, decoctions and tinctures without the basic medicamentous treatment and compliance with preventive measures, leads to a slight improvement in the state of polyarthrosis joints. In most cases, such treatment eliminates only the symptoms and leads to a loss of time.

As a result, lost time leads to the progression of polyarthrosis, rapid deformation of the joint surfaces and disability.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/arthrosis/poliartroz.html

Symptoms and treatment of polyarthrosis

The degenerative-dystrophic process of the joints, accompanied by a violation of the anatomical structure and functioning of the organ is called polyarthrosis.

This disease is more common in the elderly, but young people are prone to this ailment in the case of some negative factors. To provoke the disease of joints can frequent infectious processes in the body, traumatic damage.

The disease can occur with the formation of purulent, serous exudate in the cartilaginous tissue, which is expressed by typical symptoms.

Polyarthrosis is characterized by the defeat of several joints at the same time, and more often they are symmetrically located. In the process of development of the pathological process, the structure of the cartilage is disrupted, it is gradually destroyed.

  • General information about polyarthrosis
  • Clinical course of the disease
  • Methods of treatment

General information about polyarthrosis

There is polyarthrosis gradually, at first the symptoms are poorly expressed, but already at the transition to the neglected the patient's process complains of severe morbidity, a morphological change in the organ in the region of the affected the joint.

Slow progression of the disease begins with the defeat of the joint membrane, its capsule and the cartilage itself. Pathology equally often affects both large and small joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Polyarthrosis can also appear on the spine.

People affected by the last stage of this disease get a disability, since in the last stage the symptoms are the most are expressed, and the person can not independently serve himself because of severe pain and inability to make movement to the sick joint.

The main triggers on which the symptoms depend are:

  1. the violation of the hormonal balance in the body during the period of wearing the fetus, taking oral contraceptives, in adolescence;
  2. taking some medications, toxic damage;
  3. dysfunction of endocrine glands;
  4. climacterium.

Symptoms of this disease in young people appear more often against the background of metabolic disorders in the body, which often happens during pregnancy.

Clinical course of the disease

The symptomatology of the disease is especially acute during the period of hypothermia, after sleep. At the last stage of the formation of the pathological process, patients with polyarthrosis observe severe pain in the morning, which takes place only after several hours of wakefulness.

Specific symptoms of polyarthrosis in young and elderly people:

  • Movement causes severe pain, during rest period, discomfort and aching pain can be disturbing.
  • When palpation also develops a strong soreness.
  • Weak muscle tissue: joints, and with them and the surrounding muscle ligament atrophy.
  • There is a deformation of joint joints, symptoms of synovitis and bursitis are observed.
  • X-ray examination shows sclerosing disorder, dystrophy of the synovial region of the joints.
  • Together with the weakening of the muscles there is a tightening of the ligaments, which interferes with normal movement.
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During the period of complication symptoms of general malaise are added, soreness turns into a constant accompanying sign of the ailment, because the patient is constantly in a depressed state.

There are violations of the nervous regulation and psychological well-being, the person becomes irritable, apathy, manic-depressive state is manifested.

The patient with polyarthrosis quickly becomes fatigued, can not long stay in one position or engage in manual labor.

On the X-ray image you can see dystrophic processes, muscle tissue atrophy, inflammation, purulent or serous accumulation of exudate.

Polyarthrosis has specific features of the flow, which are manifested already from the initial stage of the formation of the pathological process. This is the periodic appearance of synovitis and bursitis, decreased joint activity, slow progression of dystrophy, ligament tissue tightening.

Methods of treatment

Complex treatment of this dystrophic abnormality is based on the use of pain medications, fortifying agents and methods of folk therapy.

First of all, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the patient's treatment, that is, to eliminate the pain, after which is prescribed by physiotherapy, local drugs and gymnastics complex.

Mandatory treatment of polyarthrosis includes:

  1. carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures - thermal compresses, water treatment, balneotherapy;
  2. prescription of medicines: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vitamin remedies;
  3. treatment with external drugs: ointments with a warming effect, gels, lotions and baths.

Polyarthrosis at an early stage of the disease can be treated conservatively, because the doctor recommends the patient the following drugs treatment:

  • Glucocorticoid drugs: they are injected to restore the structure of the cartilaginous tissue.
  • Anticoagulants to restore normal blood circulation.
  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs for the purpose of anesthetizing and removing the inflammatory process.
  • Chondroprotectors are prescribed necessarily for the destruction of the joint tissue, but their effectiveness depends on the application of additional measures in the treatment of local action.
  • Phosphodene is used to normalize metabolic processes.

The main treatment is aimed at resting the affected joint, but at the same time it is important not to run atrophic changes in muscles, because physiotherapy treatment includes therapeutic gymnastics for fingers, toes or large joints.

At the stage of drug treatment it is necessary to anesthetize the affected area, remove inflammation and prevent heavy complications that may involve infectious damage, the spread of purulent contents throughout the body, intoxication.

In the neglected case, polyarthrosis requires surgical removal of the defect with further rehabilitation and treatment at home.

A source: https://sustaa.ru/artroz/simptomy-i-lechenie-poliartroza

The causes, diagnosis and treatment of polyarthrosis

By the term "polyarthrosis" is meant such a disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which such processes as inflammation, degeneration and dystrophy develop simultaneously in several joints. It is necessary to know that polyarthrosis can develop in the large and small joints of the limbs and spine.


Causes of development of polyarthrosis

Most often, polyarthrosis develops in women (in 60% of cases) and in elderly people (80%), which is facilitated by the following factors:

  1. the climacteric condition in women and the characteristic hormonal disorder;
  2. various endocrinological disorders;
  3. toxic damage to the body by heavy metals and other chemicals;
  4. metabolic disorders and the resulting obesity, as well as metabolic syndrome;
  5. hypothermia and rheumatological affection of joints (typical for young people);
  6. malnutrition.

In addition, it is necessary to separately isolate primary and secondary polyarthrosis.

The primary forms include: genetically predisposed, rheumatic and infectious polyarthritis.

The secondary form of this disease develops with long-existing diseases of internal organs or frequent allergic reactions.

Clinical manifestations

Polyarthrosis has the following degrees, each with its own symptoms. At the first degree, the following occur:

  • At performance of any works or intensive physical activities there are unpleasant sensations in the field of the amazed joints. Such feelings pass independently after rest.
  • Sometimes there is inflammation in the projection of the affected joints.

Symptoms of the second stage:

Symptoms of joint polyarthrosis

  1. Pain and discomfort in the projection of the joints occur even with normal movements and pass only with the help of pain medications.
  2. There is an atrophy of the muscles responsible for contraction of the joints.
  3. The joint deformity seen during the examination of the patient is noted.

Symptoms of the third stage:

  • Movement of joints is severely limited due to intense pain syndrome.
  • Due to the fact that the joints do not move, their full ankylosis (fusion) occurs.

Also, polyarthrosis has the following symptoms common to all stages:

  1. Nodes of Geberden (bony growths) in the region of affected joints;
  2. edema and inflammation of the skin and other tissues over the affected joints;
  3. marked stiffness in the area of ​​inflamed joints.


Polyarthrosis is diagnosed by X-ray, MRI and CT.

The main radiologic symptoms are a decrease in the volume of the joint cracks, damage to the hyaline cartilage, deformation of the osteoarticular elements and bone growths.

It is important to know that such studies can be supplemented with ultrasound diagnostics and routine general clinical examination.

Diagnosis of joint polyarthrosis

In addition, the patient must collect a complete history of the disease, through which can be identified various contributing to the development of polyarthritis factors. For example, improper diet or any specific diet.

Conservative therapy

In order to treat polyarthrosis, it is necessary to use NSAIDs, glucocorticoids, antiaggregants and chondroprotectors.

In the early stages of treatment for polyarthrosis is carried out with anti-inflammatory ointments (Diprilif, Diclofenac 1, 2, 5%, Nimegesic and others).

In the second and third stages, all patients are additionally prescribed drugs that protect the cartilaginous tissue (Alflutop, Mucosate, Chondroitin) and antiaggregants (Pentoxifylline).

In addition, the treatment can be supplemented with glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone, Diprospan and others). These medications can be taken orally, administered intravenously or intramuscularly, as well as directly into the joint cavity.

Conservative treatment for polyarthritis is carried out for a long time, and sometimes throughout the life of the patient.It is important to note that conservative treatment always includes proper nutrition.

Dietary therapy

Diet for inflammation of large and small joints includes daily food products that help the patient fight against excess weight and metabolic disorders. The diet includes the following products: lean fish (preferably sea), fruits and vegetables, greens, rye and bran bread.

Diet as a method of prevention for polyarthrosis of joints

It should be noted that the diet with such a disease should completely exclude products such as fatty meat, alcohol, baked goods, canned and smoked food, sweets. The diet should be done daily and it is not recommended to break it even periodically. If the polyarthrosis appeared on the background of an allergy, then the diet excludes fruits of red and green color. In this case, the diet provides for the inclusion of essential minerals and vitamins from other foods. It should be remembered that proper nutrition and diet are integral components of the treatment of polyarthrosis.


Treatment with the help of physiotherapy involves the use of methods such as electrophoresis with novocaine or hydrocortisone, magnetotherapy, microcurrents, as well as paraffin therapy. Treatment of polyarthrosis with physiotherapy is always performed in combination with conservative therapy.

In addition, that treatment with the help of physiotherapy procedures perfectly reduces the pain syndrome and restores the function of individual muscle groups, it also copes well with the problem of poor blood supply to the joint due to improved microcirculation and venous outflow.


In order to prevent polyarthrosis, and in its presence prevent the further development of pathology, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • daily dietary food (exclusion of high-calorie food from your diet);
  • treatment of concomitant chronic pathologies and polyarthrosis itself;
  • reducing excess weight and controlling the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates; Weight loss and weight control - one of the methods of prevention of polyarthrosis
  • correction of endocrinological disorders;
  • avoid prolonged overcooling and regular static loads;
  • to conduct an active lifestyle, daily perform special gymnastic exercises and / or exercise therapy (especially after a night's sleep);
  • avoid prolonged exposure in one position;
  • if possible, visit the pool;
  • prevention or timely treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.


The prognosis for polyarthrosis in the first two stages is favorable, but only under the condition of timely diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Otherwise, such a disease passes to the next stages of its development, causing more deformity of the joints.

At the third stage of the disease, the prognosis is unsatisfactory, since persistent disturbances occur in the work of the musculoskeletal system and even other internal organs. As a consequence, such patients completely lose their ability to work.

The causes, diagnosis and treatment of polyarthrosis

A source: http://sustavportal.ru/artroz/poliartroz.html