Obstructive bronchitis in children symptoms

Bronchitis in children: acute, obstructive bronchitis, symptoms, treatment

Bronchitis in children most often occurs in the form of complications against the background of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza or a severe cold, hypothermia. The provoking factors of bronchitis are seasonal sharp temperature changes, especially periods of rain with high humidity, so this disease usually occurs in the fall or spring.

In form, all bronchitis in children are divided into: Acute, Prolonged and Recurrent.

For reasons of occurrence, depends on the pathogen of inflammation and is divided into:

  • Viral - influenza, adenoviruses, parainfluenza
  • Bacterial - can be acute and obstructive (the causative agent is streptococcus, staphylococcus, moraxelly, hemophilic rod, as well as mycoplasma and chlamydia)
  • Allergic, obstructive, asthmatic - arises from irritating chemical or physical factors, such as household chemicals, house dust (read about the symptoms of allergy to dust), animal hair, plant pollen and others.
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Bronchitis in a child up to a year - symptoms and treatment

Children who are breastfed and who do not have contact with sick children and adults should not have any respiratory illnesses. However, if the child was born prematurely, has congenital malformations of the respiratory organs and other diseases, as well as in the family there are preschool children attending kindergartens and often ill - the development of bronchitis in a child up to a year is possible by the following reasons:

  • narrower than the adult, bronchi, a more dry and vulnerable mucosa of the respiratory tract
  • existing congenital malformations
  • after a viral or bacterial infection
  • the presence of individual sensitivity to chemical and physical stimuli - an allergy to anything.

The most basic symptoms of developing bronchitis are a severe dry cough, paroxysmal, accompanied by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. Gradually, the cough becomes moist, but mucus, sputum during bronchitis in a child up to a year of significant hinders breathing, normal lung function is disrupted, since the airway in infancy narrow. Bronchitis in children up to a year and even up to 3-4 years is most often the following:

  • Acute bronchitis simple
  • Obstructive bronchitis
  • Bronchiolitis

On acute and obstructive bronchitis, we will dwell in more detail below. And now consider the most common in children under one year oldbronchiolitis.

Bronchitis in children under one year of age - bronchiolitis

This bronchitis affects both small bronchi and bronchioles, develops more often against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza viruses with the subsequent reproduction of pneumococci (and so on. streptococci). In case of inhalation of icy air or sharp concentrations of various gases, bronchiolitis can develop as an independent disease. The danger of such bronchitis is a pronounced bronchoobstructive syndrome with the development of sometimes even acute respiratory failure:

  • Characterized by dry cough attacks, pronounced dyspnea mixed or expiratory form with syndromes of swelling of the wings nose, with the involvement of ancillary muscles, the entrainment of the intercostal spaces of the chest, the pallor of the skin, cyanosis.
  • The child has dry mouth, no tears when crying.
  • The child eats less and drinks than usual, respectively, and his urination is more rare.
  • Increased body temperature, but unlike pneumonia, it is less pronounced (see. whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature).
  • Shortness of breath to 60-80 breaths per minute, while breathing is grunting, superficial.
  • On both sides are heard diffuse wet ringing finely bubbling and crepitating rales.
  • Symptoms of intoxication in bronchiolitis in children are not expressed.
  • X-ray is determined by the sharp transparency of the lung tissue, the variegation of the pattern, the horizontal standing of the ribs, the absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs.
  • If at first there was a simple bronchitis, then the attachment of bronchiolitis after a while is manifested by a sharp deterioration of the general condition of the child, cough becomes more painful and intense, with scanty phlegm.
  • Children are usually very restless, moody, excited.
  • The blood test can be slightly changed, a slight leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are possible.
  • Usually, bronchiolitis in children up to one year has a prolonged course until 1 months.
  • The causes of acute bronchiolitis in children are similar to the causes of development of obstructive bronchitis in children older than 2-4 years. The local immune system of the respiratory tract in children under 2 years is weak, protection against viruses is not enough, so they easily penetrate deep into bronchioles and small bronchi.

Treatment of bronchiolitis in children

At home, you can not cure bronchiolitis. When a bronchiolitis occurs, the infant is usually shown hospitalization, so that the child is under the supervision of doctors. In the hospital pediatricians, pulmonologists will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. What should my mom do before the ambulance arrives?

You can only alleviate the symptoms of colds - create optimally comfortable air in the room, turn on the humidifier, air purifier.

If there is no high temperature in the child, you can ease breathing with warming creams and ointments, spread them legs, calves. Only with this you need to be cautious if the child has not had any allergic manifestations before, then it helps a lot if a child allergic, warming ointments should be excluded.

To cough softer, you can do steam inhalation-above a boiling pot with a weak saline solution, hold the baby in her arms. Or sit him down at the table and cover with a towel over a cup of hot medical solution.

Try to force the baby to drink more to avoid dehydration, if the child refuses the breast or mixture, give the child just pure water.

In the hospital to relieve the signs of respiratory failure, the baby is given inhalations with bronchodilators and allowed to breathe oxygen. Also at the doctor's discretion, an antibiotic is selected - Sumamed, Macroben, Augmentin, Amoxiclav. It is possible to use various drugs with interferon. Necessarily prescribe antihistamines for the removal of edema at the site of inflammation and a possible allergic reaction to treatment. If symptoms of dehydration are observed, then the necessary rehydration therapy is performed.

Acute bronchitis in children - symptoms

Bronchitis in children is the most common form of respiratory tract disease. Acute bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the bronchial mucosa without symptoms of inflammation of the lung tissue. Simple bronchitis in children in 20% of a self-contained bacterial disease, 80% - either in a program of viruses (Coxsackie virus, adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza) or as a bacterial complication after these viral infections.

Clinical symptoms of bronchitis in children are as follows:

First, the child has general weakness, malaise, headache, lack of appetite, then there is a dry cough or cough with sputum, the intensity of which is rapidly increasing, while listening to determine the dry diffuse or variously moist wheezing. Sometimes there may be a barking cough in a child whose treatment is slightly different.

In the first 2 days, the temperature rises to 38 ° C, but with a mild form, the temperature can be 37-3,.

After 6-7 days, the dry cough becomes wet, the sputum discharge facilitates the child's condition and is a good sign that the body is coping with the infection and the virus.

On average, the duration of acute bronchitis in children is 7-21 days, but the nature of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process depend on the child's age, the strength of his immune system, the presence of concomitant chronic and systemic diseases. In case of inadequate or untimely treatment, acute bronchitis can lead to addition - bronchiolitis, pneumonia.

Sometimes after the flu, for some time, the child's condition improves, and then a sharp deterioration, a rise in temperature, a rise in the cough - this is due to the weakening of the immune system in the fight against the virus and the attachment of a bacterial infection, in this case it is shown antibiotic.

With mycoplasmal or adenoviral acute bronchitis in children, the symptoms of intoxication, such as high fever, headaches, chills, lack of appetite, can be about a week. Usually acute bronchitis is bilateral, however, with mycoplasma bronchitis it is most often one-sided, sometimes combined with conjunctivitis.

Acute bronchitis in children - treatment

Most often, the duration of acute bronchitis in children, whose treatment is correct and carried out on time, should not be more than 14 days, however, in infants, cough can persist for up to a month, as well as in older children with atypical-mycoplasmic bronchitis. If suddenly the bronchitis in the child is delayed, it is necessary to exclude a number of diseases:

  • aspiration of food
  • pneumonia
  • cystic fibrosis
  • foreign body in bronchi
  • tuberculosis infection

A pediatrician prescribes a full treatment package. In addition to implementing all the recommendations of the doctor, you should provide the child with special nutrition and quality care. It is desirable to create in the room the optimum humidity and purity, for this purpose it is convenient to use a humidifier and air purifier, often ventilate the room and conduct daily wet cleaning in the room in which child. And:

  • Abundant drink

Ensure abundant reception of fluids in a warm form. To soften the cough, warm milk with butter or Borjomi mineral water helps, can be replaced with honey.

  • Heat

With fever, the temperature just above 38C should take antipyretics - paracetamol in syrup.

  • Antibiotics

Antibiotics for bronchitis in children, if recommended by a doctor, should be given strictly by the hour. If taking antibacterial drugs is necessary 3 times a day, this does not mean that you must drink from breakfast, lunch and dinner, and this means that their reception should be 24/3 = 8, every 8 hours, if 1 time per day, then give it only at the same time, for example at 9 o'clock morning. 11 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly.

  • Cough medicine

With a dry cough, the child can be given antitussive medicines as prescribed by the doctor, and when it becomes wet to go on expectorants. With a dry cough, the means can be combined (Sinekod). If the cough is wet, then expectorants are shown - Mucaltin, Bromhexin, Gedelix, Alpine syrup, Thermopsis herb infusion or its dry extract, Bronchicum, Evcabal, Prospan, breastfeeds.

  • Inhalation

Inhalation in bronchitis in children, the symptoms of which are very pronounced, are well assisted by inhalation with conventional baking soda, called over hot pots, inhalation of sodium bicarbonate using a nebulizer, inhaler.

  • For babies

For small and infants who do not know how to clear themselves, doctors advise turning the child more often from one side to the other. In this case, sputum is shifted downward, irritating the bronchial wall, this leads to reflex cough.

  • Distractions

For older children, cans, mustards, hot foot baths, they still help, and if the child has strong immunity, such procedures will help to avoid taking antibiotics. You can soar your baby's legs after 1 year, and also rub them with warming agents - turpentine ointments, Barsukor, Pulmax baby, etc., but only in the case when there is no high temperature, after rubbing, you should warm your feet and wrap child. However, in case of an allergic bronchitis in a child, neither the mustard nor the warming ointments can be used, since the composition of ointments and mustard can worsen the child's condition.

  • Compresses

With bronchitis in children, the treatment is helped by compresses made from warm oil. Warm sunflower oil to 40 ° C and moisten them with gauze folded several times. This compress should be imposed only on the right side and back of the baby, from above put a plastic bag and a layer of cotton wool, bandage the child around several times. Dress warm clothes, do this procedure for the night, if there is no temperature in the child.

  • Folk remedies

Old folk way - radish juice with honey, cabbage juice, turnip juice - any of these juices should be given 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. You can give and cranberry juice, mixing it with honey in a ratio of 3/1, a tablespoon 3 times a day.

  • Massage

The first week is well helped by chest massage, older children would be good at performing breathing exercises.

Physiotherapy with bronchitis

In children, these procedures are prescribed and conducted only at the physician's discretion, these are physiotherapy methods that contribute to faster recovery, because they have an anti-inflammatory effect, however, they can not be performed more often 2 once a year:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation of the chest
  • Mud, paraffin applications on the chest and between the shoulder blades
  • Inductometry on the same areas
  • Electrophoresis with calcium
  • Aeronisation by the hydroionizer of the respiratory tract with solutions of chamomile, antibiotics.
Prevention of acute bronchitis in children:

Do not allow a prolonged runny nose in a child, timely treatment of any cold and infectious diseases will be the best preventative against penetration of the infection into the lower respiratory tract. ways.

Walking in the fresh air in the park, playing at the cottage, physical exercise in nature, tempering, daily intake of natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables, and not in tablets - the way to the health of your child.

Obstructive bronchitis in children - symptoms

In young children, usually up to 3-4 years of acute bronchitis may be accompanied by an obstructive syndrome - this is an acute obstructive bronchitis. In children, the symptoms of such bronchitis begin more often after viral infections or allergic manifestations on the stimulus.

The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis:

  • Harsh, audible long breath with whistling
  • Coughing with attacks, before vomiting, debilitating
  • During inhalation, the intercostal spaces are drawn in and chest is swollen with breathing

In obstructive allergic bronchitis, children do not have a temperature, it starts because of an allergic reaction to the strongest irritant for the child, and parents can often remember that they recently bought something for the child - a down pillow or a blanket made of camel or sheep wool, at home breathed in color from repair or went to visit, where there is cat.

In obstructive bronchitis in children, symptoms can begin on the 3rd-4th day of the flu or ARVI, and may also be caused by other bacteria, which is manifested in the appearance of expiratory dyspnea - an increase in the respiratory rate to 60 per minute, it is also noted difficulties when inhaled.

The child begins wheezing, noisy breathing, especially a prolonged wheezing exhale, which is heard by persons near the baby. The thorax is as if swollen, that is, the ribs are horizontally arranged. Cough is dry, obtrusive, bouts, arises suddenly, it does not bring relief and intensifies at night.

If this disease develops not after ARI, then the temperature in the early days is not increased.
Headache, weakness and nausea, are very rare.

When listening there are dry wheezing in the lungs.

X-ray revealed increased transparency, increased pulmonary pattern, in the absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs.

The analysis of blood as a viral infection - lymphocytosis, leukopenia. accelerated ESR, if allergic bronchitis in a child, then eosinophilia.

Almost always obstructive bronchitis is associated with a virus or mycoplasmal infection, relapses of obstructive bronchitis in children most often spontaneously stop by 4 years.
If the bronchioles and small bronchi are affected, then this is an acute bronchiolitis.

Obstructive bronchitis in children differs from asthma attacks, in that obstruction develops slowly, and with asthma the child abruptly begins to suffocate. Although the first attacks of bronchial asthma in children also begin during ARVI. If the obstruction occurs several times a year, it is a signal that the child is at risk for developing bronchial asthma in the future.

Obstructive bronchitis in a child can be due to passive smoking, it can be distinguished by a strong cough with a whistle in the morning, while the child's condition is quite satisfactory. Obstruction with allergies occurs when contact with an allergen and recently it becomes very frequent manifestation in children prone to allergies, such bronchitis are recurrent and threatened with development bronchial asthma.

Allergic and obstructive bronchitis in children - treatment


In obstructive bronchitis in children up to a year or 2 years, treatment should be performed in a hospital under the supervision of a pediatrician, in other cases at the discretion of the doctor and parents. Treatment is best done in a hospital if:

  • In addition to obstruction in the child, the symptoms of intoxication are decreased appetite, fever, nausea, general weakness.
  • Signs of respiratory failure. This is shortness of breath, when the frequency of breathing increases by 10% of the age norm, counting is better done at night, and not during games or crying. In children under 6 months, the respiration rate should not exceed 60 per minute, 6-12 months - 50 breaths, 1-5 years, 40 breaths. Acrocyanosis is a sign of respiratory failure, manifested by cyanotic nasolabial triangle, nails, that is, the body experiences oxygen deficiency.
  • It is not uncommon for obstructive bronchitis in children to mask pneumonia, so if the doctor suspects pneumonia from hospitalization can not be denied.


Bronchiolithics extend the bronchi, so they are designed to relieve obstruction. To date, they are presented in various forms in the pharma industry:

  • In the form of syrups (Salmeterol, Clenbuterol, Ascoril), which are convenient for young children, their disadvantage is the development of tremors and palpitations.
  • In the form of solutions for inhalation (see. Berodual for inhalation) - this is the most convenient way for young children, breeding a medicinal solution with a physical solution, inhalation 2-3 times a day, after improvement, it is possible to use only at night. The multiplicity and dosage, as well as the course of treatment is determined only by the pediatrician.
  • Inhalers-aerosols can be used only for older children (Berodual, Salbutamol).
  • Such tableted forms of bronchodilators, like theophylline (Teopec, Euphyllin), are not indicated for the therapy of children with obstructive bronchitis, they have more pronounced side effects, are more toxic than local inhalation forms.


Can be used to reduce bronchial spasms. This is papaverine or Drotaverin, No-shpa. Their reception can be carried out with the help of an inhaler, orally in the form of tablets or intravenously in a hospital.

Means for coughing

To sputum better departed, various mucoregulatory drugs are used, they help dilute sputum and accelerate its excretion:

  • These are preparations with active substance ambroksol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene). These drugs can not be taken for more than 10 days, it is most convenient to use them in the form of inhalations, as well as carbocisteine ​​preparations (Fluiditek, Bronhobos, Mukosol).
  • After the cough became wet, the seizures became less intense, the sputum liquefied, but it departs badly, the ambroxol should be changed to expectorants for cough for children, which should be given no more than 5-10 days, they include Gedelix, Bronchicum, Prospan, Bronhosan, Herbion (cf. Herbion from a dry and wet cough), Tussin, Bronchipret, breastfeeding, .
  • Codeine-containing drugs for children should not be taken if the child has a seizure-like obsessive cough, the appointment of a doctor can be used Sinekod, Stopusin Fito, Libexin (with caution in childhood), Bronhicum, Broncholitin.
  • Erespal - promotes both removal of obstruction, and reduction of sputum production, and also it possesses anti-inflammatory activity, is applied from the first days of the disease, reduces the risks of complications, contraindicated in children under 2 years.

Draining massage

To facilitate the departure of sputum, parents can themselves do their child massage the collar zone, chest, back. Especially strong massage should be done for the muscles of the back along the spine. Useful for obstructive bronchitis in children postural massage - that is, efflorescence of the baby's back in the morning, should to hang the child from the bed upside down (padding the pillow under his tummy) and tapping the palms folded in the boat 10-15 minutes. For older children, with a massage, ask the child to take a deep breath, and on an exhalation, tap. Useful and additional exercises such as inflating balloons, blowing out candles.


Antihistamines are prescribed to children in the presence of allergic reactions. Such medicines for allergies like Eryus in syrup can be taken to children from 1 year, with the half a year it is possible to use Claritin and Zirtek, from 2 years in syrups and drops Cetrin, Zodak, Parlazin (cf. list of medicines for allergies). Such antihistamines of the 1st generation as Suprastin and Tavegil are used less often, only for drying with abundant liquid sputum.

Allergy or virus

If the obstruction is caused by an allergy or a virus - antibiotics can not be used, and even dangerous (see. antibiotics for colds and orgs). The appointment of antibiotics is possible only with the proven infectious origin of bronchitis in children.

When antibiotics are indicated

Treatment of bronchial obstruction with antibiotics is not indicated, only if the child has a fever over 4 days, or there was a second temperature jump to 39C after 4-5 days after the onset of the disease, accompanied by severe intoxication, severe coughing if with adequate treatment, the child suddenly becomes apathetic, sluggish, refuses to eat, has weakness, nausea, headaches and even vomiting. In such cases, the use of antibiotics is justified. They are prescribed only by a pediatrician on the basis of a clinical picture, the presence of purulent sputum (indicating bacterial bronchitis), inflammatory changes in the analysis of blood, as well as other signs of bacterial bronchitis or pneumonia (wheezing, x-ray signs).

Antiviral drugs

Most doctors recommend that for ARVI and flu, take antiviral drugs, for babies candles Genferon, Viferon, and also in the form of drops Gripferon, Interferon, take Orvire syrups (remantadine), and after three years of age tableted forms such as Kagocel and Arbidol, Cytovir 3. But it is worth remembering that if in a family history (close relatives) there are any autoimmune diseases (Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, diffuse toxic goiter, vitiligo, multiple sclerosis, pernicious anemia, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, myasthenia gravis, uveitis, Addison's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, scleroderma) it is impossible to take immunostimulants (Kagocel, Cytovir, Amiksin), it can cause a debut of an autoimmune disease in a child, possibly not now, and later (see. more antiviral drugs for orvi).

Hormonal therapy

Hormonal drugs, such as Pulcicort, are indicated only in severe or moderate leaks obstructive bronchitis (usually with the help of a nebulizer) they quickly stop obstruction and inflammation, their appoint only a doctor.

What not to do

In obstructive bronchitis in children - treatment by rubbing and spreading the body of the child with various heating oils (Dr. Mohm ointment, ointments with medicinal plants, essential oils), the use of mustard plasters is unacceptable, since they cause an even more allergic reaction and bronchospasm, especially in toddlers up to 3 years. Also categorically it is impossible to carry out inhalations with bronchitis with various medicinal herbs and essential oils. It is only possible to use such folk remedies for warming up - heat compresses with potatoes, salt, buckwheat.


Physiotherapeutic procedures in the acute period are contraindicated, when the obstruction is already stopped, it is possible to perform UHF, electrophoresis or laser.

Hypoallergenic diet and plentiful drink

Any natural drinks - mineral water with milk, tea, broth of a dogrose, it is necessary to drink to the child as often as possible. The diet should be hypoallergenic, but at the same time maximally vitaminized, high in protein and fat content. Exclude from the diet of the child anything that can cause an allergic reaction:

  • citrus, red and orange fruit
  • purchased spices, sweets, milk cheeses, yoghurts, carbonated drinks, sausages and sausages - everything that contains dyes, flavors, preservatives and flavor enhancers
  • honey and other beekeeping products
  • fish, grown on fish farms, broiler chickens, as they are stuffed with hormones and antibiotics, which causes allergies.

When caring for a child, you should daily aerate, moisten the room where the child is. It's hot in the apartment should not be, it's better to have a cool, fresh, clean air. After the recovery of the child should be put on a dispensary record with an allergist.


How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children?

Bronchitis, this ailment in acute form, obstructive bronchitis in children is the most frequent illness in a child in the first years of life. Diseases of the respiratory tract - a common and requiring a serious treatment phenomenon, it is important to remember and preventive measures. In adults, these diseases are less common, but preschool children and babies are very susceptible to various forms of bronchitis. This is due to the mechanism of child development, so the course of the disease, its diagnosis and treatment methods have their own characteristics inherent in this age category.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa that can affect the membranes of the organs of the upper respiratory tract. Inflammatory processes begin in the nose and throat after the virus enters them, and later spread to the respiratory tract. The peculiarity of bronchitis is that the disease develops in the presence of certain factors and does not extend to other organs of the respiratory system.

Causes of bronchitis and its types

The causes of obstructive bronchitis in children can be different. Most often it is:
  • viruses and bacteria;
  • significant hypothermia of the body;
  • ecology;
  • communication with a sick child.

The first place among the provokers of bronchitis is occupied by viruses that weaken the immune system of the body and contribute to the penetration of harmful microbes into the respiratory tract. The next factor is the gas content and dustiness of the air that the child breathes. Since bronchitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, the risk of contracting them when dealing with a sick person is also very high.

Most cases of bronchitis occur during the autumn-winter season, when the air temperature drops, viruses become more active, and the body's immune system weakens. Boys and girls get sick the same way. Children have their own developmental features that contribute to the development of bronchitis to a certain extent.

Obstructive bronchitis in infants and toddlers of the first 3 years of life is due to the anatomical features of the bronchi and their components. At this age, the internal organs of children continue to form actively, which becomes a favorable factor for their defeat by harmful microorganisms. Bronchial structures at this age are quite long, but the lumens are small. The mucociliary apparatus, responsible for the production of sputum, is not yet sufficiently developed and does not work in full force. He is responsible for protecting the bronchi from getting into them viruses and bacteria. Underdevelopment of the smooth muscles of the bronchi promotes the appearance of spasms even with a slight irritation.

The muscles of the chest in infants are weak, which prevents complete and proper ventilation of the lungs.Factors that favor the increase in cases of diseases include unformed immunity and the presence of allergies.

In the international classification, three types of bronchitis are indicated in children:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • bronchitis obstructive;
  • acute bronchiolitis.

Bronchitis - exclusively viral diseases, they can only be infected by airborne droplets. Bronchitis in infants is very rare, and it develops in cases when the baby was born prematurely or has congenital malformations of the respiratory system, and even in contact with sick children of the elder age. If a breastbone passes into acute bronchiolitis, severe complications in the form of acute respiratory failure are possible.

Obstructive bronchitis in children

Bronchitis in a child develops gradually. First there is a common cold and dry cough that intensifies in the evening and night hours. The kid can complain of chest pain, weakness, becomes capricious, restless, nervous. Often, the body temperature rises above 38 ° C, there are problems with breathing: wheezing in the lungs, shortness of breath.

The acute form of bronchitis lasts no more than a week, it can be cured within 5-6 days. If the sputum becomes transparent, this indicates an acute stage of bronchitis, but pus is a sign of the chronic form of the disease. If treatment is not started on time or goes wrong, bronchitis threatens with severe course and serious consequences.

One of them is the transition of normal bronchitis to an obstructive form. Obstructive bronchitis in children is one of the types of bronchial damage caused by inflammation, which is manifested by a violation of their patency.

The causes of the disease are different:

  • congenital disorders of the respiratory system;
  • hypoxia;
  • trauma of the chest;
  • prematurity.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are severe attacks of cough, cyanosis of the fingers of the crumbs and his lips. Due to bright manifestations, it is easy to establish the form of the disease. This helps to start the right treatment. Acute obstructive bronchitis in children develops very quickly and affects healthy parts of the respiratory system. In such cases, the state of the baby deteriorates sharply with every second. Characteristic signs of obstructive bronchitis include coughing attacks at night, especially if the baby was active during the day and communicated with peers.

If it is a question of a babe, then his behavior will be restless: the baby cries unconsciously, can not fall asleep, rushes in a dream. If you listen to the breath, you can hear wheezing and bubbling, whistling in your chest. Another sure sign of obstructive bronchitis is shortness of breath, which is accompanied by the involvement of ancillary muscles in the procedure of breathing. This can be seen if you pay attention to the child's ribs and abdomen: the intervals between the ribs are drawn inward, the stomach is strained, and the chest looks constantly filled with air. It seems that the baby breathed in the air, and can not exhale.

Dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet cough with sputum discharge, is the main sign of bronchitis. Its progression is indicated by the onset of respiratory failure, manifested by frequent and intermittent breathing, palpitations.

The development of obstructive bronchitis in young children directly depends on the provoker of the disease and the reactivity of the baby's bronchial system. There is obstruction in the form of a spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi, edema of the mucous membrane and the release of thick mucus in large quantities.

And for each such process is affected by its microorganisms. Some viruses affect the nerve nodes surrounding the bronchi, which leads to a loss of their tone and the appearance of a spasm. Others cause too much mucus secretion. And the attack of the third leads to mucosal edema, in which its lumen narrows. Usually a combination of these characteristics is observed, i.e., several types of bacteria enter the body at once, which leads to an increase in obstruction.

Most susceptible to the disease of obstructive bronchitis are children who suffer from allergies or who are overweight. These factors increase the propensity to spasm and reactive edema of the bronchi irrespective of the action of the microbes.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis?

The treatment process in the presence of obstructive bronchitis is quite heavy and long, it consists of various procedures. As soon as a diagnosis is made or a suspicion of the presence of this type of bronchitis appears, it is urgent to take measures to fight the disease, especially if the baby is several months old.

The first thing that needs to be done is to reduce the manifestations of bronchial obstruction and restore the patency of the organs.

First you need to try to calm the crumbs. Excitation and anxiety increase breathing problems and worsen the patency of the bronchi. For this, calming drugs are used on a natural basis in a dosage appropriate to the age of the baby.

Inhalations with special preparations should be carried out, since this is the most effective and effective method of arresting obstruction.

For babies you can use such devices as a nebulizer or an ultrasonic inhaler. Mixtures that are intended for inhalation should contain glucocorticoids and salbutamol. The method of inhalation is useful in that all medications are delivered by inhalation directly to the bronchi and the result is visible after a few minutes of the first procedure.


Obligatory are inhalations of moistened oxygen, which are carried out in parallel with other medical measures. If inhalations do not give the proper effect, the introduction of bronchodilators with the help of droppers is carried out. Obligatory this procedure is and in case of onset of intoxication of the organism, accompanied by dehydration.

General recommendations for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Obligatory measure - an appeal to a specialist. Self-medication in the case of young children is completely unacceptable. If the doctor discovers the danger of bronchitis switching to a heavier form or if the baby is fever, it must be hospitalized, because in small children the respiratory system does not function completely. As additional measures you can use abundant warm drink, antipyretic medicines, strict bed rest is required.

If there is no improvement within a week, an additional examination of the child will be required. Reception of antibiotics is extremely undesirable for the baby, but in severe cases, they can not be avoided. Appointment of their child alone or on the advice of friends can not be done by the attending physician who will determine the dosage of the drugs.

It is worth remembering that children under the age of one are prohibited from giving drugs containing codeine. It is possible to use folk methods of treating bronchitis, but they must be coordinated with a specialist and act as an auxiliary therapy.


To prevent the occurrence of bronchitis, you need to monitor the clothes of the child in the winter: do not strongly insulate the crumbs to avoid excessive sweating and overheating. But the hypothermia of the body, too, should not be tolerated, since it is an important factor contributing to the development of bronchitis. Walking should take place in places protected from excessive dust and gas contamination, that is, away from the carriageway, factories and manufacturing enterprises. The premises where the child lives and plays should be regularly ventilated and cleaned in them. It also shows the use of immunomodulating drugs that help to increase the body's defenses.


Obstructive bronchitis in children: symptoms and treatment

If obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in children, treatment should be comprehensive. Bronchitis is a very common pathology of the respiratory system among children and adults. Most often, obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in preschool children (from 1 to 6 years). In the absence of adequate treatment, inflammation and blockage of the bronchi can cause respiratory failure. What are the etiology, clinic and treatment of this disease?

Characteristics of obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial mucosa of various etiologies (bacterial, viral, allergic), in which the permeability of the respiratory tube is impaired. The main cause of obstruction is the accumulation of large amounts of sputum. Often, bronchitis manifests itself bronchospastic syndrome, against which the bronchus clearance diminishes. Against the background of external and internal factors in bronchi, the following changes occur:

  • inflammation;
  • edema;
  • disruption of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchial mucosa and its partial death;
  • change in the composition of the secretion of bronchi and increase its viscosity;
  • stasis of secretion;
  • violation of ventilation.

There are 2 forms of the disease: acute and recurrent. In the latter case there is a repeated development of the disease on the background of pathology of the respiratory tract with influenza, ARVI.

Etiological factors

Bronchitis in a child occurs for various reasons. Most often it is a complication of other diseases. At the same time, inflammation of the upper parts of the respiratory system is first observed, then the inflammatory process spreads downward, reaching the bronchi and even lung tissue.

The causes of obstructive bronchitis in children:
  • viral diseases (influenza, ARVI, adenovirus infection);
  • respiratory mycoplasmosis and chlamydia;
  • the presence of parasitic diseases (helminthiases);
  • aspiration if swallowing is impaired;
  • abnormalities of the esophagus;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • malformations of the organ;
  • intrauterine pathology (fetal hypoxia, trauma);
  • premature delivery;
  • penetration of foreign objects into the bronchi;
  • allergic reactions.

Bronchitis in a child is caused by the following bacteria: staphylococci, pneumococcus, protheus, hemophilic rod, Klebsiella. Viral bronchitis occurs more often. Most often bronchitis develops in children:

  • often ill with viral diseases;
  • attending preschool institutions and schools;
  • having a genetic predisposition;
  • suffering from allergies;
  • with reduced immunity.

Risk factors for the development of obstructive bronchitis: smoking, living on an environmentally unfavorable form territory, enzyme deficiency, contact with various toxic substances (salts of heavy metals, silicon).

Clinical manifestations

The main clinical manifestation of this disease is bronchoobstructive syndrome. It is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • cough;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • periodic attacks of suffocation;
  • wheezing.

The first symptoms of the disease appear after 2-3 days from the time of the defeat of the respiratory tract. At first, children complain about coughing and runny nose. Cough first dry, paroxysmal. Children become capricious, excitable. Body temperature may increase.

As the inflammatory process develops, the cough becomes productive. Sputum can be dense and difficult to expectorate. A typical sign of obstruction is wheezing. In young children, during coughing, cyanosis of the lips is possible. A similar symptom indicates respiratory failure.

In young children against a background of similar symptoms, sleep and appetite disorders may occur. Infants are likely to experience nausea and vomiting in the presence of a strong cough. Immediately after feeding, the frequency of regurgitation of food.

The main manifestations of obstructive bronchitis in infants:
  • cry;
  • persistent cough;
  • wheezing, noisy breathing;
  • fever;
  • catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, redness of the throat).

In severe disease, there may be severe shortness of breath. It can arise at rest and under load. If the inflammation and obstruction of the bronchi is a consequence of an allergic reaction, the temperature remains within normal limits. Symptoms of the disease can disturb the patient a week. Then comes the improvement of the condition.In case of severe symptoms of intoxication and development of respiratory failure, the child must be hospitalized.Hospitalization is also required for infants (up to 1 year).

Diagnostic measures

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children is organized only after the final diagnosis is made.

Diagnostics assumes:
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • physical examination (percussion and listening to the lungs);
  • questioning a sick child or his parents about how the disease developed and what preceded it;
  • visual inspection;
  • examination of the pharynx;
  • measurement of body temperature;
  • spirometry;
  • X-ray examination.

A blood test can reveal a decrease in the number of leukocytes, an increase in lymphocytes, an acceleration of the ESR. In the case of an allergic nature of bronchitis, eosinophilia is observed. In the process of auscultation of the lungs, wheezing and hard breathing are detected. Differential diagnosis is performed with such diseases as bronchial asthma, laryngotracheitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiolitis. In some cases, bronchial obstruction is observed with ascariasis or toxocariasis. To exclude this pathology, a feces analysis is required.

Treatment of bronchitis in children

If obstructive bronchitis in children is identified, treatment should primarily be aimed at improving the patency of the bronchi.

Treatment includes the use of drugs that dilute sputum, expectorants, antipyretics, bronchodilators, antispasmodics, copious drinking, physical therapy, compliance with bed rest and diet.

In the case of allergic bronchitis, antihistamines are prescribed (Claritin, Zirtek, Erius, Cetrin). They can be used in the form of drops or syrup. Tableted forms are used much less often.

To improve the patency of the bronchi bronchodilators are prescribed. These medications dilate the bronchi. For children it is preferable to use aerosols or syrups. For the expansion of bronchial tubes, such agents as "Salmeterol "Ascoril "Berodual "Salbutamol" are used. When choosing a medicine, the age of the baby is taken into account. In the case of development of bronchospastic syndrome, "No-shpa" or "Papaverin" is used.

For liquefaction of sputum and its prompt expectoration, "Ambroben "Lazolvan "Mukosol "Prospan "Gedelix" are shown. Codeine-based antitussive medications are not recommended. In the case of pronounced paroxysmal dry cough, Stopptissin Fito and Sinekod may be used.

Antibiotics are rarely used to treat obstructive bronchitis. They are indicated in case of persistent fever and severe cough. They will be effective only with the bacterial form of bronchitis. Often in the treatment regimen for obstructive bronchitis in children include antiviral drugs. For small children it is advisable to use antiviral drugs in the form of suppositories ("Viferon "Genferon"), syrup or drops ("Interferon "Grippferon").


Other therapies

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis can be physiotherapy methods. Physiotherapy is indicated only after the obstruction is removed. In the case of severe disease, the doctor may prescribe glucocorticosteroids. To strengthen immunity, a child should often be in the fresh air, take vitamins, eat right. It is required to limit for a while close contact with other children in order to avoid relapse of the disease.

For a speedy recovery of the baby, parents should air the premises, keep clean. To sputum is better off, parents can do the child a massage. To small children it is not recommended to put mustard plasters and apply warming ointments. Thus, obstructive bronchitis in children is diagnosed very often. Treatment should be conducted only after the appointment of a doctor.


It is important to know: obstructive bronchitis in children symptoms and treatment

In autumn and spring, you should closely monitor your health and prevent illnesses such as obstructive bronchitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which should be known and remembered in time. Is obstructive bronchitis different from simple bronchitis? Who is predisposed to this disease? What measures should be taken to treat? About everything in order.

Features of the course of obstructive bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease. It occurs most often in children, this is due to the structure of the bronchus at an early age. Features of the bronchial tree during this period are as follows:

  1. A relatively small diameter of the bronchus is relatively long in the bronchial tree.
  2. Underdeveloped ciliated epithelium and thick mucous secret.
  3. Features of the structure of the immune system.
  4. Undeveloped muscular musculature of the thorax.
  5. Very high sensitivity to airborne particles.
  6. Hyperactivity of the cough center.
All these factors together lead to a greater predisposition to bronchitis in children.

The disease is characterized by a spasm in the bronchial tree against the background of inflammation of the smooth muscles that overlap the bronchi with a small diameter.Danger of obstructive bronchitis in labored breathing and inadequate ventilation of the lungs. This is how the protective mechanism works, preventing infection into the lungs. With active development, it turns into a separate type of danger.

Obstructive bronchitis is more dangerous than simple. The latter involves treatment at home, with obstructive same hospitalization is necessary. As a rule, an acute period of obstructive bronchitis can take 5 to 6 days with proper treatment. But remember: self-medication and treatment with folk remedies for obstructive bronchitis in children is unacceptable.

When does obstructive bronchitis occur?

The causes of the disease are as follows:

  1. Complication of SARS, tracheitis, laryngitis.
  2. Subcooling.
  3. Propensity to allergic reactions.

At an older age, the immune system becomes more stable, but with frequent and untreated bronchitis there is a risk of acquiring bronchial asthma. Obstructive bronchitis can acquire a chronic form with a change in the stages of remission and exacerbations. During periods of exacerbations, active therapy is conducted, in the periods of remission - supportive. Some children need a climate change to treat obstructive chronic bronchitis.

The factors contributing to the development of obstructive bronchitis also include passive smoking, dry air, increased gas contamination and air toxicity. Do more wet cleaning at home, do not use disinfectants with chlorine and strong odors, as well as synthetic agents. In the period of the child's illness, observance of these rules is mandatory and desirable after recovery.

Symptoms of an obstructive bronchitis

The following symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in children stand out:
  1. Increase in body temperature to 37 - 38⁰С.
  2. Dry cough with bouts at night.
  3. Sizzling breath of a child.
  4. Dyspnea.
  5. Fast fatiguability.
  6. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, paleness of the nails on the legs and hands. This symptom is especially dangerous and requires an early hospitalization.
  7. Anxiety, fussiness of the child.

As a rule, bronchitis occurs after SARS, colds and tracheitis. Independently, the disease occurs extremely rarely.

Obstructive bronchitis can develop in a certain group of newborns. If the child's age is less than 1 year, the doctor must offer hospitalization. Even if the diagnosis is not confirmed, it is worth agreeing to inpatient treatment. In children under 1 year, the disease can develop into a severe stage in 1 to 2 days. If the child is older than 6 years, the issue of hospitalization can be discussed with the attending physician. He will also prescribe treatment. The signs of obstructive bronchitis are bright and rarely remain without attention.

How is ostructive bronchitis treated?

Treatment of the disease includes taking antibacterial drugs as prescribed by the doctor. The choice depends on the disease-catalyst, the drugs already taken and on the severity of the child's condition. The patient is prescribed protected penicillins, sometimes - sulfonamides or cephalosporins, extremely rarely - macrolides. If obstruction threatens subsequent pulmonary edema, drugs are given intramuscularly.

The doctor also prescribes cough preparations, but not all of them are suitable for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children. A group of antitussives of the central type of action inhibits cough, but does not contribute to the excretion of sputum from the bronchi. More suitable are expectorants, aimed at diluting the mucous secretion and removing it. They are classified as mucolytics, they can be of natural origin and artificially synthesized. Both types of drugs are very effective.

For the treatment of obstructive bronchitis the acute period in children is treated with bronchodilators in the form of inhalations.

Short courses of 3 days are sufficient, but for chronic form bronchodilators are used longer, up to 6 months.

With nasal congestion appoint funds from rhinitis. Very effectively injecting into the nose of sea water. If the child does not know how to flaunt, it is necessary to suck off the allocation of a small pear. Washing of the nose with sea water is not suitable for all children, the procedure should be coordinated with the doctor in order to avoid the development of otitis or sinusitis.

After the transferred obstructive bronchitis follows the recovery period. At this time, spend massage and physiotherapy. In an acute period of illness, physiotherapy is ineffective. For children who underwent obstructive bronchitis twice a year, and more useful for sanatorium treatment. It is also important to observe and proper nutrition.

Why is proper nutrition necessary after bronchitis?

Proper nutrition means:

  • the use of a sufficient number of calories, vitamins, minerals;
  • the predominance of complex carbohydrates over simple ones;
  • a small intake of fat with sufficient protein intake.

From the baby food should be excluded products containing dyes and preservatives. They are allergens and can provoke airway obstruction. Excessive nutrition can lead to obesity. Children with obesity are more prone to obstructive bronchitis than children with normal body weight. Food of fast food, difficult for digestion, should be excluded from baby food. In the acute period of obstructive bronchitis, the baby should be fed with liquid and semi-liquid food. It can be soups, mashed potatoes and porridges. It is necessary to give abundant drink.


Obstructive bronchitis in a child - symptoms and treatment

A child-preschooler quite often can be found such a disease as bronchitis - bronchoobstructive syndrome, otherwise it can be called "obstructive bronchitis." During such a disease there is a blockage of the bronchi, for example, if the child has a cold-there are one or two nostrils, while the child is forced to breathe through the mouth.

It happens that the part of the bronchi is blocked, in this case there is no way for air to enter the body.

Obstruction is provoked by several factors, among them you can identify the following: there is swelling mucosa and a natural narrow lumen of the bronchi, while swelling causes an even greater narrowing of the lumen bronchi. Also, obstruction can be caused by an abundant release of viscous and hard-to-reach sputum.

Bronchospasm -another culprit in the child's obstructive bronchitis, because of it there is an additional narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. It is these reasons that cause the complex passage of air through narrow apertures. All this is accompanied by "wheezing" wheezing, which can be heard by the child at a distance. If obstructive bronchitis has become a frequent illness in a child, it is necessary to visit pulmonologist and consult with him, in order to exclude the disease of the bronchial asthma.

Obstructive bronchitis in a child - symptoms

Any parent should always know that the most obvious and distinctive sign of obstructive bronchitis are wheezing with a wheezing. The initial stage of obstructive bronchitis is expressed by usual SARS. There is a fairly common picture: most recently, a healthy and fun child appears a cold, cough, rises high fever, the child becomes hard to breathe with the accompaniment of gurgling wet wheezing, lethargy and weakness appear, absent appetite. In this case, the parents call the doctor, audition (auscultation) and percussion (percussion) of the baby's chest. With the help of these manipulations, the doctor assesses the condition of the lung tissue in the child. Perhaps the doctor suspects pneumonia, or another lung disease, but often the doctor says: "Your child is sick with bronchitis, as wet wheezing is found in the lungs."

Many parents have anxiety because the cough can "come down but all this is a false experience, as this will not happen! That amount of snot that the child has pulled into himself, and then swallowed, will not increase the risk of developing bronchitis. It is important, what virus was caused by rhinopharyngitis, the disease itself depends on it. In cases where the virus lives in bronchial cells with ease, it means the disease is bronchitis in the future, if the same the child has good immunity and the body copes with the virus, the baby will most likely have one runny nose.

Children with bronchial asthma are susceptible to deeper treatment and monitoring. The child is older, the sign of bronchitis may be angina or cervical lymphadenitis, after which the other symptoms of the disease join.

Detection of obstructive bronchitis in a child

To date, there are various examinations for the diagnosis of bronchitis. To detect a bacterial infection can be through a general blood test, while the blood is taken from the baby's finger. In order to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia (pneumonia), a chest X-ray is done. Sputum analysis will help to identify the causative agent of this disease.

Methods of treatment of obstructive bronchitis

As soon as signs of obstructive bronchitis are detected in a child of the first three years of his life, hospitalize him in the hospital, where they perform treatment in the children's department, while the child is prescribed bed rest. In order to avoid edema and spasms of the bronchi themselves, they appoint a gentle and hypoallergenic diet, complete in composition, while potential allergens are excluded. This diet should be kept for about three months. The main thing that needs to be done in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis is to eliminate the cause that caused improve respiratory functions, enrich the blood with oxygen and produce symptomatic therapy. All this, is a medical therapy.

In severe cases, artificial ventilation of the child's lungs is prescribed. Expectorant and mucolytic drugs that dilute viscous sputum, copious drinking, and chest massage are used.


In order to reduce swelling and facilitate the passage of sputum, inhalation is used with inhaler-nebulizer with the use of special solutions, while creating a cold vapor of the smallest particles that are delivered to the lungs. This procedure is easy to apply. A dry, painful cough and hard-to-separate sputum are treated with mucolytics, such drugs, stimulate the spitting out of the child and have an anti-inflammatory effect. For children use a solution or syrup, such drugs are administered through the mouth. Abolition of mucolytic drugs should be when a child has a productive cough with a sputum discharge.

In no event, parents should not engage in self-treatment of the child, but follow only the recommendations doctor, self-medication can lead to serious consequences and cause even more serious damage to health than itself disease.


Obstructive bronchitis in children - symptoms

Obstruction is a shortness of breath due to a narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi of a child. Such conditions occur at an early age due to the anatomical features of the infant's airways.

Signs of obstructive bronchitis in children

When a baby begins a cold, then in some cases, it can end in bronchial obstruction. Parents can understand this for some of the symptoms:

  • shortness of breath, especially exhalation;
  • attaching your ear to the baby's chest, you can hear a sound similar to bursting bubbles;
  • non-productive, non-productive cough;
  • shortness of breath with active games.

All these signs are not necessarily all together, some (such as dyspnea) may not be present at all. But in any case, when a child has a cough that does not go away, but only becomes stronger - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of obstructive bronchitis in children

Often a provocation of obstruction is an allergy to which some babies are prone. This may be intolerance to tobacco smoke, an allergy to detergents, dust or pets. Frequent colds along with a tendency to allergies can cause obstructive bronchitis, because the child's airways are narrow enough and any inflammation causes them to narrow.

Prophylaxis of obstructive bronchitis in children

For a child who has frequent obstructive bronchitis, it is advisable to prevent colds. After all, regular obstruction can lead to bronchial asthma.

To reduce the likelihood of this disease, it is necessary to reduce contact with various allergens, regularly wet cleaning in the house, without the use of chemistry. The humid and cool air in the house also plays an important role. Therefore, buying an air humidifier will be very helpful.

In order to not know what symptoms are in children with obstructive bronchitis, you need from the earliest age, temper the child, walk more with him on the air away from the roads, and lead a healthy lifestyle throughout the family. In a house where a baby lives, susceptible to this disease, even passive smoking is unacceptable.


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