Scoliosis: consequences and complications


  • 1Healthy consequences of scoliosis
    • 1.1Stages of scoliosis of the spine
    • 1.2Consequences of curvature of the lumbar spine
    • 1.3Psychological problems in scoliosis
  • 2Complications of scoliosis
    • 2.1Influence of scoliosis on the work of internal organs
    • 2.2Impaired immunity
    • 2.3Effect of scoliosis on the musculoskeletal system
    • 2.4Pregnancy and scoliosis
  • 3Consequences of scoliosis
    • 3.1Possible complications in the pathology of the thoracic department
    • 3.2What systems suffer from spine deformities:
    • 3.3Consequences of scoliosis of the lumbar region
    • 3.4When a Disability Occurs
  • 4The consequences of scoliosis: what if there is no cure for the disease?
    • 4.1What is scoliosis?
    • 4.2Types of scoliosis
    • 4.3The consequences of scoliosis and how dangerous it is in the absence of treatment
    • 4.4In the first stage
    • 4.5In the second stage
    • 4.6In the third stage
    • 4.7Myths about the consequences of scoliosis
    • 4.8Conclusion
  • 5The consequences of scoliosis: the more dangerous? Complications, harm
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1What is the risk of scoliosis at different stages?
    • 5.2Danger of scoliosis of the thoracic region
    • 5.3Danger of scoliosis of the lumbar region
    • 5.4Danger of scoliosis of the cervical spine
    • 5.5What consequences can scoliosis cause?
    • 5.6When are they given a disability?
    • 5.7Why scoliosis does not result?

Healthy consequences of scoliosis

The consequences of scoliosis are very serious. They reduce the quality of human life, and in some cases even lead to disability. That is why it is so important at the first signs of curvature of the spine to see a doctor. After all, in the early stages, he lends itself to conservative treatment.

Stages of scoliosis of the spine

Scoliosis is a disease of the spine, in which it bends to the right or left side. The most common are the curvatures of the thoracic and lumbar divisions.

In addition to the curvature of the vertebral column itself, the general asymmetry of the body is noted in this disease. Thus, a blade appears on the right or left side, ribs are deformed (a rib hump is formed).

The more the stage of scoliosis, the more noticeable becomes deformation.

According to the shape of the curvature (arc), scoliosis is divided into S-Z and C-shaped. The first form is more common than others. Also, scoliosis is classified according to stages depending on the angle of curvature:

  1. 1st degree. The easiest degree at which the angle of curvature is no more than 10 degrees. This is one of the variants of the norm, if the curvature does not progress. It will not bring any complications or serious consequences for human health.
  2. The 2 nd degree. The angle of curvature is from 11 to 25 degrees. Outwardly this is manifested in the fact that a person has one shoulder above the other. In this case, scoliosis does not pose a direct threat to health, but it needs to be corrected, because with the progression the problem will be rapidly aggravated. Scoliosis is progressing very quickly.
  3. 3rd degree. The angle of curvature is from 26 to 50 degrees. At this stage, the deformation of the shoulder blade and ribs is very noticeable, the waist line is shifted from one side. This degree of scoliosis can be cured only by an operative route. This stage of curvature gives complications and has consequences that are only aggravated with the patient's age, provided there is no treatment.
  4. 4th degree. The angle of curvature exceeds 50 degrees. The last and most difficult stage. A pronounced external defect and severe consequences for the body, in particular, affect all systems and internal organs of man.

Thus, if a person is diagnosed with the first degree of scoliosis, he has nothing to worry about, but you need to watch to ensure that the curvature does not progress.

At the second stage, correction is needed, conservative treatment is quite effective, for example, swimming, exercise therapy, massage, etc. At 3rd and 4th degree it is necessary to carry out the operation.

And the point here is not so much in the aesthetic issue, but in returning the person to a full life.

What explains the complications that scoliosis gives 3rd and 4th degrees? The formation of these complications is due to pronounced lateral deformities of the spine.

This leads to the squeezing of the nerve roots and blood vessels. As a rule, this happens when, against the background of the twisting of the vertebrae, there is an increase in physiological curves.

Complications are sudden and acute.

The consequences of scoliosis are many. They depend on which part of the spine is twisted.

So, in the late stages of scoliosis of the cervicothoracic and thoracic parts, almost all systems of the body are affected.The main complications are the following:

  • spinal nerves are impaired;
  • in the spine blood supply is impaired;
  • internal organs are displaced;
  • deformed chest;
  • metabolism is disrupted;
  • secondary pathology of internal organs is observed.

Thus, with a strong scoliosis of the thoracic region suffer:

  • the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • system of digestion;
  • genito-urinary system.

At the same time, the formation of heart failure is due to deformation of the thorax in the curvature of the cervicothoracic and thoracic areas.

Pulmonary insufficiency develops due to deformation and displacement of the ribs.

This has a serious consequence - respiratory failure, which reduces the tour and the vital capacity of the lungs.

The formation of the pathology of the heart is due to the fact that the deformed chest squeezes the heart and leads to a violation of blood circulation. So, the functionality of the right heart is reduced. This pathology develops gradually.

First, there is shortness of breath, especially after sports or exercise. Then it becomes difficult for a person to climb up the stairs.

Over time, the situation is exacerbated: the pressure is increased, the heart rate is increased. This is very evident on the cardiogram. It looks like an arrhythmia, damage to the myocardium or other serious pathologies.

Modern medical research has shown that almost every patient with scoliosis has ischemic heart disease.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is impossible to cure such pathologies in patients with scoliosis with conventional drugs, since the cause of the problem has not been eliminated.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to select drugs to improve the patient's well-being.

That is why the therapist, cardiologist and other narrow specialists need to take into account the condition of the patient's spine.

With a lateral curvature of the neck, the risk of hemorrhage in the brain is great, as a result of which there is a stroke. This is because the vertebral artery passing through the holes, which are located in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, is squeezed by curvature.

This state is called compression. This is an extremely dangerous situation. Not only is there a violation of the thinking process and a decrease in intellectual abilities.

Everything is much more complicated, because over time, irreversible processes occur in the brain, which lead to a change and self-destruction of the personality.

Consequences of curvature of the lumbar spine

So, with this type of scoliosis:

  • urination, especially at night;
  • abdominal muscles relax;
  • Gases accumulate in the intestine;
  • constipation occurs;
  • stagnant changes in the kidneys, stomach, pelvic organs;
  • swollen feet.

Another extremely serious consequence is the infringement of the nerve roots of the spinal cord in the lumbar spine. This leads, in turn, to even greater complications:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neurological disorders.

Neurological disorders are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • muscular spasms;
  • headache;
  • backache;
  • pain syndrome in the hips, buttocks and legs;
  • loss of sensitivity of individual parts of the body;
  • paralysis, partial or complete.

Manifestations of a neurological nature can lead to muscle twitching, loss or loss of vision, loss of reflexes.

Great influence on the reproductive function of women. Infertility, chronic inflammatory processes of genital organs, etc. these are the possible consequences of scoliosis.

Almost 50% of patients diagnosed with the 4th degree of lumbar scoliosis are disabled. Some of them can not even perform simple household chores and need outside care. Such patients are given a disability.

Psychological problems in scoliosis

In addition to physiology, the psyche of the patient suffers. If we take into account that more teenagers are subject to the disease, the defects of appearance become for them a real tragedy.

Feeling of own inferiority, imperfection of the body, ridicule or superfluous questions of contemporaries - all it sooner or later leads to complexes, isolation, non-acceptance of one's own body and even hatred of itself.

Psychological trauma does not give the child the opportunity to develop fully, socially adapt, because they are afraid of others, their evaluation and reaction to a non-standard body.

Many children and adolescents are afraid of an operation that is inevitable in the later stages.

Therefore, parents should support the child in every possible way, increase their self-esteem and self-confidence and, of course, to seek ways to save the son or daughter from the problem and return the child to a joyful and full life. In especially severe cases, it is not superfluous to seek help from a child psychologist.

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Complications of scoliosis

Scoliosis in adult patients, especially at large corners of curvature, leads to complications from musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, causes disruption of the internal organs, back pain and limbs.

We offer treatment for scoliosis in adults!
Scoliosis in an adult

As a rule, in adults the scoliosis of 2-3 degrees is most often revealed.

Such patients have a persistent deformation of the spine, which is difficult to treat conservatively.

Even the initial second degree of scoliosis can lead to constant compression of the nerves, which causes chronic pain syndrome, a malfunction of the organs with which these nerves are connected.

Scoliosis can contribute to the development of a variety of diseases, ranging from asthma or prostatitis to heart attack and arrhythmia. And not always even an experienced doctor can connect this disease with scoliosis.

Influence of scoliosis on the work of internal organs

First of all, scoliosis affects the cerebral circulation, while it affects thinking, mental capacity (reducing efficiency), mental and emotional sphere of the patient. Such people are more prone to depression, neurosis and anxiety.

Scoliosis of thoracic and lumbar spine

High blood pressure is also a frequent phenomenon in adult patients with scoliosis, which gives itself know by simple overwork, after which there may be a headache, pain in the nape, nausea, weakness.

Such patients for a long time can not believe that this high blood pressure is the reason, because they are only 30-40 years old, and Hypertension is more often associated not with the curvature of the spine, but with a violation of metabolic processes in the walls of the vessels and the age after fifty years.

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Thoracic left-sided curvature of the spine of grade 3-4 may lead to serious problems on the part of the cardiovascular system: ischemic heart disease, rhythm disturbance, heart failure, a heart attack.

The asymmetry of the blades, the westernization of the ribs from one side of the chest leads to the fact that one the lung becomes less than the other and works worse, the respiration process, tissue saturation oxygen.

This leads to the fact that a simple cold easily passes into bronchitis or pneumonia, to periodic increases in blood pressure, an increase in the load on the heart, especially on its right half (ECG is often diagnosed with myocardial hypertrophy of the right ventricle).

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, scoliosis is more common in cases of gastroesophageal reflux, erosion of the stomach and esophagus, and colitis.

From the side of the urinary system, patients often complain of constipation, a malfunction of urination.

Impaired immunity

Immunity in an adult, especially with scoliosis of 3-4 degrees, suffers no less, because the mental and physical health of the patient is affected! As a result of the violation of the body's defenses, frequent viral infections, dysbacteriosis, allergies, psychosomatic diseases like eczema, asthma, colitis, migraine, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, nerve tics and other.

Violations can occur in any organ or body system. It all depends on the degree of scoliosis, the form of scoliosis (C S Z-shaped), the lifestyle of the patient.

Effect of scoliosis on the musculoskeletal system

Disturbance of blood circulation in bone tissue and cartilage leads to dystrophy of intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis. And it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

Pain sensations in scoliosis

  • Pain more often localized in the lower back or in the thoracic spine (intercostal neuralgia), giving to the lower extremities, the chest, arms.
  • Pain in the back can be described as aching or dull, but in the places she gives - more burning, shooting.
  • The pain increases in the sitting position, with bending of the trunk forward, long standing in one place.
  • In the formation of hernias, numbness or tingling in the limbs is added to the symptoms, the patient experiences difficulties in walking.
  • Violations of the function of the pelvic organs, for example, disorders of urination and defecation.

The causes of pain in the back with scoliosis may be constriction or stenosis of the spinal canal, intervertebral hernia.

Pregnancy and scoliosis

During pregnancy, you can be bothered by pain in the lower back, constipation, hemorrhoids, headache.

Basically, however, there are difficulties not during pregnancy, but during labor.

A skewed pelvis and a crooked waist can lead to weak labor, increased soreness in childbirth.

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Consequences of scoliosis

Scoliosisin medical language is called the pathological lateral curvature of the spinal column. Scoliosis is congenital and acquired. Congenital scoliosis is rare.

Much more often in medical practice, scoliosis is acquired. In all cases of acquired scoliosis, it is easily amenable to correction and treatment. The most important factor in the prevention and treatment of scoliosis is its timely detection.

To do this is simple enough, even on your own or with the involvement of your relatives.

In order to determine for yourself or your child the signs of the incipient curvature of the spine, it is enough to conduct a small test. To do this, stand up straight, relax, arms down along the trunk freely.

In doing so, you can, looking in the mirror, determine: the uniformity of bulging clavicles, bulging blades and different height of the shoulders. If one of the listed signs you observe in yourself, then hurry to go to the orthopedist.

Another sign of the curvature of the spinal column is the skewing of the body with the torso tilted forward. At the same time, the curvature of the vertebral column will be clearly visible from the back.

But all this is important in cases where scoliosis reaches a high degree. Most often minor curvature of the spine with the naked eye is not visible.

In this case, with suspicions of scoliosis, the diagnosis can be confirmed only with the help of X-rays.

Most often, scoliosis develops in children. This is connected with many factors. First of all, the basis for the development of scoliosis is the rapid growth and development of the child's body. Quite often, various bodies and systems do not have time to develop after their neighbors.

In this case, the most favorable environment for the development of scoliosis is created. Most often, this occurs with a fairly rapid development of the bone structure. The musculoskeletal device lags behind in its development.

This causes the disproportion of loads on the spinal column and forms a curvature of the spine.

factors of scoliosis formation

Another factor in the formation of scoliosis in childhood and adolescence is the high load on the still fragile musculoskeletal system.

This is due to the fact that the child is forced in the process of schooling not only from the first class to wear a fairly heavy portfolio, but also to sit in a static position for several hours.

At the same time, most furniture for students in Russian schools does not meet even the elementary requirements of sanitary rules. Does not take into account the growth of the child, nor his complexion.

Therefore, most often our children sit at the lessons for completely unsuitable desks. In addition, the disease manifests itself in children who enjoy playing games at the computer or playing the piano.

Also, factors such as too soft bed, a high pillow, the habit of leaning on the same foot have a negative impact on the development of proper posture.

Already by the age of 12-13 years, in connection with the increased growth of the organism, the outlined curvature of the spine is aggravated, the degree of deformation is increased. Scoliosis in the initial stage of serious danger to the child is not.

Since the spine is not heavily curved and if it is addressed in time to the doctor, undergo a course of treatment and constantly engage in therapeutic gymnastics, then the treatment can prevent the progression of curvature. But sometimes there are neglected cases.

Recognition of scoliosis in the initial stage is very important, for the physical development of the child should be constantly observed by pediatricians, school doctors and parents. If there are no observations, scoliosis develops even more and there is an even greater displacement of the intervertebral discs.

At a scoliosis of 2-3 degrees the backbone starts to touch internal organs. With such a strong scoliosis, there are many dangerous diseases that can seriously damage a person's health.

Scoliosis is to some extent subject to all. People with severe scoliosis are displaced and squashed internal organs, which can be the cause of headaches, impairment of sight and hearing, hypertension, neuralgia, epilepsy, heart attacks, pain in the shoulder blades, back and lower back.

What can we say about those children who are forced to live with a hump all their lives because of inattention to his health of pediatricians, parents and teachers?

After all, the child himself can not determine without the help of adults, he has a curvature of the spine or not. The psychological problem in scoliosis is only a small part of all other negative manifestations of this disease.

After all, the spine is the center of the body. All other organs and muscles are adjusted to it. That is why the curvature of the spine may be the cause of headaches, pain in the chest, lower back and shoulder blades.

When the spine is curved, the nerve roots in the spinal cord are squeezed.

Consequences of scoliosis

Intervertebral discs on the one hand undergo high pressure, and on the other - low, so they shift, which leads to asymmetry of muscles and organs.

The twisted spine twists the body and causes the internal tissues to stretch, the organs deform, the nerve endings near the spinal column become jammed.

Deformation of the chest and pelvis, displacement of the heart, lungs and other internal organs contributes to the deterioration of their function. Muscles also become less efficient.

All this causes numerous failures in the work of the body, which inevitably manifest in the disturbance of metabolism and digestion, a decrease in human activity and the quality of life.

The most dangerous complication of scoliosis is the destruction of the spine and intervertebral discs with the formation of hernias.

Severe curvature of the spine affects the functions of internal organs: it breaks the mechanics of breathing, reduces the saturation of arterial blood with oxygen, causes a violation of blood circulation in a small circle and contributes to myocardial hypertrophy of the right side of the heart, that is, the development of the symptomatic complex of pulmonary heart failure, united by the name "kyphoscoliotic a heart".

Possible complications in the pathology of the thoracic department

The consequences of scoliosis affect virtually all body systems. The causes leading to the formation of complications of lateral deformation of the spine:

  • Injury of the spinal nerves;
  • Disorders of blood supply in the spinal column;
  • Displacement of internal organs;
  • Deformation of the chest;
  • Change in metabolism;
  • Secondary pathology of other organs.

What systems suffer from spine deformities:

  • Heart;
  • Respiratory;
  • Digestive;
  • Genitourinary.

With cervico-thoracic or thoracic scoliosis of 2-4 degreecardiac and pulmonary insufficiency is formed due to deformation of the thorax.

The rib processes are fixed to the thoracic vertebrae, so when the curvature of this part of the spine is observed, the ribs are displaced. In such a situation, respiratory failure occurs with a decrease in the excursion and the vital capacity of the lungs.

The pathology of the heart against the background of lateral curvature of the spine is accompanied by reduced functionality of the right of the heart because of compression of the thoracic deformed and blood flow disorders in the lungs of the thoracic organs cells.

Consequences of scoliosis of the lumbar region

Lumbar curvature leads to infringement of nerves responsible for the work of the urinary, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems. What violations occur whenlumbar scoliosis:

  • Increasing urination (usually at night);
  • Weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • Constipation and accumulation of gases in the intestine;
  • Stagnant changes in the pelvic area, stomach, kidneys;
  • Appearance of edema on the legs.

Complication of lateral curvature of the spinal column is osteoporosis - lack of calcium in the bones. The cause of the condition is infringement of spinal roots in the lumbar region, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most dangerous consequence of scoliosis is the compression of the spinal cord with paralysis of the limbs (their complete immobilization). There may be neurological disorders, which are accompanied by various mental disorders.

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If such changes are observed in children and adolescents, psychological traumas are formed that prevent the child from fully developing.

Analytical data on the effects of scoliosis on children and their impact on social development have not been accumulated. They are largely individual and justified by fear of surrounding people, as well as discontent with appearance and fear of surgical intervention.

Neurologic manifestations of the disease on the background of idiopathic scoliosis lead to muscle twitching, loss of vision, loss of reflexes, disappearance of skin sensitivity in the lesion.

Prophylaxis of scoliosis

Types of scoliosis form its symptoms and signs. They are manifested stoop, irregular posture, different height of the shoulders, asymmetry of the body. In more severe cases, there is an intercostal hump.

The most sick person has periodic or persistent back pain, fatigue increases, pain can appear after overloading, running, long standing, walking.

It is necessary to take measures as soon as possible to treat this illness so that the consequences are not severe.

This disease imposes some restrictions on the way of life of adults and children. It is necessary to constantly monitor posture, strengthen the muscles of the back, avoid unnecessary strain on the spine, do not lift weights, do not make sudden movements.

It is forbidden to engage in sports that develop only one side of the body. This is volleyball, basketball, tennis. With caution should be engaged in dances and rhythmic gymnastics, as with such exercises, the load is unevenly distributed throughout the body.

Vertical loads on the spine and circular rotations are excluded.

With a curvature of more than 50 degrees, almost half of the patients with scoliosis lose the ability to perform physical work, some can not perform simple homework and maintain themselves. As a result - disability.All the consequences of scoliosis are dangerous for the human body. That is why it must be treated as quickly as possible.

When a Disability Occurs

Disability occurs with scoliosis of the 4th degree (angle of curvature more than 50 degrees).

At the same time, 47% of people with disabilities in the lumbar region become disabled.

Some of the patients in this state can not perform routine housework and require outside care.

Hemorrhage in the brain is very often a consequence of lateral curvature of the neck. With it, there is compression of the vertebral artery, which passes through the holes located in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.

With the compression of this vessel, thinking is disrupted, intellectual abilities are lost. Over time, irreversible changes are formed in the brain, leading to self-destruction of the personality.

Nevertheless, death in scoliosis is observed from myocardial infarction or stroke.

There are studies that the scoliotic arch leads to changes in the left hemisphere of the brain due to the infringement of the nerve roots. In addition, intracranial pressure often increases. These factors provoke hemorrhages in the brain (stroke).

In conclusion, it should be noted that scoliosis in children leads to difficulties in the formation of social skills: reading, writing, literacy, the ability to process new information, memory. Almost every increase in blood pressure, damage to blood vessels and bleeding requires deformation of the spinal column.

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The consequences of scoliosis: what if there is no cure for the disease?

Scoliosis is not only one of the most common diseases, but also a complex orthopedic pathology.

In scoliosis, the spine is deformed, which affects the functioning of internal organs.

Complications, as a rule, develop gradually, as the disease progresses.

Prevention of severe consequences of scoliosis is the treatment of the disease in the early stages of its development.

Try not to disregard the recommendations of doctors.

Otherwise, you risk getting a pronounced cosmetic defect and serious health problems.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is called persistent curvature of the spine to the left or to the right with respect to its axisi.e. in the frontal plane.

This process affects all parts of the spine, therefore, lateral curvature is supplemented with time curvature in the anteroposterior direction (physiological curves are strengthened) and twisting the spine.

Later there is a secondary deformation of the pelvis and chest, which is accompanied by a violation of the lungs, heart and pelvic organs.

The curvature is most often formed in adolescence and childhood. The disease develops against the background of congenital anomalies, various diseases and injuries. In most cases, it is not possible to establish the cause of scoliosis.

The treatment of scoliosis can be either operative or conservative. The prognosis is determined by the cause of development and the degree of curvature, the state of internal organs, the presence of secondary deformations and their severity.

Types of scoliosis

Pay attention to the shape of the scoliosis

Scoliosis is structural and non-structural. The first is characterized by persistent pathological rotation of the vertebrae, and the second is characterized by the usual lateral curvature of the spine.

According to the shape of the curvature: Depending on the department in which the curvature of the spine is located:
  • S-shaped (2 lateral bends);
  • C-shaped (1 lateral bend);
  • Z-shaped (3 lateral bends).

The consequences of scoliosis and how dangerous it is in the absence of treatment

The consequences of scoliosis depend on the stage of development of the disease. As the pathology progresses, complications become more difficult to avoid.

In the first stage

The first degree of scoliosis is the easiest.

The curvature is about 10 degrees and is invisible to others (to detect the disease can be using a radiograph).

If the pathology does not progress and does not bother the patient, it is equated to the norm. However, this does not negate the systematic observation of the orthopedist and the conduct of preventive measures.

In the second stage

The second degree is characterized by a curvature of 11 to 25 degrees. The disease can be seen with the naked eye, in particular, at different height of the shoulders. Such cases require immediate medical attention. the pathology progresses very quickly.

The consequences of scoliosis of the second degree depend on the age at which it was detected. If the disease is found in a child aged 8 to 10 years, this indicates the presence of a rapidly progressive deformation, which as the spine grows will only increase.

Complicates the situation the following: when a child reaches 8 years old, his spine loses his former flexibility, and When scoliosis occurs deformation of the chest, which affects the internal organs means to get rid of the pathology becomes much more difficult.

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is reflected in the condition of the chest.

The latter is deformed, the ribs protrude, in some cases the rib humps form.

As a result, there are problems with the lungs, or rather with breathing.

As for adult patients (from 18 and older), in their case the consequences of scoliosis of the second degree are less tragic.

The risk of progression of the deformity of the spine is reduced to a minimum; the vertebral column at this age is practically formed.

Scoliosis of the second degree can be dangerous for people with:

In the third stage

The curvature of scoliosis of the third degree is 26-50 degrees.

First of all, the problem is reflected in the appearance of the patient: the waist line is shifted to the left or to the right, the forehead, ribs and scapulae are located at different heights.

In the third stage of scoliosis, the angle of curvature can reach 50 degrees. It is possible to correct the situation with using a corset or a surgical procedure, in which the vertebrae are fixed in the correct position.

The doctor's task is to identify wedge-shaped deformations and make a timely decision on the operation.

Otherwise, the curvature may lead to the development of problems with blood circulation, disruption of the respiratory system, the appearance of severe back pain.

Scoliosis of the third degree pose a serious threat to health.

It can lead to:

  • the appearance of strong and prolonged pain;
  • development of gynecological diseases and infertility;
  • serious disruption of the lungs, heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • the emergence of mental disorders caused by feelings of inferiority and constant depression;
  • the emergence of muscle atrophy of the abdomen, back and extremities.

The most severe is the fourth degree of scoliosis, in which the curvature is 50 degrees or more.

This defect leads to a change in the appearance of the patient, disruption of all organs and systems. Conservative therapy in this case does not work.

You can correct the situation only with the help of an operation.

The risk of scoliosis of the fourth degree is:

  • Changes in the structure of pelvic bones, chest and lumbar spine. Moreover, the degree of these changes depends on the shape of the curvature and the magnitude of the deformation angle.
  • Development of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Change in lung capacity leads to lack of oxygen, the appearance of dyspnoea, rapid fatigue. There are pain in the back and changes in blood pressure. The patient is more likely to suffer from pulmonary diseases. Heart failure often develops.
  • Change in the position of internal organs. With a strong curvature, the organs are squeezed and displaced, cease to function properly.
  • Deformations of pelvic bones. The change in the normal position of the pelvic bones leads to the development of stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder. It also negatively affects the conception and course of pregnancy.
  • The appearance of mental disorders. Problems with posture can cause the development of depression and inferiority complex, and, in representatives of both sexes. At occurrence of any mental frustration it is necessary to address to the doctor as soon as possible.

Scoliosis of the fourth degree can lead to a loss of ability to work.

According to statistics, 47% of patients with long-term illness suffer from disability.

However, it is important to understand that the basis for disability is the severe consequences of scoliosis, and not the deformation of the spine itself.

Myths about the consequences of scoliosis

On the Internet, there are a lot of myths about scoliosis, and sometimes very absurd. Below are the most popular of them:

Myth number 1.The main symptom of scoliosis is back pain. This statement is far from reality, because the curvature itself rarely causes such pains.

Myth number 2.Scoliosis can cause the development of paralysis. In fact, paralysis in scoliosis is possible only in one case - if a patient with a curvature gets a serious spinal injury.

Myth number 3.Scoliosis increases the risk of disc herniation.

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Doctors say that the disc herniation is not related to scoliosis, as it appears as a result of trauma, unsuccessful movement, and sharp compression of individual segments of the spine.

According to statistics, a disc hernia is found in healthy people as often as in patients suffering from scoliosis.

Note the myths about scoliotic disease Myth No. 4.Scoliosis can lead to the development of arthritis.

Arthritis refers to the inflammation of the joints that occurs when a malfunction in the immune system.

This malfunction can be caused by a viral infection, hypothermia, stress, colds and even severe metabolic disorders. With the curvature of the spine, it is not connected in any way.

Myth number 5.Curvature can cause the development of arthrosis of the hip and knee joints.

In fact, patients with scoliosis in the risk group for arthrosis are not listed.

The likelihood of developing arthrosis is much higher in people with congenital anomalies in the development of joints (dysplasia of the hip or knee joints).

Myth number 6.Scoliosis can cause numbness in the lower and upper extremities. Such judgments can be heard from many patients suffering from scoliosis.

Nevertheless, in the numbness of the hands and feet, not the curvature, but the neurological disorders or the hypermobility syndrome is guilty. These same disorders can cause scoliosis.

Thus, scoliosis and numbness are the consequences of various health problems.

Myth number 7.Scoliosis always leads to infertility in women and to erectile dysfunction in men. This statement is only half true. Scoliosis and the truth can make changes in the work of the pelvic organs.

Nevertheless, a huge number of patients, psychologically suffering from the curvature of the spine, can maintain an active sex life.

Also known is the huge number of women who are pregnant and give birth to children, despite scoliosis.

Myth number 8.Against the background of scoliosis, immunity deteriorates, allergic reactions, colds and even oncological diseases develop. The truth is that scoliosis is not related to any of the listed pathologies.

Patients with curvature of the spine suffer from cancer, allergies and colds, but not more often than people with a healthy back.

Allergies, frequent colds - all of them appear due to glitches in the work of immune cells, chronic stress, poor nutrition, adverse environmental conditions, etc. However, scoliosis is not not to do with it.


Thus, the prognosis of scoliosis depends on the stage of development of pathology. The smaller the angle of curvature, the lower the risk of adverse effects to the body.

The least dangerous is a scoliosis of 1 and 2 degrees. However, the 2nd degree for children also carries a greater threat, unlike adults.

3 and 4 degree is equally dangerous for both adults and children.

To avoid serious complications, you should put an orthopedist at least once a year. Especially carefully you need to monitor the child's posture: in childhood, scoliosis is much more dangerous than in an adult.

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The consequences of scoliosis: the more dangerous? Complications, harm

Many people mistakenly believe that scoliosis of the spine is an ordinary disease and harm from it is minimal. Like, you can live with him all his life and there are unlikely to be any complications.

In fact, scoliosis is an extremely dangerous disease, which is often complicated and in some cases leads to the fact that the patient develop severe deformities of the back, leading to an irreversible disability.

And if at 1-2 stages of the disease the danger is minimal (complications are really rare and if there are, then no special problems are created), then at 3-4 stages there is a huge risk of disability.

What is the risk of scoliosis at different stages?

Depending on the stage of scoliotic disease, patients may develop certain complications. The most favorable is the first stage, in which no complications are observed at all.

What is the risk of scoliosis of the first degree? The danger is one - if he is not treated, he will progress continuously, going to the second degree.

The consequences of the second stage are not so vague. The disease is still mild, and the patient may even not notice it. But what consequences are possible then? The most common is a persistent violation of posture (especially in children), in some cases, pronounced deformities of the back are possible.

Scoliosis of the third degree

In the third and fourth stages, the greatest number of complications should be expected. In this case, the consequences are no longer limited to the vertebral column alone, internal organs can be involved in the pathological process.

Children with stage 3-4 scoliosis are much more likely to have a partial cure than adults.

Danger of scoliosis of the thoracic region

If we talk not only about the consequences for the spinal column, then in the scoliosis of the thoracic section, one should fear the transition of the pathological process to the internal organs of the thorax. So the heart and lungs can be affected, althoughCritical damage to these organs is unlikely.

Most often this leads to a moderate respiratory failure and to irregularities in the work of the heart (extrasystole, sinus tachycardia with heart rate above a hundred).

Severe scoliosis of thorax

Other consequences of scoliosis of the thoracic spine include:

  • pinching (compression) of the nerve nodes with possible development of neurologic disorders (paralysis is very rare);
  • displacement of the internal organs of the chest;
  • metabolic disorders, trophic tissue disorders;
  • pronounced pain syndrome, not giving the patient even a normal sleep;
  • in rare cases, the development of vertebral artery syndrome is possible.

Danger of scoliosis of the lumbar region

With the lumbar spine problems can be much more.

In this case, there is always a considerable risk of damage to the internal organs and an extensive network of nerves.

This leads to neurological disorders, which at first appear moderate, but can then lead to disability.

The consequences of scoliosis of the lumbar spine may be as follows:

  • in the early stages of frequent urination, late incontinence;
  • in the early stages of constipation and flatulence (the accumulation of intestinal gases), late - incontinence;
  • weakness of the muscular corset of the peritoneum;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs, in the stomach and, in some cases, in the kidneys;
  • Drainage of the lymphatic fluid, which can lead to edema of the lower limbs;
  • paralysis (partial and complete) of the lower extremities (only with scoliotic disease of the third or fourth stage).

Danger of scoliosis of the cervical spine

It is incorrect to talk about scoliosis of the cervical spine, since in fact the disease is localized in the cervico-thoracic region. Such localization is not uncommon, but in most cases it proceeds moderately, resembling osteochondrosis.

Only in the presence of the last stages of scoliosis (grade 3-4) are possible severe neurologic disorders and even vascular damage.

Thoracic scoliosis of the fourth stage

Consequences of scoliosis of the cervical spine can be:

  • development of vertebral artery syndrome (a condition in which there is an inflection or compression of vertebral arteries with a significant decrease in blood flow in them);
  • severe dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, episodes of syncope (loss of consciousness);
  • the appearance of visual artifacts, in particular flies, lightning and shroud before the eyes;
  • expressed headaches, in severe cases resembling cluster (painful, you can say unbearable point pain).

What consequences can scoliosis cause?

Scoliosis is fraught with not only the development of various pathological conditions, but also the development of full-blown diseases. That is, it can become an impetus to the emergence of diseases of internal organs, which, in turn, are dangerous in themselves and can also become complicated.

Scoliosis can cause the following diseases:

  1. Incontinence of urine and feces. Usually develops incontinence of the first degree (only with physical exertion), but in some cases incontinence of the third degree (even at rest) is observed.
  2. Lymphostasis is a disease in which the outflow of lymph fluid from the lower extremities is disturbed. Against the backdrop of lymphostasis, there may be venous pathologies, in particular varicose leg disease.
  3. Ischemic stroke on the background of compression or inflection of the vertebral artery. Very rare, but still possible complication.
  4. Full and partial paralysis of the lower and, much less often, upper limbs. Very often paralysis will last a lifetime and it will not be possible to regain the lost functionality of the limbs.

When are they given a disability?

In the presence of scoliosis disease of the first and second stage, disability, as a rule, is not formalized.

An exception may be situations in which a patient with a background of early scoliosis, there are other accompanying diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

That is, disability develops against a complex disease.

Results of treatment of scoliosis of the spine

In the absolute majority of cases, disability in the case of scoliosis is documented in the presence of diseases of the third and fourth stages. It is at this stage of the disease that the most formidable complications develop, including severe deformations of the spine and paralysis of the limbs.

Why scoliosis does not result?

Many patients are mistakenly attributed to the complications of scoliosis disease, which has absolutely nothing to do with this pathology. Also, scoliosis is often attributed to various symptoms, in fact developing due to other diseases that often accompany scoliosis.

Scoliosis does not lead to the development of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  1. Intervertebral hernia. Despite the fact that some influence on the development of intervertebral hernia scoliotic disease has, but the cause of the complication is different.
  2. Numbness of the extremities. The symptom is often found in scoliotic pathology, but not due to it, but due to the presence of concomitant degenerative-dystrophic processes.
  3. Osteoarthritis of joints. Scoliosis is a predisposing factor to arthrosis, it creates some favorable conditions for its development, but in no way is the cause.
  4. Arthritis. The disease develops against the backdrop of inflammatory processes in the joints, which in no way can be caused by scoliotic disease.

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