Diet for gout on the legs: a menu for a week


  • 1Diet for gout - an approximate menu for a week and a table of products
    • 1.1Classical diet for gout
    • 1.2Diet during the exacerbation of urolithiasis
    • 1.3Table 6
    • 1.4Nutrition for arthritis and gout
    • 1.5Purine table
    • 1.6Prohibited products
    • 1.7Practical recommendations for increased uric acid
    • 1.8about nutrition in gouty arthritis
    • 1.9Treatment and diet of patients with gout
    • 1.10What to eat with an exacerbation of gout
  • 2Menu for gout - an approximate diet for a week in the table and a list of allowed products
    • 2.1What should be the diet for gout
    • 2.2What you can eat
    • 2.3Delicious dishes with gout
    • 2.4Reviews
  • 3Diet for gout: diet menu for 6 for a week
    • 3.1What is gout?
    • 3.2What is the diet for gout?
    • 3.3Diet for gout - table of products and menus
    • 3.4The basic principles of the diet for gout are as follows:
    • 3.5The use of diet with excess weight
    • 3.6Menu for the week
    • 3.7Proven diets
    • 3.8The general principles of the Sixth Table are as follows:
    • 3.9Today the list of "prohibitions" looks like this:
    • 3.10Can you mushrooms and legumes?
    • 3.11The doctor's consultation
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Diet for gout: an approximate menu
    • 4.1General principles of diet
    • 4.2What foods and dishes are forbidden for gout?
    • 4.3What foods and foods should be restricted for gout?
    • 4.4What foods are resolved with gout?
    • 4.5Sample menu for three days for a patient during a gouty attack
    • 4.61st day
    • 4.72 nd day
    • 4.8Day 3
    • 4.9Sample menu for three days during remission of gout
    • 4.101st day
    • 4.112 nd day
    • 4.12Day 3

Diet for gout - an approximate menu for a week and a table of products

Gout is a very serious disease that occurs in men and women of predominantly advanced age. It is associated with the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and tendons.

Diet for gout - an approximate menu which you will see below, the most important moment in the treatment of the disease. It helps to avoid exacerbations.

If you have been diagnosed with gout, you definitely need to review your diet and stick to this diet.

Classical diet for gout

People with this disease are recommended to adhere to table number 6. The approximate diet menu is aimed at reducing the amount of uric acid deposits, preventing the emergence of new ones. If you are sick with gout, then eat five times a day, do not overeat.

With a diet, you need to minimize the consumption of protein, refractory fats, salt. Products with oxalic acid, fish, meat, mushroom broth for gout from the menu should be categorically excluded. When dieting, be sure to drink plenty of water, preferably mineral alkaline.

If you need a diet for gout - an approximate seven-day menu you can see below. In addition, you will be presented recipes cooking some dishes for table number 6.

Cooked on them for diet products are incredibly delicious and nutritious. Their use will help you get rid of pain, other symptoms caused by the disease.

Diet for gout on the legs - the menu of which you are presented, is observed by the patient constantly.


  1. Breakfast: salad with fresh fruit, yoghurt, honey, milk.
  2. Second breakfast: 20 ml of kefir.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup with vegetable oil, greens.
  4. Snack: potato cutlets with cream.
  5. Dinner: fresh cucumber, hard boiled egg.


  1. Salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, a slice of rye bread.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole.
  3. Boiled potatoes, stewed cauliflower, fruit compote.
  4. Sandwich with cheese, yogurt.


  1. Buckwheat, tea.
  2. Beet Salad.
  3. Soup with pearl barley, vegetables, lean slice of meat, salad with sea cabbage, cucumbers.
  4. A compote, a little marshmallow.
  5. Yogurt with avocado.


  1. Two cottage cheese pancakes with jam, juice.
  2. Crackers, a glass of yogurt.
  3. Pepper stuffed with vegetables and rice, eggplant caviar, jelly.
  4. Sandwich with cheese, compote.
  5. Oatmeal, tea.


  1. Cottage cheese, two tomatoes, tea.
  2. Fruit salad with yoghurt.
  3. Rice porridge, a slice of beef, vegetable salad.
  4. Stewed vegetables, a slice of bread.
  5. Tomato, boiled egg, compote with biscuits.


  1. Vermicelli with gravy, tea.
  2. Two any fruit.
  3. Vegetable soup.
  4. Courgettes stewed with Bulgarian pepper, mashed potatoes, kissel.
  5. Raw vegetables, apple, tea.


  1. Cottage cheese, tea.
  2. Gingerbread, yogurt.
  3. Vegetable soup with rice, chicken meatballs, salad with vegetables.
  4. Berry yoghurt.
  5. Stewed vegetables, jelly.

The recipe for lean borsch:

  1. Boil the water, salt. While she will bask, brush a few potatoes, cut them.
  2. Throw the potatoes into the water.
  3. Pass the onions, carrots, beets. Add some tomato paste.
  4. Shred cabbage, put in a saucepan, add the rest of the vegetables.
  5. Finely chop the Bulgarian pepper and herbs, toss in the pan, immediately remove it from the plate.

The recipe for cooking caviar:

  1. Kilogram of courgettes cut into cubes, put on the stew.
  2. Cut a half kilogram of onions, carrots, fry in lean oil, add a little tomato paste, boil.
  3. Add the vegetables with tomato in zucchini, wait for the boil.
  4. Grind everything with a blender, serve.

The recipe for vegetable stew:

  1. Slice finely one onion, three carrots, put out.
  2. When the carrot is softened, add a glass of boiled green peas, 6 potatoes.
  3. Add half a glass of sour cream, a little salt.
  4. Stew about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Serve to the table, pre-watering melted butter.

Diet during the exacerbation of urolithiasis

In critical periods for gout, the menu needs to be tightened. If you have an exacerbation, then strictly adhere to the therapeutic diet. Completely exclude meat, fish dishes, offal, seafood, beans.

When dieting, try to consume more carbohydrates and milk proteins while exacerbating gout. Drink not strong tea, compotes, alkaline mineral water. Try to eat more liquid or wiped dishes.

Eat on a diet for about two weeks with an exacerbation of gout.

Every second day should be unloading, on these days it is allowed to use at your choice:

  • a half kilogram of vegetables, or fruit;
  • half a liter of kefir, half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • two liters of milk or kefir.

Table 6

Diet for gout - the approximate weekly menu of which is described above, corresponds to table number six. It is aimed at normalizing the exchange of purines, reducing the amount of uric acid and salts formed in the body.

Diet with excess uric acid is designed so that the patient uses products with a full set of nutritional elements. In the diet can be dishes of meat or fish.

A sick gout on a diet, these products must be cooked, and then fry in lean oil.

The chemical composition of the daily diet for table number 6:

  • carbohydrates - 400 g, of which 80 g of sugar;
  • Fats - 80-90 grams, of which 30 grams are vegetable;
  • proteins - 70-80 grams, of which 40 grams of animals;
  • salt - not more than 10 grams;
  • the amount of calories consumed per day is 2700-2800 kcal.

Nutrition for arthritis and gout

If you suffer from two diseases at once, then be sure to follow the following dietary recommendations:

  1. When gout, try to consume 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.
  2. On a diet, do not eat foods with purine: fatty fish, caviar, chocolate, young meat, yeast, mushrooms.
  3. When gout meat and fish eat no more than twice in seven days. Carefully boil them, drain all broth, then rinse.
  4. For a diet, consume 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight. Sour cream, cream, unsalted butter on a diet is better almost not to eat.
  5. If you have gout, give up foods with digestible carbohydrates. These are various sweets, honey, sugar.
  6. Try to reduce the amount of salt consumed to a minimum, as it is very harmful to the joints.

In order to facilitate the flow of arthritis and gout, enter the following foods in the diet:

  • eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • bread, unsweetened pastry made from coarse ground flour.

Diet for gout - an approximate correct menu should be arranged so that there are practically no products containing purine in it.

The use of healthy food contributes to the destruction of accumulated urinary acid in the joints.

If you do not want exacerbations of gout, accompanied by severe pain, then categorically refuse to eat foods rich in purine, and observe a diet.

Purine table

Using the table below, patients with gout can always properly make their diet for the diet, including products with low purine content:

Product Purine (mg / 100 g) Uric acid (mg / 100 g)
Bakery products
Rolls 9 21
Crackers 25 60
White bread 25 60
Rye bread 6 15
Veal 63 150
Mutton 61 146
Beef 58 140
Duck 63 152
Goose 68 164
A hen 125 300
Turkey 50 120
Chicken eggs 2 5
A fish
Herring 88 210
Sardines in oil 145 349
Sprats 222 534
Carp 63 150
Salmon 71 170
Pike 58 140
Trout 83 200
Eggplant 7 19
White cabbage 11 28
Broccoli 20 49
Courgettes 7 21
Potatoes 5 14
Onion 5 8
Carrot 5 14
Cucumbers 2 8
Bulgarian pepper 4 10
Tomatoes 4 10
Beet 8 20
Asparagus 10 25
Cauliflower 18 44
Fruits and berries
Apricots 7 19
Avocado 12 29
Oranges 7 19
Bananas 10 24
Grapes 7 19
Pears 5 14
Strawberry 10 24
Dried apricots 31 74
Raspberries 7 19
Peaches 7 19
Cherries 6 15
Apples 6 15
Beans 75 183
Dry peas 70 168
Lentils 84 200
Buckwheat 62 149
Mannaya 23 55
Millet 35 85
Oatmeal 42 100
Rice 15 35
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Prohibited products

At a gout it is strictly forbidden there are following products:

  • any alcoholic beverages, especially beer;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • broths from meat or fish;
  • smoked products;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • by-products;
  • soda;
  • strong tea or coffee;
  • cheeses;
  • spices: pepper, horseradish, mustard;
  • baking;
  • cocoa and chocolate.

Practical recommendations for increased uric acid

If you are faced with gout, then try to remember the following tips:

  1. It is desirable to completely abandon the use of alcohol. Beer and champagne with gout drink can not be under any circumstances, because it can cause exacerbation.
  2. Drink a lot of water with gout, it will dilute the concentration in the blood of uric acid. Make a choice in favor of compotes, natural juices, especially berry.
  3. With gout, exclude foods with high-melting fats.
  4. Adhering to a diet, give preference to food containing vegetable proteins and slow carbohydrates.
  5. Try to use sugar in minimum quantities, but it is better to completely abandon it and other sweets. If you have gout and you want to eat, eat some sweet fruit.
  6. If you have extra weight, then try to lose weight, go on a diet. Obesity is an additional burden on joints with gout.

about nutrition in gouty arthritis

In order to finally understand what diet should be observed with gout, its aggravations and accompanying diseases, see the following video.

You can see for yourself that even with such an ailment you manage to eat deliciously.

You will no longer be afraid of the huge number of prohibitions and restrictions in eating, observing a diet for gout, because you will find out how many useful products the table number 6 offers.

Treatment and diet of patients with gout

What to eat with an exacerbation of gout

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Menu for gout - an approximate diet for a week in the table and a list of allowed products

The disturbed metabolism is dangerous for the development of serious diseases.

Excess purine in the body affects the joints and the kidneys, which negatively affects the health status.

To treat gout is a complex approach that, along with medication, provides the right menu.

What should be the diet for gout

The treatment of gout is based on the use of a certain category of foods.

The second important point in making the right menu for gout is the exclusion from the diet of those foods and foods that contribute to the development of the disease or inhibit the process of recovery. Diet with increased uric acid in the blood is based on the following general principles:

  • A maximum of light carbohydrates, a minimum of protein food of animal origin.
  • Daily intake of food should be divided into small portions, eating often and little by little.
  • In the weekly menu, one day is unloading.

Gouty arthritis, accompanied by inflammation, can cause severe pain. To avoid exacerbation, you should prohibit yourself the use of certain products or reduce them to a minimum. So what foods can not be eaten with gout and what to exclude from the menu:

  • oxalic soup, borscht on meat broth;
  • semi-finished products, canned food;
  • peas, legumes (corn);
  • mushrooms;
  • figs, grapes, raspberries, raisins;
  • mustard, horseradish, garlic, granulated sugar;
  • chocolate, pastries;
  • coffee, strong tea.

What you can eat

Cope with the pathology of certain categories of products. Enrich your menu so as not to let uric acid salts form in excess - that's the principle by which a list is made. A doctor may authorize a patient with gout to allow the following foods or dishes:

  • vegetable, milk, fruit soup;
  • fish, meat (low-fat varieties);
  • rye, wheat bread;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oats), pasta;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries (zucchini, cucumbers, apples);
  • cottage cheese, milk, kefir;
  • honey:
  • butter, vegetable oil;
  • parsley, dill, chicory, ginger;
  • cinnamon, vanillin, pumpkin seeds;
  • broth of wild rose, mineral water (alkaline), birch juice.

The correct antipuric diet is an important part of gout treatment, and the menu is built according to the principle of eating permitted foods and meals in small portions.

Patients in the hypopurine period should use rich in content of microelements fresh fruits and vegetables.

An approximate weekly menu with aggravated gout is presented in the table.

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 fruit salad with yogurt; strong tea; ucharik; vegetable soup-piur; artofelnye zrazy; green ogre; The created egg (with gout no more than one per day; cottage cheese (200 g), a glass of kefir;
2 salad (2 tomatoes, 50 g of Adyghe cheese, greens), broth of wild rose; baked potatoes; ompos; cha; ester; baked pumpkin (200 g), kefir;
3 oatmeal porridge; the juke-stick; ah; vegetable soup with wheaten groats; steam for steam; fresh cucumber; baked apple; kefi; anan;
4 vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, herbs) on vegetable oil; omtik rye bread; the briar of wild rose; potato purse; vine cabbage in the tapestry; omate juice4 2 slices of rye bread with squash caviar; milk rice porridge; a; all cookies4
5 Unloading day (the use of fruits, raw or boiled vegetables without salt).
6 pasta with damp; офе with milk; buckwheat porridge; a veal of boiled veal; a salad of lettuce; a slice of rye bread with beetroot caviar; omelette (egg, tomato); cha; food;
7 cheese cake; of wild rose. cabbage rolls with vegetables; ompos. slice cheese; arene egg. Pumpkin cereal; Tac of milk.

Delicious dishes with gout

Vegetarian borsch with cheese is easy to prepare, for this you need:

  • cabbage - 100-120 g;
  • potatoes - 120 g;
  • carrots - 60 g;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs .;
  • beet - 1 pc .;
  • butter (cream) - 25 g;
  • greens, cheese - 10 g.


  1. Vegetables clean, remove seeds, cuticles, finely chop, pour into boiling water.
  2. Grate finely beets, for a quarter of an hour before the end of the dish, put into a saucepan, cook until ready for 15 minutes.
  3. With gout in the menu it is allowed to include low-fat cheese, so you should choose Gaudette or Adyghe.

Cucumber caviar will help diversify the menu:

  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • onions - 250 g;
  • tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons;


  1. In zucchini, peel, remove the core, cut the fruits into cubes and simmer until softened.
  2. Fry in a vegetable oil the chopped onions, grated carrots with tomato paste.
  3. Refuel pour in zucchini, cook for a quarter of an hour, and then mix the finished vegetable mixture with a blender.

Baked cheesecakes for gout are useful, to cook from simply. It is necessary to buy and measure:

  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • semolina - 40 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • sugar - a teaspoon;
  • butter - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream, jam - to taste.


  1. In the wiped cottage cheese, add mango, egg, sugar, mix and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Form the syrniki, put on a baking sheet, and top with a sour cream mixed with flour.
  3. Bake syrniki until cooked at medium temperature.


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Diet for gout: diet menu for 6 for a week

Certain diseases often require adjusting the diet and maintaining the necessary balance of metabolism with a properly selected diet. Diet for gout and increased uric acid is an important stage of complex treatment, without which it is impossible to achieve full recovery.

What is gout?

Gout is a chronic disease associated with a violation of purine metabolism, which is accompanied by accelerated decay of proteins and leads to the fact that the kidneys lose the ability to excrete the urinary acid. As a result of the high concentration of this substance in the blood (hyperuricemia), urate crystals (uric acid salts) are formed, which are deposited in the joints and cause their defeat.

Gout is a disease with which humanity collided at the dawn of civilization. The first mention of this ailment is found in the written sources of Ancient Egypt.

And the founder of modern medicine, the ancient Greek healer and scholar Hippocrates, first noted the relationship of gout with intemperance, excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcohol, and mentioned that manifestations of the disease are more likely men.

The history of the Middle Ages confirms this opinion, gout was called "aristocrat disease" for nothing and was associated with overeating and overweight. At that time, rich people and crowned people could afford abundant consumption of meat and wine.

Accumulation of uric acid compounds and their deposition in organs and tissues during gout leads to the development of arthritis accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the joints, restriction of their mobility, pain, development of the inflammatory process, hyperemia and swelling of the skin.

What is the diet for gout?

Proper nutrition for gout has the following objectives:

  • prevention of the deposition of salts (formed due to excess uric acid) in the joints and periosteal tissue;
  • compensation for protein loss, as far as possible;
  • reducing the likelihood of exacerbations and their prevention.
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The disease is similar in its manifestations with acute forms of arthritis, and in the period of exacerbation, with the highest accumulation of products of the disintegration of uric acid, is accompanied by intolerable attacks of pain in the joints and kidney. Thanks to drug therapy and a properly selected diet, taking into account all the recommendations of the attending physician, you can avoid the development of painful symptoms and prevent relapse of the disease.

Diet for gout - table of products and menus

With gout, follow the recommendations of a nutritionist on the correct composition of the daily menu.

It does not hurt to have information about what should be the chemical composition of the diet and its calorie content.

For example, the daily ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be as follows:

  • proteins - from 85 to 95 grams, the ratio of animal proteins to vegetable
  • Fats - from 75 to 95 grams, the ratio of animal fats to vegetable
  • carbohydrates - from 260 to 350 grams;
  • The total energy value of the entire amount of food per day should not exceed 2000-245 calories.

The basic principles of the diet for gout are as follows:

Salt should be excluded completely or substantially limited its use. Food is better to cook completely without salt and salting ready meals already on the table. Of course, from the diet should be removed pickles, marinades and most of the spices.

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of protein foods (especially red meat), since the rooted metabolism of proteins provokes an increase in the concentration of urate. If you have excess weight, you should limit carbohydrate foods (especially baked pastries, confectionery).

It is necessary to comply with the recommended caloric intake. To fast does not follow, as observance of rigid diets conducts to the strengthened disintegration of fibers and raises the maintenance of uric acid in blood.


You can once a week arrange a day off - this will not cause a malfunction in the metabolism, but will improve the general well-being of the patient with gout.


During the day you can eat fresh fruit, light vegetable salads, or all day you can drink kefir low in fat.

The use of diet with excess weight

If a patient with gout suffering from obesity, then adherence to a diet with a restriction of carbohydrates, high-calorie and fatty foods, will help to reduce weight and improve the condition.

And compliance with the recommended ratio of proteins and increasing the volume of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet will reduce the concentration of uric acid and relieve the painful bouts of pain.

With gout, the diet will have to be observed for the rest of your life. Therefore, you need to know exactly what products are allowed to eat, and what should be excluded from the diet.

The person who first encountered any medical restrictions on nutrition, it seems that the ban applies to all the usual and inexpensive products.

And what you can eat, either too expensive or tasteless. However, this is not at all the case. The average menu for gout for a week can be both inexpensive and tasty enough.

Menu for the week

Day of the week First breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Steam omelette with herbs Dietary cottage cheese with candied fruits Green salad with apples Vegetable soup puree Baked fish with potatoes Bananas and low-fat kefir Steam cutlets from mixed stuffing with green peas. buckwheat and lean
Tuesday Chicken with vegetables Yoghurt and sandwich with melted cheese Vinaigrette of pink salmon Pasta with mushrooms and green peas Berry jelly and rusks with raisins Steam fish with rice and broccoli
Wednesday Vegetable "balls" in cheese, for example, carrots Sandwiches with ham from poultry meat with the addition of soya Caesar salad with shrimps Borshch vegetable or beetroot Fishballs in neostre vegetable sauce with rice Tea with fruit to taste and ice cream from palm oil Fillet of turkey boiled with beets and mashed potatoes
Thursday Oatmeal with fruit Bananas or banana chips Egg salad without mayonnaise Soup noodles with chicken Soy goulash in tomatoes and buckwheat Compote of fruits and berries with cheesecakes Boiled lean (low-fat) pork or beef with white beans and dill
Friday Curd dumplings with berries or raisins Sandwiches with pate from cod liver and other fish products Vitamin salad from fresh vegetablesChicken soup with cerealsCorn fillet or turkey fillet with broccoli and cauliflower Boiled eggs and milk kissel Hedgehogs in milk-and-butter sauce or in soy sauce with fresh vegetables
Saturday Vegetable salad with olives and goat cheese Sandwich with soya ham, vegetables, herbs Soufflé from berries and fruits Grass soup with mashed potatoesFried cheese with cowberry Potato beans with carrot-apricot sauce and green tea Pizza with vegetables, mushrooms and shrimps
Sunday Fish balls with vegetables Fruit salad, with a predominance of apples in the composition and creamy dressing Chicken salad with vegetables and herbs Lenten soup Turkey breast with beans Chicory and sandwiches with curd mass Warm salad with shrimps. Meat of turkey, red bean cheese and pineapple

For the night you can drink a glass of kefir or limit yourself to mineral water, depending on desire and preferences.

Good to know

Important! Diet during the period of gout exacerbation becomes more severe! At this time, the menu completely excludes meat and fish dishes and increases the amount of liquid in the diet.

It is necessary to drink pure drinking or mineral water without gas, weak herbal and green teas, as well as decoctions of herbs with a diuretic effect.

This will help remove excess uric acid from the body and dissolve the resulting urate.

Proven diets

To the checked rations of a food at various diseases the so-called tables, approved still in the USSR by the Ministry of Health and obligatory as a guide for places of public catering, "Dietary". Also, these "tables" were used to determine the rations in sanatoriums, dispensaries and rest homes.

Therapeutic tables for patients with kidney diseases have been developed somewhat, but the most popular in practice was "Diet number 6 for gout and elevated uric acid content."

The general principles of the Sixth Table are as follows:

  • Soups are prepared without using for broth fatty meat, fat, bone product.
  • In the diet, there must be lean meat and lean fish. Methods of heat treatment - cooking, stewing, steaming.
  • The use of cereals, pasta and bakery products is limited.
  • All fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed. The ban applies to marinades and pickles, with the exception of vegetables, preserved in their own juice.
  • The oil is preferably vegetable, however a small amount of baked or creamy is permissible, for example, when extinguishing the products (this is due to the difficult assimilation of protein from animal oils).
  • All sour-milk drinks, dairy products and dishes from them are allowed without restrictions.
  • On the use of juices, tea, fruit drinks, compotes, restrictions do not apply.
  • Honey, nuts and sweets are allowed in moderation. But the ban applies to chocolate and all the foods and drinks in which it is contained.

In general, diet number six imposes restrictions only on the amount of salt, (limiting it to 5 grams per day) and prohibits chocolate, in view of the fact that cocoa beans load the kidneys and practically do not allow the body to absorb protein.

Modern nutritionists like to process and develop the "healing tables" of Soviet times, in particular, gout is actively supplemented and constantly updated in order to maximize its adaptation to modern life realities.

As a part of a diet there are new additions, concerning that is possible, and that it is impossible to eat.

The list of allowed products is constantly increasing, mainly this is due to a greater variety available products, compared with the 70-ies of the last century, when this "table" was approved for application.

Today the list of "prohibitions" looks like this:

  • carbonated drinks, with the exception of mineral water;
  • beverages of artificial origin, in which there are no natural components;
  • fatty meat, fish, offal, caviar, fish preserves and canned food;
  • baking, confectionery with cream;
  • crisps, dried squid, ready-made crackers with salt and spices and other "beer" snacks;
  • smoked products;
  • products containing carotene;
  • figs;
  • ready-made sauces;
  • spices, horseradish, mustard, hot peppers;
  • brynza and salted cheeses;
  • lamb or beef fat, lard;
  • chocolate, cocoa and coffee;
  • semi-finished products, canned products and meat products - because of the content of spices and salt;
  • alcohol in any form.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to drink up to 100 grams of vodka, but other alcohol, especially sweet wines, tinctures and beer under the ban! Restrictions apply to certain types of greenery and vegetables. For gout is prohibited the use of sorrel, spinach, cauliflower, green beans.

Can you mushrooms and legumes?

Today, nutritionists are actively arguing about the advisability of the presence in the diet of patients with gout mushrooms and legumes (peas, lentils, beans). Some experts argue that these products can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, others - dispute such a claim.

In the first version of the diet for patients with gout, approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR, mushrooms and legumes - were present.

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If you want, these options for diets are not so difficult to find, you just need to turn to books about dietary nutrition, released no later than the 80-ies of the last century.


Therefore, it is possible to include in a small amount controversial products in the menu not more often than 1 -2 times a month.


In the same books, you can find quite interesting ideas for cooking dishes that significantly diversify the diet, for example, it can be:

  • pancakes from a zucchini or pumpkin with raisins or berries;
  • salads from fresh cucumbers or cream soup from fresh vegetables without heat treatment;
  • corn tortillas or oat meatballs in milk sauce;
  • currant jelly with sour cream;
  • milk mousses;
  • vegetable zrazy with meat filling.

In fact, the list of dishes is endless, it is limited only by the financial capabilities of the patient, assortment of products on the shelves of stores and, of course, the availability of free time and culinary talent.

However, regardless of whether there is time for cooking or not, it is not necessary to violate the diet, and so eat in catering establishments that do not specialize in preparing dietary dishes.

The doctor's consultation

The painful symptoms that accompany the attack of gout on the legs are comparable in intensity to the fire inside the joints of the fingers. And this feeling persists not only when walking or standing, but also in a state of complete rest.

To avoid painful symptoms, ask for medical attention at the first warning signs and follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

Including those of them, which relate to the correction of nutrition.

To create the right menu you will be helped by an experienced nutritionist who will tell you what you can eat with increased concentration of uric acid, and which products should be abandoned forever.

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Diet for gout: an approximate menu

Observance of certain rules in nutrition with gout is always an effective way of preventing progression and aggravating this serious illness.

Such restrictions in the choice of products in the preparation of the daily menu can significantly reduce the supply of urate in the body and if the diet has been used since the beginning of the disease, the patient has a real chance to reduce the development of the disease to minimum.

An approximate menu for chronic illness differs from the diet during an acute attack, and this should be paid attention to patients and their loved ones.

With gout, after the first gouty attack, the patient is prescribed a diet number 6. In this article we will tell you about its general principles and give an approximate menu that will help to organize the food correctly.

General principles of diet

When appointing a treatment table number 6, the patient is recommended to sharply limit the consumption of foods that contain purines, sodium chloride and oxalic acid. The daily menu includes alkaline products and a sufficient amount of liquid, and fats and proteins are somewhat limited.

When preparing dishes from meat, it is necessary to pre-boil it (incl. fish and poultry).

These measures are taken to ensure that the purines contained in the product are discharged into the water.

The same principles are also observed in the preparation of broth: the first broth (after 10-15 minutes of boiling) is drained, and then the meat is boiled in the next portion of water.

Meat dishes can be included in the menu 2-3 times a week. In this case, a piece of meat should weigh no more than 150 grams, and if a fish enters the dish, its weight should not be more than 170 g.

Patients with gout are recommended fractional meals: 4-6 times a day. Between meals, he must use a liquid (for example, filtered drinking water).

Also, with this disease, a good result is given by unloading days, which should be carried out weekly.


These days the patient can use any one food product: cottage cheese, fruit or kefir.


During the unloading day it is recommended to drink at least, l of liquid, if the patient does not have diseases from the cardiovascular system.

What foods and dishes are forbidden for gout?

  • Fat meat;
  • mushroom, fatty and rich meat and fish broths;
  • sauces and sauces prepared on the basis of meat broths;
  • fats of animal origin;
  • jelly;
  • meat by-products;
  • smoked dishes;
  • caviar;
  • canned fish;
  • beans;
  • raspberries;
  • grapes;
  • figs;
  • raisins;
  • semi-finished products;
  • spices;
  • pickles;
  • baked pastry;
  • chocolate;
  • fat confectionary cream;
  • cocoa, coffee and strong black tea;
  • dishes with preservatives;
  • alcoholic beverages and beer.

What foods and foods should be restricted for gout?

  • Low-fat cooked sausages;
  • beef, lean bird or fish;
  • salt (sharply limited);
  • mushrooms;
  • tomatoes (up to 3 pcs.

    in a day);

  • cauliflower;
  • Bell pepper;
  • spinach;
  • greenery;
  • celery;
  • radish;
  • milk;
  • butter.

What foods are resolved with gout?

  • Wheat, bran or rye bread from flour of 1-2 kinds;
  • salads from sour or fresh vegetables;
  • borscht or cabbage soup on vegetable broth;
  • cereals and potato soups;
  • meat of low-fat birds, rabbit and fish (no more than 3 times a week in boiled or baked form);
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • eggs (not more than 1 pc. in a day);
  • fruits and berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • milk or fruit jelly;
  • vegetable, tomato or milk sauces;
  • jam;
  • honey;
  • marmalade;
  • citrus;
  • alkaline mineral water.

Sample menu for three days for a patient during a gouty attack

During an attack of gout, the menu should include predominantly liquid dishes (vegetable soups, kissels, juices, sour-milk products, liquid porridges) and exclude dishes from meat, fish or mushrooms. The patient should not go hungry, because this condition will aggravate the attack. During a gouty attack, an increase in the daily volume of the liquid is necessary before, l.

1st day

  • On an empty stomach - broth of a dogrose;
  • I breakfast - salad of fresh cucumber with lean sour cream, not strong tea with milk;
  • II breakfast - citrus juice;
  • dinner - soup, cooked on vegetable broth, from potatoes and rice, fried cabbage patties, mors or compote of currant;
  • afternoon tea - a broth of a dogrose;
  • dinner - an omelette from one egg, carrot zrazy with dried apricots, a weak tea with lemon;
  • before going to bed - kefir.

2 nd day

  • On an empty stomach - broth of a dogrose;
  • I breakfast - a weak tea with the addition of milk, a salad of fresh cabbage, seasoned with low-fat sour cream;
  • II breakfast - tomato juice;
  • lunch - cabbage soup on vegetable broth, a piece of boiled chicken with white sauce;
  • afternoon tea - a broth of a dogrose;
  • dinner - buckwheat porridge with milk, vegetable rolls with rice;
  • before going to bed - apple juice.

Day 3

  • On an empty stomach - broth of a dogrose;
  • I breakfast - salad from boiled beets, not strong tea;
  • II breakfast - blueberry juice;
  • lunch - pearl soup with vegetables, fried cabbage schnitzel;
  • afternoon snack - grapefruit juice;
  • dinner - carrot cutlets with the addition of low-fat sour cream, fruit jelly;
  • before going to bed - kefir.

Sample menu for three days during remission of gout

Between attacks of gout, the daily menu of a patient with gout can expand.

1st day

  • Breakfast - porridge with milk, fresh cucumber, broth from wild rose berries;
  • mid-morning snack - cottage cheese with addition of sour cream, berry jelly;
  • dinner - potato soup, zucchini stuffed with rice with sour cream sauce, strawberry mousse with sour cream;
  • dinner - fried cutlets from fresh cabbage, syrniki, tomato juice;
  • before going to sleep - an apple.

2 nd day

  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, soft-boiled egg, apple and cabbage salad, not strong tea;
  • afternoon snack - casserole of apples and carrots, broth from wild rose berries;
  • lunch - pancakes with low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable rassolnik, fruit jelly;
  • dinner - baked pieces of pumpkin or apple, cherry juice;
  • before bedtime - yogurt.

Day 3

  • Breakfast - rice porridge with the addition of milk, a carrot salad with lean sour cream, boiled soft boiled egg, a weak tea with a slice of lemon;
  • afternoon snack - boiled potatoes with fresh cucumber, pear juice;
  • dinner - vegetable soup with the addition of sour cream, casserole from cottage cheese, milk jelly;
  • dinner - baked apples, berry juice;
  • before going to bed - watermelon.

When compiling the menu, please consult with your doctor, since the list of acceptable products may vary due to frost complications and concomitant diseases.

TV channel "Russia a story on "Diet with gout

Diet for gout (nutrition)

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