Pneumonia symptoms in adults without fever

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a very insidious disease. And it affects everyone: people aged, children, young guys and girls. This disease has an infectious nature (although it is not transmitted from person to person) and is accompanied by inflammation of the lung tissue.

Usually pneumonia occurs after hypothermia and is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process.

Everyone knows that the main symptoms of pneumonia are high fever (38-39 degrees), excessive sweating, coughing and shortness of breath, acute pain in the chest. However, in recent times, there is an increasing frequency without temperature or latent pneumonia. It is especially dangerous, since it is quite difficult even for an experienced doctor to diagnose this disease.

  • Often, the sick do not even turn to the medical institution, writing off their poor state of health for an ordinary cold. At this time, the general condition of the patient is aggravated. If you do not take care of yourself in time, the ending of such a story can end sadly.
  • instagram viewer
  • In order that the irreparable does not happen, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible that the patient has pneumonia. Pneumonia without temperature can be caused by several factors. In most cases, the disease proceeds in this way in people with weakened immunity. Therefore, adults need to keep a close eye on the diet and include in it vitamin-rich fruit, more out in the fresh air and tempered.


Monitor your health - to pneumonia, uncomplicated temperatures can cause pockets of infection: sick tonsils, teeth, or lymph nodes. Also often this diagnosis is put to people who are fond of uncontrolled intake of antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor.

Most often without a temperature inflammation of the lungs occurs if a person tries to heal a cold or carries it "on his feet."The constant intake of antibiotics no longer has any effect on the virus, but the tablets knock down the temperature, and it becomes more difficult to diagnose.

Inflammation of the lungs in this case can be diagnosed by a patient's prolonged cough. However, there are clinical cases when he is absent (or "drowned out" by means of cough - tablets, medicines). If you are faced with this particular patient, pay close attention to the appearance of a person. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature are also reflected in appearance, that is, pneumonia is accompanied by a pallor of the face and a painful blush on the cheeks.

Changing and breathing - it becomes jerky, accompanied by a small whistle. A man loses his appetite and refuses his favorite dishes. Even a slight physical load is not tolerated well: dyspnea appears, pulse and heart rate increase. In especially difficult cases, there is a tachycardia.

It can happen that an adult has a slight temperature for a long time - 37 degrees.This indicates an inflammatory process in the body, so you should immediately show yourself to the doctor.

It is almost impossible to diagnose pneumonia without the help of the patient himself. The signs of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature directly depend on the general condition of the patient.


An adult feels in his condition that something is wrong with him, and he must tell the doctor about it. It should be more responsive to their health, and then the disease will not go into a chronic form.

Native patients should alert the following symptoms, which also indicate pneumonia - excessive weakness, severe breathing (possible difficulty with inhalation or exhalation), excessive sweating, unreasonable and constant thirst, pain and aches in everything body. By the way,the latent inflammation of the lungs is also characterized by the absence of movement of one side of the chest during inspiration or exhalation.

If you have found several of these symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is adequate to the condition of a person.


It is very important in time to identify pneumonia in the patient. Otherwise, sclerotized areas are formed on the lung tissue. They are not able to participate in gas exchange, so the working part of the lungs is reduced, and this does not have the best effect on the quality of a person's later life. Other complications of the course of the disease are possible, some of which can lead to death.

Therefore, as soon as you have a suspicion of pneumonia, call an ambulance or a doctor at home. Drink more and do not take any medicine, so that the doctor had a complete picture of the disease.The doctor must necessarily listen to the patient and assign him medical research. X-rays can help determine if the patient has pneumonia, and show complications from the disease.Only after this can be diagnosed - pneumonia.

If pneumonia was diagnosed on time, complications do not occur, and doctors make favorable predictions. Usually after three to four weeks of effective treatment a person completely recovers. Pneumonia without temperature is a very unpredictable process, so you should take care of your health and take care of every ailment.


Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. Treatment of pneumonia

The acute infectious pathology, which is characterized by the destruction of lung tissue, is called pneumonia. Such a disease is more commonly known as pneumonia. There are many varieties of disease. And all the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult depend on the form of pathology. Understanding such a subtle nuance is an effective key to its treatment.

Brief description of the disease

Pneumonia develops if the infectious and inflammatory process, localized in the respiratory system, extends to the connective tissues of the lungs and the alveoli. Of course, this greatly affects the functioning of the body. After all, the part of fibrin and blood sweat in the alveoli. The patient is hampered by normal breathing, a violation of gas exchange is developing.

The disease can manifest itself in different ways. From the area of ​​the lesion and the localization of the focus depends on the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. Sometimes intoxication develops. Coagulability of blood can be impaired, bronchial passability worsens.

Despite the rapid development of modern medicine, pathology is quite common. And even today it can lead to death. Therefore, one should know the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. After all, it is very important to identify the disease in time and start an adequate treatment.

Causes of the development of ailment

In general, the inflammation of the lungs occurs due to the action of microorganisms:

  • bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci);
  • viruses (pathogens of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses);
  • fungi (aspergillus, histoplasm).

In addition to the above, in the development of pathology can take part special types: legionella, chlamydia, mycoplasma. It is the latter group that provokes the development of atypical pneumonia in adults.

But even if the pathogen has entered the body, a person does not necessarily develop pathology. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult will only appear if there are factors that reduce immunity.

These include:

  • any chronic pathologies (diseases of the urinary system, blood circulation, oncology, liver diseases, HIV infection);
  • bad habits;
  • mechanical trauma to the lung area;
  • complete immobility, prolonged hypodynamia;
  • inefficient nutrition (lack of minerals, vitamins);
  • occupational hazards;
  • debilitating physical exertion;
  • fatigue, neurosis, chronic stress;
  • elderly age;
  • taking certain medications (immunosuppressants, chemotherapy, hormonal drugs);
  • penetration of chemical agents in the respiratory tract.

Common signs of illness

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult are divided into:

  • typical (pulmonary);
  • atypical (extrapulmonary).

Of course, it is very problematic to diagnose ailment at home at home. However, if you know the common features with which a dangerous pathology manifests, it is quite possible to distinguish it from banal ARVI.

But it should be understood that the following are the general symptoms of pneumonia in an adult.

So, to pulmonary signs carry:

  1. Cough. Often it is moist, with abundant sputum. However, the elderly can be observed dry.
  2. Dyspnea. Its occurrence is associated with physical activity. As a rule, it is moderate.
  3. Pain. Patients experience severe discomfort in the sternum, exactly in the place where the inflammation occurred. When the pneumonia is localized in the lower parts of the lungs, a person experiences symptoms of diaphragm irritation. Pain occurs in the abdomen.
  4. Rattles are heard, rapid breathing.
  5. In the case of effusion into the pleural cavity of the fluid, the patient develops acute pain, intensified after coughing, shortness of breath, severe discomfort during movement or deep inspiration. In some cases, a violation of hemodynamics may develop: the pressure will decrease, the pulse will become more frequent, hypoxia will develop.
  6. The nasolabial triangle acquires a cyanotic shade.

Like many infectious diseases, pneumonia leads to intoxication. In this case, extrapulmonary symptoms are observed.

These include:

  • hyperthermia;
  • deterioration of the condition: a decline in strength, weakness, fatigue;
  • headache, discomfort in the joints and muscles.

However, it should be understood that the clinical picture will be quite diverse in such pathology as pneumonia. Symptoms in adults, treatment depends on many factors. Among which: the causative agent, the mechanism of the development of the disease, the conditions of the onset and course of the disease, the spread of the process, the presence of complications, the severity.

Types of pathology

There are several classifications. Let's consider some of them.

If you take into account the causative agent of the disease, then distinguish the following types of pneumonia:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • mycoplasmic;
  • fungal;
  • mixed.

According to the mechanism of development, the disease is classified as follows:

  • primary (independent disease of the respiratory system);
  • secondary (complication of some pathologies);
  • posttraumatic;
  • postoperative;
  • infarct-pneumonia (triggered by pulmonary artery embolism or thrombosis).

In the prevalence of the inflammatory process, pneumonia can be:

  • one-sided;
  • two-sided.

Depending on the course of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • sharp;
  • protracted;
  • chronic.

Classification by prevailing defeat:

  • parenchymal pneumonia (cereal, lobar);
  • focal (bronchopneumonia, lobular);
  • pathology with connective tissue damage.

Consider the most common species. We will analyze what causes pneumonia symptoms in adults, treatment of the disease and the main features of the pathology.

Viral disease

This pathology has its own peculiarities. However, in its pure form it is extremely rare. In adults, viral-bacterial pneumonia is most often diagnosed.

As a rule, pathology is a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza. If viral pneumonia is diagnosed, the symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • muscle pain;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • fever;
  • general tiredness;
  • headache;
  • cough with whitish transparent phlegm;
  • chills;
  • pain in the sternum, worse with deep breaths, coughing.

Asymptomatic pneumonia

In some cases, there may be inflammation of the lungs, which is not manifested by virtually no signs. This pathology is characterized as a latent form of the disease.

Pneumonia without symptoms in an adult is a dangerous condition. As a result of the absence of characteristic signs, the necessary treatment is not carried out. And this, in turn, can lead to quite unpleasant consequences.

In addition, a person does not even suspect that he is contagious, and leads a normal life. The danger lies in the fact that he continues to infect other people.

A latent form of pneumonia can develop as a result of reduced immunity, the intake of certain medications (antitussives, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids).

And still, one can suspect a pathology by the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath;
  • a rapid pulse;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • an unusual blush;
  • wheezing.

Croupous pneumonia

In pathology, a whole lobe of the lung is affected. Sometimes the inflammation spans several lobes. The development of croupous pneumonia is triggered by pneumococcus. The causative agent is highly pathogenic. Therefore, there are severe symptoms of pneumonia in adults: with temperature, intoxication of the body.

The following signs of ailment are characteristic:

  • chills;
  • hyperthermia (up to 39 degrees Celsius);
  • cough (first 2 days - dry);
  • pain in the sternum stitching;
  • "Rusty" sputum due to veins of blood (appears on day 3);
  • shortness of breath.

In case of complication of the pathology, skin hyperemia, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, herpetic rash on the chin, cheeks, nose, pressure decrease, wheezing in the chest are observed.

Focal pneumonia

Such a disease is characterized by a gradual, barely noticeable beginning. In this case, there are symptoms of pneumonia in adults with a temperature of 38-39 degrees.

The disease manifests itself by the following signs:

  • the temperature rises to febrile;
  • weakness;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • painful syndrome in the chest with inspiration, cough;
  • hard breathing;
  • acrocyanosis.

Atypical form of the disease

Sometimes symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without temperature are observed. This form is provoked by atypical microorganisms:

  • mycoplasma;
  • legionella;
  • chlamydia.

Atypical pneumonia can cause and viruses, fungi, protozoa. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature are very similar to a cold.

The main signs of the disease:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • stuffy nose, runny nose;
  • dry cough, significantly worse at night;
  • a sore throat;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing;
  • nausea, vomiting.

However, if the pathology is provoked by the legionella microorganism, then the temperature may rise. For pathology, a strong cough is characteristic. A somewhat different clinic is observed if it is provoked by chlamydia, mycoplasma pneumonia. Symptoms in adults without temperature are a characteristic manifestation of such a pathology.

This form of illness is susceptible to:

  • smokers;
  • living in the general closed premises (barracks, hostels);
  • people with weakened immunity;
  • patients suffering from chronic lung diseases;
  • children;
  • young people.

Radical pneumonia

This is a very serious form of pathology. Symptoms of radical pneumonia in adults may not appear for a long time. But at the same time very often lead to dangerous consequences. The insidiousness of the pathology lies in the difficulty of diagnosis. After all, the focus of inflammation at the root of the lung is localized.

The disease proceeds much brighter than a simple pathology. It should not be forgotten that the radical pneumonia is very dangerous. Symptoms and treatment in adults should be observed by a doctor. After all, if the therapy is wrong, the risk of complications is high.

Symptoms are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • severe cough (dry or with a lot of sputum);
  • elevated temperature, not confused by drugs;
  • discomfort in the throat, pershenie;
  • coryza;
  • weakness, chills.

The main method of combating pathology is antibiotic therapy. If the treatment is chosen correctly, then the patient becomes much easier already for 2-3 days. Often used and fizioprotsedury.

Treatment of ailment

The approach to combating the disease must be comprehensive. The basis of treatment is made up of antibiotics. Preference is given to the penicillin drug. However, in a number of cases, other medicines may be prescribed.

The most popular antibiotics used to treat pneumonia are:

  • "Augmentin".
  • "Amoxicillin."
  • "Cefazolin."
  • "Amoxiclav."
  • "Cefatoxime."
  • "Azithromycin".

In addition, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. The patient is recommended expectorant drugs, restorative drugs, antipyretic drugs. Depending on the form of pathology, mucolytic, antimicrobial medications are prescribed.

If there are symptoms characteristic of a form such as SARS, symptoms in adults without temperature, then antibiotics are selected depending on the bacterium that caused the ailment. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • "Erythromycin".
  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Tetracycline."


Any form of pneumonia today is successfully cured. But the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and fully comply with the prescribed treatment. The implementation of such simple rules will give a quick recovery. Health to you!

Pneumonia without fever and without coughing

Inflammation of the lungs in itself is a very dangerous disease, but pneumonia without a cough is much more dangerous. Not many people know, but this pathology can develop quite unnoticed, without any pronounced symptoms and a sharp deterioration in well-being. This term is a collection of several pathologies relating to lung tissue, and each has its own characteristics. It is important to remember that the ailment is not always accompanied by the usual symptoms: cough or temperature.

Facts about the disease

The main and main respiratory organs are the lungs. They let oxygen into the human body and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. It is here that gas exchange of substances occurs, air purification from toxins, microorganisms and harmful elements, as well as nutrition of each cell. In a healthy person, pushing the air outward is normal, the patient's breathing is much more difficult.

As soon as the infection enters the respiratory system, their functioning, normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune system are hampered. Infection occurs through inhaled particles of vomit, through viruses, harmful bacteria and fungi, foreign objects and the like. In addition, the factor of the appearance of pneumonia may be both hypothermia, and the recently transferred cold. Not all lungs, but only separate parts of different areas can be affected. Such a disease is not contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has the character of an infectious disease.

A term such as pneumonia without a cough was introduced due to the fact that due to the inflammation of various sections of the respiratory organs were identified different types of disease, which, in turn, flow differently. The most dangerous condition is when the patient does not know the true reason for his poor health. He will not feel pain in his chest, there will be no coughing or wheezing, and if the temperature is present, then a small one (it can easily be confused with the symptom of an ordinary cold).

Note that the risk of getting sick is most common among older people over 60 and children under 2 years old. Finding the root cause of infection, you can determine how a person fell ill: because of an infection that got into the body through the airways, or because of deterioration in health against the already existing disease. For example, if the flu is not completely cured, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Despite the main prerequisites for the emergence of ailment, the negative impact can have both medicines and medical intervention. This includes the following:

  • organ transplantation;
  • manifestation of the disease after intubation of the trachea or artificial ventilation;
  • infection can occur and as a result of visiting the infectious disease department of the hospital.

How to discover the disease in time

Analyzing existing types of the disease, you can be ready for anything. However, do not forget that all kinds of bacteria and microbes surround us everywhere. So, the causative agent of pneumonia may be one of the harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, legionella or chlamydia, which primarily affects the lung tissue. As for viruses, the most dangerous are the herpes virus, the pulmonary plague and those that appeared due to complications after the flu (A and B).

The condition of the body is affected by the human condition. Such reasons as an unfavorable environment, poor diet and bad habits can lead not only to pneumonia, but also to other serious illnesses. Therefore, most patients can be found in nursing homes and similar institutions. In addition, people who suffer from narcological and alcohol addiction, with weakened immunity and HIV-infected are also prone to infection.

Anyone with a weak immune system may not notice the development of the infection. Protection capabilities are reduced due to the presence of microorganisms and viruses in the blood, so the body can not fully resist the harmful effects of the environment.

Self-medication and taking medicines without doctor's supervision affects the internal microflora and promotes the favorable reproduction of harmful bacteria. They quickly adapt to the environment and become insensitive to treatment.

Cough is an important indicator for infection of the respiratory tract. This is a normal reaction of the body to the appearance of foreign pests. This process allows you to get rid of mucus and sputum. Its appearance means inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.

It is accompanied by temperature, fatigue and weakness in general. Not everyone wants to see a doctor when a cough occurs, because they think that the usual home treatment will be more effective. However, this is how the inflammatory process begins, which can lead to serious complications if you do not give enough attention to the treatment (or if you do not cure the ailment).

Absence of obvious symptoms

With a careless approach, a mild cold can take on a chronic character. Slime does not go away from the bronchi, and suppression of cough drugs leads to the development of pneumonia, which is very difficult to detect under such conditions. All pathological changes remain directly in the lungs and continue to develop there. A more severe stage leads to the appearance of pus of a green or yellow hue. If a person does not have a temperature, then the following symptoms are possible:

  • weakness;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest during movement;
  • coughing.
These signs indicate a weakened immunity. It can also be a consequence of an untreated disease. Without contacting a specialist, you can not correctly diagnose and begin treatment. And after taking medication from one disease the body can not cope with a new wave of infection. If the cough intensifies and lasts for more than two weeks (especially in children), then this is the signal for urgent in-depth diagnosis.

If symptoms are found in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible. At home, observe how the child performs physical exercises, whether there are signs of drowsiness or a decrease in appetite. The specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination and make analyzes and, of course, explain the harm of self-treatment.

Correct approach to recovery

As practice shows, not all follow the doctors' warnings about the back side of self-treatment. We must not forget that, without knowing the cause of infection, it is impossible to find the right drugs, which will once and for all get rid of the pathogen. A full course of treatment, affecting both temperature, cough, and the condition of a person as a whole, is a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, a specialist (in the case of children, a pediatrician) prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and general strengthening therapy. Such methods will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to taking medications, the patient can in another way contribute to his recovery:

  1. Observe the sleep regime and the correct diet. Eat more foods with protein and zinc.
  2. More fish, dishes from cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits. These products reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.
  3. Abandonment of bad habits will speed up recovery.

It is very important to return the cough reflex, otherwise it is necessary to perform a sanation with bronchoscopy. To all this, physiotherapy and special gymnastics are prescribed.


Concerning folk remedies: medicine does not prohibit such an approach, but to rely solely on recovery with home-made decoctions and tinctures is dangerous enough.

Pneumonia: symptoms without fever. Symptoms of Hidden Pneumonia

High temperature is a classic sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs. It signals a serious illness such as pneumonia. Symptoms without fever are rarely taken for its manifestation. It's a pity. After all, they indicate the latent course of the disease.

Main reasons

Symptoms of latent pneumonia are intense sweating and weakness. Even in the case of minimal loads. What do these signs mean? They signal a weakened immunity. After all, the body does not give a normal response to the inflammatory process. That is why, even in the case of severe lung damage, the body temperature rises slightly, and sometimes remains at a normal level.

At the same time, high sweating and weakness speak of the strongest poisoning. Malicious bacteria are not restrained by immune cells and spread a lot of toxic substances. The excretory system simply does not have time to get rid of them. As a result, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. And this leads to an even greater oppression of immunity. In the end, the body completely ceases to resist infection.

Remember, pneumonia without temperature is a sign of impaired immunity. Such a patient needs prompt medical assistance. Because without it, the patient can die.

Symptoms of pneumonia with a cough

The situation is typical for a patient who has had a long cold. The patient's condition improved significantly. The doctor does not observe wheezing in the lungs. There was only a small cough. For example, after a strong bronchitis such a residual phenomenon is considered the norm. However, only if it lasts no more than 2 weeks.

When is there reason to suspect that pneumonia develops in the body? Symptoms without fever, but with the presence of a cough should be alarmed in the following cases:

  • the presence of general weakness;
  • duration of cough more than 2 weeks;
  • decreased appetite;
  • expectoration of a large amount of sputum or, on the contrary, minimal;
  • shortness of breath, chest at this time asymmetrically expanding;
  • painful discomfort in the lower ribs;
  • strong heat and profuse sweating at any load.

These are the most common signs. These are very serious, characterizing such a disease as pneumonia, symptoms. Temperature of 37 C, and sometimes normal, in combination with the above signs may indicate a latent form of pulmonary tuberculosis.

That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Hidden pneumonia without coughing

Unfortunately, such a disease is characterized by different forms of manifestation. Is there pneumonia without fever and cough? Symptoms (signs of a hidden ailment) indicate a complete inactivity of the body before an insidious disease.

The following persons are subject to this form of manifestation of the disease:

  • patients with alcoholism;
  • persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;
  • HIV-infected;
  • aged people;
  • weakened children;
  • patients who have a different form of depression of the immune system.

In addition, symptoms of latent pneumonia without a cough can be observed in people who have a busy schedule. Such people, most of whom are office employees, spend a working day in a room depleted of oxygen. In this case, they are often delayed after a day's work. They do not pay attention to malaises of moderate and mild severity. Thus, most of the infections are carried on the legs.

Against the background of the weakening of immunity they develop pneumonia. Symptoms without fever and cough greatly complicate the possibility of correct diagnosis of the disease. But the whole danger lies in the fact that a good standard of living and nutrition gives the body the power to suppress the pathogen independently. At the same time, the connective tissue forms on the site of the former inflammation. As a result, the lungs lose their ability to gas exchange. The patient develops a respiratory failure.

Pneumonia in children

Breasts and newborns are most susceptible to the latent course of pneumonia. This is due to low respiratory activity in the absence of physical exertion. In children, stagnation of fluid in the pleural cavity is observed. In this regard, hard breathing is accepted as the norm of physiology. Meanwhile, pneumonia develops without temperature in children.

Symptoms of childhood pneumonia are of this nature:

  • the duration of sleep increases;
  • the regime of wakefulness and rest;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • there is a flabbiness of the skin;
  • there are causeless vagaries;
  • there is a violation of breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • nasolabial triangle turns pale and acquires a bluish tinge.

Undress the baby and carefully look at the chest during breathing. Hidden pneumonia is indicated by uneven movement in this area. One side may lag far behind the other when inhaled.

Possible reasons

Physicians identify several factors that can provoke pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs without temperature, causes:

  • Weakened immunity, which does not repel the ailment.
  • Complications after a viral infection.
  • Adapting the body to an antibiotic or antibacterial drug of a certain action.
  • Intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma).

Correctly diagnose the ailment is capable only of the doctor. After listening to the lungs of a small patient, he can suspect a serious illness. Finally, to make sure of the diagnosis, X-rays can be used. In addition, the baby will be assigned a blood test. This study will determine the causative agent of the disease.

Caution - pneumonia!

In the case of the above described symptoms, the only true solution will be a referral to the therapist. It is recommended to reduce psychological and physical stress. If you suspect pneumonia, symptoms (without temperature) fully indicate it, do not yourself do the following things yourself.

  1. Take medication. Some bacterial infections react to drugs by abrupt reproduction and growth.
  2. Warm the chest. Gorchichniki, banks will only contribute to the spread of infection.
  3. Take antitussive drugs. Blocking the reflex, drugs lead to stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  4. To visit baths, saunas. A high temperature will trigger the spread of infection in the lower ways.
  5. To use antipyretic, anesthetizing medicines. Such drugs negatively affect the immune system.

Home methods

After you discuss with your doctor the symptoms of pneumonia without fever, folk remedies are allowed to be connected as additional fighting measures. Initially, it must be said that no home methods can not defeat this disease on their own.

It is recommended (only after discussion with the doctor) to introduce into the diet: garlic, onion, propolis, honey, elderberry, raspberry, hips. Of course, provided there is no allergy to these products.

Adult patients should stop smoking. The diet should be enriched with carbohydrates, proteins. It is advisable to eat foods containing a large number of vitamins A, B, C.

The patient should drink plenty of clean water. The room should be constantly well ventilated. It is useful to use an air humidifier.


Never ignore the signals that your body gives you. In fact even about the latent form of a pneumonia he necessarily signals the strongest weakness and the raised sweating. Remember, inflammation of the lungs without temperature is the situation in which an attentive attitude towards health (one's own or loved ones) can save a life.

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