Cough in the child in a horizontal position

Causes and treatment of cough in a child during sleep

Coughing a child during sleep is quite common. Cough itself is not a disease, but a reaction to a disease or an allergic reaction to external stimuli. It is a protective mechanism by which the body gets rid of harmful microorganisms.Coughing in a child's sleep is a serious signal for examination.

Coughing attacks during sleep

Causes of nocturnal cough

Among the main causes of coughing are:

  1. Viral infection.
  2. Rhinitis and sinusitis in chronic form.
  3. Chronic pharyngitis.
  4. Beginning asthma.

In addition, a cough in a child's sleep can be a consequence of a pertussis borne. Cough lying is worse in children suffering from gastroesophageal reflux or inflammation of the adenoids. Slime enters the larynx and, drying up when breathing with the mouth, causes a reflex cough. Attacks at night can be a consequence of intolerance of the child's body of certain materials, such as:

  • bed linen fabrics;
  • washing powder;
  • low-quality grades of rubber and plastic, of which the objects placed next to the bed are made, as well as fresh paint on them.
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Allergy to bed linen is the cause of coughingThe cause of an allergic cough can be animal hair or overdried air, the presence of dust. Symptoms of allergy are increased sweating, tear, small swelling in the eyes and cheeks, runny nose. Sputum excretion during night cough and frequent seizures can be a signal of a viral infection.

Saliva when teething in infants during sleep can get into the throat, irritating it and causing a night cough.

If the child coughs before going to bed, it is most likely an allergy. If after - the dry air in the room or the uncomfortable position during sleep during illness is guilty.

If a cough comes in the daytime and intensifies greatly when the baby sleeps, it can be a sign of laryngitis, a serious illness leading to a dyspnoea (croup) without proper treatment.

Cough in a supine position can be a sign of the onset of a whole group of pulmonary diseases that do not appear in the daytime.

The recumbent position complicates not only the coughing, but also the blood supply of the lungs, reduces the effectiveness of resorption of the sputum accumulated in the bronchi and mucus.

A sudden cough in a child at night can be caused by the ingestion of a foreign body into the nasopharynx.

Treatment of a child's night cough

Humidifier for coughingThe first thing you need to do with a night cough, establish its cause. Remember that treatment without specialist supervision can lead to serious consequences. When suppressing cough, oppression of protective functions of the body occurs, the disease is aggravated. Without finding an outlet, sputum and mucus accumulate and fall into the lungs, contributing to the development of pneumonia. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause that the child coughs before going to bed or during sleep and prescribing appropriate treatment. However, you can eliminate the causes of cough by yourself.

If the child is absolutely healthy during the day, is active, eats with appetite, but coughs at night, one should observe the nature, frequency and strength of night attacks. Dry, with a pang or tingling in the throat, a cough may indicate an ENT disease. With bronchial asthma cough appears closer to the morning time and is characterized by a slight whistling during exhalation.

Attacks after sleep and at night may indicate a reflux of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, the reverse throwing of the contents of the stomach. In this case, an increased content of hydrochloric acid is manifested by heartburn.

For whooping cough is characterized by painful bouts of coughing with red face, teary eyes, which end with vomiting. A dry, alternating wet cough may indicate a viral infection.

If the cause of attacks only at night are not viruses or allergens, it is necessary to moisten air, as the unformed baby's lungs react painfully to dry air space. To do this, at least three to four times a day to be carried out in the children's wet cleaning.

Walking in the open air for the prevention of coughStale air can cause seizures after sleep, in which case airing the room before bed will eliminate the cough. If suspected of an allergic cough of a domestic nature, it is necessary to remove from the environment of the child the things and objects that cause this cough. However, if this measure does not help, you need to contact a specialist.

Drug therapy provides for two types of drugs. The first ones are mucolytics, which increase the worm and intensify cough with expectoration. The second type is used in whooping cough with its strong lingering attacks. It should be taken into account that children under two years of age are not recommended to take medications. It is not recommended to put up to six months mustard plasters, warming compresses. In the future, these drugs should be used with caution, given the strong sensitivity of the baby's skin. Positively the baby's health will be affected by outdoor walks, washing the nose, copious drinking, wet fresh air during a night's sleep.

For older children, inhalations with broths of medicinal herbs are effective. Children under one year of inhalation is prohibited. The main thing in treatment is peace and proper nutrition with abundant drink.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of night cough should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor. The child's organism, especially at an early age, does not possess the necessary endurance. The most favorite children and easy to prepare is a burnt sugar remedy, diluted with steep boiling water. With whooping cough is effective a mixture of garlic with melted pork interior fat for compresses or tincture of garlic with milk for drinking.

A strong lingering cough is treated with a warm compress made of a mixture of garlic and honey. Useful decoctions of medicinal herbs, which drink instead of tea and use for inhalations. At home, it is recommended to treat acute cough, but not prolonged or dry, requiring specialist supervision.


In any case, it is necessary not to eliminate the cough, but to seek ways to alleviate it and eliminate the underlying cause.

Why does the child cough only at night?



Night cough in a child, as a rule, happens in children with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis) and sometimes with asthma. Day cough in children reflects inflammatory changes in the lower and / or upper respiratory tract. This is how the bronchitis manifests itself, the sputum stagnates, the baby turns over and cough starts, and even if it's a cold, then it's with it that all the troubles begin often. And you can help him by calling a doctor at his house so that he listens well to him and prescribes treatment. If there is no temperature, mustard plasters are not superfluous. And not treated only folk medicine, and to pneumonia is not far away. Get well!

Margarita Dyachenko

put him a pillow higher.. It will be easier

Marina Nikolaeva

Probably it's cold to him.


At night, always so and remember and the stomach usually hurts at night, so bear with it, compress make warming


yes not only the child, so at all))))

Denis THE KILLER Kilinsky

the child coughs at night because his drumstick is tickling his leg, and by that, it's the cough that wants to scare him away... himself did so ...


Because during sleep the body is just in such a position, when the sputum can come out of the lungs (something like that someone explained to me) and accordingly irritating the bronchial mucosa occurs a cough more often than in the vertical position. But when coughing honey is good. We are so grandmother treated with a cough. In a spoon, heat the honey so that it becomes fairly warm and liquid and rub it on the breast in front and behind, and heels. it's all ochtym sweet, so on the legs at once toes and on the chest with a back T-shirt and top blouse, it is so absorbed that by morning there is almost nothing left. At what when the child will recover honey will not be absorbed. )) We are so treating children from coughing) Good luck.)

Gulyaeva Maria

Cough occurs at night, because the child is in a horizontal position and sputum gets into the neck. I can advise you here such a recipe. He helped my daughter very much.
Onion milk: bring to a boil or almost to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, this time cut finely 1 medium onion. Put in milk and in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature is 150-200 degrees. Then take out, cool a little, filter. Onion, which will remain in the strainer, put in gauze and squeeze into the milk juice. That's all. You can put more honey - to taste! You can make 1 liter - 2 bulbs... In the oven, it's better to burn in a clay pea! The medicine is very good. She herself did a little daughter (2 years 3 months). Cough was in 4 days... but coughed, could not sleep at night. And without any medication. I gave before bedtime 200 ml before going to sleep - day and night.
If you do not like it and will not drink, then do it with bananas:
Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant.
Also, radish with honey is also a great cough medicine.
Get well! I hope my advice will help you! (if that ask).

natalia linnik

Humidify the air in the room, dry air - a frequent cause of coughing at night. Either purchase a moisturizer, or a wet towel on the battery, and next to the bed - a container with water

Cough in children in the evening: causes

If a child has a cough in the evening, which can last all night, and the next morning everything passes, parents should consult with a doctor, since such a manifestation of the body may be a symptom of one of the many diseases.

Cough in children

Causes of an evening cough

Cough is one of the protective functions of the body, which allows you to remove pathological agents from the respiratory tract (mucus, microorganisms). If the child coughs up to 15 times during the day, then this is considered normal and does not carry a pathological basis.

Very often in children, evening or night cough occurs due to accumulated sputum, which slowly dissolves in the horizontal position of the body. The body reflexively begins to get rid of accumulated mucus, thereby causing coughing attacks, which can be very severe, before vomiting.

Bronchial asthma in childrenBreathing through the mouth is also one of the reasons that can provoke the onset of a cough at night.As the air is drawn in by the mouth, the mucous membrane is dried up, which does not have time to moisturize naturally, as saliva production slows down during sleep.

Irritating the laryngeal mucosa in the evening can also cold dry air. Such reasons are not particularly dangerous for the health of the baby, but the child still needs To show to the expert, as occurrence of a cough in a night time can be caused and such factors:

  1. Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis). To the evening cough may be attached such a symptom as persistent or prickling in the throat.
  2. Bronchial asthma. An additional sign of asthma is the emerging sound of the whistle during exhalation.
  3. Allergy. An allergen may be a blanket, a feather or a pillow (if they are downy or made of a feather). Household chemicals, in particular, washing powder, which was washed bed linen or nightwear pajamas.
  4. In pre-school children, especially in infants, the cause of evening coughing can be erupting teeth, which causes an increase in salivation.
  5. A dry and painful evening cough may be a symptom of measles.
  6. Acute bronchitis, runny nose, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections.
  7. Helminthiasis. Coughing attacks occur in the evening due to the fact that helminths are activated at night and begin to move around the body.

Attacks of a suffocating cough may be a residual phenomenon from a previous pertussis.

As a rule, if the cause of the evening cough was caused by the development of one of the diseases, then the patient's condition worsens. Parents should know that with this pathological manifestation it is necessary to treat not the cough but its cause.

How to help the child?

Honey and lemons with evening coughIn the event that night cough was the cause of the disease, the pediatrician appoints the appropriate course of treatment. The method of treatment is selected according to the individual characteristics of the child and his age.

If the child does not have pathological processes that need appropriate treatment, then it is possible to alleviate the evening cough with a plentiful drink. The liquid will moisturize the mucous membrane and contribute to the sputum discharge. Warm raspberry tea can be used as the liquid used. Before giving it to a child, parents should be sure that there is no allergy to this product.

During sleep in a child's room should be a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C, it is considered optimal for any age.

In the winter heated period, it is necessary to humidify the room. Humid air can be created with the help of a special device or we can hang wet towels around the room.

Children under 6 months are not allowed to rub their breasts and give drugs that stop the symptoms of allergic manifestations. Several times a night it is necessary to change the position of the baby - to turn. Babies are not allowed to have steam inhalations.

A child should eat a sufficient amount of vitaminized foods daily, which will strengthen the body's immune system.

If worried about coughing in adenoids in children

Coughing with adenoids in children delivers a lot of discomfort and hassle to the children themselves and their parents, so it requires urgent treatment.

Cough in the baby

Sometimes with catarrhal diseases, the pediatrician can not prescribe the proper treatment. A prolonged runny nose and coughing of the baby continues, and the drugs prescribed by the doctor do not help. The pediatrician can not inspect the nasopharynx qualitatively, because he has a different specificity, he can only listen to the lungs and look at his throat superficially.

If the baby is often sick for a long time with colds, there is a high probability that these are the first signs of adenoids, that is, in the nasopharyngeal region there is a growth of the amygdala.Adenoid vegetation is a common disease that makes breathing difficult, reduces hearing and causes coughing. Such a disease can not be detected independently, it can only be done by an ENT doctor, having examined the nasopharyngeal tonsil of the child with the help of a special mirror.

Degrees of complexity and symptoms of the disease

The disease is divided into 3 degrees of complexity:

Arrangement of adenoids
  • 1 degree: small amount of adenoids, they are not greatly enlarged, children have no problems with breathing; violation of breathing occurs only in a horizontal position;
  • 2 degree: the average volume of lymphoid tissue, the child breathes through the mouth, breathing is disturbed;
  • 3 degree: a large volume of adenoids, children can not breathe, because of the adenoid formations, the movement of air is blocked.

Symptoms that occur in children with adenoids:

  1. The child has difficulty nasal breathing, but no runny nose. He breathes through his mouth, wheezes at night.
  2. The baby has a protracted runny nose and cough, they can not be cured. The child feels bad and becomes irritable, quickly tired and constantly wants to sleep.
  3. Decreased mental capacity, memory and mindfulness. There is a violation of the voice, frequent headaches and lack of appetite.

Signs of cough in adenoids

Night cough in a childOften cough in adenoids occurs in children with acute and chronic respiratory illnesses. If the child has a long, painful and prolonged cough, this indicates that he has adenoids. The kid becomes restless, irritable, his sleep is disturbed.

Dry cough is accompanied by mucopurulent discharge. This is due to the fact that the accumulated sputum from the nasopharynx descend into the respiratory tract, so cause acute attacks of cough.

The main reason for this reflex cough in children is irritation of nerve endings in the mucous membranes of the pharynx.

Adenoid cough is very disturbing to children at night, wakes them up and does not allow them to fall asleep. This is due to the fact that the child is in a horizontal position, at which the posterior wall of the nasopharynx is strongly irritated.

If the cough torments the child for more than 2 weeks and at any time of the day, the baby should be shown to the otolaryngologist for timely diagnosis and successful treatment.

If this disease is detected at an early stage, the risk of surgery is reduced.

As a rule, dry cough occurs at 2 or 3 degrees of adenoids, when the disease is already started and gives serious complications.

Methods of cough treatment for adenoids

Surgery to remove adenoidsTo date, treatment for adenoid cough in children is based on conservative methods, and there is also a method of surgical intervention. Methods of cough treatment depend on the patient's condition. With the first degree of adenoids, you can do without surgery.

With a mild form of inflammation of adenoids, cough in children can be cured with the help of pharmacy products. To restore the acid-base balance and strengthen the vascular walls, the child is recommended to exceed dosage of ascorbic acid, but only if your child does not have any allergic reactions to vitamin C.

Prescribed expectorant and antitussive drugs, such as Bromgeksin, ATSTS, Lazolvan, Rinofluimucil and many others. These drugs can ease breathing, calm the mucous membrane of the throat and bring out phlegm. They are made on the basis of natural plant components. Antihistamines help to relieve puffiness of the larynx. Drugs should be selected depending on the particular disease that causes cough, and it is important to take into account the age of the child. They must be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Every day before going to sleep, the patient needs to do dry inhalations using essential oils, such as eucalyptus, lavender, pine, cypress, mint, tea tree, fir or juniper. You should take the cloth, drip 2-3 drops of oil on it and give the child a breathe for 8-10 minutes. Effective inhalation of sea salt. It is necessary to heat the sea salt, add a couple of drops of pine or eucalyptus oil and let the patient breathe for 5-10 minutes.

Sea salt in the treatment of adenoidsYou should wash your baby's nose regularly. This is done with the help of special medicinal broths and saline solutions. 3-4 times a day you need to conduct similar procedures. Regular washing of the nose will reduce the inflammatory process and eliminate the cough from the adenoids.

During illness, children should be given a fortified vitamin complex of drugs. With the help of the above methods, you can save the child from an adenoid cough.

With stage 2 or 3 adenoids, if simple methods do not help, surgery is required. Most often, surgery is resorted to at the last stage of adenoids - it all depends on the amount of adenoidal lesions. If the child suffocates, you need to prepare for surgery.

The operation is to remove the pharyngeal tonsil. The operation is performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. It lasts not for long - just a couple of minutes, and the procedure of removal takes place in a few seconds. The doctor removes the adenoids with a ring-shaped knife.

This operation is simple, but this does not mean that it can not lead to complications. There may be negative consequences associated with anesthesia, damage to the sky, and bleeding. Adenotomy should not be carried out during the epidemic of influenza and after acute infectious diseases.

Rinse the nose of a childThe child is restored after the operation quickly. The first 2 days after it, you can not eat hot and solid foods, and it is also advisable not to run. The child's condition improves immediately after removal of the adenoids. But there is no guarantee that the adenoids will no longer grow. This is due to the fact that the pharyngeal tonsil can not be completely removed, and the surgeons have nothing to do with it. Lymphoid tissue serves as the basis for the development of new tonsils.

In addition, allergic reactions also provoke the growth of adenoids. Most doctors do not recommend removing tonsils to children who are under 3 years of age. Based on the fact that they serve as a protective system for the child's body.

There is a hereditary hypothesis that if the adenoids were from one of the parents, then there is a high probability that they will grow even after the operation. Despite all the positive aspects of the operation, it is worthwhile to think several times before operating the baby.

Any operation is a risk, therefore it is necessary to consult with the doctor as it is better to enter. And only then choose a method of treatment. If there is a choice, it is better to cure the child in more conservative ways.

If the adenoids appeared a second time, parents should seriously think. To prevent this from happening, you should often walk with the baby in the fresh air. Try to protect the child from dust (do not make repairs in the room where he lives, clean the carpet from his room, often ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning). Monitor its nutrition: the baby should eat 3 times a day, and the food should be useful and tasty. It is necessary to do easy procedures of hardening. Then your child will be healthy!

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